Driving the Best Science to Meet Global Health Challenge s
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in teaching networks? B . Peterhans, P . Grys, N . Casamitjana, L . Gerstel (Basel, CH; Heidelberg, DE; Barcelona, ES; Amsterdam, NL) O. APARET (African Programme for Advanced Research 14 .15 Epidemiology Training) N .G . Schwarz, S . Gitta, A . Briet, E . Rutebemberwa (Hamburg, DE; Kampala, UG; Basel, CH) O. A public health laboratory for global capacity building in 14 .30 sub-Saharan Africa S .M . Ali, S .M . Ame, Y .M . Al-Sawafi, A . Carozzi, M . Albonico, M .S . Jiddawi, J . Tahib, L . Savioli (Pemba, Zanzibar, TZ; Milan, IT) 13 .30 – 15 .00 Parallel Session 3.2.4. Kairo 2 (Disease systems) Visceral leishmaniasis – from patient to public health needs: the role of R&D in disease elimination and control Convener and Chair: Susan Wells (Geneva, CH) Chair: Jose Antonio Ruiz Postigo (Geneva, CH) 13 .30 Introduction INV. Treatment of visceral leishmaniasis 13 .35 S . Sundar (Varanasi, IN) INV. Translating treatment options to control programs 13 .50 Margriet den Boer (Amsterdam, NL) INV. Developing new treatments to address unmet medical needs 14 .10 Jorge Alvar (Geneva, CH) INV. Opportunities in visceral leishmaniasis: analysis of large, 14 .30 pooled data sets P .J . Guerin (Oxford, GB) 14 .50 Discussion 34 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 13 .30 – 15 .00 Parallel Session 5.2.1. Samarkand (From research to implementation) How to bridge between health systems researchers and practitioners in the field of international health cooperation Convener and Chair: Thomas Schwarz (Basel, CH) O. Challenges and solutions in collaboration between 13 .30 non-governmental implementing organizations and local research institutions in developing countries J . Perkins, C . Capello, C . Santarelli (Geneva, CH) O. Key determinants for a successful collaboration between 13 .45 NGOs and universities in health research M .A . Hobbins, M . Bryant, T . Miwa, C .S . Masengu, J . Balen, A . Häggblom, J . Ehmer (Lucerne, CH; Sheffield, GB) O. From well-researched, tested and documented pilot inter- 14 .00 ventions to health impact for all; from laboratory systems research to changing lives: in search of the holy grail of scalability B . Vander Plaetse (Basel, CH) O. Improving programme implementation through embedded 14 .15 implementation research (iPIER) N .T . Tran (Geneva, CH) O. Fairness in international collaborative research partner- 14 .30 ships for health, time for a certification process: COHRED Fairness Index J .K . Lazdins, N . Musolino, C . IJsselmuiden, J . Toohey (Geneva, CH) O. Successfully connecting NGO practice and health systems 14 .45 research – getting evidence into NGO practice & NGO practice into research N . Moran (Konstanz, DE) 15 .00 – 15 .30 Emergency evaluation of convalescent Sydney plasma – a film on the Ebola-Tx trial in Conakry, Ghana 35 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 5.6.6. San Francisco (From research to implementation) Implementation research – key to effectiveness Convener and Chair: Pascal Launois (Geneva, CH) Chair: Edward Kamau (Geneva, CH) 15 .30 Introductions INV. Opening remarks from Director TDR 15 .35 John Reeder (Geneva, CH) INV. Research capacity strengthening and knowledge manage- 15 .45 ment for health teams towards improvement in disease control in Ghana (Ghana RCS4FIVE) E .K . Ansah, A . Ofosu, M .A . Chinbuah, B . Garshong, M . Gyapong (Accra, GH) INV. Effectiveness of short term training on health economics 15 .55 in improving knowledge and economic way of thinking to help break vicious cycle of infectious disease and poverty: an evidence from Nepal S . Raj Adhikari (Kathmandu, NP) INV. Estimating of the level of insecticide availability in some 16 .05 samples of sprayed surfaces (IRS) using insecticide quantification kits (IQK) in Benin L .S . Djogbenou, H . Degnovi, M . Paine, M . Makoutode (Ouidah, BJ; Liverpool, GB) INV. The new 1,3,7 strategy and implementation for malaria 16 .15 elimination in China G . Qi (Wuxi, Jiangsu, CN) INV. Implementation of a mentorship programme on knowledge 16 .25 translation/management to improve policymakers‘ capacity for evidence-informed policymaking for the control of infectious diseases of poverty in Nigeria C .J . Uneke, A .E . Ezeoha, H .C . Uro-Chukwu, C .T . Ezeonu (Abakaliki, NG) INV. Implementation research dashboard tool for district health 16 .35 management O .R . Mukasa, A .Z . Swai, I . Lyatuu, C . Mumburi (Dar es Salaam, TZ) 16 .45 Questions and discussion moderated by the Chair 36 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 3.2.10. Sydney (Disease systems) Ebola – vaccination Convener and Chair: Marcel Tanner (Basel, CH) INV. Phase I testing of the ebola VSV-ZEBOV candidate vaccine: 15 .30 the Geneva files Angela Huttner (Geneva, CH) INV. Safety and immunogenicity of the Chimpanzee-Adenovirus 16 .00 vectored Ebola vaccine: the Lausanne phase I/IIa clinical trial O . De Santis, R . Audran, E . Pothin, L . Warpelin-Decrausaz, L . Vallotton, G . Wuerzner, C . Cochet, D . Estoppey, V . Steiner- Monard, S . Lonchampt, A .-C . Thierry, C . Mayor, R .T . Bailer, O . Tshiani Mbaya, Y . Zhou, A . Ploquin, N .J . Sullivan, B .S . Graham, F . Roman, I . De Ryck, R . Ballou, M .P . Kieny, V . Moorthy, F . Spertini, B . Genton (Basel, Geneva, Lausanne, CH; Bethesda, US; Rixensart, BE) O. Malaria prevalence decreased following mass drug 16 .30 administration of malaria chemoprevention during the Ebola outbreak, Monrovia, Liberia, 2014 A . Kuehne, A . Tiffany, K . Danis, M . Janssens, E . Lasry, C . Okonta, C . Besse, V .S . Koko, A . Pah, K . Larbi, K . Porten (Berlin, DE; Stockholm, SE; Paris, FR; Geneva, CH; Monrovia, LR; New York, US) INV. Testing new therapeutics while handling a crisis: ethical 16 .45 and medical considerations Graeme Bilbe (Geneva, CH) 37 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 3.5.3. Singapore (Disease systems) Women and immunization, life-saving vaccines to protect women’s and infant’s health Convener and Chair: Clara Menendez (Barcelona, ES) Chair: Azucena Bardají (Barcelona, ES) INV. Introduction of the HPV vaccination in African 15 .30 pre-adolescents: lessons learnt from Mozambique Khatia Munguambe (Vila de Manhiça, MZ) INV. Influenza vaccination of pregnant women and protection 15 .45 of their infants Mark Steinhoff (Cincinnati, US) INV. Trivalent vaccine in pregnant women to prevent perinatal 16 .00 Group B Streptococcus infection Rino Rappuoli (Siena, IT) INV. Maternal immunization against pertussis, protecting 16 .15 mothers and infants in early life Scott A . Halperin (Halifax, CA) INV. Leadership in promoting protection of pregnant women 16 .30 and their infants by maternal immunization Ajoke Sobanjo-ter Meulen (Seattle, US) INV. Open discussion and way forward: contributing to the 16 .45 global research agenda on women’s and maternal health Clara Menendez (Barcelona, ES) Azucena Bardají (Barcelona, ES) 38 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 3.1.3. Montreal (Disease systems) Malaria elimination: getting there and staying there Convener and Chair: Regina Rabinovich (Barcelona, ES; Boston, US) INV. Prevention of reintroduction of Malaria 15 .30 Majed Zedjali (Muscat, OM) INV. Entomological surveillance system to inform the 15 .45 elimination strategy Krijn Paaijmans (Barcelona, ES) INV. Ivermectin for malaria vector control, prospects and 16 .00 challenges C . Chaccour (Barcelona, Pamplona, ES) INV. What we’re learning about mass drug administration 16 .15 in Zambia Duncan Earle (Lusaka, ZM) O. Decline in the burden of malaria in pregnancy in Southern 16 .30 Mozambique: evidence from a 14-year period and implications for malaria elimination R . Gonzalez, A . Bardaji, E . Sevene, F . Saute, M . Rupérez, S . Maculuve, C . Guinovart, A . Valá, R . Aguilar, J . Aponte, E . Macete, P .L . Alonso, C . Menendez, A . Mayor (Barcelona, ES; Manhiça, MZ) 39 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 4.2.1. Delhi (Health and social systems) Improving access to essential quality health services Convener and Chair: Christian Lengeler (Basel, CH) INV. Improving access to healthcare – a critical element for 15 .30 advancing universal health coverage in Sub-Saharan Africa F .L . Kessy (Dar es Salaam, TZ) O. Identifying and addressing structural quality gaps in 16 .00 primary health care in Tanzania D .M . Mboya, F .L . Kessy, C .E . Mshana, A . Schulze, C . Lengeler, B . Vander Plaetse (Dar es Salaam, Ifakara, TZ; Basel, Berne, CH) O. Heterogeneity of fever case management and provider 16 .15 performance at private clinics and pharmacies on the Kenyan coast: results from client exit and mystery client studies and competency assessments S . Poyer, P . Njagi, J . Makoyo, R . Ochako, C . Lussiana, N . Njoki, S . Dolan, N . Charman (Nairobi, KE) O. Official invitation letters are highly effective to increase 16 .30 male partner participation in antenatal care services in Mbeya Region, Tanzania L . Jefferys, P . Nchimbi, P . Mbezi, J . Sewangi, S . Theuring (Berlin, DE; Mbeya, TZ) O. The One-Stop Clinic of Ifakara: a model for integration of 16 .45 prevention of mother-to-child transmission and pediatric HIV services A . Gamell, L .B . Luwanda, T .R . Glass, D . Mpundunga, A . Chale, L . Samson, L . Muri, A . Ntamatungiro, C . Hatz, M . Tanner, E . Letang, M . Battegay (Basel, CH; Ifakara, TZ; Barcelona, ES) 40 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 4.2.3. Boston 1 (Health and social systems) Health workers patients interactions – key to compliance and adherence Convener and Chair: Sharon Fonn (Johannesburg, ZA) O. The human factor in the clinical management of infectious 15 .30 diseases of poverty in remote, low-resource settings. A discussion of four qualitative studies on healthcare provider attitudes and practices D . Hendrickx, R . Walker, J . Carapetis, M . Boelaert (Perth, AU; Antwerp, BE) O. Quality improvement of antenatal and intrapartum care 15 .45 services in Southern Tanzania: the health care workers‘ perspective J . Jaribu, S . Penfold, F . Manzi, J . Schellenberg, C . Pfeiffer (Basel, CH; Dar es Salaam, TZ; London, GB) O. Knowledge about Chagas disease of patients and health 16 .00 professionals in a non-endemic areas: are there differences? I . Claveria, J . Caro, H . Ouaarab, B . Treviño, N . Serre, D . Pou, A . Soriano, R .M . Morales, J . Gómez i Prat (Barcelona, ES) O. An operational comparative study of quinine and 16 .15 artesunate for the treatment of severe malaria in hospitals and health centres in The Democratic Republic of Congo: the MATIAS study G . Ferrari, H . Maggi Ntuku, C . Burri, A . Tshefu Kitoto, S . Duparc, P . Hugo, D . Kalemwa Mitembo, A . Ross, P .L . Ngwala, N . Luwawu, P .N . Musafiri, S . E . Ngoie, C . Lengeler (Basel, Geneva, CH; Kimpese, Kinshasa, Kisantu, Maluku, CD) 41 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 3.2.5. Boston 2 (Disease systems) Diagnosis and management of cutaneous leishmaniasis in travellers Convener and Chair: Johannes Blum (Basel, CH) INV. Harmonization of molecular diagnosis for Leishmania 15 .30 species-specific treatment Ingrid Felger (Basel, CH) INV. Comparison of Leishmania species typing results in 15 .50 17 European clinical laboratories G . Van der Auwera, A . Bart, C . Chicharro, S . Cortes, L . Davidsson, T . Di Muccio, I . Felger, M . Grazia Paglia, F . Grimm, G . Harms, C .L . Jaffe, T . Kortbeek, I . Maes, M . Manser, C . Ravel, F . Robert-Gangneux, S . Töz, J .J . Verweij, P . Chiodini (Antwerp, BE; Amsterdam, Bilthoven, Tilburg, NL; Madrid, ES; Lisbon, PT; Stockholm, SE; Rome, IT; Basel, Zurich, CH; Berlin, DE; Jerusalem, IL; London, GB; Montpellier, Rennes, FR; Izmir, TR) INV. Worldwide diversity of leishmaniasis: harmonized 16 .10 collection of data and isolates by the European “LeishMan” network B . Henry, G . Morizot, J . Blum, G . Van der Auwera, J . Clerinx, G . Harms, A . Bart, M . Armstrong, C . Ravel, F . Robert- Gangneux, J .-P . Gangneux, I . Felger, M . Bailey, M . Grögl, D . Lockwood, P . Buffet (Montpellier, Paris, Rennes, FR; Basel, CH; Antwerp, BE; Berlin, DE; Amsterdam, NL; Birmingham, London, GB; Silver Spring, US) INV. Visceral leishmaniasis in London- identifying immuno- 16 .30 suppression as a risk factor D . Lockwood, K . Fletcher, R . Issa (London, GB) INV. Recommendations for management for cutaneous and 16 .50 mucosal leishmaniasis: case studies and discussion J . Blum (Basel, CH) 42 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 3.2.7. Shanghai 1 (Disease systems) Geospatial health Convener and Chair: Jürg Utzinger (Basel, CH) INV. A new age in epidemiology – a thermodynamic paradigm 15 .30 for studying disease vector’s habitats & life cycles using NASA’s remote sensing data Jeffrey C . Luvall (Huntsville, US) O. Malaria incidence and temperature show a steady and 16 .00 correlated increase between 2003 till 2014 in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo: a spatio-temporal analysis E .M . Sompwe, E . Hasker, M . Kasombe, O . Luboya, A . Mapatano, P . Lutumba, J .-P . Van Geertruyden (Antwerp, BE; Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, CD) O. A fine-scale geospatial analysis of factors associated with 16 .15 monkeypox transmission, Tshuapa District, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2013 B .P . Monroe, A . Mccollum, J . Doty, L . Osadebee, L . Nolen, J . Kabamba, E . Okitolonga, M . Reynolds (Atlanta, US; Kinshasa, CD) O. Bayesian risk profiling and model-based prediction of 16 .30 soil-transmitted helminth infections among schoolchildren from Côte d’Ivoire R .B . Yapi, F . Chammartin, C .A . Houngbedji, E . Hürlimann, P .B . N‘Dri, D .K . Silué, E .K . N‘Goran, J . Utzinger, P . Vounatsou, G . Raso (Abidjan, CI; Basel, CH) O. Mapping and modelling the geographical distribution and 16 .45 environmental limits of podoconiosis in Ethiopia K . Deribe, J . Cano, M .J . Newport, N . Golding, R .L . Pullan, H . Sime, A . Gebretsadik, A . Assefa, A . Kebede, A . Hailu, M .P . Rebollo, O . Shafi, M .J . Bockarie, A . Aseffa, S .I . Hay, R . Reithinger, F . Enquselassie, G . Davey, S .J . Brooker (Brighton, Liverpool, London, Oxford, GB; Addis Ababa, ET; Bethesda, Seattle, Washington, US) 15 .30 – 16 .30 Tropical Medicine & International Shanghai 2 Health (TMIH) Workshop 2: Storytelling for scientists: the drama of biomedical research papers Organizer: Susanne Groener (London, GB) 43 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 Scientific Pr og ramme 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 3.5.1. Kairo 1 (Disease systems) Research priorities in obstetrics and reproductive health Convener and Chair: Shally Awasthi (Lucknow, IN) INV. Research priorities for implementation and generation 15 .30 of evidence in obstetrics and reproductive health for countries in need Suneeta Mittal (New Delhi, IN) O. Addressing hidden barriers to institutional deliveries – 16 .00 a key intervention for reducing maternal mortality in rural Zambia V .M . Mukonka, F .M . McAuliffe, S . Malumo, C . Sialubanje, P . Fitzpatrick (Lusaka, Monze, Ndola, ZM; Dublin, IE) O. Related factors of inter-community of women with 16 .15 gestational diabetes in postpartum diabetes screening S .F . Vasegh Rahimparvar, L . Rashidi (Tehran, IR) O. A national programme of freely-available ambulance 16 .30 transportation for women in labour halves maternal mortality in Ethiopia: an operational analysis from Tigray Region H . Godefay, J . Kinsman, K . Admasu, P . Byass (Addis Ababa, Mekelle, ET; Umeå, SE; Johannesburg, ZA) O. Maternal body mass index and adverse pregnancy 16 .45 outcomes: a Ghanaian cohort study E .L . van der Linden, J .L . Browne, K .M . Vissers, E . Antwi, I .A . Agyepong, D .E . Grobbee, K . Klipstein-Grobusch (Ede, Utrecht, NL; Accra, Greater Accra Region, GH; Johannesburg, ZA) 44 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Monday, 7 September 2015 15 .30 – 17 .00 Parallel Session 4.5.4. Kairo 2 (Health and social systems) Arthropode-borne diseases Convener and Chair: Jose Muñoz (Barcelona, ES) O. Seasonality of dengue epidemic potential in Europe – 15 .30 based on vectorial capacity for Aedes mosquitoes J .L . Helmersson, M . Quam, H . Stenlund, A . Wilder-Smith, K . Ebi, E . Massad, J . Rocklov (Umea, SE; Singapore, SG; Seattle, US; Sao Paulo, BR) Download 23,86 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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