Foreign relations of the united states 1969–1976 volume XXXVII energy crisis, 1974–1980 department of state washington
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- Stephen Randolph
339-370/428-S/80010 FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 1969–1976 VOLUME XXXVII ENERGY CRISIS, 1974–1980 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Washington 339-370/428-S/80010 Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976 Volume XXXVII Energy Crisis, 1974–1980 Editor Steven G. Galpern General Editor Edward C. Keefer United States Government Printing Office Washington 2012
339-370/428-S/80010 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Historian Bureau of Public Affairs For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; DC area (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2250 Mail: Stop IDCC, Washington, DC 20402-0001
339-370/428-S/80010 Preface
The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity of the United States Government. The Historian of the Department of State is charged with the responsibility for the preparation of the Foreign Relations series. The staff of the Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, under the direction of the General Editor of the Foreign Relations series, plans, researches, com- piles, and edits the volumes in the series. Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg first promulgated official regulations codifying specific stand- ards for the selection and editing of documents for the series on March 26, 1925. These regulations, with minor modifications, guided the series through 1991. Public Law 102–138, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, es- tablished a new statutory charter for the preparation of the series which was signed by President George H.W. Bush on October 28, 1991. Sec- tion 198 of P.L. 102–138 added a new Title IV to the Department of State’s Basic Authorities Act of 1956 (22 USC 4351, et seq.). The statute requires that the Foreign Relations series be a thorough, accurate, and re- liable record of major United States foreign policy decisions and signifi- cant United States diplomatic activity. The volumes of the series should include all records needed to provide comprehensive documentation of major foreign policy decisions and actions of the United States Gov- ernment. The statute also confirms the editing principles established by Secretary Kellogg: the Foreign Relations series is guided by the prin- ciples of historical objectivity and accuracy; records should not be al- tered or deletions made without indicating in the published text that a deletion has been made; the published record should omit no facts that were of major importance in reaching a decision; and nothing should be omitted for the purposes of concealing a defect in policy. The statute also requires that the Foreign Relations series be published not more than 30 years after the events recorded. The editor is convinced that this volume meets all regulatory, statutory, and scholarly standards of se- lection and editing.
Foreign Relations Series This volume is part of a subseries of volumes of the Foreign Rela-
series that documents the most important issues in the foreign policy of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald R. Ford. However, be- cause of the thematic approach taken to document the energy crisis, III
339-370/428-S/80010 IV Preface this volume covers U.S. policy across administrations from August 1974 through the end of the Carter administration in January 1981. Vol- ume XXXVI, Energy Crisis, 1969–1974, documents energy issues from early concerns within the Nixon administration about high oil imports through the crisis of the 1973 Arab oil embargo and the February 1974 Washington Energy Conference. Focus of Research and Principles of Selection for Foreign Relations 1969–1976, Volume XXXVII This is one of a growing number of Foreign Relations volumes that document global issues instead of a bilateral relationship, reflecting the changing nature of U.S. foreign policy in response to an increasingly in- terrelated world. The documentation in this volume focuses primarily on the Ford and Carter administrations’ strategies to mitigate the damage to the U.S. and global economy of rising oil prices imposed by the OPEC cartel and reduced availability occasioned by the Iranian Revolution in 1979. U.S. policy was primarily multilateral, and U.S. diplomats were active participants in the development of the Interna- tional Energy Agency’s program of energy cooperation. The Economic Summits of the period brought together the heads of state of the richest industrialized countries in Rambouillet, London, Bonn, and Tokyo to devise a common strategy to deal with the impact of high oil prices on the global economy. The volume also documents both administrations’ bilateral efforts to reach agreements with Mexico, the Soviet Union, and Iran to supply oil and natural gas to the United States. Both administrations also un- dertook broad-based domestic initiatives to increase energy conserva- tion and reduce oil imports. Editorial Methodology The documents are presented chronologically according to Wash- ington time. Memoranda of conversation and reporting telegrams are placed according to the time and date of the meeting, rather than the date a document was drafted. Editorial treatment of the documents published in the Foreign Rela- tions series follows Office style guidelines, supplemented by guidance from the General Editor and the chief technical editor. The documents are reproduced as exactly as possible, including marginalia or other no- tations, which are described in the footnotes. Texts are transcribed and printed according to accepted conventions for the publication of histor- ical documents. A heading has been supplied by the editor for each document included in the volume. Spelling, capitalization, and punctu- ation are retained as found in the original text, except that obvious ty- pographical errors are silently corrected. Other mistakes and omissions in the documents are corrected by bracketed insertions: a correction is
339-370/428-S/80010 Preface V set in italic type; an addition in roman type. Words or phrases under- lined in the source text are printed in italics. Abbreviations and contrac- tions are preserved as found in the original text, and a list of abbrevia- tions is included in the front matter of each volume. In telegrams, the telegram number (including special designators such as Secto) is printed at the start of the text of the telegram. Bracketed insertions are also used to indicate omitted text that deals with an unrelated subject (in roman type) or that remains classi- fied after declassification review (in italic type). The amount and, where possible, the nature of the material not declassified has been noted by indicating the number of lines or pages of text that were omit- ted. Entire documents withheld for declassification purposes have been accounted for and are listed with headings, source notes, and number of pages not declassified in their chronological place. All brackets that appear in the original text are so identified in footnotes. All ellipses are in the original documents. The first footnote to each document indicates the source of the doc- ument, original classification, distribution, and drafting information. This note also provides the background of important documents and policies and indicates whether the President or his major policy ad- visers read the document. Editorial notes and additional annotation summarize pertinent material not printed in the volume, indicate the location of additional documentary sources, provide references to important related docu- ments printed in other volumes, describe key events, and provide sum- maries of and citations to public statements that supplement and eluci- date the printed documents. Information derived from memoirs and other first-hand accounts has been used when appropriate to supple- ment or explicate the official record. The numbers in the index refer to document numbers rather than to page numbers.
The Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documenta- tion, established under the Foreign Relations statute, reviews records, advises, and makes recommendations concerning the Foreign Relations series. The Advisory Committee monitors the overall compilation and editorial process of the series and advises on all aspects of the prepara- tion and declassification of the series. The Advisory Committee does not necessarily review the contents of individual volumes in the series, but it makes recommendations on issues that come to its attention and reviews volumes, as it deems necessary to fulfill its advisory and statu- tory obligations.
339-370/428-S/80010 VI Preface Declassification Review The Office of Information Programs and Services, Bureau of Ad- ministration, conducted the declassification review for the Department of State of the documents published in this volume. The review was conducted in accordance with the standards set forth in Executive Order 13526 on Classified National Security Information, and appli- cable laws. The principle guiding declassification review is to release all infor- mation, subject only to the current requirements of national security as embodied in law and regulation. Declassification decisions entailed concurrence of the appropriate geographic and functional bureaus in the Department of State, other concerned agencies of the U.S. Govern- ment, and the appropriate foreign governments regarding specific doc- uments of those governments. The declassification review of this vol- ume, which began in February 2009 and was completed in March 2011, resulted in the decision to withhold 6 documents in full and to excise 11 documents. The Office of the Historian is confident, on the basis of the research conducted in preparing this volume and as a result of the declassifica- tion review process described above, that the record presented in this volume provides an accurate and comprehensive account of U.S. policy toward the global energy crisis from August 1974 to the end of the Carter administration in January 1981
The editor wishes to acknowledge the assistance of officials at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta, Georgia. John Earl Haynes and Ernest Emrich expedited access to the Henry A. Kissinger Papers and the James Schlesinger Papers housed at the Library of Congress and carried out extensive copying on the editor’s behalf. The editor was able to use the Henry A. Kissinger Papers with the kind per- mission of Henry Kissinger. The editor wishes to thank the History Staff of the CIA for invaluable assistance in arranging full access to the files of the Central Intelligence Agency. Steven G. Galpern collected the documentation, made the selec- tions, and annotated the documents for this volume under the direction of Edward C. Keefer, General Editor of the Foreign Relations series. Chris Tudda coordinated the declassification review under the direc- tion of Susan C. Weetman, Chief of the Declassification and Publishing Division. Rita Baker and Rene´e Goings performed the copy and tech- nical editing. Do Mi Stauber prepared the index. Stephen Randolph Bureau of Public Affairs The Historian October 2012 339-370/428-S/80010 Contents
Preface ................................................................... III
Sources ................................................................... IX Abbreviations and Terms ............................................ XVII Persons .................................................................. XXV Energy Crisis, 1974–1980 Consumers Organize: Preparatory Conference I, August 1974–April 1975 ........................................ 1 Preparatory Conference II, April 1975–October 1975 ....... 189 The Rising Price of Oil, October 1975–January 1977 ........ 293 Strategies to Cope with High Oil Prices, February 1977–January 1979 .................................. 410
The Iranian Oil Shortfall, January 1979–January 1981 ...... 578
Index ..................................................................... 939
VII 339-370/428-S/80010 Sources
Sources for the Foreign Relations Series The 1991 Foreign Relations statute requires that the published rec- ord in the Foreign Relations series include all records needed to provide comprehensive documentation on major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. It further requires that government agencies, departments, and other entities of the U.S. Government en- gaged in foreign policy formulation, execution, or support cooperate with the Department of State Historian by providing full and complete access to records pertinent to foreign policy decisions and actions and by providing copies of selected records. Most of the sources consulted in the preparation of this volume have been declassified and are avail- able for review at the National Archives and Records Administration. The editors of the Foreign Relations series have complete access to all the retired records and papers of the Department of State: the central files of the Department; the special decentralized files (‘‘lot files’’) of the Department at the bureau, office, and division levels; the files of the De- partment’s Executive Secretariat, which contain the records of interna- tional conferences and high-level official visits, correspondence with foreign leaders by the President and Secretary of State, and memoranda of conversations between the President and Secretary of State and for- eign officials; and the files of overseas diplomatic posts. All of the De- partment’s central files for 1974-1980 have been scanned onto the Cen- tral Foreign Policy File system and are available through the National Archives and Records Administration (Archives II) at College Park, Maryland. Many of the Department’s decentralized office files, which the National Archives deems worthy of permanent retention, have been transferred or are in the process of being transferred from the De- partment’s custody to Archives II. The editors of the Foreign Relations series also have full access to the papers of Presidents Ford and Carter and other White House foreign policy records. Presidential papers maintained and preserved at the Presidential libraries include some of the most significant foreign affairs-related documentation from the Department of State and other Federal agencies including the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Henry Kissinger and James Schlesinger have approved access to their papers at the Library of Congress. These papers are key sources for the Nixon-Ford subseries of Foreign Relations. Department of State historians also have full access to records of the Department of Defense, IX
339-370/428-S/80010 X Sources particularly the records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense as well as their major assistants. The Central Intelligence Agency has provided full access to its files. Research for this volume was completed through special access to restricted documents at the Ford Presidential Library, the Carter Presi- dential Library, the Library of Congress, and other agencies. While all of the material printed in this volume has been declassified, some of it is extracted from still classified documents. The staffs of the Ford and Carter presidential libraries are processing and declassifying many of the documents used in this volume, but they may not be available in their entirety at the time of publication.
Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, Volume XXXVII, Energy Crisis, 1974–1980 To prepare this volume, the editor made extensive use of records from the administrations of both Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter. Be- cause the National Security Council—led by Henry Kissinger until No- vember 1975, and then by Brent Scowcroft until January 1977—was deeply involved in the conception of foreign energy policy, the editor found the files of the National Security Adviser, held at the Ford Presi- dential Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to be an essential starting point. Within this collection, the files that best reveal how the Adminis- tration’s foreign energy policy was conceived and executed are the Na- tional Security Council Meetings File, the National Security Study Memoranda and Decisions File (folders on ‘‘NSSM 237: U.S. Interna- tional Energy Policy’’), the Presidential Files of NSC Logged Docu- ments (folders on ‘‘Oil Price Increase’’), the NSC Institutional Files (folders on ‘‘NSSM 237’’), the NSC Staff for International Economic Af- fairs: Convenience Files (particularly the Presidential and Institutional Subject Files on ‘‘Energy,’’ ‘‘Oil,’’ and ‘‘OPEC’’), the Presidential Sub- ject File (the folders on ‘‘Camp David Meeting of Foreign and Finance ministers on Energy, Sept. 28-29, 1974,’’ ‘‘Energy,’’ and ‘‘OPEC’’), and the Kissinger-Scowcroft West Wing Office File (folders on ‘‘Energy’’). These contain the highest level memoranda, minutes of meetings, and papers on the fundamental issue of how the Administration sought to control the high price of oil. While not quite as useful, the Presidential Agency File contains 12 installments of the CIA’s ‘‘International Oil De- velopments’’ series, which analyzes trends in the international oil in- dustry from January 1976-January 1977, and also has energy-related documents from the Federal Energy Administration, the Council of Economic Advisers, the Council on International Economic Policy, and the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Next, one should explore the files that concern the major oil con- suming and producing countries, U.S. relations with which were criti- cal to the Ford Administration’s efforts to control oil prices. The con- 339-370/428-S/80010 Sources XI suming nations that, along with the United States, led efforts to reduce petroleum consumption among the advanced industrialized democra- cies were France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan, while the producing nations that the Administration most lobbied to restrain oil prices were Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Venezuela. As a result, the memo- randa of conversations between leading U.S. officials and their counter- parts in the aforementioned countries, as well as the Presidential cor- respondence with the leaders of those countries, are particularly useful. Furthermore, the Presidential Country Files, grouped into regions such as Africa, East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Europe and Canada, Latin America, and Middle East and South Asia, are replete with the most relevant Department of State telegrams to and from the leading con- suming and producing countries. Such telegrams can also be found in the NSC Staff Convenience Files, the working files of the NSC staff members responsible for analyzing information on the regions under their purview. These files contain valuable memoranda, papers, and letters, and the material is divided into the same regional categories as the Country Files. Finally, the Presidential and Institutional Subject files within the NSC Staff for International Economic Affairs: Conven- ience Files also has documents concerning the major oil producing countries. Other collections within the Ford Presidential materials also in- clude documents related to foreign energy policy. The papers of Arthur F. Burns of the Federal Reserve Board has material on the September 1974 Camp David Energy Meeting as well as oil in general, while the papers of Frank G. Zarb of the Federal Energy Administration contain documents on Ford’s energy program. Finally, the records of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers include material on Energy, OPEC, and the International Energy Review Group. For the Ford era, the records of the Department of State—Record Group 59—at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) are essential to understanding how the Administration’s for- eign oil policy was conceived. Most important are the transcripts of Kissinger’s Staff Meetings, which provide a valuable window into the sometimes contentious back-and-forth between the Secretary and his senior staff as well as into Kissinger’s thinking on energy issues. Also essential are the records of the Bureau of Economic and Business Af- fairs, which, along with the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, helped formulate U.S. foreign energy policy in both the Ford and Carter eras. Since most of the Lot Files for the Bureau’s Office of Fuels and Energy have been destroyed, the relevant papers and memoranda should be located on P-Reel, as should the records of the regional Bu- reaus that contributed to foreign energy policy, not to mention those of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs. Of course, Department tele- 339-370/428-S/80010 XII Sources grams are available on P-Reel as well, but the majority of the ones cited in this volume were found on the State Archiving System (SAS). For the details of International Energy Agency meetings, including the Gov- erning Board and the various subcommittees, these telegrams are essential. The records of the Department of Defense and the Central Intelli- gence Agency, and the papers of Henry Kissinger at the Library of Congress, are useful to greater and lesser degrees, but it should be noted that the latter two are closed to the public. For both the Ford and Carter Administrations, the records of the Secretary of Defense, his deputy, and his assistants are at the Washington National Records Center and contain oil field and pipeline vulnerability studies that are also available in the National Security Adviser files at the Ford and Carter Libraries. The CIA records, which are in Agency custody, con- tain various international oil studies and research related to particular countries but, as with the DoD material, the highest-level documents are in the Ford and Carter National Security Adviser files. Finally, there are the Papers of Henry Kissinger at the Manuscript Division of the Li- brary of Congress. The collection was available, by permission of Kiss- inger himself, to the staff at the Office of the Historian for use in the For- eign Relations series and is useful for obtaining occasional material not found—or not easily found—at the Ford Library or in Record Group 59 at NARA.
For the Carter period, research should begin at the Carter Library in Atlanta, Georgia. As with the Ford Administration, the editor found the records of National Security Adviser—in this case Zbigniew Brze- zinski—the best place to start. The part of the collection that best re- veals how the Administration’s foreign energy policy was conceived and executed is the Staff Material. In particular, Henry Owen’s Special Projects File (Collection 19), Rutherford Poats’ Chronological File within the International Economics File (Collection 29)—the Subject File within the Middle East File (Collection 25), and the Robert Pastor File within the North/South File (Collection 24) are extremely valuable for documents on broader foreign energy policy and on relations with the most important oil producers. Within the Subject File, the ‘‘Oil’’ folders in Box 48 are critical for NSC memoranda on the Carter Admin- istration’s efforts to control petroleum prices and other energy-related matters. The H-Files (Collection 132) contains the minutes of the Presi- dential Review Committee and Special Coordination Committee meetings on oil—as well as the papers and memoranda related to those meetings. An alternative place to look for such documents is in the Staff Material Office File (Collection 17), which helps to fill in the gaps that appear in the H-Files. Except in the context of the annual G7 Economic Summits, the Carter Administration did not focus its foreign energy policy on the in- 339-370/428-S/80010 Sources XIII dustrialized consuming nations as much as the Ford Administration did, but instead concentrated on the producers. Mexico was of particu- lar interest as a non-OPEC source of energy that the United States could exploit to offset its dependence on OPEC sources. The best material on efforts to reach an oil and gas deal with Mexico are in the aforemen- tioned Pastor File. For documents related to the major producers—such as Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and others—the aforementioned Staff Material Files, the Country File (Collection 6), the folders containing Memoranda of Conversation within the Subject File, and the Presi- dent’s Correspondence File (Collection 3) are the most fruitful. As with the Ford era, Department of State telegrams to and from these countries are in Record Group 59 at NARA. Much of the interaction between the United States and the major consuming countries on energy issues involved U.S. officials ex- plaining the Carter Administration’s strategy to limit domestic energy consumption. Administration officials discussed these efforts in the context of the annual Economic Summits, IEA Governing Board meetings, and bilateral conversations. The largest collection of eco- nomic summit material is in Henry Owen’s aforementioned Special Projects File, while accounts of the IEA Governing Board meetings and bilateral discussions with consuming country representatives are in Department of State telegrams at NARA. Of course, in the records of the National Security Adviser at the Carter Library, the Memoranda of Conversation within the Subject File and the President’s Correspon- dence File are also a good source for documentation on bilateral com- munication between the United States and consuming countries. Less helpful in this regard are the Staff Material regional files, such as Eu- rope, USSR, and East/West (Collection 23), and the aforementioned Country File. Records unique to the Carter Administration include those of the Department of Energy and the James Schlesinger Papers at the Manu- script Division of the Library of Congress, both of which are closed to the public. The former contains the valuable Executive Secretariat Files, material from which is often unavailable elsewhere. These include im- portant memoranda of conversation as well as memoranda to and from the Secretary of Energy, the Assistant Secretary of Energy for Interna- tional Affairs, and the Deputy Secretary of Energy. Likewise, Schle- singer’s papers at the Library of Congress contain memoranda and memoranda of conversation not found in other repositories.
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