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O. NS1 rapid test for detection of dengue virus infection 15 .45 B .-T . Teoh, S .-S . Sam, K .-K . Tan, J . Johari, J . Abd-Jamil, S . Abubakar (Kuala Lumpur, MY) O. A school-based intervention trial using insecticide-treated 16 .00 school uniforms to reduce dengue infections in school-aged children P . Kittayapong, P . Olarantmanee, P . Maskao, P . Byass, W . Lohr, D . Gubler, A . Wilder-Smith (Bangkok, Chachaengso, TH; Umea, SE; Singapore, SG) O. Household-related risk factors of tungiasis and severe 16 .15 disease in Kilifi County, Kenya S . Wiese, H . Feldmeier, L . Elson, P .S . Larson, B . Mambo (Berlin, DE; Mombasa, Watamu, KE; Nagasaki, JP; Ann Arbor, US) O. Topically applied dimeticones are highly effective against 16 .30 embedded sand fleas (T. penetrans) H . Feldmeier, M . Thielecke, P . Nordin, N . Ngomi, G . Mukone (Berlin, DE; Skövde, SE; Nairobi, KE; Kampala, UG) O. Efficacy of deltamethrin applied as ULV- and thermal 16 .45 aerosols for control of Aedes albopictus in Nice, France S .C . Boubidi, D . Roiz, M . Rossignol, R . Benoit, M . Raselli, C . Tizon, B . Cadiou, R . Tounsi, C . Lagneau, F . Chandre, D . Fontenille, P . Reiter (Montpellier, Paris, FR; Phnom Penh, KH) 45 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 3.3.3. Samarkand (Disease systems) NCDs with particular relevance to mental health Convener and Chair: Meichun Mohler-Kuo (Zurich, CH) INV. No health without mental health 15 .30 Emiliano Albanese (Geneva, CH) O. Depression in people living with HIV/AIDS in Fitche 16 .00 Hospital, Central Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study T . Yeneabat, B . Tolasa (Debre Markos, Fitche, ET) O. Mental health problems of undocumented migrants in 16 .15 the Netherlands: a qualitative exploration of help-seeking behaviour and experiences with primary care E . Teunissen, J . Sherally, E . van Weel-Baumgarten, M . van den Muijsenbergh (Nijmegen, NL) O. The effect of vitamin B1 on anxiety associated with 16 .30 premenstrual syndrome in young women in Iran S . Abdollahifard, M . Maddahfar (Jahrom, Tehran, IR) O. A qualitative study of the social response to patients and 16 .45 caretakers of mental health disorders in a rural community of Maharashtra, India R . Sharma, N .F . Mistry, N . Sule, M . Weiss (Pune, IN; Basel, CH) 17 .00 – 17 .30 Plenary Session 4 San Francisco From research to implementation Chair: David Brandling-Bennett (Seattle, US) PL4.001 Systems biology of plasmodium; a window into malaria parasite pathophysiology and pathogenesis Zbynek Bozdech (Singapore, SG) 46 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 17 .00 – 18 .00 Poster Speed Talks 2 Montreal NCDs and reproductive health Chair: Kate Molesworth (Basel, CH) PST2.001 Patterns and determinants of longitudinal changes in 17 .00 smoking behaviour in Switzerland between 1991 and 2011: results from the SAPALDIA cohort D . Ayala-Bernal, N . Probst-Hensch, N . Künzli, L . Perez, A . Vicedo-Cabrera, D . Stolz, T . Rochat, C . Schindler (Basel, Geneva, CH) PST2.002 Characterizing diabetes in Palestine: a pilot study 17 .05 A . Alkaiyat, S . Hamshari (Basel, CH; Nablus, PS) PST2.003 Hospital-acquired versus community-acquired MRSA 17 .10 in Singapore P .F . de Sessions, L .K . Lee, L .Y . Sin, A .C . Li Ping, M .H . Hibberd (Singapore, SG; London, GB) PST2.004 Timing of delivery and smoke-free laws in Switzerland 17 .15 A .M . Vicedo-Cabrera, C .S . Schindler, D .R . Radovanovic, M . Röösli, L . Perez (Basel, Zurich, CH) PST2.005 Extended spectrum beta lactam resistance among gram 17 .20 negative bacterial isolates from wounds of patients attending a Ghanaian Hospital G . Kpeli, E . Owusu-Mireku, J . Hauser, V . Hinic, E . Danso, R . Frei, G . Pluschke, D . Yeboah-Manu (Legon, GH; Basel, CH) PST2.006 Estimation of concentrations of six anti-malarial drugs in 17 .25 human breast milk based on their physicochemical and protein binding characteristics J .P . Jain, V .P . Marasanapalle, D . Saudari, G . Sunkara (Hyderabad, IN; East Hanover, US) PST2.007 Human and animal trematode infections at Lake Chad: 17 .30 a one health approach to schistosomiasis and fascioliasis in mobile pastoralists and their livestock H . Greter, A .A . Batil, S .J . Krauth, I .O . Alfaroukh, J . Utzinger, J . Zinsstag (Basel, CH; N‘Djaména, TD) PST2.008 Reduced all-cause child mortality after general measles 17 .35 vaccination campaign in rural Guinea-Bissau A .B . Fisker, A . Rodrigues, C . Martins, H . Ravn, S . Byberg, S . Thysen, L . Storgaard, M . Pedersen, M . Fernandes, C .S . Benn, P . Aaby (Copenhagen S, DK; Bissau, GW) PST2.009 Factors affecting childhood diarrhoea and pneumonia 17 .40 care-seeking behavior of mothers in a coastal area of Bangladesh A . Haque, S . Shaha (Dhaka, BD) PST2.010 Pregnancy in adolescence in the Great Lakes region: 17 .45 findings from a multi-country survey in South Kivu (DRC), Burundi and Rwanda J . Schwarz, C . Blake, N . Ndabihore, C . Weiss, A . Martin Hilber, S . Merten (Basel, CH; Bujumbura, BI) 47 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 17 .30 – 18 .00 Plenary Session 5 San Francisco Disease Systems Chair: Jürg Utzinger (Basel, CH) PL5.001 Neglected diseases, neglected people and neglected systems Vincent Belizario (Manila, PH) 18 .15 – 19 .30 Meet the editors of PLoS neglected Boston 1 tropical diseas and O & A Chair: Jennifer Keiser (Basel, CH) Chair: Jürg Utzinger (Basel, CH) 18 .15 – 19 .45 Film Presentation Montreal Can film save lives? Please refer to the ECTMIH mobile app for further details 48 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, 8 September 2015 09 .00 – 09 .30 Plenary Session 6 San Francisco From research to implementation Chair: Joanna Schellenberg (London, GB) PL6.001 From mapping to risk profiling to predictions and interventions Penelope Vounatsou (Basel, CH) 09 .30 – 10 .00 Plenary Session 7 San Francisco Health and social systems Chair: Núria Casamitjana (Barcelona, ES) INV.PL7.001 Gender sensitivity in health systems: why does it matter? C . Vlassoff (Ottawa, CA) 10 .30 – 12 .00 Society Session 3 San Francisco Société de Pathologie Exotique (SPE), Italian Society of Tropical Medicine and Global Health (SIMET) and Sociedad Española de Medicina Tropical y Salud Internacional (SEMTSI): Rapid diagnosis tests (RDTs) in tropical infectiology 2 Chair: Miriam Navarro (Madrid, ES) Chair: Federico Gobbi (Negrar, IT) SS3.001 Rapid diagnostic tests for Chagas disease: an overview 10 .30 Andrea Angheben (Negrar, IT) SS3.002 The need for a rapid diagnostic test for Strongyloides 10 .50 stercoralis Joan Gomez (Barcelona, ES) SS3.003 Rapid tests for the diagnosis of Dengue and Chikungunya: 11 .10 strengths and weaknesses Isabelle Leparc-Goffart (Marseille, FR) SS3.004 Rapid tests for the diagnosis of Dengue and Chikungunya: 11 .30 a case series from a tertiary Italian hospital Guido Calleri (Torino, IT) 11 .50 Discussion 49 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, 8 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 10 .30 – 12 .00 Parallel Session 5.3.3. Sydney (From research to implementation) Where there is no market – exploring novel approaches to R&D for diseases of the poor Convener and Chair: Manica Balasegaram (Geneva, CH) Convener and Chair: Alexander Schulze (Berne, CH) INV. Global health R&D needs and gaps – which options do we 10 .30 have to address them? John-Arne Röttingen (Oslo, NO) INV. Conceptualizing a health R&D pooled fund for voluntary 10 .50 contributions John Reeder (Geneva, CH) O. The challenge of product R&D initiatives for neglected 11 .10 tropical diseases that currently rely on product donation programs J . Reinhard-Rupp, J . Lazdins (Coinsins, CH) O. Looking at alternative models for innovation and access 11 .25 for neglected infectious diseases M . Balasegaram (Geneva, CH) O. Cell-based drug discovery model at the Novartis Institute 11 .40 for Tropical Diseases using Human African Trypanosomiasis as an example D . Beer, M . Barrett, D . Begolo, C . Clayton, J . Jiricek, M . Kaiser, H . Koh, C . Kounde, S . Lakshminarayana, V . Manoharan, J . Mottram, E . Myburgh, P . Ng, S . Rao, M . Schirle, S . Tania, J . Thomas, P . Vachaspati, I . Vincent, P . Wipfli, J . Wong, P . Maser, T . Diagana (Singapore, SG; Glasgow, GB; Heidelberg, DE; Basel, CH; Cambridge, US) 50 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, 8 September 2015 10 .30 – 12 .00 Parallel Session 4.4.1. Singapore (Health and social systems) Emergent diseases: Immigrants and potential diseases with impact in and for Europe Convener and Chair: Eduardo Gotuzzo (Lima, PE) INV. Emergent diseases: immigrants and potential diseases with 10 .30 impact in and for Europe Alessandro Bartoloni (Florence, IT) O. Dengue serotypes and genotypes circulating in recent 11 .00 years in the Caribbean and imported to Europe L . Franco, M .D . Fernandez, N . Serre, M . Martinez, E . Sulleiro, A . Neumayr, F . Molero, M . Schunk, C . Guido, A . Wilder-Smith, C . Hatz, M .P . Sanchez-Seco (Barcelona, Madrid,ES; Dakar, SN; Basel, CH; Munich, DE; Torino, IT; Umea, SE) O. Identification of potential novel P. vivax vaccine candi- 11 .15 dates: naturally-acquired immune responses to a panel of P. vivax blood-stage antigens are associated with reduced risk of clinical malaria episodes in Papua New Guinean children C . França, J . Hostetler, W . He, L .J . Robinson, E . Lin, C .S .N . Li Wai Suen, S . Sharma, J . Gruszczyk, I . Malhotra, G . Frato, P . Siba, M . Galinski, J . Kazura, L . Schofield, G . Wright, W .H . Tham, E . Takashima, T . Tsuboi, R .M . Fairhurst, J . Rayner, C .L . King, I . Mueller (Melbourne, Townsville, AU; Hinxton, GB; Atlanta, Bethesda, Cleveland, US; Madang, PG; Matsuyama, JP; Barcelona, ES) O. Mathematical models for P. vivax elimination 11 .30 S . Karl, M . White, G . Milne, I . Mueller (Melbourne, Perth, AU; London, GB) O. Prevalence of strongyloidiasis in immigrants and in the 11 .45 autochthonous, elderly population in a formerly endemic area of Northern Italy D . Buonfrate, M . Baldissera, N . Scattolo, G . Caramaschi, M . Giobbia, C . Maurel, M . Merelli, P . Rodari, G . Napoletano, Z . Bisoffi (Brescia, Mantua, Treviso, Triest, Udine, Verona, IT; 51 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, 8 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 10 .30 – 12 .00 Parallel Session 3.1.5. Montreal (Disease systems) Malaria transmission: from the field to the bench Convener and Chair: Ingrid Felger (Basel, CH) INV. The human infectious reservoir for P. falciparum in African 10 .30 settings Teun Bousema (Nijmegen, NL) O. Where to start malaria elimination: core or fringes? 11 .00 N . Chitnis, A . Schapira, C . Schindler, M . Penny, T . Smith (Basel, CH) O. Comparative transmission-stage dynamics of Plasmodium 11 .15 vivax and P. falciparum R . Wampfler, N . Hofmann, S . Karl, M . Silkey, L .J . Robinson, I . Mueller, I . Felger (Basel, CH; Melbourne, AU; Madang & Maprik, PG) O. Impact of intensified malaria control on the epidemiology 11 .30 and transmission of malaria in two areas of Papua New Guinea L .J . Robinson, M . Ome-Kaius, C . Koepfli, J .H . Kattenberg, C . Li Wai Suen, D . Mantila, B . Kombut, M . Phillip, E . Malau, S . Jally, B . Kasien, S . Maripal, P . Siba, D . Tisch, C .L . King, I . Felger, J .W . Kazura, I . Mueller (Goroka, Madang, PG; Melbourne, AU; Cleveland, US; Basel, CH; Barcelona, ES) O. Malaria prevalence and mosquito establishment in 11 .45 Nouakchott, Mauritania M .S . Ould Ahmedou Salem, A . Mint Mohamed Lemine, K . Mint Lekweiry, J . Mint Deida, O . Faye, H . Bogreau, L .K . Basco, F . Simard, A . O . Mohamed Salem Boukhary (Nouakchott, MR; Dakar, SN; Guyane, Marseille, Montpellier, Paris, FR) 52 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, 8 September 2015 10 .30 – 12 .00 Parallel Session 3.2.9. Delhi (Disease systems) Helminth infections – burden and impact Convener and Chair: Jennifer Keiser (Basel, CH) INV. Helminth infections – burden and impact 10 .30 C .H . King (Cleveland, US) INV. Onchocerciasis in the DRC and patient needs 10 .55 Didier Bakajika (Haywards Health, GB) O. The impact of soil transmitted helminth on malaria clinical 11 .15 presentation and treatment outcome: a case control study among children in Bagamoyo district, coastal region of Tanzania N .S . Masoud, N . Lenz, T . Schindler, S . Knopp, O . Lweno, U . Abdul, A . Mohamed, J . Rothen, J . Masimba, D . Kwaba, A .S . Mohammed, F . Althaus, S . Abdulla, M . Tanner, C . Daubeunberger, B . Genton (Bagamoyo, Dar es Salaam, TZ; Basel, Lausanne, CH) O. Factors driving co-occurrence of Schistosoma mansoni and 11 .30 S. haematobium at the micro-geographical level L . Meurs, M . Mbow, M . Yazdanbakhsh, K . Polman (Antwerp, BE; Dakar, SN; Leiden, NL) O. Impact of preventive chemotherapy on burden of disease 11 .45 due to helminthiasis: the lesson from Zanzibar S .M . Ali, M . Albonico, A . Montresor, D . Molyneux, L . Savioli (Pemba, Zanzibar, TZ; Milan, IT; Geneva, CH; Liverpool, GB) 53 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, 8 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 10 .30 – 12 .00 Parallel Session 4.2.4. Boston 1 (Health and social systems) Promoting multi-sectorial approaches in health: what kind of science do we need? Convener and Chair: Susanna Hausmann (Berne, CH) INV. One Health: the added value of cross-sectoral collaboration 10 .30 between human and animal health Jakob Zinsstag (Basel, US) O. Cross-sectoral partnerships for health in real-life: a case 11 .00 study of the Global Fund’s country coordinating mechanism (CCM) in Ethiopia H . Taddese, P . Bissell, A . Barnes, G . Jones (Sheffield, GB) O. A qualitative evaluation of stakeholder perspectives on 11 .15 the Millennium Village Project successes and challenges in Sauri, Kenya Y . Ruiz, E .Y . Kim, A .N . Morse, Y . Tozan (New York, West Lafayette, US; Heidelberg, DE) O. The living and working conditions including accessibility 11 .30 to healthcare of migrants working in rubber plantations in eastern Thailand P . Maskhao, S . Ninhanomchai, S . Khaklang, S . Thongyuan, L . Sringernyuang, P . Kittayapong (Chachoengsao, TH) O. Using regional socio-ecologic models to identify system 11 .45 barriers and enablers for the adoption of Improved Cook Stoves in rural Peru D . Mäusezahl, S . Hartinger, J . Muela, J . Wolf, A . Powell, V . Baquerizo, V . Paz-Soldan (Basel, Neuchâtel, CH; Lima, PE; New Orleans, US) 10 .30 – 12 .00 Parallel Session 3.6.2. Boston 2 (Disease systems) Nutrition Convener and Chair: Klaus Kraemer (Basel, CH) INV. Overview on nutrition and immunology – role of 10 .30 micronutrients Charles Stephensen (Davis, US) INV. Vitamin D and tuberculosis 10 .50 A .R . Martineau (London, GB) INV. Iron fortification and the infant gut microbiome 11 .10 Michael Zimmermann (Zurich, CH) INV. New insights into the role of iron in the etiology and 11 .30 pathogenesis of malaria, severe anaemia and invasive bacteraemia H . Verhoef (London, GB; Wageningen, NL; Keneba, GM) 54 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, 8 September 2015 10 .30 – 12 .00 Parallel Session 5.4.1. Shanghai 1 (From research to implementation) Threats to health systems – emergency situations Convener and Chair: Nicolaus Lorenz (Basel, CH) Convener and Chair: Kaspar Wyss (Basel, CH) INV. Evidence Aid: a resource for those preparing for and 10 .30 responding to disasters, humanitarian crises and major healthcare emergencies C . Allen, M .J . Clarke (Belfast, Oxford, GB) O. Pandemic preparedness, disease surveillance and health 11 .00 systems in West Africa: the case of The Gambia J . Balen, Y . Masunaga, F . Jaiteh, U . d‘Alessandro (Sheffield, GB; Fajara, GM) O. Environmental factors and fatal injuries during Typhoon 11 .15 Haiyan: a framework for assessing impact, mitigating risk, and promoting resilience during natural disasters S .O . Sangalang (Cologne, DE) O. Trends and factors associated with dengue mortality and 11 .30 fatality in Brazil E .S . da Paixão, M .D .C .N . Costa, D . Rasella, L . Cardim, A . Brasileiro, M .D .G .L .C . Teixeira (Salvador, BR) O. Maintaining low mortality rates in displaced populations: 11 .45 MSF experience in Minkaman M . Rull, S . Masson, N . Peyraud, M . Simonelli, A . Ventura, C . Dorion, F . Luquero, I . Ciglenecki (Geneva, CH; Paris, FR) 10 .30 – 11 .30 Tropical Medicine & International Shanghai 2 Health (TMIH) Workshop 3 What authors need to know: ethics of writing, and how journals tick Organizer: Susanne Groener (London, GB) 55 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, 8 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 10 .30 – 12 .00 Late Breaker Abstract Session 2 Kairo 1 Chair: Melissa Penny (Basel, CH) Chair: Manuel Hetzel (Basel, CH) O.LB2.001 Acceptability of plasma donation for clinical trial on Ebola 10 .30 Download 23.86 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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