cumulative index All items of movable cultural property; Human remains and tissues; Immovable cultural property Documentation of Indigenous Peoples’ heritage in archives, film, photographs, videotape or audiotape and all forms of media. The heritage of an Indigenous people is a living one and includes objects, knowledge and literary and artistic works which may be created in the future based on that heritage
yig'indisi ko'char madaniy boyliklarning barcha ob'ektlari; Inson qoldiqlari va to'qimalari; Ko'chmas madaniy mulk Arxivlar, kino, fotosuratlar, video yoki audiotasmalarda va barcha ommaviy axborot vositalarida mahalliy xalqlar merosini hujjatlashtirish. Mahalliy xalqning merosi tirikdir va bu meros asosida kelajakda yaratilishi mumkin bo'lgan narsalar, bilimlar va adabiy va san'at asarlarini o'z ichiga oladi
cumulative index, An index that combines entries from previous indexes to provide integrated access to a larger body of material
kümülatif indek kattaroq materialga integratsiyalashgan kirishni ta'minlash uchun oldingi indekslardagi yozuvlarni birlashtiradigan indeks
curator, 1. An individual responsible for oversight of a collection or an exhibition. – 2. The administrative head of a museum or collectio
kurator, 1. To'plam yoki ko'rgazma ustidan nazorat qilish uchun mas'ul shaxs. – 2. Muzey yoki kolleksiyaning ma’muriy rahbari
current records, Records that continue to be used with sufficient frequency to justify keeping them in the office of creation; active records.
joriy yozuvlar, ularni yaratish idorasida saqlashni oqlash uchun etarli chastota bilan foydalanishda davom etayotgan yozuvlar; faol yozuvlar