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Major themes in Oliver Twist
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Major themes in Oliver TwistThere are several major themes and characters in this novel:
institutional to individual abuse helps readers understand how these inhumane practices were systematized.
corrupt world. Oliver’s own life, too, shows these sufferings and that of others who become a victim of poverty, exploitative system, and finally fall into the hands of the criminal gangs.
Major Characters in Oliver Twist Oliver Twist: The eponymous boy is the main character of the novel, Oliver Twist, and the protagonist. The hapless orphan finds his mother absent and father missing when he comes into senses shortly after his birth. Marred with a series of tragedies and mishaps right from childhood, Oliver finds himself trapped in continuous troubles and miseries. He faces cruelty, starvation, and mistreatment from others, but all these hindrances fail to change his innocent heart, sense of morality, and kindness. Even meeting with the Fagin gang, his work at the farm, and then work in the parish fail to cast dark shadows on his behavior. Despite his involvement in theft, he comes clean by the end of the novel.13 Fagin: Fagin is another important character of the novel and also a main antagonist and enemy to Oliver along with circumstances. Despite his mature years, Fagin shows repulsive behavior and villainous conduct; a superficiality that shows his inward viciousness. He is the master criminal who leaves no stone unturned to instill criminal traits into Oliver. Despite having worked on him, he knows that Oliver is a different soul, the reason that he plots to keep this virtuous soul close to him through a mysterious person, Edward Monks. He is the one who betrays Nancy to Bill Sikes, leading to her brutal murder.14 13 Lodge, David. The Art of fiction. New York: Viking Penguin, 1992 14 Lodge, David. The Art of fiction.Secon edition. New York: Viking Penguin, 1995 Brownlow: Mr. Brownlow is a very respectable elderly man, who had endured various losses in life. He appears in the novel when Fagin’s boys pick his pocket and involve Oliver in the crime. When Oliver’s innocence is proved in the court later, he takes the agitated Oliver to his home, sensing the destitution of the boy. Later in the story, when Fagin takes Oliver back, Mr. Brownlow discovers the truth about Oliver’s bad company, but doesn’t entirely believe that Oliver is bad at heart. Instead, he also solves the mystery of Oliver’s birth and adopts him at the end of the story. Monks: Edward Leeford is Oliver’s half-brother and son of Edwin Leeford. The story shows him a tall and dark man, possessing lusty and cruel nature. The demonstration of this nature comes to the fore when he uses Fagin, the master criminal, to corrupt Oliver so that he could have the full share of their father’s inheritance. However, he never succeeds in his vicious plan. Maylie: A kind and gentle lady, Mrs. Maylie is Rose’s guardian. She is the owner of the mansion that Crackit and Sikes attempt to rob. Although their attempt at robbery fails, yet Oliver finds in this gentle lady a helping hand –thinking which proves true when later she helps him find the right track in his life. Agnes Fleming: Agnes Fleming, an unfortunate lady, is Oliver’s mother. She was engaged to Edwin, Oliver’s father, who died during her last pregnancy. Agnes also dies anonymously in the warehouse soon after Oliver’s birth, leaving her son alone in the cruel world. Nancy: A young woman and a prostitute, Nancy is a female gang member of Fagin’s gang. She eventually betrays her leader, Fagin, to save Oliver from the dangerous plotting of his half- brother. She helps Maylie and Mr. Brownlow to discover the reason behind Oliver’s miseries. Unfortunately, her decision to help Oliver takes her life when Sikes shoots her in the head. Rose: Rose is Mrs. Maylie’s niece, a beautiful young and kind lady who is in love with Harry, Mrs. Maylie’s son. She helps her aunt nurse Oliver back to health. Jack Dawkins: Jack Dawkins is known as Artful Dodger in the novel. He is a skilled pickpocket who works for Fagin. He is the one who introduces Oliver to Fagin, a man who tries hard to ridicule the innocent and kind nature of the boy. Sikes: He is the minor character of the novel. A brutal and stout criminal, Sikes takes Oliver on the failed robbery and later flees, leaving him to be caught red- handed. He later kills Nancy for betraying the gang and accidentally kills himself, too. Writing Style of Oliver Twist The novel represents an array of different writing styles and this Dickensian approach shows the merit of the story. Dickens has used satire and sharp irony to mock several institutions such as the justice system, the parish house, unfair legal system, and labor farms. Realism is juxtaposed with melodrama in the text at several points, leading Dickens to comment on the biting social and political approach of the system. However, the skillful use of elements of periphrasis, complex characterization, and a varied sentence structure allows him to present the struggle between the forces of good and evil. The diction is quite simple and the flow of the language does not hinder readers’ progress. Analysis of Literary Devices in Oliver Twist Action: The main action of the novel comprises the escape of Oliver Twist from the warehouse. The rising action occurs when Oliver finds himself trapped in the circle of criminals of the gang of Fagin. The falling action occurs when Oliver and Rose learn their true identities and Fagin is executed. Allegory: Oliver Twist shows the use of allegory by presenting the main idea of how the criminal mentality present in society tries to legitimize its wicked practices. Anaphora: The novel shows the use of anaphora at different places as given in the examples below, Lor bless her dear heart, no!’ interposed the nurse, hastily depositing in her pocket a green glass bottle, the contents of which she had been tasting in a corner with evident satisfaction.’Lor bless her dear heart, when she has lived as long as I have, sir, and had thirteen children of her own, and all on ’em dead except two, and them in the wurkus with me, she’ll know better than to take on in that way, bless her dear heart! Think what it is to be a mother, there’s a dear young lamb do.’ (Chapter-I)
The above examples show the repetitious use of the phrases “Lor bless her dear heart”, “only think”, “Porochial”, “liberal terms” and “a few.” Alliteration: Oliver Twist presents the conspicuous repetition of identical initial consonant sounds in successive or closely associated syllables. For example, The sun,–the bright sun, that brings back, not light alone, but new life, and hope, and freshness to man–burst upon the crowded city in clear and radiant glory. Through costly-coloured glass and paper-mended window, through cathedral dome and rotten crevice, it shed its equal ray. (Chapter-XXXXVIII) ii. The end of a year found him contracted, solemnly contracted, to that daughter; the object of the first, true, ardent, only passion of a guileless girl. (Chapter- XXXXIX) Allusions: The novel shows the use of various allusions as mentioned in the below examples, Fagin took the opportunity of reading Oliver a long lecture on the crying sin of ingratitude. (Chapter-XVIII). ii. A porochial ‘prentis, who is at present a dead-weight; a millstone, as I may say, round the porochial throat? The first example alludes to Macbeth and the second to the book of Luke, from the New Testament. Conflict: There are two types of conflicts in the novel. The first one is the external conflict that is going on between Oliver and the world of evil. Another is the internal conflict in the heart of Oliver about his existence, his fight with evil, and about problems of his life how they are going to be resolves. Climax: The climax of the novel occurs when Sikes kills Nancy and accidentally hangs himself. Characters: Oliver Twist presents both static as well as dynamic characters. The young woman, Nancy, and Mr. Brownlow are dynamic characters. However, the rest of the characters do not see any change in their behavior, as they are static characters like Oliver Twist, Fagin. Sikes and Rose. Foreshadowing: The novel shows examples of foreshadows as given in the examples below, Noah Claypole ran along the streets at his swifest pace, and paused not once for breath, until he reached the workhouse-gate. (Chapter-VII)
These examples predict what is going to happen in the story; the first shows dinghy conditions, the second escape of Oliver, and the third sentence predict a death. Imagery: Imagery is used to make readers perceive things involving their five senses. For example, What an excellent example of the power of dress, young Oliver Twist was! Wrapped in the blanket which had hitherto formed his only covering, he might have been the child of a nobleman or a beggar; it would have been hard for the haughtiest stranger to have assigned him his proper station in society. (Chapter-I) ii. Fortifying himself with this assurance, Sikes drained the glass to the bottom, and then, with many grumbling oaths, called for his physic. The girl jumped up, with great alacrity; poured it quickly out, but with her back towards him; and held the vessel to his lips, while he drank off the contents. (Chapter- XXXIX) The above examples show the use of different images such as the image of dreams, bug, movement, and image of his shape. The second example also shows the images of sound, touch, and sight. Irony: The novel shows situational irony as given in the below example, The medical gentleman walked away to dinner; and the nurse, having once more applied herself to the green bottle, sat down on a low chair before the fire, and proceeded to dress the infant. (Chapter-1) Metaphor: Oliver Twist shows good use of various metaphors besides the extended metaphors of good versus evil. For example, Alas! How few of Nature’s faces are left alone to gladden us with their beauty! Te cares, and sorrows, and hungerings, of the world, change them as they change hearts; and it is only when those passions sleep, and have lost their hold for ever, that the troubled clouds pass off, and leave Heaven’s surface clear. (XXIV)
These examples show that nature, flame, and tears have been compared to different things to make them feel prominent. Mood: The novel shows a sympathetic mood, though it becomes tragic, ironic, and highly satiric at times. Sometimes, it also becomes gloomy when Oliver is trapped in violence and crimes. Motif: Most essential motifs of Oliver Twist are the hidden family relationships, mistaken identities, Oliver’s Face, and lack of humanity. Narrator: The novel is narrated from a third-person point of view. It is also called an omniscient narrator, who happens to be the author himself as he can see things from all perspectives. Protagonist: Oliver Twist is the protagonist of the novel. The novel starts with his miserable plight and ends with a happy note. Theme: A theme is a central idea that the novelist or the writer wants to stress upon. The novel shows the clash between good and evil and the absurdity of life, the importance of upbringing, and family in life. Setting: The setting of the novel is the filthy slums of London and the comfortable places of Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Maylies. Simile: The novel shows good use of various similes as given in the examples below: The recess beneath the counter in which his flock mattress was thrust, looked like a grave. (Chapter-V)
The first simile compares the silence with death, the second also compares dim sounds with stillness or death. Symbolism: Oliver Twist represents various symbols such as; darkness symbolizes crime, the countryside represents happiness, dirt and dilapidation symbolize poverty, while “London Bridge” represents the collision of two worlds.15 15 Harmon, William. A handbook to Literature. Upper Saddle river, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006 Download 76,77 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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