daguerreotype A photograph made on a silver-coated copper plate and developed using fumes of mercury.
dagerreotip Kumush bilan qoplangan mis plastinkada olingan va simob bug'lari yordamida ishlab chiqilgan fotosurat
DAT digital audio tapeData often is used to refer to information in its most atomized form, as numbers or facts that have not been synthesized or interpreted, such as the initial readings from a gauge or obtained from a survey. In this sense, data is used as the basis of information, the latter distinguished by recognized patterns or meaning in the data. The phrase ‘raw data’ may be used to distinguish the original data from . Data is independent of any medium in which it is captured. Data is intangible until it has been recorded in some medium. Even when captured in a document or other form, the content is distinct from the carrier
DAT raqamli audio tasmasiData ko'pincha o'zining eng atomlashtirilgan ko'rinishidagi ma'lumotlarga murojaat qilish uchun ishlatiladi, ular sintez qilinmagan yoki izohlanmagan raqamlar yoki faktlar, masalan, o'lchagichning dastlabki o'qishlari yoki so'rovdan olingan. Shu ma'noda ma'lumotlar ma'lumotlarning asosi sifatida ishlatiladi, ikkinchisi ma'lumotlarning tan olingan naqshlari yoki ma'nosi bilan ajralib turadi. "Xom ma'lumotlar" iborasi asl ma'lumotni dan ajratish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. Ma'lumotlar u olingan har qanday vositadan mustaqildir. Ma'lumotlar ma'lum bir vositada yozib olinmaguncha nomoddiy hisoblanadi. Hujjat yoki boshqa shaklda olingan bo'lsa ham, kontent tashuvchidan farq qiladi
data dictionary Documentation of the names of entities used in a software application or database, including in each entry its definition where and how it is used, and its relationship to other data. Notes: Named entities can include variables, data objects, functions, types, procedures, files, directories, or devices
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