Development of creative abilities of students in foreign language lessons Content Introduction

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Development of creative abilities of students in foreign language lessons 3

What are the ways to stimulate creativity ?
Ways to stimulate creativity.
providing a favorable atmosphere;
goodwill on the part of the teacher, his refusal to criticize the child;
enrichment of the child's environment with a wide variety of new objects and stimuli for him in order to develop his curiosity;
encouraging the expression of original ideas;
providing opportunities for practice;
using a personal example of a creative approach to solving problems;
giving children the opportunity to actively ask questions.
The importance of developing the creativity of a younger student, his ability to take initiative, invent, and independence in solving any educational problem is now obvious to everyone. Correlating the process of creativity and learning, obviously, we need to talk about creating such conditions that would contribute to the emergence and development of all the trained qualities and inclinations, usually singled out as characteristic features of a creative personality. The effectiveness of the school is determined by the extent to which the educational process ensures the development of the creative abilities of students, prepares them for life in society.
Thus, we can conclude that every child has creative abilities. These are individually - psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another. The creative potential of our society depends on how developed they are, since the formation of a creative personality today acquires not only a theoretical meaning, but also a practical meaning. Knowledge of teachers, what is meant by the creative abilities of students, will expand the boundaries of their manifestation in children.

1.2 Psychological and pedagogical foundations of teaching a foreign language at the initial stage
The lesson is the main organizational form of education in the school. It is not only an important organizational, but, above all, a pedagogical unit of the process of education and upbringing, its morality, as well as the basic principles, methods and means of teaching, get real concretization and find their correct solution and are implemented only during the lesson and through him. Each lesson makes its own specific, unique contribution to solving problems. The lesson performs a specific function in which a certain part of the larger blocks of educational material finds expression.
The lesson as a form of organization of education has firmly taken its place in the school as the main organizational form of education. A good lesson is not an easy task. The art of conducting lessons largely depends on the understanding and fulfillment by the teacher of social and pedagogical requirements, which are determined by the tasks of the school, the laws and principles of teaching. An important condition for the lesson is the competent setting of the objectives of the lesson and their successful implementation. Teaching a foreign language pursues the implementation of practical, educational, educational and developmental tasks. The practical, or communicative task, is "aimed" at the formation of students' communicative competence, that is, speech activity. General educational tasks are called upon to lay the foundations for the philological education of schoolchildren; improve the culture of learning, which manifests itself in specific communication skills: the ability to start a conversation, maintain it, showing attention, interest, and end the conversation. Educational tasks also play a significant role. The educational value of a foreign language is to instill in students an evaluative and emotional attitude towards the world, a positive attitude towards a foreign language, towards the culture of the people who speak this language. Developing tasks outline the ways of formation and development of the motivational and emotional spheres of the personality of students, value orientations, readiness for further self-education in a foreign language. [7,11] The educational value of a foreign language is to instill in students an evaluative and emotional attitude towards the world, a positive attitude towards a foreign language, towards the culture of the people who speak this language. Developing tasks outline the ways of formation and development of the motivational and emotional spheres of the personality of students, value orientations, readiness for further self-education in a foreign language. [7,11] The educational value of a foreign language is to instill in students an evaluative and emotional attitude towards the world, a positive attitude towards a foreign language, towards the culture of the people who speak this language. Developing tasks outline the ways of formation and development of the motivational and emotional spheres of the personality of students, value orientations, readiness for further self-education in a foreign language. [7,11]
The developing function of a modern English lesson is to develop cognitive processes (observation, memory, thinking, speech, imagination) and mental abilities in all students. Mastering the basic theoretical concepts, the laws of science, methods of their logical analysis, contributes to the rapid development of the mental development of students. [18, 20]
A foreign language lesson has its own specifics, since, unlike other subjects, the formation of students' communicative competence is put forward as the main goal of learning. At present, the global goal of mastering a foreign language is considered to be familiarization with a different culture and participation in the dialogue of cultures. This goal is achieved through the formation of the ability to intercultural communication. It is teaching, organized on the basis of tasks of a communicative nature, teaching foreign language communication, using all the tasks and techniques necessary for this, that is a distinctive feature of a foreign language lesson.
Foreign language communication is based on the theory of speech activity. Communicative teaching of a foreign language is of an activity nature, since verbal communication is carried out through "speech activity", which, in turn, serves to solve the problems of productive human activity in the conditions of "social interaction" of communicating people. Participants of communication try to solve real and imaginary tasks of joint activity with the help of a foreign language.
The activity essence of communicative-oriented teaching of a foreign language is realized in the conditions of a humanistic approach to learning. With this approach, positive conditions are created for the active and free development of the individual in activity. In general, these conditions are as follows:
students get the opportunity to freely express their thoughts and feelings in the process of communication;
each participant in communication remains the focus of attention of the others;
participants in communication feel safe from criticism, persecution for mistakes and punishment.
With a humanistic approach to learning, the cognitive barriers characteristic of the educational process that reduce the motivation of students and encourage them to become irritable disappear. [8, 15]
The humanistic approach involves learning centered on the student. This means that teaching, or rather, students interacting with each other, is the center of cognitive activity in the lesson.
The initial stage in secondary school is understood as the period of learning a foreign language, which allows laying the foundations of communicative competence, necessary and sufficient for their further development and improvement in the course of studying that subject. In this study, we refer classes I-IV of general educational institutions to the initial stage. To lay the foundations of communicative competence, a sufficiently long period is required, because students need to familiarize themselves with the language being studied as a means of communication from the first steps. This means that they must learn to understand foreign speech by ear (listening), express their thoughts by means of the language being studied (speaking), read, that is, understand a foreign text read to themselves, and write, that is, learn to use the graphics and spelling of a foreign language when doing written assignments aimed at mastering reading and speaking, or being able to express their thoughts in writing. Indeed, in order to lay the foundations for each of the listed types of speech activity, it is necessary to accumulate linguistic means that ensure the functioning of each of them at an elementary communicative level, which allows moving to a qualitatively new stage of their development in the future. [15]
The initial stage is also important because the success in mastering the subject at subsequent stages depends on how the learning goes at this stage. One cannot but agree with the English methodologist G. Palmer, who attached great importance to the beginning in the study of a foreign language. So, he wrote: "Take care of the first two stages and the rest will take care of itself". Although in this statement, in addition to the elementary stage, an intermediate stage is also mentioned, this does not remove the importance of the first, that is, the initial stage.
In addition, it is at the initial stage that the methodological system that forms the basis of teaching a foreign language is implemented, which from the first steps allows the teacher to enter this system and carry out the educational process in accordance with its main provisions. [15]
Back in 1947, I.V. Rakhmanov wrote: "... most of the methods (meaning the direction, the system of education ) differ significantly from each other only at the elementary level of education, and for the advanced stage they are either not developed at all, or differ little from each other even among methodologists belonging to opposite camps..." [18]
As you know, the construction of the initial stage can be different in relation to the language material, its volume, organization; consistency in the formation and development of oral and written speech; taking into account the conditions in which the educational process is carried out; revealing the potential of the subject itself in solving the educational, educational and developmental tasks facing the school.
That is why the initial stage in the study of a foreign language allows you to lay the foundations of communicative competence, necessary and sufficient for their further development and improvement in the course of studying the subject

Chapter II. Development of children's creativity in the process of learning English

2.1 Non-traditional forms of the lesson at the initial stage of education
Non-traditional forms of an English lesson are implemented, as a rule, after studying a topic or several topics, performing the functions of a learning control. Such lessons take place in an unusual, non-traditional setting. Such a change in the usual environment is expedient, since it creates an atmosphere of celebration when summing up the results of the work done, removes the mental barrier that arises in traditional conditions due to the fear of making a mistake. Non-traditional forms of a foreign language lesson are carried out with the obligatory participation of all students of the group / class, and are also implemented with the indispensable use of auditory and visual visual aids. In such lessons, it is possible to achieve a variety of goals of a methodological, pedagogical and psychological nature, which can be summarized as follows:
the control of knowledge, skills and abilities of students on a certain topic is carried out;
a businesslike, working atmosphere, a serious attitude of students to the lesson is provided;
provides for a minimum participation of the teacher in the lesson.
Methodically highly effective, realizing non-traditional forms of training, development and education of students are a lesson-performance, lesson-holiday, video lesson, lesson-excursion, lesson-interview and other forms of classes. [14, 17, 18]
We can say that an unconventional lesson is an organic combination of education, development and upbringing. Children like non-traditional lessons, because they are creative and unusual, and most importantly - effective. But you should not conduct non-traditional lessons too often, because they will become traditional and the level of efficiency will decrease.
Lesson project.
The project method has recently gained more and more supporters. It is aimed at developing the active independent thinking of the child and teaching him not only to memorize and reproduce the knowledge that the school gives him, but to be able to apply them in practice.
The project methodology is distinguished by the cooperative nature of performing tasks when working on a project, the activity that is carried out in this case is inherently creative and focused on the personality of the student. It implies a high level of individual and collective responsibility for the execution of each project development task. The joint work of a group of students on a project is inseparable from the active communicative interaction of students. The project methodology is one of the forms of organizing research cognitive activity, in which students take an active subjective position. The topic of the project may be related to one subject area or be interdisciplinary in nature. When choosing a project topic, the teacher should focus on the interests and needs of students, their capabilities and personal significance of the forthcoming work, the practical significance of the result of work on the project. A completed project can be presented in a variety of forms: an article, recommendations, an album, a collage, and many others. The forms of presentation of the project are also varied: a report, a conference, a competition, a holiday, a performance. The main result of the work on the project will be the actualization of existing and the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities and their creative application in new conditions.
Work on the project is carried out in several stages and usually goes beyond the learning activities in the classroom: choosing a topic or project problem; formation of a group of performers; development of a work plan for the project, determination of deadlines; distribution of tasks among students; performance of tasks, discussion in the group of the results of each task; registration of a joint result; project report; evaluation of project implementation.
Work according to the project methodology requires students to have a high degree of independence of search activity, coordination of their actions, active research, performing and communicative interaction. The role of the teacher is to prepare the students for the project, to choose a topic, to assist the students in planning the work, to supervise and advise the students during the course of the project as an accomplice. [13, 19, 20]
So, the main idea of ​​the project method is to shift the emphasis from various types of exercises to the active mental activity of students in the course of joint creative work. Lesson-project forms the skills of independent work. The main feature of the lesson-project is the availability of the topic and the possibility of its variation.
Creativity lessons.
In our time, when ties between different countries and peoples are developing more and more widely, acquaintance with Russian national culture becomes a necessary element in the process of learning a foreign language. The student should be able to conduct a city tour, tell foreign guests about the originality of Russian culture, etc. the principle of the dialogue of cultures involves the use of cultural material about the native country, which allows developing the culture of representing the native country, as well as forming ideas about the culture of the countries of the language being studied.
Teachers, aware of the stimulating power of regional and cultural motivation, seek to develop students' cognitive needs through non-traditional lessons. [18, 19]
Lesson performance.
An effective and productive form of learning is a lesson-performance. The use of works of art of foreign literature in foreign language lessons improves the pronunciation skills of students, ensures the creation of communicative, cognitive and aesthetic motivation. The preparation of the performance is a creative work that contributes to the development of children's language communication skills and the disclosure of their individual creative abilities.
This type of work activates the mental and speech activity of students, develops their interest in literature, serves to better assimilate the culture of the country of the language being studied, and also deepens knowledge of the language, since the process of memorizing vocabulary takes place. Along with the formation of the active vocabulary of schoolchildren, the so-called passive-potential vocabulary is being formed. And it is important that students get satisfaction from this type of work. [18]
Holiday lesson.
A very interesting and fruitful form of conducting lessons is a lesson-holiday. This form of lesson expands students' knowledge of the traditions and customs that exist in English-speaking countries and develops students' ability to communicate in foreign languages, allowing them to participate in various situations of intercultural communication. [19]
Interview lesson.
It hardly needs to be argued that the most reliable evidence of the mastery of the language being studied is the ability of students to carry on a conversation on a specific topic. In this case, it is advisable to conduct a lesson-interview. Lesson-interview is a kind of dialogue for the exchange of information. In such a lesson, as a rule, students master a certain number of frequency clichés and use them automatically. The optimal combination of structural repeatability ensures the strength and meaningfulness of assimilation.
Depending on the tasks set, the topic of the lesson may include separate subtopics. For example: “Free time”, “Plans for the future”, “Biography”, etc.
In all these cases, we are dealing with the exchange of meaningful information. However, when dealing with topics such as "My School" or "My City", an equal dialogue loses its meaning, since there is no need for partners to exchange information. Communication becomes purely formal.
In such a situation, it is logical to resort to elements of role-playing dialogue. At the same time, one of the partners continues to be himself, that is, a Russian schoolboy, while the second must play the role of his foreign peer.
This type of lesson requires careful preparation. Students independently work on the task according to the regional literature recommended by the teacher, prepare questions that they want to get answers to.
Preparing and conducting a lesson of this type stimulates students to further study a foreign language, contributes to the deepening of knowledge as a result of working with various sources, and also broadens their horizons. [18, 19]
Musical lesson.
The musical lesson contributes to the development of socio-cultural competence and familiarization with the cultures of English-speaking countries.
The methodological advantages of songwriting in teaching a foreign language are obvious. It is known that in ancient Greece many texts were learned by singing, and in many schools in France this is practiced now. The same can be said about India, where at present the alphabet and arithmetic are learned by singing in elementary school.
The musical lesson contributes to the aesthetic and moral education of schoolchildren, more fully reveals the creative abilities of each student.
Thanks to the singing of the musical in the classroom, a favorable psychological climate is created, fatigue is reduced, and language activity is activated. In many cases, it also serves as a discharge that reduces stress and restores students' working capacity. [18, 19, 20]

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