Operatsion kuchaytirgich
bu differensial kirish va, odatda, bitta uchli chiqishga ega bo'lgan DC bilan bog'langan yuqori daromadli elektron kuchlanish kuchaytirgichi.
it is a DC-coupled high-gain electronic voltage amplifier with a differential input and usually a single-ended output.
notijorat Signal Foundation va uning sho'ba korxonasi Signal Messenger MChJ tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan o'zaro platforma markazlashtirilgan shifrlangan tezkor xabar almashish xizmati.
is a cross-platform centralized encrypted instant messaging service developed by the non-profit Signal Foundation and its subsidiary Signal Messenger LLC.
Fazali modulyatsiya
modulyatsiyaning bir turi boʻlib, unda tashuvchi toʻlqinning fazasi axborot signaliga mutanosib ravishda oʻzgaradi.
is a type of modulation in which the phase of the carrier wave changes proportionally to the information signal.
Elektr kuchlanish
elektr va tashqi kuchlarning birlik musbat zaryadni zanjirning aniq bir qismida koʻchirishida bajargan ishiga teng boʻlgan fizik kattalik. Elektr kuchlarning zanjir qismida birlik musbat zaryadni koʻchirishda bajargan ishi shu qism uchlaridagi potensiallar farqi (f,—F2ʼʼ) ga teng. Tashqi kuchlarning birlik musbat zaryadni koʻchirishda bajargan ishi esa zanjirning shu qismidagi elektr yurituvchi kuch (e.yu.k.) ye ga teng. SI da Elektr kuchlanish ning birligi volt. Elektr kuchlanishni voltmetr yordamida oʻlchanadi.
a physical quantity equal to the work done by electric and external forces in moving a unit positive charge in a specific part of the circuit. The work performed by electric forces in moving a unit positive charge in the circuit part is equal to the potential difference (f,-F2'') at the ends of this part. The work done by external forces in moving a unit positive charge is equal to the electromotive force (emf) in this part of the circuit. The SI unit of electric voltage is the volt. Voltage is measured using a voltmeter.
Inverslaydigan jamlovchi qurilma
Jamlash qurilmasi bir nechta kuchaytirilgan kirish signallarining algebraik yig‘indisiga teng bo‘ladigan kuchlanishni shakllantirish uchun xizmat qiladi, ya’ni matematik qo‘shish amalini bajaradi. Bunda kirish signali inverslanadi.
The adding device serves to form a voltage equal to the algebraic sum of several amplified input signals, that is, it performs a mathematical addition operation. In this case, the input signal is inverted.