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Ko’chirma gapni o’zlashtirma gapga aylantirishning 3 xil shakli mavjud

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Ko’chirma gapni o’zlashtirma gapga aylantirishning 3 xil shakli mavjud.

  1. Darak gaplarni o’zlashtirma gapga aylantirish

  2. So’roq gaplarni o’zlashtirma gapga aylantirish

  3. Buyruq gaplarni o’zlashtirma gapga aylantirish

  • Darak gaplarni o’zlashtirma gapga aylantirganda quyidagi o’zgarishlar sodir bo’ladi:

    • Qo’shtirnoqlar olinadi

    • Shaxs bosh gapga moslashadi

    • Zamon o’zgaradi

    • Pzyt so’zlari o’zgaradi

    • Bosh gap bilan ko‘chirma gap o‘rtasidagi vergul va qo‘shtirnoqlar tushirib qoldiriladi. O‘zlashtirma gap oldida that bog‘lovchisi qo‘yiladi, ammo bu bog‘lovchi ko‘pincha tushib qoladi:

    Direct : John said: “I am going to learn English next week.”
    Reported: John said that he was going to learn English previous week.

    • Ko’chirma gapni o’zlashtirma gapga aylantirganda agar muallif gapidagi fe’l o’tgan zamonda bo’lsa (said), o’zlashtirma gap ham o’tgan zamondan birida bo’lishi kerak.

    ”I am going to learn English next month” - said Dildora.
    Dildora said She was going to learn English the next year.
    Direct: He has said: «The ship will arrive at the end of the week».
    Reported : He has said that the ship will arrive at the end of the week.

    • O‘zlashtirma gapdagi that the ship will arrive at the end of the week gapi to‘ldiruvchi ergash gap, u alohida ishlatilmaydi. He has said bosh gap.

    • Agar bosh gapdagi fe’l Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfect zamonlarida bo‘lsa, ko‘chirma gapni o‘zlashtirma gapga aylantirganimizda ergash gapdagi zamon o‘tgan zamonga suriladi va quyidagicha o‘zgartiriladi:

    Ko’chirma gap

    O’zlashtirma gap

    Simple Present
    Present Perfect, Simple Past
    Simple Future
    Present Continuous
    Present Perfect Continuous, Past Continuous
    Future Continuous
    Future Perfect
    Future Perfect Continuous

    Simple Past
    Past Perfect
    Future In The Past
    Past Continuous
    Past Perfect Continuous
    Future Continuous in the Past
    Future Perfect in the Past
    Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

    direct :He said, “I get up at 8 o’clock”
    reported : He said that he got up at 8 o’clock.
    direct :He said: “I have spoken to the manager about the terms of delivery of the machine”.
    reported :He said that he had spoken to the manager about the terms of delivery of the machine.
    direct :He said, “I bought the book in Tashkent”.
    reported :He said that he had bought the book in Tashkent.
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