Grammar book for teaching
So + AV + S yoki S + AV + too
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Grammar book for teaching materials
So + AV + S yoki S + AV + too
Ham sodir etadi AV bildirilayotgan fikrning zamoni bilan bir bulishi kerak, ya’ni qushimcha qismdagi yordamchi fe’lning zamoni bildirilayotgan fikr zamoni biloan bir xil bo’lishi bo’ladi. Bill would enjoy a game and Tom would too / so would Tom. The boys cheated! – The girls did too / So did the girls! I am having a tooth out tomorrow. – So’m I! I’ve got an enormous amount of work to do. – So have I. Neil left just after midnight and so did Roz. I am allergic to nuts. – So is Jack. I love chocolate. – I do too / So do I (= me too).
Bulishsiz gaplarga qushilish: Neither / Nor + AV + S = S + negative AV + either He didn’t like the books; I didn’t either. They don’t mind the noise; we don’t either. She doesn’t eat meat and her husband doesn’t either. I have never been to the States. – I haven’t either. Either – to’la gapdan so’ng.ham ishlatish mumkin I didn’t like it ether. We don’t mind it either EMBEDDED QUESTIONS AND SENTENCES (БИРИКТИРИЛГАН ГАПЛАР ВА БИРИКТИРИЛГАН СУРОК ГАПЛАР) Biriktirilgan gaplar – so’roq gaplarni boshqa bir gap tarkibiga olib kirish natijasida xosil bo’luvchi gapdir.
Biriktirilgan gaplar: I don’t know what time the shops open here. yoki Can you tell me what time the shops open here? Biriktirlgan gap 2 qismdan iborat bo’ladi: 1) Bosh gap 2) So’roq gap. So’roq gapni bosh gapga briktirilganda Bosh gap qanday bo’lishdan qat’iy nazar so’roq gap doim bulishli shakilda bo’ladi. So’roq gap: Where is the library? Biriktirilgan gaplar: Could you tell me where the library is? (сурок гап.) Bosh gap
Bosh gap
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