critical apparatus Information captured in notes and marginalia that indicate variations in source documents that form the basis of a definitive edition of a text that no longer exists in the original version.
kritik apparat Asl nusxada mavjud bo'lmagan matnning aniq nashri uchun asos bo'lgan manba hujjatlardagi o'zgarishlarni ko'rsatadigan eslatmalarda va chegaralarda olingan ma'lumotlar.
critical edition, A text that has been published with an editor’s extensive annotations, commenting on variations between different versions of the text and that provides an understanding of the text based on other sources
tanqidiy nashr, muharrirning keng qamrovli izohlari bilan nashr etilgan, matnning turli versiyalari o'rtasidagi farqlarni sharhlaydigan va boshqa manbalar asosida matnni tushunishni ta'minlaydigan matn.
cross-reference, An entry in a list, index, or catalog that points to other headings.Cross-references may establish a preferred heading among equivalent headings. For example, a cross-reference from one form of an individual’s name to another A cross-reference may indicate more general or more specific headings (cats, see pets; cats, see Siamese cats).
oʻzaro havola boshqa sarlavhalarga ishora qiluvchi roʻyxat, indeks yoki katalogdagi yozuv. Oʻzaro havolalar ekvivalent sarlavhalar orasida afzal sarlavhani oʻrnatishi mumkin. Masalan, shaxs nomining bir shaklidan boshqasiga oʻzaro bogʻliqlik koʻproq umumiy yoki aniqroq sarlavhalarni koʻrsatishi mumkin (mushuklar, uy hayvonlariga qarang; mushuklar, Siam mushuklariga qarang).
crosswalk 1. The relationships between the elements of two or more data structures. – 2. A chart or diagram that indicates the correspondence between two systems. Notes: A crosswalk between format and Dublin Core would indicate that a title is entered in MARC field 245 and tagged Title in Dublin Core.