Ee 174 Spring 2016 Operational Amplifiers
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EE 174 Spring 2016Operational AmplifiersContents
Brief History of Op-AmpVacuum Tube Op-Amps (1930’s-1940’s) Dual-supply voltage of +300/-300 V Output swing +/- 50 volts Open-loop voltage gain of 15,000 to 20,000, Slew rate of +/- 12 volts/µsecond Maximum output current of 1 mA George Philbrick Solid State Discrete Op-Amps (1960’s) Dual-supply voltage of +15/-15 V Output swing +/- 11 volts Open-loop voltage gain of 40,000, Slew rate of +/- 1.5 volts/µsecond Maximum output current of 2.2 mA Monolithic IC Op-Amp
Internal Op-Amp Circuits +V2: Non-inverting input -V1: Inverting input +Vs: Positive source PS -Vs: Negative source PS Vout: Output voltage ON: Offset Null NC: Not Connected Op-Amp Ideal, Equivalent Circuit, Characteristics and Features Ideal Op-Amp Op-Amp Equivalent Circuit Op-Amp Symbol Op-Amp Characteristics 741 Op-Amp Features 1) The input impedance Ri is infinite - i.e. no current flows into either input. 2) The output impedance Ro is zero - i.e. the op-amp can drive any load impedance to any voltage. 3) The open-loop gain (A) is infinite. 4) The bandwidth is infinite. 5) The output voltage is zero when the input voltage difference is zero. 6) The slew rate is infinite
vd = v+ - v- vo = Avd = A(v+ – v-) Note: v+ = v2, v- = v1 Op-Amp two basic operations The Non-inverting Op Amp The Inverting Op Amp Op-Amp Gain Open loop gain: This form of gain is measured when no feedback is applied to the op amp. Closed loop gain: This form of gain is measured when the feedback loop is closed and the overall gain of the circuit is much reduced. It has two forms, signal gain and noise gain. The expression for the gain of a closed-loop amplifier involves the open-loop gain. If G is the actual gain, NG is the noise gain, and AVOL is the open-loop gain of the amplifier, then: Loop gain: The difference between the open-loop gain and the closed-loop gain is known as the loop gain. This is useful information because it gives you the amount of negative feedback that can apply to the amplifier system. Since the open-loop gain is very high, the closed-loop gain of the circuit is simply the noise gain. Signal Gain and Noise Gain Signal gain: This is the gain applied to the input signal, with the feedback loop connected. It can be inverting or non-inverting. It can even be less than unity for the inverting case. Signal gain is the gain that we are primarily interested in when designing circuits. Noise gain: This is the gain applied to a noise source in series with an op amp input. It is also the gain applied to an offset voltage. Noise gain is equal to the signal gain of a non-inverting amp. It is the same for either an inverting or non-inverting stage. It is the noise gain that is used to determine stability. Summary of Signal Gain and Noise Gain Op-Amp Gain and Bandwidth The Voltage Gain (A) of the operational amplifier can be found using the following formula: and in Decibels or (dB) is given as:
Applying feedback will reduce the gain but increase the bandwidth. Gain-bandwidth (GBW) product is defined as the open-loop gain multiplied by the bandwidth. The GBW product can be used to calculate the closed-loop gain bandwidth.
GBW/closed-loop gain = closed-loop BW Closed-loop BW = GBW / A Example 1: If the GBW is 10 MHz @ unity gain and the closed-loop gain is 10. Closed-loop BW = 10 MHz/10 = 1 MHz
Gain: 20 log A = 70 dB log A = 70/20 = 3.5
Closed-loop BW = 1 MHz/3162 = 316 Hz Gain Bandwidth Product (GBP) Gain Bandwidth Product Examples Given the open loop gain graph for an op-amp as shown.
Solutions: a) 88 dB = 20 log A A = 104.4 = 25,119 Closed loop BW = 1 M / 25,119 ≈ 40 Hz b) Gain A = 1M / 200 = 5,000 or 70.45 dB c) Gain A = 1M / 250K = 4 or 12 dB
250K 12dB
Bode Plot Example Given a transfer function: H(s) = = 3.3
Constant gain = 3.3 Gain in dB = 20 log (3.3) 10 dB Pole at 30 rad/sec Phase = 45o at 30 rad/sec
The op amp has three distinct regions of operation: Linear region (−Vsat < Vo < Vsat), positive (Vo > Vsat) and negative saturation Vo < −Vsat . The output voltage of a practical amplifier cannot exceed certain threshold value is called saturation. A voltage amplifier behaves linearly, i.e., Vo/Vi = Av = constant as long as the output voltage remains below the “saturation” voltage,
Note that the saturation voltage, in general, is not symmetric. For an amplifier with a given gain, Av, the above range of Vo translate into a certain range for Vi
Any amplifier will enter its saturation region if Vi is raised above certain limit. The figure shows how the amplifier output clips when amplifier is not in the linear region. Example: For Av = 105, Vsat,1 = L- = -12V, Vsat,2 = L+ = +15V, find range of input Vi to prevent saturation. Solution: -12V / 105 < Vi < 15V / 105 or -0.12mV < Vi < 0.15mV Op-Amp slew rate basics Square Wave: The slew rate (SR)of an op amp is the rate of change in the output voltage caused by a step change on the input. It is measured as a voltage change in a given time - typically V / µs. The slew rate may be very important in many applications. For the given graph, it takes 2 µs to swing 10 V so SR = 5V/ µs. Sine Waves: The maximum rate of change for a sine wave occurs at the zero crossing and may derived as follows: Given vo = VP sin(2π f t) Slew Rate (SR) = = 2π f VP cos(2π f t) SR = 2π fmax VP
= 2π f VP t = 0 Example:
Given an application where an op amp is required to amplify a signal with a peak amplitude of 5 volts at a frequency of 25kHz. What is the slew rate requirement? Solution: SR = 2 π x 25 000 x 5 = 785,000V/s or 0.785V/µs or higher would be required V/µs
max Op-Amp slew rate Example Given: Slew rate S0 = 1 V/μs; input voltage vin (t) = sin(2π × 105t); closed loop gain AV =10.
Solutions: 1) With the closed-loop voltage gain of 10 vo (t) = 10 sin(2π × 105t) = Aω = A x 2π x f = 10 × 2π × 105 = 6.28 V/μs max
2) fmax = SR / (A x 2π) = 1 x 106 / (10 x 2π) = 15.9 kHz Input Offset Voltage: Input offset voltage is defined as the voltage that must be applied between the two input terminals of an OPAMP to null or zero the output. fig. 2, shows that two dc voltages are applied to input terminals to make the output zero. Vio = Vdc1 – Vdc2 Vdc1 and Vdc2 are dc voltages and RS represents the source resistance. Vio is the difference of Vdc1 and Vdc2. It may be positive or negative. For a 741C OPAMP the maximum value of Vio is 6mV. It means a voltage ± 6 mV is required to one of the input to reduce the output offset voltage to zero. The smaller the input offset voltage the better the differential amplifier, because its transistors are more closely matched. Input Offset Current: The input offset current Iio is the difference between the currents into inverting and non-inverting terminals of a balanced amplifier. Iio = | IB1 – IB2 | The Iio for the 741C is 200nA maximum. As the matching between two input terminals is improved, the difference between IB1 and IB2 becomes smaller, i.e. the Iio value decreases further. For a precision OPAMP 741C, Iio is 6 nA Op-Amp Offset Parameters fig. 2 Input Bias Current: The input bias current IB is the average of the current entering the input terminals of a balanced amplifier i.e. IB = (IB1 + IB2 ) / 2 For 741C IB(max) = 700 nA and for precision 741C IB = ± 7 nA Offset Voltage Adjustment Range: 741 OPAMP have offset voltage null capability. Pins 1 and 5 are marked offset null for this purpose. It can be done by connecting 10 K ohm pot between 1 and 5 as shown in fig. 3. By varying the potentiometer, output offset voltage (with inputs grounded) can be reduced to zero volts. Thus the offset voltage adjustment range is the range through which the input offset voltage can be adjusted by varying 10 K pot. For the 741C the offset voltage adjustment range is ± 15 mV.
Example: Determine the output voltage in each of the following cases for the open loop differential amplifier of fig. 4:
Specifications of the OPAMP are given below: A = 200,000, Ri = 2 M Ω , R O = 75Ω, + VCC = + 15 V, - VEE = - 15 V, and output voltage swing = ± 14V. Solution: (a). The output voltage of an OPAMP is given by Remember that vo = 2.4 V dc with the assumption that the dc output voltage is zero when the input signals are zero. (b). The output voltage equation is valid for both ac and dc input signals. The output voltage is given by Thus the theoretical value of output voltage vo = -2000 V rms. However, the OPAMP saturates at ± 14 V. Therefore, the actual output waveform will be clipped as shown fig. 5. This non-sinusoidal waveform is unacceptable in amplifier applications.
Op-Amp Offset Example Op-Amp Applications If R1 = R2 and R3 = R4 Differential Amplifier Op-Amp Applications i = 0 A For the ideal op amp shown below, what should be the value of resistor Rf to obtain a gain of 5? Find i, if and vo.
Solutions: Gain = AV = 1.468 = 3.335 dB 2) Given gain RF/RS = 100, GBW product = A0 ω0 = K = 4π × 106 . Determine the overall 3-dB bandwidth of the cascade amplifier below: Solutions: The 3-dB bandwidth for each amplifier is: Thus, the bandwidth of the cascade amplifier is 4π × 104, the cascade amplifier gain is A1A1= 100 × 100 = 104. To achieve the same gain with a single-stage amplifier having the same K, the bandwidth would be
Gain of -10 Use inverting Op-Amp where gain A = - R2/R1 = -10 To attain desired input resistance R1 = 500 kΩ R2 = 5MΩ. These values exceed the maximum values allowed. To attain large input resistance with moderate resistances for an inverting amplifier, we cascade a voltage follower with an inverter. To achieve the desired gain = - 10. Choose R1 = 1 kΩ R2 = 10 kΩ. R2
The comparator is an electronic decision making circuit that makes use of an operational amplifiers very high gain in its open-loop state, that is, there is no feedback resistor. The Op-amp comparator compares one analogue voltage level with another analogue voltage level, or some preset reference voltage, VREF and produces an output signal based on this voltage comparison. In other words, the op-amp voltage comparator compares the magnitudes of two voltage inputs and determines which is the largest of the two. Then an op-amp comparator can be configured to operate in what is called an inverting or a non-inverting configuration.
The Schmitt trigger is a comparator application which switches the output negative when the input passes upward through a positive reference voltage. It then uses positive feedback of a negative voltage to prevent switching back to the other state until the input passes through a lower threshold voltage, thus stabilizing the switching against rapid triggering by noise as it passes the trigger point. That is, it provides feedback which is not reversed in phase, but in this case the signal that is being fed back is a negative signal and keeps the output driven to the negative supply voltage until the input drops below the lower design threshold. The Schmitt Trigger The Schmitt Trigger A variation of the previous circuit is the single power supply op-amp Schmitt trigger circuit. This circuit does not require positive and negative voltage for the op-amp to operate. The negative voltage of the op-amp is connected directly to the ground (0V) of the circuit. The calculation of the two threshold points is different. To calculate the High Threshold Level, you solve the following formula:
Let V = 5V, R1 = R2 = RFB = 10 kΩ. RTOT = 10 kΩ // 10 kΩ = 5 kΩ VTH = 5 V x (10 kΩ / 15 kΩ) = 3.4 V VTL = 5 V x (5 kΩ / 15 kΩ) = 1.7 V 3.4 V
1.7 V 5.0 V
0.0 V with Schmitt Trigger without Schmitt Trigger References:
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