flies, they have to raise their arms and flap them like wings, but if
it does not fly they have to keep their arms still. Anyone who
a mistake is out of the game, and the winner is the one
who is left at the end of the game
This is an exciting and fun game for children.
Print out pictures of
various things, making two copies of each picture. Spread one
copy of each picture upside down on the ground and keep the
other copy with you.
Show the children a picture, and let them
find the matching picture, then show
them the second picture
and let them find its match, and so on. There follow some
pictures that you could photocopy and use for this game.
This eBook is solely for marwa_ghazi.b@hotmail.com personal use only.
eDarussalam does not permits to copy and distribute it to others.
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