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11 sinf Ingliz tili imtihon javoblari 2023
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- CARD*5
ARD 41. Write about schoo ,rules. What rules do you disaè ðLvŸitÍiacy s 001 What would you change a oùr..chó Support your ideas•with.relevant exampl Answer: Scilool rules are put. •n•niaintain order ductive learning environtqent. Som? common chool rules include o policies, attendance requ)Fements, aŽtdenhiç. integrity policies, and behavioral t' s While most sch I leQtrg generallÿaccepted, there may e;som that students disagree with. For example, me students ma feel that dress€ódes and do not allow f01i: individual p sion. thers m feel that' certiin,discåplinary actions are unfair or di roportiona . I s ent disagrees with sch rule, th y can voice their concerns thr gh appropå•iatechannels, such speakin ith t cber, school counselor, or principal. They\may also choose to bring u -'the issue a school boa meeting or through student counci In terms 01what a student wguld change about their school, it may vary depending on their personal experiences.,andsopinions. For example, some students may suggest changes to the school's curriculum, facilities, or extracurricular programs. Others may suggest changes to the way disciplinary actions are handled or how school policies are communicated to students. Ultimately, any proposed changes should be supported by relevantGamples and reasoning that demonstrate how the change Id benefit the overall school mmunity. 2. Speak about saving money. What do you usually spend mon What are good tips to save on For what would you like" u Answer: Saving money » an imp kill to have, especlallÿ inv ay's.economy. It +1 ows individuals to have a firhan ushion for unexpected expeñses, as Avell a work-towards long-term goals suchAþuying or retiring comfortabl To save money, it's important•to It-st track your •areas where ou may be overspending. cutting back on sating out scriptions. Additionally, it')ùimp t t a budget and stiCk to it..This means Friq@ýzing necessary expenses such aSfe@Vandu • ities before discretiénaryrspendin& Another wa is to look for deals aliá purchases. This can inclu usihgv pons or shopping dur• es. When purchases, it's important researc d compare pricqS to re you are getting-tv est deal. Ultimately, f saving money dan Qary depending-on the individual's goals. Some may yant;to s down payment on å,house'óf cayxyhile—òthers may want to build an elÐèrgencyq. funds It's important to ha clear•idea-ofwhat y u re saving for and to stay mmiti d toyo goals. CARD*5meal.-Why do you like it? Explain how to cook it. Answer: My favorite m 'Palo very flavorful and satisfyip To cook Palov, you wi need the olÎojvingin redients: 2 cups of basmati rice pound of lamb or beef, ut 1 tot Small pieces medium-sized onions, hoppe 2 medium-sized carrots, cuténto thin striþs 1 cup of chickpeas;soaked oQernigh I tablespooffof cumin seeds I tablesþoon of paprika 1 tablespoon of s It 1 teaspoon of blac epp 1/ cup of vege bl oil 3 ups of water
minUÿes, then drain. Heat vegetable oil in a large t over medi dd the onions and cook until they are Soft and golden. Add the 'cook until browned on all sides. Add the carrots, chickpeas, cumin seeds, paprika, salt, and black pepper to the pot. Mix everything together and cook for a few minutes. Add the rice to the pot and stir everything together. Pour the water over the rice and þnng the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover therpothwith a lid, and simmer for the rice is fully cooked and the-liquid lids ban absorbed. O nce the Palov is done, fluffthe ricvwith-yfork and let it rest for 5-10 mi Palov is a great dish to celebrations. I hope you pnJ0Y coo d eating it! 2. Speak about online lessons.ž._ Do you think onlin •ICOons are•ctive? Why/Why not. What are the goodied bag•yidçs ofonline studying Answer: Online lessons-ft*ècome more popular • recent yèar§, e peciall due to the COVID-19 panF1ieåen ssons can be effective because they aÄ10w.gydents to attend classes from n internet flexibility in scheduling. In addition, on offer a range of inteK1ctive featuràkuch as live chat and video conferenci , Whic n enhance the learnin ence. However, Iso have some dr4wþac . One of the biggest-shallenges is the lack of face-to- c between students and teachers.,Jhis can make it more difficult for studentstožask s and receive feedbaclÇwhiCh •vely impact their learning Additionally, internet connectivitý"andtechnical issue an disrupt the lesson and sons can be effective-if.tudents hav c to the right resources and if th teacher is able o deliver thexqpntenceffectively. It is importaét for schools alid educators 'provide students thealecessary ofSì lid resources to o address any challenges- that may arise. ARD 2 1. You are going to app yr,for a sfôreign university. Write a formal eeail to the admission committee asking ab ut application procedure. Request about progra eq •red dðcuments d dlines, scholarshi o ortunitle d etc. Answer: Dear Sir/Mada I am writing to reques •nfoymation bo the esteemed university. lam in [ins.youfdesive program/major here] and wouldlike•tœknovv-moreabout-thé ypplication process ändrequirþments. I would appreciate it if you could provide-mé with the foll rmatión: — A listk)f availablœprograms foÈinternational students — AdÆission req relhents and necesary documents Deadlines for ittlng the applic tion Details about sch arship Opportuni •es for internati6håÎßtud — hny other relt I n d to take ized tests apply f the ph- 1 1001$ forward to hearing from you on and th pk you for con jdering my request. SinceFeJy, [Your Name] 2. Speak about personalitie • How wouldÿou.døçribe-ÿourself? Who and what makes you angry? When and why do you have arguments? When do you like being alone? Answer: Describing oneself is bjective and complex task. Spme people might describe themselves as outgoing, adve o or creative, while like shy, Everyone has different triglers angry, whether it's injustice, disresp feeling threatened. Some angry more easilythåÑothers, and it' imp to manage our anger in a healthy wa Arguments can happen'•in- ind of relationship, whether it's 'l , @lds, or colleagues. They be d by miscommunicatl differing.ì inions, or misunderstandings. S-importaklt to try to commu effe •ve nd listen the other person's perspecti o oide lation. Some people erÿ0è[ a to recharge theiç: and have Ime@iñtrospection, while others might¿feel ly or uncomfortablé.qt SimpÒ*tant to find a balance between socializing alone, depending on ne's ne anðpreferences. 1. Would pe g d ea to have separate days off every-week, instead of a weekend? Why/Why your opinio SuÞpor your argument. Answ Inqany ðpinion, it would n be ood idea to yea-Se rate days off every week steac!o ayeelgnd. Having a weekend that is Shared by "people provides y benefits at wou bel'if days off werfktaggered ihroyghòu¼the week. Ffrstly, havin shared weekend an for people to en ge so • I activities,and'spend time with friends and family.df everyohe had different Oåýžoff, be difficult to coordinate ari•ange grouþ livities, resultin a decreti in workweek; ich is essential for mental and producfivity.NAWeekend allows people o relax;pursue hobbies and interests, and rec rge th ir batteries before turning to work. hys off werestaggered throughout the week, ople ould,not ha•v€a c nÀistent break fro h could lead to burnout and decreasèfl product%twonally; þåving a shared.eeken neficial for businesses and the econony. Many nesseS and services oðerateå)tV onday to Friday schedule, whiçh.meansthaVa•sbaredaweekendAlows people to shop, dine o t, and participate in leisure-activities, boostin cOnomic-acfivity and gr one Ion, while having separat&days off every week m seem appealing to s e 1 e that the benefits of a sharqd weekend futweigh any poteñÿial advantages of sta da 2. Read the parag aph and tell you opinion. Answer the questio Gehres of literatyr re important to arn. The two•tiilailñategoñšseparating the different geþres of literature e fiction and nohfiction. There genres of literature that fall under these categor N6nfiction refÓs to literáture On facps. It is the broadest category ofliterature.YOu,ai1 ndmany ofbžs autbbiography, business, health createdvfrom imagination. It is divided into three poetry, narratives. and 11011fìcti0h literature? Answer: The difference between fiction and nonfiction literature is that fiction is created from imagination and is not based on real events or people, while nonfiction literature is based on facts and real events or people. Nonfiction literature can be furthàdivided into different categories such as history, scien tobiography, etc., while ficti literature can be divided into drama, poetry, and narrativ . Regarding personal preferenc •t va frðhl person to perso e m y p er nonfi tion literature to gain knowledge ÖinfOrmaii0Kon various topics, while others may Prefer ctiòn literature to enjoy the story„'ndtþe cha ters. Some may enþoýbóthtypes of lit tui•eequ fly. The choice depends on i dividual nterests, and pu oses of adin Download 149,97 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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