Farmasevtika instituti farmakologiya va klinik farmatsiya kafedrasi
The process of subtraction. Kidney structure and physiology. The mechanism of urine
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The process of subtraction. Kidney structure and physiology. The mechanism of urine. Importance of the processes of the body. The role of kidneys. Anatomy and Topography of the bladder and urinary channels. Nephron and its structure. Bark and yukstamedullar nefron.Siydik through the walls of the bladder and histological structure. The formation of kidney urine. The modern concept of the formation of urine. Filtratsiya.reabsorbsiya and secretion processes. The mechanism of these processes and the sequence of the formation of urine. Urine composition, and in my daily mikdori.Fiziologiya mechanism to affect the formation of pathological processes diuresis bog'liqligi.Siydik hormone (antidiuretic hormone adrenaline, mineralokortikoidlar, etc.). Nternal secretion . The structure and functions of the glands of internal secretion . The importance of internal physiological bezlari.ularning. Methods to study the functionality of the glands of internal secretion (removal, organoterapiya, clinical observations). Delivered the glands of internal secretion, and hypo- functions. The physiology of muscles and nerves . Movable tissue trakibi . The physiology of muscles and muscle cells. Muscle physiological properties (excitation. Conductivity. Reduction) .Izotonik and isometric contraction of muscle tone. Individual declines. Summatsiya and tetanus.Tetanus turlari.Skelet muscles tonusi.Asab muscle synapse tuzilishi.Nervdan excitation mechanism of skeletal muscles. And the role of cholinesterase and secretion of acetylcholine. Vvedensshy pessimumi.Mushak reduction mexanizmi.Miofibrillarni structure and a reduction in the time of peace. Reduction of muscle ATP -Creatine, the role of lactic acid. Reduction of muscle power. Method of measuring muscle kuchi.Uni. The conditions of the muscles of the body. The impact of the activity of the muscles in the body. Muscle hypertrophy. And to promote cross-muscle specific physiology. He physiology of muscles and nerves . Nerve, and the nerve cell physiology Conductivity of nerve fibers that specific functions, these functions impulses retseptorlarddan the central nervous system, the central nervous system of the executive members. Determine the legitimacy of this process a few. A common understanding about the excitement and excitability. Adequate and inadequate internal and external pathogens. Initiation and excitation systems. Nerve and muscle stimulyasiyasi. Fixed record. Bioelectric phenomena and discover tarixi.Tinchlik and potensiallari.Maxalliy and propagating movement, xususiyatlari.YAkka fiber excitement about bo'lishi.tarqalish. Giperpolyarizatsiya event and the cell membrane independent depolyarizatsiyasi. MATTHEW physiology . MATTHEW properties . MATTHEW general anatomy and physiology . Activity of the living organism of the central nervous system (MAT) funksiyasi.roli and structural characteristics. Anatomy of a text. Head and spinal cord birth of their joylanishi.Uning shakllari.Orqa segmentlari.Oldingi the brain and spinal cord article ildizi.Kulrang the front, rear and side branches. Part of the spinal column kanali.Miyaning and a half. Ventricular brain, cerebrospinal fluid and brain roli.Uzunchok tuzilishi.Orqa brain structure (varoliev Bridge and brain) .Oraliq brain structure (see do''mboq underground qismi.tizzasimon body) .The the brain (the four peak brain and legs) .For the brain (half sharlari.targ'il body). The structure of the reticular formation and the brain joylanishi.Bosh Physiology the overall functionality of kismi.MATning methods: qo'zg'atish.buzish, ekstirpatsiya bioelectric phenomena. Reflex ta'limot.Reflektor the arc of the main stages of development of the theory (Descartes, Proxasko, Sechenov, Pavlov Berington) .Reflektor wide branch. The theory of the neural membrane turlari.Qo'zg'alishning brakes and qo'zg'alish.Markaziy nerve synapses. Fixed conversion mexanizmi.Atsetilxolin synapses and other mediators roli.Markazlar physiological ta'limot.Markazlarning major physiological characteristics: a one-way conductivity, excitement summatsiyasi, convergence and transformation of the Lamb ' Alisher irradiatsiyasi and concentration. Tonusi.MATning the nerve centers of fatigue and compensatory plastikligi.Uning mexanizmlari.MATda tormozlanish.Sechenov experience. Tormozlanishning nature and its physiological importance of movement and interdependence tormozlanishning MAT. Yuldosh hormones. Male sex hormones anatomiyasi.Urug'donning the reproductive organs, and anatomical tuzilishi.Erkak fiziologiyasm. Spermatogenesis and davrlari.Spermatozoid and its structure. function. Androgen gormonlari.Testosteron and its primary and secondary sexual characters and manipulate changes in the development of the glands roli.Jinsiy. Governs the function of the organism The importance of the autonomic nervous system in general. The general structure of the autonomic nervous system. Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. Centers parasympathetic nervous system (medulla of the brain, mid-brain, the parts of the brain orkq tailbone) .Simpatik nerve centers (the back of the neck to the waist and chest) .CHegaralovchi sympathetic ustun.Organ in the parasympathetic ganglia. The physiology of the sympathetic nervous system gangliya.Vegetativ the spine. Autonomic ganglia function and physiological properties. A common understanding about the mediators. MATTHEW private physiology . The autonomic nervous system . External and internal brakes, the activity of the cerebral cortex in the second pass through the conditioned reflex activity. Movement and braking. Irradiatsiya and coordination. The peripheral nervous system. Governs the function of the organism The importance of the autonomic nervous system in general. Governs the function of the organism The importance of the autonomic nervous system in general. The general structure of the autonomic nervous system. Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. Centers parasympathetic nervous system (medulla of the brain, spine tailbone). The sympathetic nervous centers (the back part of the brain, waist and chest). Limited sympathetic column. Authority in the parasympathetic ganglia. The spine of the sympathetic ganglia. Physiology of the autonomic nervous system. Autonomic ganglia function and physiological properties. A common understanding about the mediators. Senses the structure and physiology . Hearing and sensitivity of the skin , smell and taste . Human life, the importance of the activity of sensory organs. .Pavlovning I.p. analyzers teaching. Prescription bodies Classification (eksteroretseptorlar interior proprioretseptorlar receptors) .Retseptorlarning movement mexanizmi.Veber Fexner Blooduni.Retseptorlar information system adaptatsiyasi.Asab code. According to retsepsiyasi. Optical tizimi.Akkomadatsiya the pupil of the eye and its refleksi.Ko'z refraksiyasining anomalies of retina and visual nerve structure and funksiyasi.Ko'rishda eye movement roli.Ko'r and yellow spots. Buzilishi.Ko'z vision acuity and color. Office of the muscles of the eye. Hearing organi.Quloqning anatomical and histological structure. The outer ear and the middle ear tuzilishi.Ichki and the bodies of his tuzilishi.Eshituv sezgirligi.Eshitish acuity. The vestibular apparatus Physiology, the role and the consequences of injuries. Smell and taste function retsepsiyasi. and. Retsepsiyasi and pain sensory fibers retseptorlar.Og'riq pass. Pain receptors adaptation. Pain that is reflected to determine the localization and pain. Qichishuv.Taktil temperature retsepsiyasi. Proprioretsepsiyaning traffic management role. High nerve physiology properties . The anatomy of the cerebral cortex . Conditioned reflex . braking Bark anatomical and histological structure of the brain. Cerebral crust. Sinewy body. Cerebral sharlarinini learning methods (psychological and clinical) IMSetchenov "brain reflexes" The importance of the book. Reflex Pavlova objective metodi.SHartli and unconditional reflexes in the study, the difference in terms of their classification, components and create qoidalari.SHartli reflex signals, biological significance. External and internal brakes. The second through the conditioned reflex activity of the cerebral cortex o'tishi.Qo'zg'alish and brake irradiatsiyasi and Coordination. London location of the cerebral cortex. Sensor proeksion driving motor zones. A huge pyramid neuron cells. Vegetative activity of the cerebral cortex. Higher nervous activity types. Rate of movement and braking process. Neurosis and experimental neurosis. Verb - shows the functionality of the system. Sleep physiology. Headache types. On guidelines for the organization of the laboratory. Science laboratory provided for in the standard curriculum. The organization of practical training instructions. Practical training on the basis of the reports will be based on the planning guidelines and training. The list of training scenario 1. Introduction. The science of physiology and anatomy, the role of pharmacists. Laboratory equipment used in the lessons. Cell, structure, composition, and growth. Embryology elements. 2. tissue. Epithelium, connective, muscle and nervous tissue classification, structure, properties, and functions. 3. The members of the musculoskeletal system. Private osteologiya. Skeleton. Bone structure and composition. Joints. Private epidemiological. Muscles. Structure. Class museum. 4. The blood and lymph. Physico-chemical properties of the blood. Shaped elements of the blood. Plasma composition. Lymph composition. 5. mechanisms of hemostasis. Blood groups. Rh factor. The creation of the blood. To govern the system. Blood groups. blood transfusion 6. blood circulation and tizimi.Katta small circle. Heart. Structure, activities managed. Automatic transfer system. Cardiac reflex. "Yes or no law." Extrasystole and compensatory pause. 7. The lymph system. The movement of the blood vessels. Governed vascular tone. Blood pressure, pulse pressure. Law hemodynamics. 8. Breathe. Respiratory tract tuzilishi.nafas fiziologiyasi.Nafas etilishi.Tashqi the administration and internal breathing. 9. digestion. The structure of the gastro-intestinal tract. The oral cavity, digestive secretions methods, quantity, quality content. Gastric digestion. Basov and I.P.Pavlov. The structure of the gastric mucosa. (Phase separation of gastric juice, fresh content, significance). 10. On duodenum, small and large intestines and the digestion and absorption. Hunger and thirst. Liver, pancreas and functioning. 11. The exchange of matter and energy. To govern the exchange of substances. Protein, minerals and vitamins, fats and carbohydrates. exchange. Energy exchange. Nutrition. Heat managed (termoregulyasiya). Calorimetric methods. 12. Removing the system. Structure and functioning of the kidneys. Urine, sweat, minus removed excrete substances by the members. 13. internal secretion. The pituitary. Thyroid, parathyroid, decomposition gland, pancreas and adrenal glands. Tissue hormones. Proliferation. The structure of the male and female genital organs, pregnancy and racially. 14. Muscle Physiology and classification. Property and activity of the muscles. Movable fiber membrane. 15. The concept of the nervous system. The nerve cell, tissue classification. Methods of study of the central nervous system. M.A.T. structure. The spine, the core structure and activity of the brain. 16. Nervous System. Structure and functioning of the brain bark. I.N.Sechenov 17. Mr.Fact theories about the nervous system. Brakes and excitability. 18. autonomic and peripheral nervous system. The structure and physical properties. The brain and spinal nerves. Nerve fiber and nerve fiber physiological features (independent study). Structure, activity, physiological xususiyatilari. Sympathetic, parasympathetic branch function. Life is governed by the autonomic nervous system processes. The organization of the course manual Science course work typical training plan . 4. Form and content of the independent organization of education An abstract test cases , the table is carried out in the form of case studies . The proposed independent work 1. Audit and body self - control . Functional mechanisms of management of the system . Gomeotaz . Adaptation . 2. The physical and chemical composition of the cell . Protein . Carbohydrates . Oil . 3. Embryonic cells . Seeds , crushed . Gastrulyasiya . Embryonic pages the development of tissues and organs . 4. Erythropoiesis . Leykpoez . Blood depot . 5. Immunity . Antitank . 6. The activity of the heart sound signals . 7. The transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood . 8. Digest Mr.Fact . 9. Food products ( proteins , fats , carbohydrates , mineral salts ) in the mechanisms of absorption into the blood . 10. Energy Exchange . 11. The importance of renal homeostasis . 12. Sweat . Turner 's content . Grease . Information and methodological support of the program Physiology , anatomy basis for the hours allocated to the development of science , laboratory sessions and lectures of modern interactive methods of teaching and learning through the use of information and communication technologies . - Autonomic nervous system in the corresponding lecture classes and computer technology prezentatsion electronic teaching technologies : - Cardio - vascular and respiratory systems include laboratory exercises " intellectual attack " and " group think " , " Blitz game " pedagogical technologies ; - Digestive system , separation system , metabolism and the central nervous system include laboratory exercises , small group events , group thinking , foresees the use of educational technology . List of used literature Literature and teaching aids: 1.Artur K. stool John E. Hall of medical physiology Moscow Logosferl - 2008 g. 2. Nick A.V anatomy of physiology s osnovami persons M., Izd - vo 'Medical, 1983 g. 3. Nick A.T. Physiological basis of human anatomy. T. Medical Publishing, 1985 4. Maloshtan L.N.Fiziologiya s Anatomy osnovami persons Kharkiv. Voc .Exersises - vo "Numbers page" 2002 g. 5. Nick AV Basics of human anatomy, physiology, T., Science Publishing House, 2006 6. coach. X.N. Physiology, anatomy, principles of laboratory manuals. T., "The Corps Group" LLC. 2007. 7. bagdasarova ordered Textile lectures PO dissipline 's osnovami Physiology Anatomy. T. OOO "Modify Group," published in 2008. 8. bagdasarova ordered Mirtursunova S.Z. Uchebno metodicheskoe posobie k prakticheskim zanyatiyam PO fiziologii s osnovami anatomy. T. OOO "Modify Group," published in 2008. Readings . 1. Radjabov AO , Bobojonova ND . " Physiology , Anatomy Basics " , training manuals " EMERALD GROUP " LLC . - 2016 . 2. Bobojonova SH . Mirtursunova S.Z " Physiology , Anatomy Basics " teaching manual on the subject of " EMERALD GROUP " LLC . - 2015 . 3. The coach X.N. Mirtursunova S.Z. Salibaeva SA Nikolaevoi MS , Radjabov A. " Physiology, Anatomy basics " teaching manual on the subject " The Corps Group " , . 2008 . 4. KositS . G.I Physiology persons . M. , Izd - vo " Medicine " , 1987 5. A. boxes .ATLAS PO normalnoy fiziologii . M. , Izd - vo " Medicine " . 1987 g 6. Stern P. Osnova fiziologii . M. , Izd - vo " Mir " in 1994 . Internet 1. 2. 3. http://www.shemist.som 4. 5. 6. 3. Prezentatsiyalar Mavzu: 1 Mavzu: 2 Mavzu: 3 Mavzu: 4 Mavzu: 5 Mavzu: 6 Mavzu: 7 Mavzu: 8 Mavzu: 9 Mavzu: 10 Ferment Murakkab Oddiy Aminokislotalar Oqsil qismi (apofement) Oqsil bo`lmagan qismi (kofaktor) Metall ionlari Kofermentlar Vitaminli Vitamin bo`lmagan Mavzu: 11 Mavzu: 12 Mavzu: 13 Mavzu: 14 МУШАКЛАРНИНГ МУШАКЛАРНИНГ Қ Қ ИС ИС Қ Қ АРИШ АРИШ ТУРЛАРИ ТУРЛАРИ ß êêà µè ñµà ð è ø ( À ) , à ñóì ì à ö è ÿ ( Á ) , òå òà í óñ (  ) 1 . á è ð è í ÷ è òà ú ñè ð î ò á å ð è ø â à µòè . 2 - òà ú ñè ð î ò á å ð è ø â à µòè Mavzu: 15 Mavzu: 16 Mavzu: 17 Mavzu: 18 4. Tarqatma materiallar, mustaqil ta‘lim uchun materiallar Functional Organization of the Human Bodyand Control of the ―Internal Environment‖ The goal of physiology is to explain the physical and chemical factors that are responsible for the origin, development, and progression of life. Each type of life, from the simple virus to the largest tree or the complicated human being, has its own functional characteristics. Therefore, the vast field of physiology can be divided into viral physiology, bacterial physiology, cellular physiology, plant physiology, human physiology, and many more subdivisions. Human Physiology. In human physiology, we attempt to explain the specific characteristics and mechanisms of the human body that make it a living being. The very fact that we remain alive is the result of complex control systems, for hunger makes us seek food and fear makes us seek refuge. Sensations of cold make us look for warmth. Other forces cause us to seek fellowship and to reproduce. Thus, the human being is, in many ways, like an automaton, and the fact that we are sensing, feeling, and knowledgeable beings is part of this automatic sequence of life; these special attributes allow us to exist under widely varying conditions. Download 5.01 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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