Farmasevtika instituti farmakologiya va klinik farmatsiya kafedrasi
Kurs ishini tashkil etish bo‘yich uslubiy ko‘rsatma
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- Tavsiya etilayotgan mustaqil ishlarning mavzulari
- Introduction Physiology
- Interdependence of science with other subjects in the curriculum and teaching theoretical logical sequence
- The role of science in production
- The modern information and educational science technology.
- In methods of studying the science of anatomy , physiology and functions of the medical and pharmaceutical importance
- Tissue structure, properties and functions .
- Ry to base apparatus . Sclera and muscle structure and function .
- Blood and lymph . The structure of the shape and behavior of the blood plasma.
- Echanisms of hemostasis . Blood groups , Rh - factor . The lymphatic
- Circulation . The structure and physiology of the heart . The structure and physiology of blood vessels .
- The movement of the blood vessels. Hemodynamics rules. Arterial pulse. The speed of movement. Mikrotsirkulyasiya. Vascular tone reflex and humoral managed. Blood
- Breathing . Respiratory physiology . The importance of healthy living breathing . The essence of the process of breathing and body ahamiyati.
- Digest . Members of the digestive structure and function . Oral cavity and stomach and the digestive process .
Kurs ishini tashkil etish bo‘yich uslubiy ko‘rsatma Fan bo‘yicha kurs ishi namunaviy o‘quv rejada rejalashtirilmagan. 4. Mustaqil ta‘limni tashkil etishning shakli va mazmuni Mustaqil ishlarni referat, test, jadval, vaziyatli masalalar shaklida amalga oshiriladi. Tavsiya etilayotgan mustaqil ishlarning mavzulari 1. Boshqarish va organizmni o‗z – o‗zini boshqarishi. Funksional tizimning boshqaruv mexanizmlari. Gomeotaz. Adaptatsiya. 2. Hujayraning fizik – kimyoviy tarkibi. Oqsillar. Uglevodlar. YOg‗lar. 3. Embrional elementlari. Urug‗lanish, maydalanish. Gastrulyasiya. Embrional varaqlardan to‗qima va a‘zolarning rivojlanishi. 4. Eritropoez. Leykpoez. Qon deposi. 5. Immunitet. Antitanalar. 6. Yurak faoliyatining tovushli belgilari. 7. Kislorod va karbonat angidrid gazini qon bilan tashilishi. 8. I.P.Pavlovning hazm sohasidagi ishlari. 9. Oziq moddalar (oqsillar, yog‗lar, uglevodlar, mineral tuzlar) ning qonga so‗rilish mexanizmlari. 10. Energiya almashinuvi. 11. Buyraklarning gomeostazdagi ahamiyati. 12. Ter chiqishi. Terning tarkibi. Yog‗ chiqishi. Dasturning informatsion – uslubiy ta‘minoti Fiziologiya, anatomiya asoslari fanini o‗zlashtirishda ajratilgan soatlar uchun laboratoriya mashg‗ulotlari va ma‘ruza darslari ta‘limning zamonaviy interfaol metodlari, pedagogik va axborot – kommunikatsiya texnologiyalarini qo‗llash orqali olib boriladi. - vegetativ asab tizimi bo‗limiga tegishli ma‘ruza darslarida komp‘yuter texnologiyalari yordamida prezentatsion va elektron – didaktik texnologiyalaridan: - yurak – qon tomir va nafas tizimi mavzularida o‗tkaziladigan laboratoriya mashg‗ulotlarida ―aqliy xujum‖, ―guruxli fikrlash‖, ―blits o‗yini‖, pedagogik texnologiyalaridan; - hazm tizimi, ajratish tizimi, moddalar almashinuvi va markaziy asab tizimi mavzularida o‗tkaziladigan laboratoriya mashg‗ulotlarida kichik gurux musobaqalari, guruhli fikrlash, pedagogik texnologiyalarini qo‗llash nazarda tutiladi. Introduction Physiology The human body structure and function of all living animals with great experience and a high degree of perfection . It is known that the development of the human body and its competitive conditions need to create a relationship with one of the important role . Therefore , people in the process of development of a number of evalyusion product of biological and social changes . Members of the human body tissue and is closely linked to one another . In addition , they have a connection with the surrounding environment , too . Both contacts are managed by the nervous and endocrine systems . Goals and objectives of science . Physiology , Anatomy Basics course students of the Institute of Pharmaceutical and biological laws of anatomical and histological structure of the system , studies the physiological processes of the body perfectly healthy . Pharmaceutical Institute of teaching the principles of human physiology and human anatomy, science , anatomy , histology and morphologic information related to the functions of organs and systems of thought desirable . In this method a deeper understanding of the physical laws , especially with the structure of the functions of a member of his obvious dependence of morphological information of interest to students , their learning easier . News reports of modern physiology , especially in the sciences ( biophysics , biochemistry , molecular biology , cytology , genetics , electronics , cybernetics , etc. ) should be tied . Metabolism , the nervous system andproperties , the process of movement , reflexes , humoral and nervous System Office of General Education . this so it is necessary to explain the nervous system Before learning systems nervous , humoral Office . Reports not only in the direction of modern physiology in medicine and pharmacy has an important show . The historical data , the fundamental properties of living and life evolving from the report of the general focus should be . In conjunction with the principles of human physiology and morphology , biology , explains about the integrity of the life of the students will help to expand the picture even more . Reported with the use of new methods of teaching technology exhibition paintings , drawings , multimedia , slides and educational films . The exploration of the subject Fundamentals of human physiology and anatomy laboratory studies of new methods of teaching technology " intellectual attack " , " Blitz game " , " wheel " , " Boomerang " and the use of the video . The science of the students ' knowledge , skills and abilities requirements Operations of physiology and anatomy and general biology students must have the following skills: 1. The animals know the body can in'eksiya; 2. Pulse assess the activity of the heart; 3. Blood pressure measurement (Korotkov and Riva-Roche method); 4. The red blood cells and white blood cells have a clear understanding and knowledge and their derivatives. 5. Neurosis and accurate information about the stress; 6. visual acuity and visual field specific knowledge to be able to apply and practice; 7. Hormonal drugs without having a clear and thorough knowledge of the ability to apply in practice; 8. Human hygiene, food rations, protein, meat, carbohydrate ratio. High-quality and low- quality proteins and their role in the body to recognize and use the knowledge of life. 9. gastritis and digestive diseases and prevent them to have a complete and accurate knowledge Interdependence of science with other subjects in the curriculum and teaching theoretical logical sequence 1. Biological link with the science of botany plant medicine , agriculture and zoology , genetics , molecular biology , implementing the achievements of science and knowledge . 2. Pathology and pathological science associations . For example : to teach the normal activity of the heart . 3. The science of biochemistry amino acids , proteins associated with gastric juice content and other topics . Recognize the universality of difference between inorganic and organic acids . 4. Latin , French , Russian and foreign languages to connect with . 5. Microbiology , biophysics and other science subjects and to generalization in the field of pharmacy . 6. In the field of culture and education , as well as patriotizm , his love for the people to be careful history , politekonomiya hukuqshunoslik and communicate with other subjects in this direction . The role of science in production Taught at the medical bilimgohlarda in physiology , anatomy bases . He said the structure of the body , which studies the mechanisms of functioning of vital processes in the body . Physiology , anatomy basis of the wide use of information based on experience in all areas of science . Collected information for a variety of medical specialists in the field of physiology , including pharmaceutical , very important for the students of the Institute . Because the body 's structure , its ongoing trends in the physiological processes in the body of the patient to know and understand the mechanism of the effect of the drug substances . The modern information and educational science technology. Fundamentals of physiology and anatomy is widely used in the modern study of computer science. All the sections of the test questions, and the share of the computer and the computer via the included Regularly check the level of students' theoretical knowledge. In addition physiology taught by leading professors and teachers on the topics of lectures and practical training in all the audio and video movies. Talk during movies, diafil'mlar models, macro and micropreparations films using modern teaching methods widely used technology. For example: 1. "The structure and functioning of the cell", "texture", "blood", "mechanisms of hemostasis", "Respiratory System", "Boomerang" and "Wheel" and "blitz" game modes. 2. "digestive", "muscle physiology" and "the exchange of materials and energy" and "intellectual attack", "set", "Wheel" methods of teaching technology. 3. "Separation", "endocrine glands", "central nervous system", the "autonomic nervous system" and "Boomerang" and "brainstorming", "Vertushka" technology, such as teaching methods are used. 4. During the lecture, "intellectual attack", "batch" methods are in use. The main part science Physiological and anatomical sciences, basic science , the role of higher medical teaching basic subjects . The importance of physiological and anatomical sciences in the development of preventive health areas to search for the origin of the disease and treatment . Medical biological experiments and analysis of the results of their common understanding of the principles . Modeling , types of facilities . In methods of studying the science of anatomy , physiology and functions of the medical and pharmaceutical importance Cell theory. A method to compare the evolution. The level of the cell structure of the electron microscope. Form of the cell of a living organism and kichikpigi. Nucleus, cytoplasm, Jude hide. The synthesis of nucleic acids in the protein and the role of genetic information. Cytoplasm, the cell layer, a function of their membrane ultra structure. The special role of Jude. Hide their importance. Body tissue structure and basic functions. Fiction concepts. Cell elements and intermediate compounds. Tissue types. Epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue structure and function. Connective tissue, kpassifikatsiyasi. Fabric tayanch- trophic and protective functions. Shaped in the form of soft and dense and reticular structure of the connective tissue. Endothelium. Underlie the structure and types. Bone tissue structure and function. Embryology elements and comprehensive information to students about the growth of the organism. And a common understanding about the growth and evolution of its forms. Female internal anatomy and the reproductive organs. The anatomical structure of the ovary and uterus. The physiology of the female genital organs. The formation of the cells of the egg follicles in the process of development and change. Women's reproductive cycle. Ovulyasiyadan previous and subsequent periods. Menstruation. After fertilising egg cells in the body changes. Yellow cell and its role in development. Pregnancy. Satellite formation and role. Ovarian hormonal function. Estrogen (estrogen, estradiol estreol) in the development of primary and secondary sexual characters and understanding about women's sex hormones. Tissue structure, properties and functions . Understanding about the tissue, cellular elements and substance. Tissue types. Epithelial tissue structure and activities. Glands, structure, classification and activity of the glands. Tissue, their classification. Based on the connective tissue, trophic and protection activities. Shape, density, density (forms and shapes) and reticular tissue collaborator. Ligament, tendons, and their significance. Endothelium. Cartilage and its types. Bone structure and its function. Muscle tissue. Their functions. Smooth muscle and cross-promote and property. Nerve tissue and function. The structure of neurons. Mielinli and mielinsiz nerve fibers. Their structure and properties. A common understanding about the excitement and excitability. Adequate and inadequate internal and external pathogens. Initiation and kuzg'aluvchanlikni methods. Nerve and muscle stimulyasiyasi. Fixed record. Bioelectric phenomena and discover their history. Peace and action potentials. Local, and the mass movement of their properties. Single fiber excitement appears to be understanding about the distribution process. Hypertext - the phenomenon of polarization and cell membrane independent depolyarizatsiyasi. The nerve fibers and nerve endings. Reflex and reflex arc. Homeostasis. Ry to base apparatus . Sclera and muscle structure and function . All living creatures, including man's life is also important. Animals and plants that separates the main character space with an active defense. Adapt to the external environment surrounding the animal reacts to the participation of the Office of the action. The skeleton of a man's skeleton consists of more than 200, including 95 pairs of bones, and the rest is odd. The weight of the skeleton 5 - 6 kg and men 10% of body weight, and 8.5% for women. Muscle (muscular), the active part of the device. The bones, ligament, fascii part of its liabilities. Bringing all the skeletal muscles: the head, body, hands and feet, and are exposed to the muscles and promote muscle tissue. A decrease in muscle cross-promote our own, in our mind, in connection with which these muscles are called voluntary muscles. Blood and lymph . The structure of the shape and behavior of the blood plasma. Blood and lymph the body's internal environment. The importance of blood and physiological limfaning. Understanding about the blood system. Amount of blood in the body. Blood. Shaped elements of the blood. Red blood cells, their structure, size and function. Hemoglobin, its composition, the gas exchange. Hemolysis. Drowning in red blood cells reactions (SOE). White blood cells and their role in the body. Phagocytosis. WBC Mido and types. Leucocytes formula. Leukocytosis and leukopenia. Platelets and their role. Don plasma, and combinations thereof. Physical and chemical properties of the blood. Specific gravity, viscosity. Osmotic pressure. The chemical composition of the plasma. Organic and inorganic moddalar.Fiziologik solutions.Izotonik replace the position of the hypertonic and hypotonic solutions.Blood solutionsBloodning Blood clotting Blood anti- clotting medicine to refill sistema.Blood its value. Mining groupps..Rezus factor.Blood the process of creation and the Breakdown of nerv- humoral manageable. The content and significance of lymph. Bo'lishi.Limfa lymph circulation. The role of the lymph nodes. Substances between the blood and lymph apmashinuvi. The mechanism of hemostasis. Echanisms of hemostasis . Blood groups , Rh - factor . The lymphatic Human blood plasma can be two different agglutinin . These are the letters of the Greek alphabet with the a and c . They are two types of erythrocytes agglyutinogenlar Latin alphabetical letters A and B are determined . Agglutinin a agglutinogens A - or if you come across one of agglutinin agglutinogens V - if you come across one of the cells agglyutinatsiyaga . Many people are performing more of a substance , that is , for the first time in 1940 and Landshteyner by the Viner Makati monkeys ( macacus resource ) found in the blood and therefore the rhesus factor ( Rh ) factor called . Circulation . The structure and physiology of the heart . The structure and physiology of blood vessels . The role of blood circulation in the body. Blood circulation about the historical development of the concept. General structure of the cardiovascular system. The structure of the heart. The topography of the heart. The structure of the heart valves. Histological structure of the wall of the heart. Pericardium, myocardium, endokard.YUrak vessels. Cardiac activity. Systolic, diastolic. Tonlari.ularning origin. Systolic and minute volume of the heart. Modern research methods. Hearts held in place ko'zg'alishning. Atypical transfer system of the heart muscle and the heart nodes. GIS. Avtomatiyasi. Highlighted the work of the heart. Stannius ligament. The skeletal muscle of the heart muscle compared with the excitement of the commodity. Absolute and relative refractory phase. The hearts of excitement. Bradycardia, tachycardia, extrasystole, compensation history and its origins. Rocking arrhythmia. "Whether or not the law," and his relative. "The law of the heart." The mechanism of formation of the heart's electrical laws elektrokardiogrammani. Elektrokardiogrammani record. The movement of the blood vessels. Hemodynamics rules. Arterial pulse. The speed of movement. Mikrotsirkulyasiya. Vascular tone reflex and humoral managed. Blood pressure functional support system. Events in all living organisms more complex biological conditions have been fulfilled, and the fluid movement of the blood in the laws of physics of movement does not reflect the Greek laws. However, out of the law Hydrodynamic movement of the blood vessels, the ability to take the following measures: 1) the strength of heart contractions and shot the increased blood volume, which determines the size of the potential provided by the blood xaprakatlanishini energy; 2) the wall of the blood vessel to prevent its movement as a result of friction resistance will spend the energy to deal with the same resistance. Breathing . Respiratory physiology . The importance of healthy living breathing . The essence of the process of breathing and body ahamiyati. Breathing bodies were a common vision. Nasal tuzilishi.Qo'shimcha air space. The structure of the mucous membranes of the nose. Burun'ning protection adaptation function. The larynx, and traxeya.bronxlar bronxiolalarning anatomical and histological tuzilishi.Tovush devices and mechanisms of sound production. Lung. The shape, the surface of the pieces, aspects of the location and boundaries of the lungs. Plevra.plevral bo'shliq.Plevra cavity pressure. Pneumothorax. Respiratory physiology. Tushuncha.Tashqi about the process of breathing and lung almashinuvi.alveolyar gases between air and blood gas exchange. Foreign breath. Respiratory mechanism. Lung ventilyasiyasi. The volume of air in the lungs. And alveolar gas exchange between external environment. Breathing and air composition. Digest . Members of the digestive structure and function . Oral cavity and stomach and the digestive process . The essence of the digestive process of the body and its importance. Digestive tract of general plans. Enzymes and their properties. To study the physiology of the digestive tract I.I.Pavlovning. Digestion methods. The structure of the walls of the digestive tract: mucous, muscular and serous crust in different parts of the digestive tract that kind of structure. The structure of the oral cavity. The walls of the cavity of the mouth and tongue, teeth, salivary glands. their histological structure. The structure and topographic anatomy of the stomach. The structure of the gastric glands and their functional context. Digestion of the oral cavity. The act of chewing. Composition of saliva and digestive effects. Salivary enzymes. Salivary gland secretory nerves. Salivary secretion in the humoral response. Set the quantity and quality of the structure of the salivary glands. Saliva divorce conditional and unconditional reflexes. Swallowing act. Digest . The small and large bowel structure and function . Liver , and pancreas . The stomach to digest food. Methods of study of gastric secretion in humans and animals. Gastric fistula (VABasov) Gandengayn and I.P.Pavlov "separates the stomach from the" method: the study of the structure and properties of gastric juice. Gastric juice enzymes. Phase of gastric secretion. Parting with the juice of a complex reflex faza.Me'da mechanical and humoral chemical fazasi.Me'daning motor function. Vomiting. Food the stomach and duodenum 12. Pyloric and pyloric sfinkgerlari.ularning mechanism and activities. He exchange of matter and energy. Nutrition. Termoregulyasiya The importance of the life of the organism metabolism. And spend the balance of matter and energy. Synthesis and degradation of organic substances. Protein, fat and carbohydrates in the plastic and the energy required. Protein metabolism. Amino acids, their constituent elements. Protein biological wealth. Decent and indecent proteins. Nitrogen balance. Positive and negative nitrogen balance. The breakdown of body cells, protein and amino acids. Protein sparing the final products. The function of the liver to form urea. The synthesis of urea. The formation of uric acid. Protein apmashinuvini manageable. Carbohydrate metabolism. The role of carbohydrates in the body. Glyukozuriyasi food. The function of the liver in the form of glycogen. The breakdown of carbohydrates in the cells of the organism. Anaerobic and aerobic glycolysis. The last of the decay products. Carbohydrate metabolism of neural and humoral managed. The exchange of water and mineral salts. Body water balance and osmotic pressure. And salts necessary for the body and their importance. Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride, temir.yod exchange and other elements. Their consumption and the importance of the body. Water and salt metabolism of neural and humoral managed. The importance of the temperature for the processes of life. Changes in body temperature, storage temperature and the body temperature is changing. A common understanding about the Termoregulyasiya. Body heat and heat costs in the process. And spending to make sure that the temperature in the nerve reflex and humoral managed. Administration to be sure the temperature in the core factor is a change in the level of metabolism. Extends the blood vessels in the skin and slowed nerve heat production role. Termoregulyasiya center. Heat to sweat out the importance of divorce. Termoregulyasiyaning humoral factors. The temperature of the human body and its change during the day. Download 5.01 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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