I want to write a really clear chapter for you
that explains exactly why
punctuation is key because without punctuation we would be faced with
incredibly long sentences that never seem to end or have any direction to
them instead they simply continue onwards
until some cataclysmic event
stops them or perhaps the cat comes to sit on the laptop forcing the writer to
pay attention to the cat wanting to have dinner rather than focusing on how to
form a punchy punctuation chapter that inspires people to use punctuation
correctly which whilst the writer pauses to think about the cat at that moment
fortunately puts its tail on the period button.
Wow! That was uncomfortable, wasn’t it?
That is because life without
punctuation is uncomfortable as it simply loses meaning and we are unable to
communicate effectively.
Think of punctuation as the conductor in an orchestra. As part of an
orchestra, you have the strings section,
the brass section, the percussion
section, and the wind section. These represent our verbs, nouns,
and adverbs. If all of these sections were to play at once, or in an unorganized
way, the sound they would make would be terrible. Enter center stage, the
conductor. The function of this person is to manage all of the different
sections and organize them so they play at different
times and for different
reasons. The result is a beautiful, melodic piece of music.
The same goes for punctuation. It serves as a way to organize our written
language so that the reader knows where one sentence starts and where
another one begins. As well as this, different
forms of punctuation can be
used to emphasize certain parts of the sentence, such as an exclamation mark
which indicates surprise or shock to the reader.
So rather than having long, rambling sentences about your cat, learn how to
become a punctuation pro and you will certainly impress with your writing