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John is a very good cook. - Jon juda yaxshi pazanda.
S Cooker - gaz plitasi
We bought a new gas cooker yesterday. - Kecha biz yangi gaz plitasi sotib oldik.
S Cookery - taomlarning tayyorlanishi va retsepti yozilgan kitob
Can I borrow your cookery book? - Sizning retseptlar kitobingizni olib tursam bo'ladimi?
S Intend - mo'ljallamoq, rejalashti'rmoq
He intends to retire at the end of this year. - U yil oxirida nafaqaga chiqishni mo'ljallashtiryapti. S Intention - niyat, maqsad
It wasn't my intention to upset you. - Mening maqsadim sizni xafa qilish emas edi.
S Intentional - atayin qilingan
It wasn't intentional! I did it by mistake! - Bu atayin emasdi! Uni yanglishib qilib qo'ydim!
S Jog - yengil yugurmoq
She usually jogs around her local park. - U odatda mahalliy park atrofida yuguradi.
S Jogging - yengil yugurish (sport turi)
I go jogging every morning. - Men har tong yugurishga chiqaman.
S Jogger - mashq tarzida yengil yuguruvchi
The park is full of joggers in the morning. - Tongda park yuguruvchilarga to'la.
S Medicine - dori/tibbiyot
Did you take your medicine? - Doringizni qabul qildingizmi?
Modern medicine has not yet found a cure for the common cold. - Zamonaviy tibbiyot ko'p uchraydigan shamollash uchun haligacha davo topgani yo'q.
S Medical - tibbiy
Is it a serious medical problem? - Bu jiddiy tibbiy muammomi?
S Pain - og'riq
These pills should ease the pain. - Bu tabletkalar og'riqni yengillashtirishi kerak.
S Painful - og'riqli, og'riyotgan
My knee is very painful. - Tizzam juda og'riyapti.
S Painless - og'riqsiz
The operation is painless-it won't hurt at all. - Operatsiya og'riqsiz-umuman og'ritmaydi.
S Reduce - pasaytirmoq, tushirmoq
The plane reduced speed as it approached the airport. - Samalyot aeroportga yaqinlashgani sari tezlikni tushirdi.
S Reduction - tushish, pasayish

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