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Has this milk gone off? - Bu sut aynib qolganmi?
S Lie down - yotmoq
I'm going to go and lie down for a while. - Borib biroz yotmoqchiman.
S Put on - vazn orttirmoq
I don't want to put on any more weight! - Boshqa vazn orttirishni istamayman!
S Sit down - o'tirmoq
Please, sit down and make yourselves comfortable. - Marhamat o'tiring va o'zingizni qulay his qiling.
S Stand up - turmoq
You have the chair. I don't mind eating standing up. - Stulni oling. Men turib ovqatlanishga qarshi emasman.
Prepositional phrases
S At night - tunda
It usually gets dark at night. - Odatda tunda qorong'u tushadi.
S At risk - xavf ostida
You're at risk of failing the exam if you don't work harder. - Agar qattiqroq harakat qilmasangiz, imtihondan yiqilish xavfi ostida qolasiz.
S In addition (to) - bundan tashqari, (biron narsaga) qo'shimcha tarzda
In addition to all the food, we took some games to play. - Barcha yegulikdan tashqari, o'ynash uchun ozgina o'yinlar ham oldik.
S In comparison to/with - bilan taqqoslaganda
Germany is very small in comparison with Russia. - Rossiya bilan taqqoslaganda Germaniya juda kichik.
S In shape - yaxshi qomatda
It's important to me to stay in shape, so I go to the gym whenever I can. - Yaxshi qomatda qolish men uchun muhim, shuning uchun qo'limdan kelgan paytizalga boraman.
S On a diet - parhezda
I'm on a diet at the moment so I'm not eating any fatty food. - Ayni damda men parhezdaman, shuning uchun hech qanday yog'li ovqat yemayapman.
Word formation
S Bake - pechda pishirmoq
I'm baking a birthday cake for Alex. - Men Alex uchun tug'ilgan kun to'rti pishiryapman.
S Baker -novvoy
The baker is making a cake for the party. - Novvoy bazm uchun to'rt pishiryapti.
S Bakery - novvoyxona
I'll go to the bakery to get some bread. - Ozgina non olgani novvoyxonaga borib kelaman.
S Bend - egmoq, bukmoq
The doctor told me to avoid bending and stretching. - Shifokor menga egilmaslik va cho'zilmaslikka harakat qilishimni tayinladi.
S Bent - bend fe'lining past simple va past participle shakllari
I had an accident on my bike and now the front wheel is bent. - Velosipedimda avarayiga uchradim va hozir old g'ildirak bukilib qolgan.
S Cook - pishirmoq/oshpaz, pazanda

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