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He was responsible for the accident. - Halokatga u sababchi bo'ldi.
S Rob - tunamoq, o'marmoq
They were planning to rob the museum. - Ular muzeyni o'marishni rejalashtirayotgan edilar.
S Routine - kun tartibi
It shouldn't take too long to return to our old routine. - Avvalgi kun tartibimizga qaytish uchun ko'p vaqt ketmasa kerak.
S Routine - har doimgi, bir xil
This is just routine work. - Bu shunchaki har doimgi ish.
S Schedule - jadval, ro'yxat
What's your schedule for today? - Bugungi kun uchun rejalaringiz qanday?
S Situation - vaziyat, holat
I found myself in an embarrassing situation. - Men noqulay (uyatli) holatga tushib qoldim.
S Social - ijtimoiy
There are lots of social problems, such as unemployment. - Ko'plab ijtimoiy muammolar mavjud, misol uchun ishsizlik.
S Society - jamiyat
Society has to support its old people. - Jamiyat o'zining yoshi katta vakillarini qo'llab quvvatlashi zarur.
S Steal - o'g'irlamoq
She was caught stealing food from the supermarket. - U supermarketdan yegulik o'g'irlayotgan jarayonda qo'lga tushdi.
S Tradition - an'ana, urf-odat
His son followed the family tradition and entered politics. - Uning o'g'li oilaviy an'anani davom ettirdi va siyosatga qadam qo'ydi.
S Typical - xos
His opinions are typical of people of his generation. - Uning fikrlari o'z davridagi avlod odamlariga xos.
S Vote - ovoz bermoq
I'm going to vote for Jackson. - Men Jaksenga ovoz bermoqchiman.
S Vote - ovoz
My vote will go to the candidate who promises lower taxes. - Mening ovozim soliqlarni kamaytirishni va'da qiladigan nomzodga bo'ladi.
S Youth club - yoshlar klubi
Let's go to the youth club after school! - Keling, maktab tugagandan so'ng yoshlar klubiga boramiz!
Phrasal verbs
S Break in(to) - bostirib kirmoq

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