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Only an operation will cure her. - Faqatgina operatsiya uni davolaydi.
S Cure - davo, dori-darmon
Doctors say there are several possible cures. - Shifokorlar aytishicha, bir nechta ehtimoliy davo bor ekan.
S Exercise - mashq qilmoq
Do you eat properly and exercise regularly? - To'g'ri ovqatlanib, muntazam ravishda mashq qilasizmi?
S Exercise - mashq
I get plenty of exercise being an aerobics instructor. - Aerobika murabbiyi sifatida men juda ko'p mashq qilaman.
S Flu - grip
My dad has got flu. - Dadam grip bo'lib qoldi.
S Have an operation - operatsiyani boshdan o'tkazmoq
The baby had to have an operation. - Chaqaloq operatsiya boshdan o'tkazishga to'g'ri keldi.
S Healthy - sog'lom
I feel very healthy at the moment. - Ayni damda o'zimni juda sog'lom his qilyapman.
S Ignore - e'tiborsiz qoldirmoq
We had ignored the fact that it was getting darker. - Biz qorong'u tushib borayotganini e'tiborsiz qoldirgandik.
S Infection - infeksiya
I've got a throat infection. - Tomog'imda infeksiya bor.
S Ingredient - masalliq, tarkibiy qism
Mix all the ingredients together carefully. - Barcha masalliqlarni ehtiyotkorlik bilan aralashtiring. S Injury - jarohat, shikast
All the passengers in the vehicle escaped injury. - Transport vositasidagi barcha yo'lovchilar jarohatdan qutulib qolishdi (= jarohatlanishmadi).
S Limit - cheklamoq
We want to limit classes to a maximum of 30 pupils. - Biz sinflarni eng ko'pi bilan 30 nafar o'quvchiga cheklamoqchimiz.
S Limit - chek, chegara
The speed limit here is 40 miles an hour. - Bu yerda tezlik chegarasi (= eng yuqori tezlik) soatiga 40 milya.
S Meal - taom
He cooked us a delicious meal. - U bizga mazali taom pishirib berdi.
S Pill - tabletka shaklidagi dori
Did you remember to take your pills this morning? - Bugun tongda tabletkalarni qabul qilishni (= ichishni) unutmadingizmi?
S Recover - sog'aymoq

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