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bacterium ulcerans infection in Akonolinga, Cameroon
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bacterium ulcerans infection in Akonolinga, Cameroon Y .K . Mueller, P . Nkemenang, M . Bastard, G . Ehounou, B . Rusch, E . Comte, E . Njih Tabah, L . Toutous Trellu, J .-F . Etard (Geneva, CH; Yaounde, CM; Paris, FR) O. Antibody-mediated neutralisation of the exotoxin 11 .15 mycolactone prevents cells from undergoing apoptosis J .-P . Dangy, N . Scherr, R . Bieri, P . Gersbach, K .-H . Altmann, G . Pluschke (Basel, Zurich, CH) O. Sero-epidemiology of Buruli ulcer in the Offin river valley 11 .30 of Ghana K .A . Ampah, K . Röltgen, P . Asare, D .D .-G . Binnah, S . Aboagye, A . Ross, B . Nickel, D . Yeboah-Manu, G . Pluschke (Accra, GH; Basel, CH) O. Parasitic skin diseases and dermatomycoses in rural 11 .45 Amazonia are associated with poverty A . Lütkepohl, M . Borborema, L . Ariza, H . Feldmeier (Berlin, DE; Fortaleza, Manaus, BR) 24 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 10 .30 – 12 .00 Parallel Session 4.6.1. Kairo 1 (Health and social systems) Clinical challenges in global health and patient management in health facilities with limited resources Convener and Chair: Andreas Neumayr (Basel, CH) INV. Challenges in diagnosis of fever in rural Asia 10 .30 Paul Newton (Ventiane, LA) O. Development of guidance for the diagnostic management 11 .00 of patients with neurological disorders in hospitals in Bandundu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, with a focus on not-to-miss infections of the central nervous system E . Bottieau, D . Mukendi, K . Verdonck, C . Yansouni, T . Kayembe, S . Burza, A . Mpanya, J .-R . Kalo, B . Barbé, C . Schurmans, P . Büscher, R . Ravinetto, A . Winkler, J . Menten, H . van Loen, J . Jacobs, P . Lutumba, M . Boelaert, F . Chappuis (Antwerp, BE; Kinshasa, CD; Montreal, CA; London, GB; München, DE; Geneva, CH) O. Bloodstream bacterial infection among outpatient children 11 .15 with acute febrile illness in north-eastern Tanzania C . Mahende, B . Ngasala, J . Lusingu, Z . Premji (Dar es Salaam, Tanga, TZ) O. Application of the Luminex xTAG gastrointestinal 11 .30 pathogen panel for the detection of gastrointestinal pathogens in a rural African setting D . Eibach, R . Krumkamp, A . Hahn, N . Sarpong, Y . Adu-Sarkodie, A . Leva, J . Adlkofer, M . Panning, J . May, E . Tannich (Freiburg, Hamburg, Hamburg-Borstel-Lübeck, DE; Kumasi, GH) O. Characterising the health facility infrastructure in 11 .45 countries with endemic sleeping sickness for effective targeting of diagnostic resources P .R . Bessell, S . Biéler, J .M . Ndung‘u (Edinburgh, GB; Geneva, CH) 25 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 10 .30 – 12 .00 Poster Speed Talks 1 Kairo 2 Diseases of poverty speed talks Chair: Marcel Tanner (Basel, CH) PST1.001 pVLP: a new DNA vaccine strategy for HIV 10 .30 A .R . Calazans, R . Lindsay, G . Morrow, C . Parks (Rio de Janeiro, BR; Brooklyn, US) PST1.002 What determines the ANRS 12174 trial mothers’ breast- 10 .35 feeding behavior? E .N . Some, I .M . Engebretsen, N . Nagot, N . Meda, P . Van De Perre, T . Tylleskär (Bobo Dioulasso, Ouagadougou, BF; Bergen, NO; Montpellier, FR) PST1.004 Persistence of real-time PCR positivity after successful 10 .40 treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria: implications for estimates of parasite prevalence and density M . Vafa Homann, S .N . Emami, V . Yman, K . Sondén, A . Färnert (Stockholm, SE) PST1.005 Polymer and lipid based drug delivery strategies for 10 .45 malaria treatment L . du Plessis, A . Kotze (Potchefstroom, ZA) PST1.006 Salynomycin and other ionophores as antimalarials and 10 .50 transmission blocking agents S . D‘Alessandro, S . Parapini, N . Dahiya, S .M . Abay, A . Habluetzel, K . Dechering, K . Koolen, R .W . Sauerwein, N . Basilico, D . Taramelli (Camerino, Milano, IT; Nijmegen GA, NL) PST1.007 Mutations in K13, Pfcrt and Pfmdr1 genes and efficacy 10 .55 of artemether- lumefantrine in relation to treatment outcomes in Kenyan children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria L .A .I . Olubayo, D .W . Juma, A .A . Omondi, B .M . Andagalu, H .M . Akala, B . Ogutu, E . Kamau (Kisumu, KE) PST1.009 Diagnostic value of three interferon-gamma release assays 11 .00 for paediatric tuberculosis in a high HIV/TB -prevalence setting in South-West Tanzania I . Kroidl, L . Podola, P . Clowes, A . Rachow, K . Reither, E . Saathoff, C . Geldmacher, M . Kalomo, E .N . Ntinginya, L . Maboko, A . Kroidl, T . Löscher, M . Hoelscher (Mbeya, TZ; Munich, DE; Basel, CH) PST1.010 Diagnosing latent tuberculosis with interferon-gamma 11 .05 release assays in patients with concurrent malaria infection in Tanzania C .H . Drabe, N . Nyagonde, F . Francis, M .V . Rose, M . Helleberg, O .P . Theilgaard, J . Asbjørn, B . Amos, M .M . Lemnge, I .C . Bygbjerg, M . Ruhwald, P . Ravn, L .S . Vestergaard (Copenhagen, DK; Muheza, Tanga, TZ) 26 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 PST1.011 Safety of second-line antituberculosis agents in the context 11 .10 of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis therapy in Kinshasa: a pilot cohort study Y . Lula, A . Engo, H . Muhindo, G . Nsimba, J . Mbo, R . Mulongo, S . Bisuta, G . Bakaswa, P . Lutumba, J .-P . Van geertruyden, G . Tona (Kinshasa, CD; Antwerp, BE) PST1.012 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome associated 11 .15 with dermatophytoses in two HIV-1 positive patients in rural Tanzania H . Mapesi, A . Ramirez, M . Battegay, H . Furrer, M . Tanner, C . Hatz, E . Letang (Ifakara, TZ; Palma de Mallorca, ES; Basel, Berne, CH) PST1.013 Malaria policies versus practices, a reality check from 11 .20 Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo H .M . Mavoko, G . Llombe, R .I . da Luz, A . Kutekemeni, J .-P . Van Geertruyden, P . Lutumba (Kinshasa, CD; Antwerp, Kinshasa, BE) PST1.014 Impact of malaria rapid diagnostic tests on patients‘ 11 .25 subsequent treatment-seeking, costs and health outcomes: results from the ACT Consortium H . Hopkins, P . West, S . Yeung, C .I . Chandler (London, GB) 10 .30 – 12 .00 Parallel Session 3.3.1. Samarkand (Disease systems) The globalization of Chagas diseases: an emerging disease in Europe Convener and Chair: Joaquim Gascon (Barcelona, ES) Chair: Fabian Gusovsky (Andover, US) INV. Chagas disease: the natural history of the disease 10 .30 Yves Jackson (Geneva, CH) INV. Chronic Chagas Disease: To treat or not to treat? 10 .45 M .J . Pinazo (Barcelona, ES) INV. Chagas disease in Europe: the challenges to face an 11 .00 emerging infection Andrea Angheben (Negrar, IT) INV. Main challenges and potential strategies related with 11 .15 R&D needs Isabela Ribeiro (Geneva, CH) 11 .30 Discussion 27 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 12 .00 – 13 .30 Poster Session I Hall 4.1 (PS1.001 – PS1.358.LB) Please refer to pages 122 – 155 for details 12 .15 – 13 .15 Satellite Symposium Sydney Co-infections: its impact on neglected tropical diseases For further details please refer to page 222 12 .15 – 13 .15 Satellite Symposium Singapore On the road to malaria elimination: where we have come from and what challenges lie ahead? For further details please refer to page 222 13 .30 – 15 .00 Society Session 2 San Francisco Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH): the key contributions of disease mapping to global health Chair: Gerri McHugh (London, GB) Chair: Catherine Moyes (Oxford, GB) SS2.001 Spatial predictions of prevalence and access-to-care as a 13 .30 basis for modeling impact of malaria interventions Peter Pemberton-Ross (Basel, CH) SS2.002 Mapping the future global distribution of risk for dengue 14 .00 Jane Messina (Oxford, GB) SS2.003 The use of neglected tropical disease maps to inform 14 .30 policy and programming Rachel Pullan (London, GB) 28 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 13 .30 – 15 .00 Parallel Session 3.2.11. Sydney (Disease systems) Evaluating therapeutic interventions against Ebola: challenges and lessons learned Convener: Johan van Griensven (Antwerp, BE) Chair: Line Matthiessen (Brussels, BE) Chair: David Wood (Geneva, CH) INV. Introduction 13 .30 Line Matthiessen (Brussels, BE) David Wood (Geneva, CH) INV. The Ebola field reality for conducting clinical trials 13 .35 A . Antierens (Brussels, BE) INV. Ethics of clinical trials in epidemic disasters 13 .45 Philippe Calain (Geneva, CH) INV. Emergency evaluation of convalescent plasma for Ebola 13 .55 virus disease in Guinea J . van Griensven (Antwerp, BE) INV. Trials of antivirals – ISARIC experience 14 .10 Peter Horby (Oxford, GB) INV. Favipiravir in patients with Ebola virus disease 14 .25 D .J . Malvy (Bordeaux, FR) 14 .40 Panel discussion – challenges and lessons learned 13 .30 – 15 .00 Parallel Session 3.1.6. Singapore (Disease systems) Answering key questions on malaria drug delivery – the importance of diagnostics Convener and Chair: Heidi Hopkins (London, GB) INV. Improving malaria treatment and control through 13 .30 enhanced diagnostic practice David Schellenberg (London, GB) O. Impact of malaria rapid diagnostic tests on patient care: 14 .00 results from the ACT consortium K . Bruxvoort, B . Leurent, H . Hopkins (London, GB) O. Effects of introducing malaria rapid diagnostic tests in 14 .15 drug shops: findings from the evaluation of a cluster randomised trial in Uganda A .K . Mbonye, P . Magnussen, E . Hutchinson, K .S . Hansen, S . Lal, S .E . Clarke (Kampala, UG; Copenhagen, DK; London, GB) O. Improving appropriate use of quality-assured RDTs in the 14 .30 private sector: baseline and midterm evaluation results from Uganda R . Mugerwa (Kampala, UG) O. Factors impacting malaria rapid diagnostic test performance 14 .45 N . Zwingerman, M . Cancino, S . Ferro (Toronto, CA) 29 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 13 .30 – 15 .00 Parallel Session 3.1.2. Montreal (Disease systems) Implementation research for malaria elimination. Emerging results from Malaria Eradication Scientific Alliance (MESA) – supported projects Convener and Chair: Regina Rabinovich (Barcelona, ES; Boston, US) INV. Efficacy and safety of high-dose ivermectin for reducing 13 .30 malaria transmission: a dose finding study M .R . Smit (Liverpool, GB) INV. Mopping up and getting to zero: mapping residual malaria 13 .45 transmission for targeted response in urban Lusaka, Zambia Daniel Bridges (Lusaka, ZM) INV. Active detection of infection for malaria elimination in 14 .00 South Cotabato, Mindanao, The Philippines: performance of LAMP for screening people in their home villages CJ . Sutherland (London, GB) INV. Targeting pregnant women to measure malaria transmission 14 .15 A .M . Fonseca, E . Macete, R . González, C . Jairoce, J . Hegewisch, M . Rupérez, L . Quintó, P . Cisteró, A . Vala, A . Jiménez, A . Nhacolo, C . Chitnis, E . Sevene, C . Menéndez, A . Mayor (Barcelona, ES; Porto, PT; Manhiça, MZ; New Delhi, IN) O. Malaria and the mobile and migrant population in 14 .30 Cambodia: a population movement framework to inform strategies for malaria control and elimination S . Canavati, P . Guyant, C . Nguon, P . Ly, M . Whittaker, A . Roca- Feltrer, S . Yeung (Asia, Bangkok, TH; London, GB; Phnom Penh, KH; Brisbane, AU) 30 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 13 .30 – 15 .00 Parallel Session 3.3.4. Delhi (Disease systems) Global faces of challenges with diabetes and hypertension Convener and Chair: Nino Künzli (Basel, CH) Chair: Nerges Furdoon Mistry (Pune, IN) O. A community based model for care and control of type 2 13 .30 diabetes in rural Western India N .F . Mistry, B . Mote, L . Garda, R . Dope, A . Bopardikar (Pune, IN) O. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and diabetes in 13 .45 adult never-smokers I .C . Eze, E . Schaffner, E . Zemp, A . von Eckardstein, A . Turk, R . Bettschart, C . Schindler, N . Probst-Hensch (Aarau, Basel, Wald-Faltigberg, Zurich, CH) O. Are we treating the right people- are we treating the 14 .00 people right? Analysis of patients attending the Diabetes Clinic at Kamuzu Central Hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi A .T . Yassin, P . Kanyengambeta, C . Zinyemba, L . Gondwe, M . Zeier, Y . Mlombe, F . Neuhann (Heidelberg, DE; Lilongwe, MW) O. Complications of diabetes and hypertension at a referral 14 .15 hospital in Zimbabwe M . Mutowo, P . Lorgelly, J .C . Mangwiro, A . Renzaho, A . Owen (Melbourne, Sydney, AU; Harare, ZW) O. Prevalence of hypertension and associated risk factors 14 .30 among diabetes patients in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a case for integrated care J .J . Hella, B . Doulla, F .A . Mhimbira, N .B . Blanco, Z . Ngoma, A . Swai, K . Ramaiya, L . Fenner (Dar es Salaam, TZ; Basel, CH) O. Tackling NCDs and risk factors in Kyrgyzstan: the impact 14 .45 of community action for health in Kyrgyzstan T . Djamangulova, R . Aidaraliev, G . Siupsinskas (Bishkek, KG; Berne, CH) 31 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 13 .30 – 15 .00 Parallel Session 4.2.2. Boston 1 (Health and social systems) Determinants of health and help seeking behavior Convener and Chair: Carol Vlassoff (Ottawa, CA) INV. Towards a comprehensive framework for community study 13 .30 of vaccine acceptance M .G . Weiss, A . Kudale (Basel, CH; Pune, IN) O. Cultural beliefs are not the key determinants of 14 .00 treatment-seeking behaviour: lessons from ethnographic fieldwork in regions of Benin‘s Ouémé River valley endemic for Buruli ulcer M . Boyer (Tampa, US) O. Healthcare-seeking behaviour and experiences of rehabili- 14 .15 tation among disabled youth in Ghana S . Gregorius (Liverpool, GB) O. Predicting non-communicable disease in Canada based on 14 .30 behavioral risk factors and social determinants of health Y . Jia, K . Mukhopadhyay, P .J . Thomassin (Montreal, CA) O. Measuring the status of household water, sanitation and 14 .45 hygiene behaviours in rural Bangladesh: an application of qualitative information system T . Akter, F .T . Jhohura, T .R . Chowdhury, F . Akter, S .K . Mistry, M . Rahman (Dhaka, BD) 13 .30 – 15 .00 Parallel Session 4.3.4. Boston 2 (Health and social systems) The good, the bad and the ugly of global targets. Will the SDGs be different? Convener and Chair: Xavier Bosch-Capblanch (Basel, CH) INV. From Alma Ata to sustainable development goals 13 .30 X . Bosch-Capblanch (Basel, CH) INV. What did the MDGs do for global health? Will the SDGs 13 .40 do more? Jan Vandemoortele (Bruges, BE) INV. Unmet Agenda in post-MDG era and role of the Global 14 .00 Fund for SDGs O . Kunii (Geneva, CH) INV. GAVI contribution to the MDGs and plans for the SDGs 14 .15 A . Bchir (Geneva, CH) 14 .30 Discussion 32 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 13 .30 – 15 .00 Parallel Session 5.3.2. Shanghai 1 (From research to implementation) The reality of open source drug discovery: a move towards multilateral collaborations Convener and Chair: Graeme Bilbe (Geneva, CH) Chair: Matthew Todd (Sydney, AU) 13 .30 Introduction INV. Re-engineering how we innovate for public health 13 .35 P .L . Olliaro, M . Todd, R . Kiddell-Monroe, M . Basey, A . Greenberg, M . Balasegaram, E . Torreele (Geneva, CH; Oxford, GB; Sydney, AU; New York, Washington, US) INV. The NTD Drug Discovery Booster: an innovative multiparty 13 .50 collaboration on early drug discovery C .E . Mowbray (Geneva, CH) O. MMV malaria box and pathogen box projects: the applica- 14 .05 tion of open science P .A . Willis, T .N .C . Wells, W .C . Van Voorhis, T . Spangenberg (Geneva, CH) INV. The open source drug discovery project 14 .20 Samir Brahmachari (New Delhi, IN) INV. Creating a global community for clinical drug repurposing 14 .35 and development L .V . Sacks (Silver Spring, US) 14 .50 Discussion 13 .30 – 15 .00 Tropical Medicine & International Shanghai 2 Health (TMIH) Workshop 1 Writing for real people: how to make your papers attractive, clear and popular Organizer: Susanne Groener (London, GB) 33 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 13 .30 – 15 .00 Parallel Session 4.6.2. Kairo 1 (Health and social systems) Medical and public health education in Africa Convener and Chair: Axel Hoffmann (Basel, CH) INV. Accelerating excellence and leadership in African health 13 .30 research Fred Binka (Accra, GH) INV. Global Collaboration: An essential element for public 13 .45 health and medical education in Africa Kevin Marsh (Oxford, GB) O. What are the mutual benefits for universities participating 14 .00 Download 23.86 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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