Foreign relations of the united states 1969–1976 volume XXXVII energy crisis, 1974–1980 department of state washington
Memorandum From the Executive Secretary of the
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- Peter Tarnoff 223. Telegram From the Department of State to the Consulate General in Alexandria, Egypt
- 224. Memorandum From Henry Owen of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski)
222. Memorandum From the Executive Secretary of the
Department of State (Tarnoff) to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) 1 Washington, June 29, 1979. SUBJECT North American Energy Community This responds to your request of May 11 that we examine the con- cept of a “North American Energy Community” as suggested by sev- eral members of the Congress. 2
The proposals currently under consideration by the Congress for some form of North American energy cooperation range from informa- tion exchanges to “cooperative planning” and “energy security guar- antees.” We do not believe these approaches add to current arrange- ments. The United States already has in place bilateral mechanisms for extensive cooperation with Canada on virtually every energy issue in which there is significant mutual interest and is beginning to elaborate similar mechanisms for cooperation with Mexico. Adding a trilateral dimension would probably not increase the technical value of the coop- eration. Energy security guarantees to the U.S., i.e., price and/or 1 Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 49, Mexico, 5–6/79. Confidential. 2 In his May 11 memorandum to Vance, Brzezinski asked that the Department of State prepare the study in consultation with the Department of Energy and that it “ex- amine long-term energy supply and pricing agreements and include a recommendation on whether or not an initiative in this area by the U.S. Government would be desirable.” (Ibid., Staff Material, International Economics File, Box 1, Subject File, Mexico, 5–12/79) 365-608/428-S/80010 708 Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, Volume XXXVII supply commitments, would be political anathema to both Canada and Mexico. It is doubtful they would be given any consideration at all without an offer from the U.S. of powerful incentives in the form of an above market price for energy purchases or other important economic concessions. We think the U.S. should continue efforts to improve bilat- eral energy cooperation with both neighbors. North American Energy Community Proposals There are several bills, including S. Con. Res. 27, S.J. Res. 58, and H. Con. Res. 124, currently under consideration by the Congress pro- posing some form of multilateral North American energy cooperation. Most of them focus on technical cooperation and information ex- changes although some advocate “cooperative planning and mutual energy security guarantees.” These latter two concepts are loosely de- fined but seem to contemplate supply and price commitments to the U.S. by Canada and/or Mexico and some form of multilateral decision-making on the development of energy resources. Information Exchanges and Technical Cooperation Many of these proposals do not take account of the extensive bilat- eral energy consultation and coordination already underway. Energy cooperation with Canada is a long standing and highly developed process. It includes both government-to-government arrangements and extensive private sector activities in the development, production and trade of energy. Cooperation with Mexico is less well developed but it was given high priority by the two Presidents at their meeting this year and is being pursued actively by the responsible agencies. Taken together, we think these arrangements meet the information ex- change and cooperation objectives of the various Congressional proposals. Canada— President Carter and former Prime Minister Trudeau recently agreed to establish a consultative mechanism on energy to discuss the range of our bilateral energy relationship. This group will meet regu- larly to review progress in key energy areas and will act as a useful management mechanism to encourage continued mutually beneficial energy cooperation. Although this cooperation takes place at the initia- tive and under the sponsorship of commercial entities acting in their own interests, the two governments are actively involved in facilitating and guiding such activities. Energy trade has been and will be an important element in our re- lationship with Canada. Canada is currently in the process of phasing down exports of crude oil shipments to the U.S. but we import almost 3.0 billion cubic feet of Canadian natural gas per day or about 4.5 per- cent of domestic consumption. Also, there are now pending before
365-608/428-S/80010 January 1979–January 1981 709 Canada’s National Energy Board applications for natural gas exports which could eventually add another billion cubic feet per day. Further, we have an extensive electricity exchange with Canada, with the U.S. being a net importer of some 17.5 million megawatt hours per year. Our most important bilateral energy project with the Canadians is construction of the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline by private interests. We are engaged in frequent discussions with Canadian authorities on all aspects of the pipeline’s construction, regulation and operation. We have also undertaken, in conjunction with the Department of the Interior, preliminary discussions with the Canadian Government regarding routes for a crude oil pipeline to supply the northern tier and inland states. We anticipate continued close cooperation with the Cana- dian Government as the evaluation of route proposals results in a rec- ommendation to the President later this year. We are involved in extensive information exchanges and technical cooperation with Canada through the International Energy Agency, of which we are both members. A still greater exchange of information and technical cooperation takes place between Canadian and American business entities involved in the energy field. Indeed, with the possible exception of the automobile industry, energy may be the most highly integrated sector in our two economies. Mexico—
Although our energy relations with Mexico are less extensive than those with Canada, they are growing rapidly, and cooperative mecha- nisms for discussion and problem management are being developed. During the visit of President Carter to Mexico in February 3 several ini- tiatives were taken. The United States/Mexico Consultative Mecha- nism has been restructured and broadened, and a new Energy Working Group, co-chaired on the U.S. side by the Departments of State and En- ergy, is coordinating energy cooperation and problem management with Mexico. This Working Group will report to the newly established sub-cabinet Advisory Group to the Consultative Mechanism, which will review its progress. Discussions concerning possible natural gas purchases are contin- uing, and a joint study of electricity exchanges has begun. Both gov- ernments have reviewed a number of bilateral energy-related science and techology proposals, including solar research, geothermal cooper- ation and enhanced oil recovery techniques. We fully expect that these initial cooperative activities with Mexico will prove mutually benefi- cial. We should strive to broaden such activities as our energy relation- ship matures. 3 See Document 190. 365-608/428-S/80010 710 Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, Volume XXXVII Energy Trilateralism— Canada and Mexico have distinctly different interests in coopera- tion with the United States because of the difference in their respective levels of technical and economic development, natural resource bases, climates and overall economic and political policies. Adding a trilateral dimension to these consultations, even if it were acceptable to the Mex- icans and Canadians, could probably mean increased complexity without offsetting benefits. Energy Security Commitments It is in the areas of price and/or supply commitments and the joint development of potential energy supplies in Canada and Mexico that many Americans, including certain members of Congress, see the greatest possible U.S. benefit from “North American energy coopera- tion.” But it is precisely in these areas that sensitivities in Canada and Mexico are most pronounced. It is possible that those sensitivities could be overcome, but we believe the political and economic price that would be required would be more than the U.S. would be willing to pay.
Mexico— Mexico’s potential interest in long term price and supply commit- ments to the United States is called into question by two factors. First is Mexico’s longstanding and extremely strongly held policy of resisting any foreign influence over its energy development decisions. This posi- tion dates back at least to 1938 when foreign (principally U.S.) oil holdings were expropriated, an event which is commemorated by a na- tional holiday. Mexico’s current efforts to reduce its dependence on the U.S. as the principal market for its petroleum exports from 80% to 60% notwithstanding, normal commercial considerations tend to direct Mexican crude to the U.S. Their decision to sell natural gas to the U.S. also required high level political review because it involved increased economic ties to the U.S. in the energy sector. The second factor which could limit the prospects for a Mexican energy supply commitment to the U.S. is the policy that hydrocarbon exports will be based solely on Mexico’s need for foreign exchange to implement its development objectives. This policy, if sustained, would preclude any energy development decisions motivated by satisfaction of U.S. demand. However, the internal political pressures to expand de- velopment plans and hence foreign exchange requirements may prove irresistible to the Mexicans and necessitate a substantially higher level of petroleum exports than is currently evisaged. These current energy policies may also be subject to modification by the initiatives on the rationalization of world energy economics which Lopez Portillo is currently contemplating, but probably only in a
365-608/428-S/80010 January 1979–January 1981 711 global context. Domestic Mexican sensitivities and suspicions on this issue are too great for Lopez Portillo to be able to consider such a move if the U.S. would be the sole consumer beneficiary. Canada—
Similarly, in Canada, which is a significant net importer of oil, the policy objective, embodied in legislation, is to attain self-sufficiency and export energy only to the extent it is surplus to Canadian needs. Canada’s energy export policy includes tying prices to world levels. In 1974 the Government imposed an officially determined export price, which is now linked to world oil prices, on the commercial contracts governing gas trade with the U.S. A variable tax on oil exports is used to keep the cost of Canadian oil to U.S. buyers in line with world prices. While in general Canada is wary of too close an economic involvement with the United States, there have from time to time been proposals from Canadians for greater economic integration with the United States in particular sectors; energy resources, however, have always been specifically excluded. U.S. Interest— The U.S. could potentially benefit from long term energy supply cooperation with Canada and Mexico of the type we believe is con- templated by the Congressional proposals. However, we believe that prevailing attitudes and political conditions in both countries are such that a trilateral arrangement acceptable to the U.S. could not be made at this time. By far the greatest part of the cost of a bilateral energy security ar- rangement would be the quid pro quo the U.S. would have to pay to Canada and Mexico for supply access. As mentioned above, domestic political opposition to any such agreement would be substantial in both countries and would remain substantial regardless of how much we were willing to pay. Under these circumstances it is virtually certain that the U.S. would have to agree to some significant compensation in addition to the market value of the energy, such as a price pre- mium, preferential trade arrangements or other economic or political payments. Further, it may not be in the U.S. interest to discuss supply ar- rangements with Mexico and Canada on a trilateral basis. To some ex- tent, particularly with respect to natural gas, these two countries have been competitors as sources of energy supply to the U.S. and we would like to maintain that situation. Trilateral discussions might well facili- tate development of a concerted stance by Mexico and Canada which could weaken the U.S. bargaining position on some issues. Finally, any long term supply/price arrangements which sug- gested that the U.S. was seeking a bilateral solution to a substantial por- tion of its energy needs would be in violation of at least the spirit of our 365-608/428-S/80010 712 Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, Volume XXXVII commitments in the IEA, especially if such arrangements involved above market prices. They could weaken that organization and encour- age a return to the counter-productive scramble for energy supplies which followed the 1973–74 embargo. We recognize that some of the other IEA countries have sought long term supply agreements but we believe there would be a quantum difference if the U.S., the founder of the IEA, tried to lock up North American supplies as a private preserve. A modest arrangement which merely recognized the mutual interests of three neighboring states and the natural transportation economies inherent in their geographic proximity to each other would not neces- sarily have a severe effect on cooperation in the IEA.
We do not believe that proposing a North American Energy Com- munity as contemplated in congressional proposals would make a con- structive contribution to the solution of our energy problems. Its objec- tives, to the extent they are politically feasible, are already being discussed in existing consultative mechanisms, where the overriding purpose is to explore areas of mutual interest and further those in- terests within the context of respect for national sensitivities and polit- ical differences. The energy security commitments which might offer some benefits to the U.S. run contrary to the basic energy policies of Canada and Mexico and might well end up costing more than they were worth, even if they were possible. Peter Tarnoff 223. Telegram From the Department of State to the Consulate General in Alexandria, Egypt 1 Washington, July 6, 1979, 1737Z. 174919. Alexandria pass USMEDel Strauss for Amb. Strauss SNT9. Subject: Presidential Message on Saudi Production Increase. 1 Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy Files, D790307–0300. Confidential; Niact; Immediate; Exdis. Drafted by Twinam; cleared in NEA, EB, S/S, and by Gary Sick of the NSC Staff; and approved by Cooper. Repeated Immediate to Riyadh, Amman, and Jidda.
365-608/428-S/80010 January 1979–January 1981 713 1. President has asked that Ambassador Strauss, during his visit to Saudi Arabia, convey following personal message to Crown Prince Fahd, and to King Khalid should he meet with him: —I am deeply appreciative of the indication that the Government of Saudi Arabia has decided to increase oil production temporarily to help relieve the serious strains in the international oil market. 2 —This is a statesmanlike decision which reflects Saudi Arabia’s notable sense of responsibility toward the welfare of the international economy.
—As you know, we in the US are in the process of taking some dif- ficult steps in the US which will serve the same purpose by reducing US demand for imported oil. —I have asked Ambassador Strauss to convey my appreciation for Saudi Arabia’s action and my conviction that this represents in striking manner how our two governments can work toward the common goal of promoting an orderly world economy. 2. If Ambassador West has not yet relayed to Crown Prince Fahd the oral message from the President on Saudi moderating role in OPEC decision, 3 those points might also be delivered by Strauss along with this message. Christopher 2
reported that on July 3 the Saudi Government announced on radio in Riyadh that oil production would increase. (The New York Times, July 4, 1979, p. D1) The White House issued a statement on July 9 indicating that the President had re- ceived a “personal commitment” from Crown Prince Fahd on the increase in Saudi oil production. The statement expressed the President’s appreciation for the decision. For text of the statement, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Jimmy Carter, 1979 , p. 1226. 3 Not further identified. 365-608/428-S/80010 714 Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, Volume XXXVII 224. Memorandum From Henry Owen of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) 1 Washington, July 6, 1979. SUBJECT Coping with OPEC You asked for an annotated inventory of carrots and sticks for coping with OPEC or some of its members. 2 In responding I will indi- cate briefly the possible utility of a measure or countermeasure in serv- ing either our price or supply security objectives, but closer examina- tion based on actual circumstances would be essential. I will deal only with economic measures, leaving to others such considerations as US policy on the West Bank or Jerusalem, security assistance or military intervention. I. Carrots A. Indexed bonds could be offered by the USG or by all the indus- trial nations to oil exporting countries to protect their financial pro- ceeds against inflation. In the US, at least, such bonds also would have to be offered to the US public as well, raising enormous fiscal and struc- tural problems. Treasury is, understandably, adamantly opposed. B. Immunity to US seizure of assets could be proffered by treaty with a major oil supplier such as Saudi Arabia in exchange for increased pro- duction. Such a treaty might waive a potential US claim for inadequate compensation of ARAMCO owners or guarantee Saudi Arabia against US reprisals for other acts, such as price increases. A big enough supply increase could warrant such a deal. The problem of precedents would be limited because other OPEC countries could not offer a comparable quid pro quo. Its appeal to the Saudis would be limited in comparison with their presumed political price for a major increase in oil capacity and output. A war exception also would reduce its value to the Saudis. C. Indexed oil price increases linked to agreed broader price levels and monetary values could be offered by the US or a group of indus- 1 Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Subject File, Box 48, Oil, 7/79. Confidential. Sent for information. 2 Owen had sent Brzezinski a shorter memorandum on July 5 entitled “Coping With OPEC: What Else Can We Do?” It begins: “You asked for a quick review of possible means of improving our leverage on OPEC or some of its members in trying to persuade them to moderate price increases and increase production. I deal only with economic ac- tions to this end. I don’t consider such issues as the West Bank or military and other forms of security support.” (Ibid.)
365-608/428-S/80010 January 1979–January 1981 715 trial countries in the form of a “commodity agreement”. In today’s tight oil market and the prospective seller’s oil market of the future, it is un- likely that we could negotiate with OPEC an oil price index acceptable to the US public, and we could not be sure it would survive a sharp change in the oil supply-demand balance. Discrimination in favor of the oil cartel relative to all other suppliers of commodities would be highly contentious.
A. We could impose a requirement that all suppliers must pay for the right to sell oil to the US. The Energy Department would sell “entitle- ments” at auction to suppliers of foreign oil. In a soft market, this would give us a discount equal to the amount of the payments for enti- tlements, or access tickets. This is Prof. Adelman’s 3 concept. It does not seem promising in the present and prospective tight market. If nobody offered to pay for the tickets, we would quickly have to issue free enti- tlements, with red faces. B. We could nationalize the business of importing oil, confronting foreign government sellers with a government buyer. If the US oil monopoly (read President) had the will to hold out for a break in the cartel’s price by the hungriest OPEC countries, we might temporarily reverse the up- ward price spiral. OPEC’s action might be further restriction of produc- tion, so as to destroy our bargaining power. C. We could reverse traditional US Justice Department positions and support the IAM anti-trust suit against OPEC members. 4 In order to assure that a court judgment imposing penalties on OPEC countries could be enforced, we would need to move promptly to get a court or- der freezing OPEC country assets in the US. This series of actions would evoke OPEC counter-measures, including withdrawal of assets from foreign branches and affiliates of US banks, suspension of the flow of new assets to the US, and possibly an embargo. The IEA emergency sharing system might unravel in the face of such a provoked embargo unless the initial US action were cleared in advance with our IEA part- ners. The impact on the US balance of payments and the dollar would be very adverse. D. We might set up an OECD counter-cartel and fix discriminatory prices on our major exports to the OPEC countries or to any country imposing unacceptable prices on oil. (The variant of a lone US stand of 3 Morris A. Adelman, professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 4 The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers sued OPEC and its member nations in December 1978, alleging that their price-setting activities vio- lated U.S. anti-trust laws. 365-608/428-S/80010 716 Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, Volume XXXVII this sort clearly would not work.) Our participation probably would re- quire some form of export tariff, which raises constitutional questions. None of our discussions with other OECD countries encourages expec- tation that they would go along. Even if wide participation were achieved, leakage through intermediary countries and competition by advanced developing and communist countries would reduce the counter-cartel’s effectiveness. E. Unilateral economic warfare measures could be adopted in re- prisal against confiscatory OPEC price increases, severe withholding of vital oil supplies, or acts we judge to be violations of international law. The President has broad discretion under the Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977 to declare a national emergency and impose a se- lective export embargo or selectively seize foreign assets. Like a counter-cartel, this extreme measure would need to be orchestrated with similar action by other countries to have much chance of achiev- ing the desired change in policies by oil producers. It would carry the same extreme risks as the chain of events flowing from anti-trust prosecution. None of these carrots and sticks is promising in today’s circum- stances. The cure would be worse than the disease. Some of the positive measures and counter-measures would be worth closer consideration, however, in the event acts of economic warfare, including an embargo, were threatened or imposed by some OPEC countries. In the meantime, I believe we are on the right course with the Tokyo Summit policies to reduce demand and increase supply. The recent Saudi production deci- sion
5 probably reflects, in part, a favorable reaction to these policies. The practical outcome should be a cushion against oil shortages and some relative softening of prices. 5 See Document 223. |
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