Hofmeyr, Jan Hendrik, 1894-1948 Professor of Classics, Principal and Vice
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A.Z.Idelson Group, A879 Aarons, Michelle Sandra, A2011 Aberdeen, George Hamilton-Gordon, Earl, A204f Aborigines Protection Society, A784mfm abortion, AG2679, AG3192 Abrahams, Rupert, A2054 Abrahams, Yvonne, A2054 academic boycott, A2692 academic freedom, A2692 accountancy Great Britain, A1591 South Africa, A881 Achmat, Zackie, AG3077 Achterberg, N.D., A1007Mfm Acton, H.Adams, A1238Mfm ACTSTOP, A2692 Adams College, Natal, AD2533 Adcock Ingram, A1587 Adams, Farrid, AD1812 Adlam, Neville, A956f Adler, David, AD1847 Adler, Hans, A1458, A2096 Adler, Josie, A2100 Adler, Taffy, AH2065 administration boards - East Rand, A1934 advertising, newspaper, A427Fol, A2748fol advisory boards Bloemfontein, AD1785 Daveyton, AD1647 Katlehong, A1880Mfm aeronautics Germany, A807 Great Britain, A842 Africa exploring expeditions, A342, A346- 352 See also East, North, South and South West Africa African Building and Allied Trades Workers' Union, A2178 Africa Christian Advocate AD2533 African Club, A164f, A224f African Commercial and Distributive Workers' Union, A1117, A2178 African Communist, AG2887, A3376 African Consolidated Films, A2631 African Consolidated Investment Corporation Ltd., A1724 African Consolidated Theatres, A1724 African Film Productions Ltd., A1724 African Food and Canning Workers' Union, AD1175 African Independent Churches, A2585, AG2843 African Lakes Co., Glasgow, A78 African Land Corporation, A1596f African Laundry Workers' Union, A1117 African Leader, A2747Fol African Methodist Episcopal Church, A889f, A1618, A1738, A2935 African National Congress, AD843, A922, A979, AD1812, A1888, A1906, A1912, A1985, A2094, AK2117, AK2130, AK2153, AK2156-2157, AK2166, AD2179,
AD2186, AK2279, AK2288, AD2293, AK2307, AK2313, AK2316, AK2321, AK2327, AK2333, AK2339, A2417mfm, A2422, AK2487, AG2510, A2561mfm,
A2577, A2729, AK2815, AK2818, AK2915, A2945, A3049, A3175, A3299
camps in exile, A3318f history of exile, A3345 photos, A3359
post-1994, A3345 Tripartite Alliance, A3332 African National Congress Women's
League, AD2186 African National Congress Youth League, A2653, AD2186, A3175 African People's Democratic Union of South Africa, AD1709Mfm, AK2525 African Realty Trust, A1724 African Self-Help Association, A3011f African Society, A1518 African Timber Workers' Union, A2178
352 African Tobacco Workers' Union, AH1328 African Trade Unions Technical Advisory Committee, AD1197 Africana collecting, A2255 Africana collectors, A205, A229f, A332f, A1134, A1146, A1150, A1479, A2201 Africana Museum, Johannesburg, A956f, A1469 Africa's Golden Harvests, A2767mfe Africa's Hope, AD2533 Afrikaans language, A973
pioneers, A254-255f, A310-312f, A314f, A513-415f, A1540 Afrikaans literature, See literature, South African - Afrikaans Afrikaanse Nasionale Studentebond, A973 Afrikaanse Patriot and Paarl District Advertiser, Di, A414f Afrikaner - race relations, AD1716Mfm Afrikaner nationalism, A973, A2557 Agar-Hamilton, John Augustus Ion, A205
Agency for Industrial Mission, A2873 Aggett, Neil, AD1722Tap, A1888, AD2021, AK2216, A2410 Agricola, Georgius (Georg Bauer), A747 agricultural associations, A73, A1382 agriculture, A3320f
Black, AD1428 Orange Free State, A1111
Transvaal, Western, A1134 Agriculture, Department of, A1327f Agulhas, Cape, A211f, A738Mfe Aida Parker Newsletter, AG2887 AIDS, AG3006, Policy, AG3232 prevention, AG3176 research, AG3232 AIDS Awareness Programme, A2651 AIDS Consortium, AG3077 AIDS Education and Media Training Unit, A3159 AIDS Law Project, AG3077 AIDS Legal Network, AG3077 Albany, A266f
See also Cape of Good Hope - Eastern Province Albasini, Joao, A1540 Albasini family, A1379 Albu, Felix, A1513 Albu, George W., A1157 Alders, J.D., A376f Alexander, Dora, A1984 Alexander, Henry, A342 Alexander, Sir James Edward, A29, A520f Alexander, Neville, AD1901, AD2021, Alexander, Ray, AD1137, A2417mfm, Alexandra Action Committee, AK2130, AG3328 Alexandra Bus Boycott 1956-7, AD1788 Alexandra Civic Organisation, A2786 Alexandra Local Peace Committee, AG3056 Alexandra News Bulletin, AD2533 Alexandra Township, A410, AD843,
A1157Mfm, AD1705Mfm, A1934, 1947, AC1971, A2053Mfe, AK2130- 2131, A2265, A2269, A2346, A2786, A2986, AG3056, A3191, AG3328
Special Presidential Projects, A3331 Alexandra Urban Renewal Project, A3330, A3331
Alfred, Ernest Albert, Prince, A1278, A1552 Algoa Bay See Port Elizabeth Alington, Rev. Charles Ayentine, A347Fol Aliwal North during the S.A.War 1899-1902, A778f public library A1005f All-Bantu Conference, Bloemfontein 1935, A997f All African Convention, AD2186 All African People's Conference, AD2186 All-in Africa Conference, AD2179 Allen, James, A376f, A527f Alternative Native Bills, A997f Amalgamated Engineering Union, AH2398 "America" ship, A1527 American Board Mission, A1007Mfm, A1444, AC3243 American Zulu Mission, A170, A519f Amery, Leopold Stennett, A1, A539,
353 A1337 Ameshoff, Herman Arnold, A2 Amnesty applications, AK2833, AK2883, AK3195 AMPLATS, AG3245 ANC See African National Congress Andersson, Charles John, A3, A1487Mfm, A1982 Andersson, Charles Llewellyn, A146,
A1487Mfm Andersson, Gavin, A990 Andersson, Sarah Jane, A1487Mfm, A1982
Andrews, Capt. Caesar, A1350f, A1369Mfm, A1369f, A1370f Andrews, M.A., A29 Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. M.W, A967 Andrews, Thomas, A1780 Andrews, William Henry, A953 Anglesey, Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess, A670f Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa Ltd., A969f, A2067Mfm Anglo-Boer War See South African War Anglo-French Exploration Co., A1512 Angola, A2317 Border war, A1654, A3345 MK camps, A3345 World War 1 1914-1918, A1629 Angola South West Africa Boundary Commission, A839 animal experimentation, AG2509 animal rights, AG2509, AG3039, AG3216 Annear, Samuel John, A1908Fol. Anstruther, Lt. Col. Philip Robert, A1491, A1492 anthrolopogy, A1007, A1209, A1581 Antigua - sketches, 19th century, A29 Anti-Fascist League, A2031 Anti-Militarisation Conference, AG3057 Anti-Nazi Vigilance Committee, AD1716Mfm anti-Semitism, A1, A539, A973, A3323f Anti-Union Festival Committee, AD2176 Anti-War News, AG3057 Apartheid
activities against, outside South Africa, A2094, at bus stops, A1086 See race problems in South Africa Apartheid Archives, AG3275 Apelgren, Greta Margaret, AK2338 Appropriation Bill 1969, AD1700Mfm Apres de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste d', A4 Arbousset, Thomas, A926 Archaeology, A2979f South West Africa, A460-462f, A1337 Swaziland, A82 Archbell, John, A567 Archbell, Joseph, A567 Archer-Shepherd, Laurence, A209 architecture, landscape, A882, A3299 Arenstein, J., A1086 Arenstein, Rowley Israel, AD1897, AD2021 Argus Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., AK2316 armed forces, AG3012 Armscor, A2740f ‘Arms Deal’, A3345 arms trade, AG3012 Armstrong, Bp. John, A1537 Arnold-Foster, Hugh Oakeley, A75 Arnot, David, A229f Arnot, Rev. Frederick Stanley, A528f art
Cape of Good Hope, A1482
South Africa, A23, A29, A342, 472f, A881, A1081, A2286
South West Africa, A460f Southern Rhodesia, A209 Art Institute South Africa, A2286 artists - South Africa, A2286, A2749 Arts Alive, AG2850 Arts and Culture Trust, A3367 Ascension
photographs, A1564 sketches, A1537 Asher, Anthony, A2940 Ashton, Rev. William, A75 Asiatic Land Laws Commission, AD1761 Asiatic Land Tenure and Indian
Representation Bill 1946, AD1706Mfm Asokor Beperk, A1905 Association for Rural Advancement, AD1713Mfm
Association of Group B Controlled
Mines, A1258
354 Association of Private Schools, AF1343 Association of Registered Mines, A1258 Association of Social Work Education (ASWEA), AG3303 Association of University Teachers, AF1214 astronomy, A253f, A616f, A842, A892,
A1399Mfm Atherstone, Dr. John, A614 Atherstone, Dr William Guybon, A43, A262f Athlone, Alexander Augustus Frederick
William George Cambridge, Earl, A1 Auden House Collection, AD2179 ‘Audible Legacy Project’, AG3368 Auerbach, Franz, AG3222, A3267 Auerbach, Helena, A5, A3267 Auermann, Detlef, A844f Austria - sketches, A606Fol Axelson, Eric, A28f Ayliff, Rev. John, A43 Ayliff, William, A43 Aylward, Alfred, A96, A250f, A251f, A252f Ayres, Thomas, A210f Azanian News, A2248 Azanian People's Organisation, AK2117, A2248 Azanian Students' Organisation, AK2117, AG2635 Azanian Youth Unity, A2981f
B & K Township Ltd., A1274 Baard, Frances, AD1722, AD722Tap Bach, Lazar, A3381f Back, J.J., A1525 Bacon, James A., A271f Baden-Powell, Sir George Smyth, A75, A77
Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth,
Lord, A781, A839, A979, A1559 Scouts, A3363 badges ('boss boy') A2858 Bafokeng, A2752 Bafokeng Women's Club, AK2320 Ba-ga-Malete, A1398 Mfm Bagot, Walter Lewis, A1245Mfm Baharutshe, A205 incorporation into Bophuthatswana, AK2323 Bailey, Sir Abe, A1, A539, A1512,
Bailey, Cyril, A1 Bailie, Alexander Cumming, A1241Mfm Bain, Andrew Geddes, A6, A43, A607f Bain, Jane Geddes, A6 Baines, Gary Fred, A2051 Baines, John Thomas, See Baines, Thomas Baines, Mrs. M.A., A1329Mfm Baines, Thomas, A919, A970, A1329Mfm, A1619, A1909Fol., A1982 Baird, Sir David, A886f Baker, Albert Weir, A182 Baker, Ernest, A676 Baker, Mrs. George Pierce, A539 Baker, Sir Herbert, A539, A881 Bakgatla, A1655 Bakwena ba Magopa tribe, AK2525 Baleka, P.M., AK2117 Balizulu, S.J., AK2525 Balfour, Alice Blanche, A1240Mfm, A1400Mfm Balfour, Mabel, AD1722, AD1722Tap
Ballinger, Margaret Livingstone, A410, AD843, A1335Mfm, AD1699Mfm, A1915f, A2075, A2185, A3083 Ballinger, William George, A410, AD843, A924, AD1178, A1319Mfm, A2075 Balmoral Gold Mining Company, A1274 Baneshik, Percival Leon, A2777 Bantu education, A2857 Bantu Sunday School Bulletin, AD2533 Bam, Charles A.O., A1512 Bamangwato, A996f Bambane, Harry, AD1901 Banda, Dr. Hastings Kamuzu, AD843 Banda, SJ and others, AK2283 Bangwakeke, A996f Bangweulu, Lake, A991f Banin, Farrell, E., A2244 banishments, AD1646 Banks, Sir Joseph, A666Fol., A1056f banks and banking
Cape of Good Hope, A1191f, A1509-1510
South Africa, A619, A926, A1204, A1254Mfm
Transvaal, A743 bannings, A1888, AD1912, AC1971, A1985, AD2028, A2084, AD2951, A3299 Bantjes, Jan Gerrit, A7, A63
355 Bantu See Blacks Bantu Men's Social Centre, A1058, A2771mfe Bantustans, See Homelands Baphuti, A1631 Baptist Union of South Africa, A676,
address of welcome to judge, A238f during the S.A. War 1899-1902,
A1546 gold mines and mining, A1305f, A1543,
A1546, A1563, A1780 photographs, A967, A1563 Barclay, A., Surgeon, A1506, A1633 Barclay's Bank D.C.& O., A1204 "Barfleur" ship, A124 Baring, Sir Evelyn, A539 Baring, Sir Francis, A666Fol Barkly, Sir Henry, A75, A222f Barlow Rand Mining photos, A2864) Barnard, Andrew, A88, A734Mfe Barnard, Lady Anne, A557f, A1963f Barnard, Nicholas, AK2820 Barnato, Barney, A22, A83, A3085 Barnes-Webb, Mrs Hugh, A676 Barnett and Co., A1203, A1549, A3311 Barolong
history, A979, A1655, A1699Mfm, A1893Fol rivalry with Griquas, A348 Barotseland description and travel, A10, A48, A100, A168, A173-174f, A177f, A1330Mfm photographs, A100 Barralet, Elsie M., A205 Barrett, Jane, A2168 Barrett, Lyn A., A1883 Barron, James, AD2021, AD2028Mfe Barrow, Sir John, A88, A666Fol, A667Fol Barry, Dr James, A1278, A1810 Barry, Richard A., A1643 Barsel, Hymie, A1984 Bartels, Maurits, A153f Barter, Charles, A424 Bartman, Arnoldus, A160f Bartman, Joannes Arnoldus, A160f Baskin, Jeremy, A2739f, AH2920 Basner, Hyman Meyer, A410, AD843, A1740, A2026 Basotholand Congress Party (BCP), A3289 Basotho poetry, A3171 Bassano, Napoleon Charles Hugues Marie Ghislain Maret, Duc de, A1528 Basson, Jakob Daniel du Plessis (Japie), A539 Basson, Wouter, AG3329, A3335, A3345 Basters See Rehoboth Basters Basutoland
Basuto wars, A476f, A1346Mfm description and travel, 19th century A1401Mfm education, A1125, AD1715 university, A1193f health, AD1715, A1764 missions, A100, A176f, A926,
A1330Mfm photographs, A100, A959 poetry, A3171 politics and government, 19th century, A56, A951, A1041f, A1078, A1256Mfm, A1631 politics and government, 20th century, A410, AD843, A881, A924, A974, A1319Mfm, A1335Mfm, A1349Mf, A1454Mfm, AD1947 Protectorate question, A410 See also Lesotho Batavian Republic, A151f, A1507 Bateman, Edward La Trobe, A1505 Bath, Amelia, A1346 Mfm Bath, William, A1346Mfm Bathoen, I., A979 Bathurst, Henry, 3rd Earl, A342, A420 Batlokwa, A1655 Batlou, A1655 Batsch, Ernest, A807 Baudelaire, Charles, A431f Bauer, Georg, A747 Bauman, Herbert, A2258f Bayko, Elizabeth, A882 Beadle, Sir Hugh, A539 Beamish, Henry Hamilton, A3323f Beard, Terence, AD1495 Beaufort Rangers, A1312 Beaufort West - surveying group, A86 Beaumont, George H., A64 Bechuanaland
cattle industry, A921f description and travel, 19th century, A45, A1252Mfm, A1399Mfm, A1401Mfm
356 description and travel, 20th century, A1134,A1445 education, A95, A1125, A1193f, AD1715 geology, A869f, A1138 health, AD1715 language, A348 mines, A926, A1138 missions, A75, A347Fol., A348-349, 784Mfm, A1330Mfm, A1603 politics and government, 19th century, A75, A77, A784, A979, A1396Mfm, A1517, A2617mfm politics and government, 20 th
A979, A996f, A1335Mfm, A1349Mfm, A1396Mfm, A1454Mfm, 1699Mfm, A1779f, AD1947, A2617mfm tribal customs, A169f, A1628 history, A979, A1398Mfm, A1811f See also Botswana Becker, Peter, A3242 Beckett, Denis, AK2209, AK2810 Beckett, Thomas William, A619 Bedingfeld, Norman, A919 Beechams S.A. (Pty) Ltd., A1587 Beeld - translations, A1597 ‘Beer hall protest’ 1959, A3264 Beet, George, A250f, A252f Begbie's foundry, Johannesburg, A1562 Begg, Robert Campbell, A20, A585, A665 Begg's News Agency, A516f Beguin, Rev. Eugene, A168 Beinart, William, A2242 Beit, Alfred, A90, A183, A575f, A576 Beit, Sir Otto John, A576 Beit bequest, A575f, A576 Bekker, Jo-Ann, AK2318 Belgeric Gold Mining Co.Ltd., A1260 Belgian Congo description and travel, 20th century, A1335Mfm hunting, A1190f missions, A522f, A528f photographs, A2027 Bell, Charles Davidson, A6, A29, A649 Bell, Eric and Co., A1260 Bell, Frederick William, A417, A455, A529
Bell, Mrs James, A529 Bell, John, A216f, A607f, A1509 Bell, Robert, A1558 Bell, William Henry Somerset, A9 Bellairs, Col. Sir William, A951, A1492, A1846, A2363f Bellary Camp, India, A956f Belleze, Monsignor P., A82 Bemath, Abdul S., A2248 Benedictine Fathers in the Northern Transvaal, A340 Bengu, M.E., A957f Benjamin, Edmund Langner, A1117 Benjamin, M.H., A1510 Bennett, Arnold, A539 Bennett, Benjamin, A539 Bennie, Rev. John, A926 Benoni
Black township, AD1647, A3373 history, A578 municipal affairs, A836 photographs, A22 pioneers, A198 Benoni Town Council, A836, AD1647 Benson, Mary, A1985, AD2293 Berg Damaras, A1461f Berger, G.J.E., AD2021, AK2306 Bergtheil, Johas, A1589f Bergtheils - Volunteer Corps, A1589f Berkland, Alfred Martin, A1061 Berlin Missionary Society, A845Mfm, A1414Mfm, A3084, AC2980, Berman, Esme, A2286 Bernard, Mary, AK2166 Bernard Price Institute, A3377 Bernstein, Anne, A2242 Berrange, Daniel, A224f, A1510 Bernstein, Edgar, A539, A977 Bernstein, Hilda, A3299 Bernstein, Rusty, A3299 Bertasso, Maria, A1271f Berthoud, Henri, A1632 Berthoud, Rev.Paul A926, A1379,
A1632 Bertie, Sir Albemarle, A162f Bertodano, Frederic Ramon de, A1347Mfm Bertram, William, A260f Bertrand, Capt. Alfred, A10, A174f Besterspruit - removal, AD1646 Bethal Trial, AD2021 Bethel - ministers of religion, A332f
357 Bethesda Mission Station, A1199 Bethesda - Opleidingskool, A2169Mfe Bethlehem - Photographs, A1256Mfm "Bevenwijk" ship, A94 Beyleveld, Petrus Arnoldus, AD1901, AD2187 Bhaca (Baca, Xhosa) A1955 Bhamjee, I., AD1722Tap Bhonguletu Civic Association, AK2525 Bianchi, Michael Angelo, A165f Bible
versions, Afrikaans, A254-255f A310-312f, A314f versions, Tsonga, AC1084 versions, Zulu, A11 Download 5,1 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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