The Central Asian Heritage Group

simmetrik: (Russian) symmetrical.  simmetriklik

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simmetrik: (Russian) symmetrical. 
simmetriklik: symmetry. 
simmetriya: (Russian) symmetry. 
simmetriyalash: symmetrization. 
simmetriyasiz: asymmetric(al). 
simmetriyasizlik: asymmetry. 
simo: s. siymo. 
simob: (Persian) mercury. 
simobiy: (Persian) silver (color). 
simobli: mercury, mercurial. 
simpatichniy coll.: (Russian) likeable, 
simpatik: (Russian) ~ nerv sistemasi 
sympathetic nervous system. ~ siyoh 
invisible ink. 
simray-: v.i.  to screw one's face up in 
simsiyo: s. sim-siyoh. 
simsiz: wireless.simtarash 
dial.scratcher (s. qashlag'ich). 
simvol: (Russian) symbol (s. ramz). 
simvolik: (Russian) symbolic. 
simvolist: (Russian) symbolist. 
simvolistik: (Russian) adj. of simvolist. 
simvolizm: (Russian) symbolism. 
simyon: sickly, decrepit; wretch. 
sin"ka: (Russian) blue, blueing. 
sin"kala-: v.t.  to blue. 
sin-: v.i.  to break; to go bankrupt. beli 
~di to have one's back break; to be 
ruined. oyog'im ~sin May my leg break 
(a kind of oath). beli ~magan pul brand 
new money. [sindir-, sindirish-, 
sina-: v.t.  to try, to test; to go through, 
to experience. [sinal-, sinat-, sinash-] 
sinalgan: tried, tested.sinamali 
arch.tried, tested; applied. ~ handasa 
applied geometry. 
sinamol: tried, well-tried. 
sinash: testing, test. 
sinashta: well-tried, trusty; known, 
sinashtalik: abstr. of sinashta. 
sinch: boards or laths placed at angles 
to reinforce the frame of a wall (which 
is then filled in with bricks and mud). ~ 
devor a wall made with such supports. 
~ uy a house having walls made in the 
sinch style.sinchalak dial. 
zool.titmouse (s. chittak). 
sinchi: horse expert. 
sinchikla-: v.t.  to do s.t. very 
thoroughly, in great detail. ~b qara- to 
eye carefully. ~ tushuntir- to explain in 
great detail. 
sinchilik: abstr. of sinchi. 
sinchkor: made of sinch. 
sinchkov: sharp-eyed, observant. 
sinchkovlik: astuteness, keenness, 
carefulness. ~ qil- to regard or examine 
carefully or closely. 
sinchli: s. sinchkor. 
sindikalistik: (Russian) syndicalistic. 
sindikalizm: (Russian) syndicalism. 
sindikat: (Russian) syndicate. 
sindir-: v.t.  caus. of sin-. belini ~- to 
break the back of, to ruin, to put out of 
commission. oyog'ingni ~aman I'm 
gonna break your bones! patir ~- to 
break bread. tiyin ustida tish ~adigan 
odam pennywise, piddling. tishini ~- to 
get hurt, to suffer heavy losses. cho'p 
~- to snap a stick to symbolize the 
conclusion of a bet; to do s.t. 
unexpected. [sindirish-, sindirtir-] 
sindirish: v.n. of sindir-; refraction. 
sinf: (Arabic) class; classroom. 
sinfdosh: (Persian) classmate; s.o. in 
the same social class. 
sinfiy: (Arabic) adj. of ~ kurash class 
sinfiylik: class character. 
sinfsiz: classless. 
sinfsizlash-: v.i.  to become classless. 
sing'ich rare: s. sinuvchan. 
sing-: v.i.  s. mehnati ~gan to have 
expended one's labor on s.t. [singdir-, 
singdirtir-, singish-] 
singari: like, as. 
singarmonik: (Russian) adj. of 
singarmonizm: (Russian) vowel 
singdirish: v.n. of singdir-; absorption; 
singdiruvchan: absorbent. 
singdiruvchanlik: absorbency. 
singga(k) non: well-cooked bread. 

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singi-: v.i.  to be absorbed, to sink into, 
to penetrate; to be digested; to be 
assimilated, to become common. 
qumga ~b ketganday or qumga ~gan 
suvday (lit., 'like water into sand') to no 
avail; smoothly and easily. [singit-] 
singil: younger sister; form or address 
to (much) younger girl or woman. 
singillik: abstr. of singil. 
singir: tendon, sinew (s. pay). 
singish: v.n. of singi-; absorption; 
singishimli: amicability. 
singishli: easily digested. 
singli: s. singil.singren bot.a type of 
milk vetch. 
singulyar: (Russian) ~ tenglama 
singular equation??sini-sumbat 
dial.looks, appearance, build. 
sinig'ar (scoundrel, 
sinil": (Russian) ~ kislotasi 
hydrocyanic acid. 
siniq-: v.i.  to grow pale or thin. 
siniq-mertik: broken, cracked. 
siniq: broken, cracked, etc.; pale, wan; 
broken piece, shard. shisha ~lari 
(pieces of) broken glass.siniqchi 
siniqlik: abstr. of ruhiy ~ nervous 
sinish: v.n. of sin-; refraction.sinli 
dial.elegant, well-built. 
sinoat: (Arabic) wonder, marvel. 
sinodik: (Russian) synodic ~ davr 
synodic orbit. ~ oy synodic month. 
sinonim: (Russian) synonym. 
sinonimik: (Russian) synonymous. 
sinonimiya: (Russian) synonymy. 
sinoptik: (Russian) synoptical. ~ karta 
weather chart. 
sinoptika: (Russian) weather 
sinov: v.n. of sina-; test. 
sinovchan: inquiring, testing. 
sinovchi: tester; (rare) testing, 
sintagma: (Russian)  
sintaksis: (Russian) syntax. 
sintaktik: (Russian) syntactic. 
sintetik: (Russian) synthetic. 
sintez: (Russian) synthesis. 
sintezla-: v.t.  to synthesize. 
sinus: (Russian) sine. 
sinusoida: (Russian) sinusoid. 
sinuvchan: fragile, easily breakable. 
sinuvchanlik: fragility. 
sinxron: (Russian) synchronic. 
sinxronizator: (Russian) synchronizer. 
sinxronizm: (Russian) synchronism. 
sinxronla-: v.t.  to synchronize. 
sinxronlash: synchronization. 
sinxronlik: synchronism. 
sionist: (Russian) Zionist. 
sionistik: (Russian) Zionist. 
sionizm: (Russian) Zionism. 
sipar: (Persian) shield. 
sipehr: obs. (Persian) the heavens, the 
celestial sphere. ~ning xurshidi 
heavenly body. 
sipo: (Persian) humble, plain, ordinary. 
sipogar(chi)lik: s. sipolik. 
sipoh hist.: (Persian) official; soldier, 
warrior; pawn (chess); humble, 
sipohgar(chi)lik: s. sipogar(chi)lik. 
sipohi hist.: (Persian) official; soldier. 
sipohilik: s. sipoyilik. 
sipohlik: s. sipoyilik; humbleness, 
sipolik: abstr. of sipo; humbleness, 
modesty, humility. 
siporish: (Persian) task, errand; 
consideration, deference. 
siporishla-: v.t.  to pay respect to; to 
kow-tow to. 
sipoyi: arch.    (Persian) officer, 
official; soldier, warrior. 
sipoyilik: abstr. of sipoyi; office, 
sipqar-: v.t.  to quaff, to drink down in 
one gulp. [sipqaril-, sipqarish-] 
sipsar zool. (Hindi): gavial. 
siq-: v.t.  to compress, to squeeze; to 
pressure, to put pressure on. dilni ~- to 
oppress, to weigh on one's heart. ~ib 
chiqar- to squeeze out; to drive out. 
[siqil-, siqish-, siqtir-] 
siqil-: v.i.  pass. of yuragi ~di to feel 
uncomfortable or constrained. 
siqilganlik: compression; depression, 
siqilinch: crammed, squeezed together. 
siqilinqira-: v.i.  to feel uncomfortable
to feel depressed or weighed down. 
siqilish: v.n. of siqil-; squeezing, 
siqiluvchanlik: compressibility. 
siqim: handful, fistful. 
siqimla-: v.t.  to take in handfuls. 
[siqimlat-, siqimlash-] 
siqinqira-: v.i.  to squeeze slightly, to 
be somewhat tight. 
siqinti: oppression, distress. 
siqiq: tight, clenched; close, stuffy; 
constricted; straitened. ~qa ol- to put 
the screws to. 
siqiqlik: abstr. of siqiq. 
siqishtir-: v.t.  to cram, to jam, to press 
in; to put pressure on, to put the 
squeeze to. 
siqta-: yig'la- siqta- to cry and plead. 
siquv: v.n. of ~ga ol- to put the screws 
sir 1: (Arabic) secret. 
sir 2: cinnabar, vermilion; minium, red 
lead; oil paint; glaze, enamel; silvering 
(of a mirror). 
sir 3: (Russian) cheese (s. pishloq). 
sir-: v.t.  to cover (with fabric); to cling 
tightly (clothing); to tether; to starve, to 
withhold from eating. ~ib bog'la- to 
tether; to bind. o'zini nondan ~- to 
forego eating bread. [siril-] 
sir-a'mol: (Arabic) secrets. 
sir-asror: (Arabic) secrets. 
sir-hol: (Arabic) secret(s). 

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sir-sinoat: (Arabic) secrets.sira 1 
w/neg.never, ever; (not) at all. ~ 
qo'ying Don't even mention it! (= 
beyond description). 
sira 2: series; line; meaning, gist. ~ 
sonlar ordinal numbers (s. tartib 
sira-sira: (not) at all, in no way; (not) 
ever.sirach bot.eremurus; powder 
extracted from the root of this plant 
used for making cobbler's glue; (fig.) 
tiresome, clinging, unrelenting. 
sirachla-: v.t.  to glue together with 
sirach. [sirachlan-, sirachlat-] 
sirasiga rare: in a row, consecutively. 
sirchi: painter (who uses oil paints); 
maker of mirrors. 
sirdon rare: (Persian) s. sirdosh. 
sirdosh: (Persian) sharer of one's 
secrets; confidant; close friend. 
siren" bot.: (Russian) lilac. 
sirena: (Russian) siren, horn.sirg'a 
dial.earring (s. isirg'a). 
sirg'al-: v.i.  s. sirpan-.sirg'alik dial.ear 
lobe (s. solinchak). 
sirg'aluvchi: ~ undoshlar fricatives. 
sirg'an-: v.i.  to slip, to slide. 
sirg'anchiq: slippery, slick. 
sirg'anchiqlik: slipperiness. 
sirg'anish: v.n. of ~ podshipnigi slide 
sirg'anma: sliding. ~ qaytish ?? 
[skol'zyashchee otrazhenie] 
sirg'anuvchi: sliding. 
sirg'il-: s. sirpan-. 
sirg'oq: rainy weather or season; 
slippery, slick. 
sirgoh: (Persian) world; field, arena; 
workplace (s. korgoh). 
siril-: v.i.  pass. of piyoz po'stiday ~- to 
be famished.siriq dial.pillar in the 
middle of a room which supports the 
ceiling; metal or wooden poker. 
siriy gap: the truth, the real story. 
sirk coll.: (Russian) circus (s. tsirk). 
sirka 1: vinegar. ~si suv 
ko'tarmaydigan odam sensitive, easily 
hurt person. 
sirka 2: lice egg(s). 
sirkala-: v.t.  to pickle, to marinate in 
vinegar. [sirkalan-] 
sirkali: containing vinegar; pickled in 
sirkor 1: s. sirchi. 
sirkor: s. sirli 2. 
sirkorlik: abstr. of sirkor; decoration 
made in oil paint.sirkoyi bot.a sour 
species of grape. 
sirla-: v.t.  to paint with cinnabar, oil 
paint, enamel, or silvering. [sirlan-, 
sirlat-, sirlash-] 
sirlash-: v.i.  to share secrets, to 
confide in one another. 
sirli 1: secret; mysterious. 
sirli 2: painted or decorated with 
cinnabar, oil paint, enamel, or 
sirma: ~ to'n/chopon quilted coat 
covered with an additional outer layer 
of cloth. 
sirop: (Russian) syrup. 
sirot: (Arabic) puli ~ bridge which 
Muslims must cross to get to Heaven 
(s. qil ko'prik). 
sirpal-: v.i.  s. sirpan-. 
sirpan-: v.i.  to slide; to slip; to skate. 
[sirpanish-, sirpantir-] 
sirpanchiq: slippery; skating rink; ice 
slide; slide, chute. 
sirqi-: v.i.  to drip, to seep; to grow 
pale. [sirqit-] 
sirqindi: drippings; dregs. 
sirqira-: v.i.  to throb (s. zirqira-). 
sirqiroq: throbbing (s. zirqiroq). 
sirqov: fatigue, listlessness. 
sirqovlan-: v.i.  to grow weak or 
sirriq: s. siriq. 
sirt: outer side, exterior, outer surface
mountain ridge. ~dan outwardly; 
ostensibly; not personally; secretly, 
surreptitiously. ~ taniyman I don't 
know him personally. ~dan qaraganda 
on the surface, outwardly. ~dan o'qish 
studying by correspondence (s. 
pichoqning ~icha very little. ~iga suv 
yuqtirmaydigan/~iga yuqtirmaydigan 
pachydermatous, indifferent.sirtlon 
sirtmoq: noose. 
sirtmoqla-: v.t.  to noose; to hang. 
sirtqi: outer, exterior; superficial, 
outward. ~ dori external medication. ~ 
bo'lim correspondence course 
sistema: (Russian) system. 
sistemali: systematic, regular, orderly. 
sistemasiz: unsystematic. 
sistemasizlik: lack of system. 
sistematik: (Russian) systematic. 
sistematika: (Russian) systematization; 
classification, taxonomy. 
sit-: v.t.  to squeeze (out). ~ib chiqar- 
to squeeze out; to drive out. [sitil-, 
sitam: (Persian) oppression, ill 
treatment; threat, rebuke. ~ qil- to 
oppress; to threaten, to upbraid. 
sitamdiyda rare: (Persian) oppressed. 
sitamgar: (Persian) cruel, oppressive. 
sitamkarda rare: (Persian) s. sitamgar. 
sitamkor rare: (Persian) s. sitamgar. 
sitamli: painful; pained, suffering; full 
of grief. 
sitil-: v.i.  pass. of ko'zim ~sin May 
God strike me dead (lit., 'May my 
eye(s) flow from its/their socket(s)'). 
sitora: obs. (Persian) star. ~si issiq 
warm, kindly. 
sitro: (Russian) fruit-flavored mineral 
situation: sivizg'a coll.s. sibizg'a. 
situatsiya: (Russian)  
sivizg'achi: s. sibizg'achi. 
sivorotka: (Russian) serum. 
six: (Persian) skewer. ~ ham kuymasin, 
kabob ham to run with the hare and 
hunt with the hounds (= to harm 
neither X nor Y). 
sixla-: v.t.  to skewer, to arrange on a 
skewer. [sixlat-] 
sixmola: harrow. 

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siy-: v.i.  to urinate, to piss. bilib turib 
suvga ~- to do s.t. inappropriate or 
uncalled-for on purpose. 
[siydir-]siydam dial.completely, 
thoroughly, evenly. 
siydik: urine. 
siyg'ala- gram.: v.t.  to conjugate (s. 
siyg'oq: urinating much; bed-wetting. 
siyg'oqlik: bed wetting.siyiboniy of a privileged military 
siyla-: v.t.  to honor; to treat to; to give 
away free of charage. [siylan-, siylash-] 
siylov: v.n. of o'zingga ~ bo'lsin You 
can have it. 
siymo lit.: (Arabic) appearance; image. 
siyna: (Persian) breast, bosom. 
siynaband: brassiere. 
siyo: (Persian) dili ~ upset, saddened. 
siyoh 1: (Persian) black; ink. dili ~ s. ~ 
baxt/baxti ~ ill-starred, unfortunate. 
ro'yi ~ disgraced. 
siyoh 2: s. siyoq. 
siyohdon: (Persian) inkwell.siyohdona 
dial.s. sedana. 
siyoq: (Arabic) appearance, looks. 
siyosat: (Arabic) politics; threat, 
intimidation, scolding. ~ tut- to hold a 
political line or position. 
siyosatboz: politician, manipulator. 
siyosatbozlik: political machinations. 
siyosatchi: politician. 
siyosatdon: (Persian) political expert. 
siyosatli: politically strong, influential. 
siyosiy: (Arabic) political. ~ 
karta/xarita political map. 
siyosiy-ommaviy: sociolpolitical. 
siyosiy-oqartuv: politico-educational. 
siypa-: v.t.  to stroke; to smooth out. 
[siypan-, siypash-] 
siypala-: v.t.  to caress, to pet; to feel, 
to fondle; to soften, to smooth over. 
[siypalan-, siypalat-, siypalash-] 
siyqa: worn smooth; old, tiresome, 
overused; shallow; hardened, crafty. ~ 
bosh bald-headed. ~si chiqqan 
siyqala-: v.t.  to wear smooth. 
[siyqalan-, siyqalat-, siyqalat-] 
siyqalash-: v.i.  to wear smooth, to 
wear out; to become meaningless or 
shallow. [siyqalashtir-] 
siyqalik: smoothness; shallowness. 
siyrak: sparse, thin; rare. 
siyrakla-: v.t.  to thin out; to rarefy. 
[siyraklan-, siyraklat-, siyraklatil-] 
siyraklash-: v.i.  to become thin or 
sparse. [siyraklashtir-, siyraklashtiril-] 
siyraklik: thinness, sparseness; rarity. 
siyril- dial.: v.i.  s. sidiril-. 
siz-: v.i.  to seep. 
siz: you (formal); (lit.) you (plural). 
~lar you (plural). 
sizg'i-: v.i.  s. siz-. 
sizg'ir-: s. sizg'i-. 
sizg'iriq: percolated, filtered; fricative. 
tishlar orasidan ~ chiqarib gapir- to 
speak through clenched teeth. 
sizish: seepage, leakage. 
sizla-: v.t.  to address as "siz" 
(indicating formality or deference). 
[sizlat-, sizlash-] 
sizlog'ich: pimple. 
sizniki: yours; your place. 
sizningcha: in your view. 
sizot (suv): subsoil water, water which 
seeps up through the soil. 
sizsira-: v.t.  s. sizla-. 
skafandr: (Russian) space or diving 
skameyka: (Russian) bench. 
skandiy: (Russian) scandium. 
skarlatina: (Russian) scarlet fever. 
skelet: (Russian) skeleton. 
skeptik: (Russian) skeptic; skeptical. 
skeptitsizm: (Russian) skepticism. 
skipidar: (Russian) turpentine. 
sklad: (Russian) warehouse
skladchi: warehouse keeper. 
skleroz: (Russian) sclerosis. 
skoriy: (Russian) ~ poezd express train. 
~ pomoshch ambulance (s. tez 
skripka: (Russian) violin. 
skripkachi: violinist. 
skromniy coll.: (Russian) modest (s. 
skvajina: (Russian) hole, well 
skver: (Russian) square, park. 
skvoznyak coll.: (Russian) draft (s. 
slanets: (Russian) slate. 
slavyan: (Russian) Slav. 
slavyanshunos: Slavist; Slavonic 
slavyanshunoslik: Slavonic studies. 
slechar": (Russian) metal worker. 
slesarlik: abstr. of slesar'. 
slovak: (Russian) Slovak. 
sloven: (Russian) Slovene. 
slyot: (Russian) meeting, rally. 
slyuda: (Russian) mica. 
smena: (Russian) work shift. 
smenachi: shift worker. 
smenadosh: partner on a shift; one 
who alternates a shift with s.o. else. 

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