Grammar book for teaching
Reflexive pronoun (Узлик олмоши)
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Grammar book for teaching materials
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- Yourselves (узларинг, узларингизга) *
Reflexive pronoun (Узлик олмоши).
Myself (узим, узимга) Ourselves (узимиз, узимизга) Himself (узи, узига-уғил бола) Herself (узи, узига-киз бола) Itself (узи узига-жонсиз ва жинси ноаник нарсаларга) Themselves (узлари, узларига) Yourself (узингиз, узингизга) Plural Yourselves (узларинг, узларингизга) *- self кушимчаси купликда selvesга айланади. 1 ) Subject pronoun ( Ega olmoshlari ) . Ega olmoshlari gapning boshida “ Subject” vasifasida keladi. I walk to school every day . s We learn English language every day. s 2 ) Object pronoun ( to’ldiruvchi olmoshar ) . To’ldiruvchi olmoshlar gapda “ Verb “ dan keyin “ Complement “ o’rnida keladi . I Me
You You We Us
They + Give( s ) + Them + A gift He Him
She Her It It
s v c m
NOTE . To’ldiruvchi olmoshlaridan oldin quyidagi predloglar ishlatilishi mumkin : With / without / for / about / from / around We study with them. You can go without me . They talk about it . He asks questions from her. They buy gifts for us . It walks around me . Rule. Agar gapda 2 ta va undan ko’p to’ldiruvchi bo’lsa , va to’ldiruvchi olmosh ham ishlatilsa , 1- to’ldiruvchi Object pronoun bo’lganda Predloglar tushib qoladi. 1 – to’ldiruvchi Object pronoun bo’lmasa Predloglar ishlaydi. (for/from ) I buy a gift for her = I buy her a gift Teacher asks words from us = Teacher asks us the words
Possessive adjectives(egalik sifatlari). Egalik sifatlari gapda mustaqil vazifa bajarmaydi va doim otlardan oldin ishlatiladi. Egalik sifatlaridan keyin kelgan ot gapda qaysi vazifada bo’lsa, egalik sifati ham shu vazifada hisoblanadi. My grandmother is a hero of world war II s s
4)Possessive pronouns(to’ldiruvchi olmoshlar) To’ldiruvchi olmoshlar odatda gapning oxirida complement vazifasida ishlatiladi. That red Murphy book is mine S V C
S V C Note: Qisqa javoblarda va dialoglarda egalik olmoshlari subject vazifasida ishlatilishi mumkin. A: My home is far B: mine is near (mine=my home) A: Whose book is this ? B: mine Reflexive pronouns(o’zlik olmoshlari) 12-dars Rule: O’zlik olmoshlari gapda faxrlanish yoki maqtanish manosini bildirish uchun ishlatiladi. Ular gapda complement vazifasini bajaradi. Myself-o’zim yourself-o’zing yourselves-o’zingiz(plural) Ourselves-o’zimiz Themselves-o’zlari himself-o’zi(o’g’il) Herself-o’zi(qiz) itself-o’zi(predmet) I do all the work myself He repairs his car himself Note:Agar o’zlik olmoshi subjectdan keyin kelsa, faxrlanish yoki maqtanish manosini bildiradi. The King himself greeted with us! The Minster himself gave her a medal! Bunday gaplarda o’zlik olmoshlaridan oldin “shaxsan” so’zi qo’shib tarjima qilinadi Qirolning shaxsan o’zi biz bilan salomlashdi Vazirning shaxsan o’zi unga medal berdi Note: Shuningdek., o’zlik olmoshi complement vazifasida kelganda undan oldin “by” kelsa “by” ni “yakka” “yolg’iz” deb tarjima qilnadi. Shuningdek “by” dan oldin manoni kuchaytirish uchun “all” ni ishlatishimiz mumkin. I pay bills (all) by myself. My sister cleans our house (all) by herself. Note:Shuningdek, o’zlik olmoshlaridan oldin ham for,from,with,without,about,around predloglarini ishlata olamiz. He bought a coat for himself=He bought himself a coat. She is very selfish. She always talks about herself. Reflexive pronouns:Itself(o’zlik olmoshlari) Rule:Itself gapning egasiga emas to’ldiruvchisiga nisbatan ishlatishimiz mumkin. I like winter itself, not the snow. I like Eminem’s song, not Eminem. Rule:Shave, wash, concentrate , feel, dress , bring/carry/take + noun + with , shu fe’llar bilan o’zlik olmoshlari ishatilmaydi .
NOTE. Agar to’ldiruvchi ko’plikda bo’lsa , “ Alone “ yoki “ Only “ dan foydalanamiz. She took the flowers only / alone. This room is for students only / alone .
NOTE . Shuningdek o’zlik olmoshlari o’rniga quyidagi strukturadan foydalanishimiz mumkin . Myself = ( All ) on my own Yourself = ( All ) on your own Yourselves = ( All ) on your own Ourselves = ( All ) on our own Themselves = ( All ) On their own Himself = ( All ) on his own Herself = ( All ) on her own Itself = ( All ) on its own
He learns English himself . Rule: o’zlik olmoshlariga ning qo’shimchasini qo’shib egalik shaklini yasalsa o’zlik olmosh o’rniga “my/your/our/their/his/her/its+own+noun” strukturasidan foydalanamiz. Ma’noni kuchaytirish uchun own dan oldin very qo’shiladi. It is my own book (bu mening o’zimning kitobim) It is my very own book! (bu mening o’p-o’zimning kitobim) Structures with pronouns ( Olmoshli strutura ) 13-dars Rule. Olmosh strukturani asosan insholarda egalik sifatlari qatnashgan gaplarni cho’zish va chiroyli chiqarish uchun ishlatiladi. 1 ) A + singular noun + of + mine / yours / ours / theirs / his / hers / its My friend = A friend of mine His book = A book of his 2 ) Two / three / four … some / many / all + plural noun + of ++ mine … My two friends = Two friends of mine His some bags = Some bags of his 3 ) One / two / three … some / many / all + of + my / your / our / their / his / her / its + plural noun One of his relatives = Uning qarindoshlaridan biri . He has lost all of his money. NOTE. Shuningdek, 3- strukturadan “ of ” dan keyin “ object pronoun ” ham ishlata olamiz . Two of them = Ulardan ikkitasi Some of the students = Talabalardan bir nechtasi. 4) S+to be+a man+of+my/your/our/their/his/her+ word. He is a man of his word (u gapining ustidan chiqadigan odam). 5) S+can+(really) hold+ my/your/our/their/his/her+drink. My friend’s elder brother can really hold his drink. Note: Just between you and me (gap oramizda qolsin) Just between you and me the meal is not delicious IT ( Olmoshining boshqa ishlatish hollari ) 14-dars
Rule . Notanish buyum yoki odamlarni tanishtirishda “ IT ” dan foydalanamiz. ( Eshik taqqillayapti ) - A : Who is it ? - B : It’s Bob - A : What is it - B : It is a pizza
Rule . Biror narsa yoki ishning holatini aytish uchun ham “ It ”dan foydalanamiz - A : I speak Spanish - B : It is good . This / that is good NOTE. It’s clean / dirty / tidy / good / bad / early / late … Rule . Ob – havo bilan bog’liq tabiiy hodisalar bilan ham IT ishlatamiz . It rains in autumn and spring. It is snowing at the moment. NOTE. Biror joydan biror joygacha bo’lgan masofani so’rashda ” How far is it“ Strukturasidan foydalanamiz. How far is it from + A + to + B ? How far is it from your house to your school ? It is 5 minutes walk . It is 500 metres
Rule . . Ingliz tilida soatlarni aytishda ham IT dan foydalanamiz. Soatlarni aytishda avval daqiqalar keyin soat aytiladi. What time is it ? It is nine o’clock / It is sharp nine . NOTE. Soatlarni aytish va yozishda tungi 00 : 00 dan 12 : 00 gacha a.m ( after midnight ) ishlatamiz . 12 : 00 dan 00 : 00 gacha esa p.m ( past midday ) ishlatiladi . We will meet tomorrow at 5 p.m. ( Biz ertaga kechki soat 5 da ko’rishamiz ) .
NOTE. Biror soatdan biror minut o’tdi deyish uchun avval minutni aytamiz keyin “ Past ” ni ishlatamiz va soatni aytamiz . Biror soat bo’lishiga biror daqiqa Qoldi deyish uchun avval daqiqa keyin “ To ” keyin soat aytiladi . It is one minute past 3 . It is 17 minutes past 2 . It is 5 minutes to 4 . It is 7 minutes to 6 .
It is quarter past seven = It is 15 minutes past 7 It is qurter to seven = It is 15 minutes to 7
Rule . Lekin harlni faqat “ Past ” bilan ishlatamiz. It is half past 1 . It is half past 3 … Rule . Og’zaki nutqda soatni san ko’rinishida aytiladi. Lekin bu holatda norasmiy hisoblanadi. - A : What time is it ? 15: 33 ( fifteen , thirty three ) . One/ones adjective+ one/ones Sifatlar one/ones bilan oldin aytib o’tilgan otni ko’rsatish uchun(qaytarmaslik uchun) ishlatiladi va ot birlikda bo’lsa one ko’plikda bo’lsa ones. Don’t buy the expensive apples; get the cheaper ones. Hard beds are healthier than soft ones. I lost my old camera; this is a new one. If you haven’t got a big plate, two small ones will do. I like the blue one best. Which train did you catch? - I caught the first one.
Rule . Sifatlar gapda noun dan oldin eladi va uning boror belgisini bildiradi ( bo’yi, hajmi, rangi… ). Lekin sifatlar “ TO BE “ fe’lidan keyin ham kelishi mumkin. New, red, useful > Easy , heavy, expensive > Book Big, my friend’s >
S v x adj Our new room is bright and comfortable. S v x adj Many / Much / A lot of ( miqdor sifatlari )
Rule . Many – Ko’p deb tarjima qilinadi va faqat plural noun lardan oldin ishlatiladi . She has many English movies . I have many friends abroad . NOTE . Many times va Many a time – Ko’p marta deb tarjima qilinadi va gap oxirida modifier vazifasida ishlatiladi. I watched this movie many times / miny a time . Rule . Much faqat sanalmaydigan otlardan oldin ishlatiladi va ko’p deb tarjima qilinadi . We have much time / money / water … Rule . A lot of esa faqat og’zaki nutqda ishlatiladi. Bunda A lot of many va much o’rniga ishlatilishi mumkin. She has a lot of work . We have a lot of books . NOTE . A lot of ni og’zaki nutqda , shuningdek lots of deb ishlatishimiz ham mumkin . Lots of people are going abroad . Lots of students are having exams . Exception . Biz biror bir ish – xarakatning ko’pligini izohlasak odatda muchdan foydalanamiz. Lekin shuningdek, a lot of ni a lot shaklida ham ishlata olamiz . Bunda much va a lot gapning oxirida ishlaydi va modifier vazifasini bajaradi. She works much but her husband watches Tv a lot . Few / a few / Little / a little / Only a few / only a little Rule . Few va a few bir nechta , bir qancha deb tarjima qilinadi va faqat ko’plidagi otlardan oldin ishlaydi. Tarjimasi bir xil bo’lishiga qaramay few deyarli yo’q degan ma’noni ( negative ) bildiradi . A few esa kam lekin yetarli degan ma’noni bildiradi. He has few friends . He is new in the city . They have a few good places .You will enjoy . Rule. Little va a little esa faqat sanalmaydigan otlardan oldin ishlatiladi va am , biroz deb tarjima qilinadi. Lekin little ( negative ) deyarli yo’q degan ma’noni bildiradi. A little esa kam lekin yetarli ( positive ) mas’noni anglatadi . I have a little time . Sorry I can’t meet with you . She knows a little English. She can translate this text . NOTE . Only a little = little Only a few = few Exception . Biror ish – xarakat kamligini aytish uchun little dan foydalanamiz. Bunda little gapning oxirida modifier vazifasida keladi. He wors little . They are paid little . SIFATDOSH - - ed / - ing adjectives ( fe’llardan yasalgan sifatlar ) Rule . Quyidagi fe’llarning oxiriga – ed yoki –ing qo’shilsa ular sifatga aylanadi Astonish – astonishing / astonished Annoy – annoying / annoyed Amaze – amazing / amazed Amuse – amusing / amused Bore – boring / bored Confuse – confusing / confused Depress – depressing / depressed Destroy – destroying / destroyed Devastate – devastating / devastated Disappoint – disappointing/disappointed Disgust – disgusting / disgusted Embarrass – embarrassing/ embarassed Excite – exciting / excited Exhaust – exhausting / exhausted Fascinate – fascinating / fascinated Frighten – frightening / frightened Frustrate – frustrating / frustrated Horrify – horrifying / horrified Interest – interesting / interested Satisfy – satisfying / satisfied Shock – shocking / shocked Surprise – surprising surprised Thrill – thrilling / thrilled Tire - tiring / tired Worry – worrying / worried Rule. Undosh + y ga tugovchi fe’llarga – ed qo’shilsa , y > I ga aylanadi . “ E ” harfiga tugovchi fe’llarga – ing qo’shilsa, yoki –ed qo’shilsa , fe’l oxiridagi “ e ” tushib qoladi . Rule . Ta’sir ko’rsatuvchi odam yoki narsa buyumlarga nisbatan – ing bilan tugagan sifat ishlatamiz . Ta’sir oluvchi odam yoi predmetlar uchun esa -ed bilan tugagan difat ishlatiladi. My father’s job is interesting . I am interested in his job . Devastating wind destroyed many houses . Bob is very boring person , I am bored from him .
NOTE . Ta’sir olgan odamga nisbatan ta’sir hali ham davom etayotganligini ko’rsatish uchun worry ga nisbatan – ing qo’shib ishlata olamiz. The results of the exam are worring . We are worrying / worried about them . Degrees of adjectives ( sifat darajalari ) 16-dars Rule . Ingliz tilida sifatlarning 3 ta darajasi bor : 1 ) Positive degree ( oddiy daraja ) > sifatning o’zi 2) Comperative degree ( qiyosiy daraja ) > sifatga “ Roq ” qo’shiladi 3) Superlative degree ( orttirma daaraja ) > sifatga “ Eng ” qo’shiladi
Rule. Ingliz tilida 1 va 2 bo’g’inli sifatlarning qiyosiy darasini yasash uchun odatda sifat oxiriga “ – er ” qo’shamiz . Orttirma daraja yasash uchun esa , “ –est ” qo’shamiz . Fast – faster – the fastest hard – harder – the hardest Rule . Agar 1 bo’g’inli sifat 3 ta harfdan iborat bo’lsa , undosh + unli + undosh shaklida bo’lsa , qiyosiy va orttirma daraja yasalganda sifat oxiridagi undosh 2 marta yoziladi . Fat – fatter – the fattest hot – hotter – the hottest Big – bigger – the biggest sad – sadder – the saddest Rule. Agar 1 yoki 2 bo’g’inli sifat ” E “ harfiga tugasa , qiyosiy va orttirma daraja yasalganda, sifat oxiridagi “ E ” harfi tushib qoladi . Late – later – the latest Large – larger - the largest Wide – wider – the widest Rule. Agar 1 yoki 2 bo’g’inli sifat “ consonant + y ” ga tugasa, qiyosiy va orttirma daraja yasaganda sifat oxiridagi “ Y ” “ I ” ga aylanadi. Lazy – lazier – the laziest Easy – easier – the easiest Crazy – crazier – the craziest Silly – silliest – the silliest Rule . 3 ta va undan ko’p bo’g’indan iborat sifatlarning qiyosiy darajasini yasash uchun sifatdan oldin “ More ” ishlatamiz va u “ Roq ” degan ma’noni bildiradi . Orttirma daraja yasash uchun esa, sifatdan oldin “ The most ” ishlatamiz va u “ Eng ” degan ma’noni bildiradi . Beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful Expensive – more expensive – the most expensive NOTE . Wealthy,, complex, modern sifatlari 2 bo’g’inli sifat bo’lsa ham, ularning darajalari More va The most qo’shib yasaladi. Exception . Quyidagi sifatlarning qiyosiy va orttirma darajalari 2 xil usulda yasaladi : Cheap, healthy, clever, tidy, simple, kind NOTE. Shuningdek barcha – ed va – ing ga tugovchi sifatlarning darajalari More va The most bilan yasaladi. NOTE. Bitter – bitterer – the bitterest Irregular adjectives ( Noto’gri sifatlar ) Rule. Noto’g’ri sifatlarning qiyosiy va orttirma darajalari yasalganda, ularning o’zagi o’zgaradi. Good – better – the best Little – less – the least Bad – worse – the worst Much / many – more – the most / older – the oldest / farther – the farthest Old Far
\ elder – the eldest \ further – the furthest Rule . Older va The oldest begona odamlarning yoshini solishtirishda ishlatiladi. Elder va The eldest esa faqat oila a’zolari o’rtasida ishlatiladi. She has got a brother ( Uning akasi / ukasi bor ) She has got an elder brother ( Uning akasi bor ) Elder / the eldest + brother / sister / son / daughter / nephew / niece Rule . Farther va The farthest faqat masofaga nisbatan ishlatiladi . Further esa mavhum otlardan oldin ishlatiladi va Qo’shimcha deb tarjima qilinadi. The furthest esa, to’liq deb tarjima qilinadi. Players need further support . Police need the furthest information Further / The furthest + advice , support, information, help, guidance, detail, research, evidence, study NOTE. Shuningdek, further va the furthest ni ko’plikdagi otlar bilan ham ishlata olamiz . Further / The furthest + detail, attempt, findings, studies No vs Not Rule . No so’zi ingliz tilida “ Yo’q ” degan ma’noda faqat noun dan oldin ishlatiladi . 333Not esa, faqat sifatdan oldin He has no money . No problem . No mercy. Not bad . That is not good. Bank is not far from here . Structures with adjectives ( Sifat strukturalari ) 17-dars 1 ) S + To be + As + Adj + As + C / S + To be NOTE. Yuqoridagi struktura 2 ta otning biror sifati bir biriga teng ekanligini ko’rsatishda ishlatiladi va strukturadagi As / As = Dek , kabi, - chalik deb tarjima qilinadi. They are as clever as us / we are ( Ular biz kabi aqlli ) . Summer in Uzbekistan is as hot as in Africa . 2 ) S + To be + Not + So / As + Adj + As + C / S + To be . NOTE. Yuqoridagi struktura 2 ta otning biror sifati bir – biriga teng emasligini ko’rsatishda ishlatiladi . Your paintings are not so / as bad as mine / my paintings / my paintings are . Exception . Not so + adj . strukturada “ So ” ni unchalik deb tarkima qilinadi. Her handwriting is not so good ( Uning husnixati unchalik chiroyli emas ) 3 ) S + T o be + Qiyosiy sifat + Than + C / S + To be . NOTE. Yuqoridagi struktura 2 ta otning biror sifatini bir – biriga solishtirishda ishlatiladi. Strukturadagi “ Than ” ni Dan ko’ra , Ga qaraganda , Ga nisbatan deb tarjima qilinadi. Stone is harder than gold / gold is . Iphone is more modern than Galaxy / Galaxy is . NOTE. Than qatnashgan strukturada sifatdan oldin Much, Far ishlatilsa, “ Ancha ” degan ma’noni bildiradi va agar qiyosiy sifatdan oldin A bit, A little Slightly ishlatilsa “ Sal ” degan ma’noni bildiradi . Trousers are a bit more expensive than shoes . Our home is much farther than theirs . 4 ) S + To be + getting / becoming + qiyosiy sifat + and + qiyosiy daraja
NOTE. Yuqoridagi struktura asta – sekin o’zgarib boradigan jarayonlar bilan ishlatiladi. The days are becoming hotter and hotter . The students are becoming lazier and lazier . NOTE. Agar yuqoridagi strukturada 3 va undan ko’p bo’g’inli sifat qatnashsa, “ More ” so’zi 2 marta yozilib keyin sifat ishlatiladi. My city is becoming more and more beautiful . Rule . 2 ta otning biror jihatini solishtirishda shuningdek, 2 marta, 3 marta va hokazolardan foydalanishimiz mumkin. Bunda “ Than ” li strukturadan foydalanamiz va struktura quyidagicha bo’ladi : S + To be + twice , thrice , four times , five times … + + Qiyosiy sifat + Than + C / S + To be Malibu is ten times more expensive than Mskvich . Exception . Agar “ As / As ” strukturada 2- 3 marta so’zlari qatnashsa, struktura “ Than ” strukturaga teng bo’ladi . He is thrice older than I am = He is thrice as old as me . Enough/too Rule: enough va too sifatlar bilan ishlatilganda enough ni ytarlicha deb tarjima qilinadi too ni esa juda deb arjima qilinadi. Too sifatdan oldin ishlatiladi Enough esa sifatdan keyin ishlatiladi. S+to be+adjctive+enough+to+V+C+M S+to be+too+adjective+to+V+C+M Note: yuqoridagi strukturalar biror kishi biror ishni qilish uchun yetarlicha biror sifatga egaligini ko’rsatadi yoki biror kishining biror ishni qilish uchun biror sifati juda ham kamligini ko’rsatadi. Examples: He is strong enough to win the competition We are not rich enough to buy this house I am too old to do this job He is too good to work with US It+to be+adjective+for+smb/sth+to+V Biror kishi uchun biror narsa qilish “qanday” ekanligini ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi. (Convenient,dangerous,difficult,easy,hard,impossible,possible) It is easy for me to drive a car It is hard for me to learn Japanese language It is possible for all of you to learn english completely It + to be + adjective + (of somebody/something) +to+V Quyidagi sifatlar bilan ishlatilishi mumkin. Ushbu struktura biror kishini tasvirlash (uning xarakteri, kurinishi, qilayotgan ishini tasvirlash ) uchun qo’llanadi: brave, careless, cowardly, cruel, generous, good, nice (=kind), mean, rude, selfish, wicked, wrong (morally), politeclever, foolish, idiotic, intelligent, sensible, silly, stupid, absurd, ludicrous, ridiculous, unreasonable, generous It is idiotic of you to miss the lesson It was very generous of you to lend them your new car. It is intelligent of me to enter the Institute ARTICLES 18- dars Rule . Artikl – Ot so’z turkumidagi so’zlar oldidan ishlatilib , ularni izoxlashga qaratilgan so’zlar guruxidir . Ingliz tilida artiklning 2 xil turi mavjud : 1 ) Noaniq artikl 2 ) Aniq artikl Noaniq artikl – A / An hamma jinslar uchun bir xil . A – undosh Tobushli so’zlar oldidan , An – unli Tovushli so’zlar oldidan qo’llaniladi . A man A hat A university ( ju : ) A European guy A union ( ju: ) A eulogy A one – way street A actor An apple An island An uncle A actrees An egg An onion An hour A table An – unli Tovush bilan boshlanadigan harflar va qisqartmalar oldidan ham keladi . An L – plate An MP An SOS An “ X ” Lekin : A U – turn A VIP NOTE. Otlar avvalidan sifatlar qo’llanilganda A / An qo’llash ot oldidagi sifatning birinchi tovushiga bog’liq bo’ladi. A car – an expensive car An egg – a sour egg An island – a crowded island A man – an ugly man Usage . ( qo’llanilishi )’ . A. Birlikdagi sanaladigan otlar oldidan birinchi marta aytilib, muayyan aniq bir narsa yoki kishini nazarda tutmagan ot oldida : I need a visa. ( Qandaydir bir viza . So’zlovchi aniq bir viza turi to’g’risida gapirmayapti. ) They live in a flat . ( Bizga qaysi xonadon ekanligi nama’lum . Umuman bir xonadon nazarda tutilmoqda . ) He bought an ice cream . Do you have a car ? There is a spider in the bath. A fisherman catches a fish in a net . When we get to the town I’ll remain in an inn B. Birlikdagi sanaladigan otlar oldidan narsalar guruhidan misol tariqasida ko’rsatilganda, keltirilgan ot to’g’risidagi ma’lumot shu turdagi barcha otlarga taaluqli: A car must be insured = All cars / Any car must be insured. A square has 4 sides = All squares / Any square has 4 sides. A child needs love = All children / Any child needs love. An office room must be bright enough to work in = All office rooms / Any office room must be bright enough to work in . A flower needs to be watered = All flowers / Any flower needs to be watered. C. Kishilarning kasbini tanishtirishda ham kasbdan oldin noaniq artikl ishlatamiz : She is a dancer He is an actor I want to be a doctor D. Miqdorni bildiruvchi muayyan so’z birikmalarida : A lot of A couple of A great many A dozen ( of ) A great / A good deal of Many a time = ( many times )
A lot of + sanaladigan, sanalmaydigan otlar ( = Ko’p, ancha, bir qancha .) There were a lot of people at the party. There are a lot overseas students in Canada. She’s got a lot of homework to do today. Try to avoid foods which contain a lot of fat. A great many + Sanaladigan otlar ( = Juda , o’ta ko’p ) A great many students are coming to study in the USA. He stored a great many manuscripts in his library. The force of the wind had brought down a great many trees in the area.
A good many + Sanaladigan otlar ( = Ko’p sal ko’proq , lekin o’ta emas ) A good many books contain such useful information. A good many people who voted for her in the last election will not be doing so this time. Many a time = ko’p marta , tez – tez I have written this word many a time, but I can’t seem to recall it when needed. I heard him complain about the conditions many a time . A great / a good deal of + sanalmaydigan otlar ( ko’p, ko’plab ) A great / good deal of time, money, difficulty, pressure, interest, demand, work, paper A great / good deal of his work hasn’t been considered yet. A couple of + sansaladigan koplikdagi otlar ( bir necha ( a few ), 2 ta ) After a couple of days ( a few days ) There are a couple of guys ( 2 boys ) A dozen + sanaladigan ko’plikdagi ot ( 12 tadan iborat o’lchov ) How much is a dozen eggs ? John sent a dozen flowers to his sweetheart on February 14 Usage ( Qo’llanilishi ) Narsa yoki narsalar guruhi dunyoda yagona hisoblansa : The earth the equator The sun the moon The sky The world Rule . Ikkinchi marta aytilib natijasi aniq bo’lib qolgan ot oldida : His car struck a tree, you can stiil see the mark on the tree. Rule. Agarda so’z yoki ibora bilan aniqlashtirilsa : The girl in blue. The man with the banner. Rule. Joylashuviga ko’ra aniq bir narsani nazarda tutuvchi ot oldida : Ann is in the garden ( the garden of the house ) Please pass the wine ( the wine on the table ) SHUNINGDEK, the door / the ceiling / the floor / the light / the carpet / the safe ( in a room ) / the fasade / the kitchen / the bathroom ( of a house ) . THE army / the police / the fire brigade / the aeroport / the station ( of a town ) Rule. Shunga o’xshash tarzda so’zlovchi aniq bir kishi yoki narsani nazarda tutsa : The postman – the one who comes to us . The car – my / your / his / … etc. car Do you remember where you parked the car ? ( your car ) The newspaper – the one you read Have we received the newspaper for this week yet ? Rule. Orttirama darjadagi tartib sonlar ( the fist , the second .. ) va only oldidan agarda ular sifat bo’lib kelsa : This is the only way to go . Where iz the deepest point in thew Pacific ? I wsa surprised the first time I met her . ‘ Bob is the first person ro come here . NOTE . Yuqoridagi so’zlarning ravish ma’nolarida ular oldidan xech narsa ( artikl ) qo’llanilmaydi . John came first . This club is for the members of ICC only . Bob finished the test second . She is only joking .
Like + noun As + noun … ga o’xshab … sifatida He came to Institute like boss I have worked in Tashkent as a teacher for 5 years (Give some more examples and students should make up sentences) ADVERBS ( Ravishlar ) 19 – dars
Rule. A . Ravishar – sifatlardan farqli tarzda fe’llarning holatini bildiradi . Bundan tashqari ravishlar sifatlarni hamda boshqa ravishlarni izohlab kelishi mumkin. He walks quickly. She opened the door quietly . The boys were extremely happy. Rule. Ravishlarning asosiy turlari quyidagilardan iborat : 1 ). TARZ : bravely, fast,happily, hard, quickly , well 2 ). JOY : by, down, here, near, there, up, in, out, on 3 ). VAQT : now, soon, stiil, then , today, yet 4 ). CHASTOTA : always, never, often, twice, ocassionaqly 5 ). SENTENCE : certainly, definitely, surely, luckily… 6 ). DARAJA : fairly, hardly, rather, quite, too, very Rule. B. RAVISHLARNING SHAKLLANISHI. Ravishlarning katta qismini xosil qilish uchun mos kelgan sifatga “ – Ly ” qo’shilishi kerak. Sifat : grave immediate slow ready simple Ravish : gravely immediately slowly readily simply Rule. “ – y ” ga tugagan sifatlarga “ – ly ” qo’shilsa, so’nggi harfi “ i ” ga aylanadi. Happy – happily heavy – heavily easy – easily Rule. So’nggi “ – e ” tushirib qoldirilmaydi. Extreme – extremely absolute – absolutely complete – completely Rule. Lekin True – truly Due – duly Whole – wholly “ Undosh + le ” da so’nggi “ – e ” tushirib, “ – y ” yoziladi. Capable – capably sensible – sensibly reasonable – reasonably Incredible – incredibly terrible – terribly gentle – gently Rule . “ Unli + l ” ga xech qanday o’zgarishsiz “ – ly ” qo’shiladi ” Beautiful – beautifully final – finally careful – carefully Exercise 1. Quyidagi berilgan sifatlardan ravishlar xosil qiling. 1. Simultaneous – simultaneously 8. Approximate - _________________ 2. Curable - ________________ 9. Risky - _______________________ 3. Sensitive - ________________ 10. Humble - _____________________ 4. Crafty - __________________ 11. Crucial - ______________________ 5. Cultural - _________________ 12. Hungry - ______________________ 6. Secure - __________________ 13. Total - ________________________ 7. Artificial - _________________ 14. Concrete - _____________________ 15. Haughty - _____________________
Rule. Good ning ravish shakli well . Rule. Kindly – ham sifat, ham ravish bo’lish kelishi mumkin. She gave me a kindly smile. ( Sifat ) She is the kindliest among them. ( Sifat ) Would you kindly let me in ( Ravish ) She treated the children kindly ( Ravish ) Rule. Friendly, likely, lonely, lovely, lively so’zlari garchi “ – ly ” ga tugasada, ravish emas va ularning ravish shakli yo’q . Ularning ravish shakli o’rniga o’xshash ravish va iboralar ishlatamiz. Tom is likely to fail. >> Tom will probably fail . sifat ravish She is a friendly person. >> She asked in a friendly way . sifat phrase Rule. Friendly, likely, lovely, lively, lonely, brotherly, sisterly so’zlarining ravish shaklini quyidagi usulda ham yasash mumkin : In a friendly / likely / lovely / lonely / lively / brotherly / sisterly way . Rule. Bir guruh ravishlar o’ziga mos sifatlar bilan bir xil shaklga ega bo’ladi. Ular quyidagilar : Back hard* little short early much / more / most* Deep * high* long still just enough Direct * ill low straight well kindly Near* wrong* far late* pretty* fast Left right*
Rule. Ravishlarning ham xuddi sifatlardagidek 3 ta darajasi mavjud. Ravishlar darajalarining yasalishi sifatlarnikiga qaraganda bir muncha osonoq : Rule. Bir bo’g’inli ravishlar hamda early, late, near ning qiyosiy va orttirma darajalariga mos ravishda “– er ” , “ –est ” qo’shiladi. Hard – harder – hardest Early – earlier - earliest Near – nearer – nearest Late – later – latest Rule. Ikki va undan ortiq bo’g’inga ega bo’lgan ravishlar qiyosiy va orttirma darajalari ravishlar oldiga mos ravishda “ more “ , “ most ” qo’shish orqali yasaladi : Quickly – more quickly – most quickly Fortunately – more fortunately – most fortunately Rule. Noto’g’ri ravishlar : Well – better – best Bad – worse – worst Little – less – least Much – more – most / farther – farthest ( faqat masofaga ) Far
\ further – furthest ( ham masofaga, ham mavhum ma’noda ) It is not safe to go any further / farther. ( for distance ) Mc.A said that these toy pistols should not be on sale. Mr.B went further and said that no toy pistols should be sold Mr.C went furthest of all and said that no guns of any kind should be sold.( abstract )
NOTE. Orttirma darajadagi ravishlar oldidan The kelmaydi. Jill was the fisrt man to finish ( sifat ) I am always nervous for the first few minutes of an exam. ( sifat ) Jill finished first. ( ravish ) Turn off the computer first and then lock the door. ( ravish )
Ravishlarga misollar : He traveled further than we expected . How far can you see ? – I can’t see far. You should ride more. He likes swimming best of all. I use this room most.
She was much impressed by their good manners. Rule. Most – much ravishining orttirma darajasi bo’lishidan tashqari very ma’nosida ham ishlatiladi . U holda most dan avval The qo’llanilmaydi. He was most apologetic. She behaved most generously. Rule. Bo’lishli gaplardagi sifat va ravishlar oldidan Much / far too ishlatilishi mumkin . He spoke much too fast. They walked far too slowly to reach the top before sunset. Ravish darajalariga oid qurilmalar. 21-dars As + ravish + as – bo’lishli gaplarda, as / so + ravish + as – inkor gaplarda ishlatilishi mumkin. He worked as slowly as he dared . He doesn’t snore as / so loudly as you do . It didn’t take as / so long as I expected.
Rule. Qiyosiy daraja bilan than qo’llaniladi. He eats more quickly than I do / than me. He played better than he had ever played. They arrived earlier than I expected.
Rule. – The qiyosiy darajadagi ravishlar……… the + qiyosiy darajadagi ravishlar The earlier you start the sooner you will be back. The harder he studied the better he achieved. Rule. Joy ravishlari : Away, everywhere , here, nowhere, somewhere, there, ect. Joy ravishlari gapning so’ngida ishlatiladi ( lekin vaqt ravishlaridan oldin ) : She went away. He lives abroad. Bill is upstairs. She sent him away. I looked for it everywhere. I have seen that man somewhere ( joy ) before . ( vaqt ) Can you see my key anywhere ? -- No , I can’t see it anywhere. Are you going anywhere ? PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE 22 – dars Structures S+V+C+M
(I/you/we/they (ko’plikdagi otlar)+ Vsimple + C + M He/she/it(birlikdagi otlar) + Vs/es .) S + do not ( = don’t ) + V ( simple ) S + does not ( = doesn’t ) + V ( simple ) ( 3 - shax birlik uchun ) Do/does + S + V(simple)+C+M? It rains a lot in this small town. We go to school together. She doesn’t like cheese. We don’t need two cars. My brother doesn’t listen to music much. Do you work in a bank ? Does he work every day ? Qisqa javob shakllari. Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Yes, he / she / it does. No, he / she / it doesn’t Bo’lishsiz so’roq gaplar : Don’t you have any free time ? = Do you not have any free time ? Doesn’t she speak Spanish ? = Does she not speak Spanish ? Usage . ( Qo’llanilishi ) Hozirgi noaniq ( oddiy ) zamon ega uchun odatiy bo’lgan ish – harakatlar uchun qo’llaniladi : He smokes. ( U chekadi ) Dogs bark .( Itlar vovullaydi ) Cats drink milk. ( Mushuklar sut ichadi )
Doimiy to’g’ri yoki avtamatik harakatlar : The earth takes approximately 365 days to go round the sun. The earth goes round the sun. Water freezes to ice at a temperature of 0 C.
Xozirgi noaniq zamonda ko’p hollarda quyidagi vaqt ravishlari qo’llaniladi : Always, never, occasionally, often, sometimes, usually, every day, every week / year / Sunday …, on Mondays, twice a year, once a month, three times a week va xokazo.
Xozirgi noaniq zamon kelajak uchun jadval bo’yicha rejalashtirilgan : * Avtubus, poyezd, samalyotlarning kelish, ketish vaqtlari ; * Filmlar, dasturlar, konsertlar, kurslarning boshlanish, tugash vaqtlarini . , ifodalaydi : When does the train leave ? ( not will the train ) The bus comes at 6 this evening. The concert starts tomorrow. Does the English course end in September / next month ? “What dos It mean?” biror narsa nima ma’no bildrishini so’rashda ishlatiladi. Javob berishda “It means + that + S + (should/shouldn’t) + V + C + M strukturasidan foydalaniladi.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Structures S+To be (am/is/are)+Ving+C+M Darak gap S+To be ( am / is / are ) + Not + Ving Bo’lishsiz gap To be+S+Ving+C+M? So’roq gap
Exception: Die-> Dying He is going to the shop. They are swimming in the pool She is not having bath. Mary is not studying. We are not enjoying the party. Is Tom writing a letter ? Are they wearing hats ?
Bo’lishsiz so’roq gaplar . Aren’t you writing ? yoki Are you not writing ? Isn’t he repairing the car ? yoki Is he not repairing the car ? Why aren’t you playing with them ? yoki Why are you not playing with them ?
Usage 1 Ayni paytda davom etayotgan ish – harakatlar uchun : It is raining . – Xozir yomg’ir yog’yapti. We writing a letter Usage 2 Xozirgi davr atrofida sodir bo’layotgan ish – harakatlar uchun : Diana is taking Economics classes this semester. Usage 3 Yaqin kelajakda aniq rejalashtirilgan ish – harakatlar uchun ; xozirda davom etayotgan ish – harakatlar bilan chalkashtirib yubormaslik uchun kelejakdagi vaqt ko’rsatib o’tiladi. I am meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatre. Are you doing anything tomorrow. Note. Always – Present Continuous da ishlatilganda doim bo’ladigan ish xarakat uchun emas, balki vaqtinchalik juda tez takrorlanayotgan ish – harakat uchun ishlatiladi. Odatda bu so’zlovchi uchun ma’qul emasligini bildiradi va Always ga urg’u berib gapiriladi. He is always losing his keys. ( U juda ko’p kalitlarini yo’qotib qo’yyapti. ) I am always making that mistake. Note: Davom zamonida ishlatilmaydigan bir guruh fe’llar: Want/like/belong/know/suppose/remember/need/love/see (understand)/realize/Mean/forget/prefer/hate/hear/believe/understand/seem/Have ( when the meaning is “ possess ” ) - Do you like London ?(not “are you liking”) - He doesn’t understand . ( not “ he is not understanding ” ) - I am respecting the professor. ( incorrect )
I like watching movies but I am hating this movie. STOP+TO+V/STOP+Ving. Stop fe’lidan keyin Ving kelsa shu ish-xarakatni bajarish to’xtatiladi. Stop crying! Stop talking! Stop writing! She stopped talking with us. Stop dan keyin to+v kelsa shu ish-xarakatni bajarish uchun to’xtaladi. He stopped buying cigarettes. He stopped smoking. (u sigareta sotib olishni to’xtatdi. U chekishni tashladi). He stopped to buy cigarettes because he smokes (U sigareta sotib olish uchun to’xtadi chunki u chekadi.) THE FUTURE SIMPLE 22-dars A. Form.
Structures S + will + V (Simple) Darak gap S + will not + V (Simple) Inkor gap Will + S + V (Simple) ….? So’roq gap Won’t + S + V (Simple)….? Inkor so’roq gap The voyagers will not return next month. You will not recognize him when he is disguised.
Will you turn off the air conditioner? Won’t you (or Will you not) lend your friend some money? Won’t they give the same bonus to anyone who buys T-Bills? B.USE assume, be afraid, be / feel sure, believe, daresay, doubt, expect, hope, know, promise, suppose, think, wonder fe’llari hamda perhaps, possibly, probably, surely, certainly ravishlari bilan ham future simple ishlatilishi mumkin. I’m sure she’ll come back. I suppose they’ll sell their mansion. Perhaps we will find her at the student hostel. Without more food and medical supplies, these people will surely not survive We assume the spies will make the plan on that basis. I daresay Muhiddin will score at least 6.5 on the IELTS exam. He feels absolutely sure that the election will result in another victory for the government. I expect you’ll find it somewhere in your bedroom. I am afraid she won’t be able to reach there before dark. It will probably be cold / I expect it will be cold. Давом замонида кулланилмайдиган фелларнинг келажак маъносини ифодалаш учун келажак ноаник замон: The doctor will be here at 9. We will have time for a cup of coffee. Your parents will wonder where you are. You’ll know tonight. Note: Will + S + have + C? Taklif berish uchun ishlatiladi What will you have for dinner? I will have pilaf Will you have some? (choy ichasizmi) TO BE GOING TO 23-dars B Download 0,71 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling