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psixologiya 1 son 2023

Annotatsiya: Madaniyat muammosini o'rganish natijalari ushbu konsepsiyaning tuzilishini o'rganish 
va uning tarkibiy qismlarini ajratib ko'rsatish imkonini beradi. Bunday bo'laklar quyidagi ko'rinishda 
namoyon bo'ladi: odamlarning "ichki" ijtimoiy ongi; xulq-atvor va harakatlarda jamoat ongining namoyon 
bo'lishi; "obyektivlashtirilgan" faoliyat mahsulotlari (ham moddiy, ham ma'naviy). Ma‟naviy-madaniy 
merosga e‟tibor yosh avlodning psixologik salohiyatini shakllantirishda muhim omil bo„lmoqda. An'analar 
etnik-madaniy ma'lumotlarni uzatishning nisbatan barqaror tarkibiy qismlaridan biridir.
Bular ishlab 
chiqarish, oilaviy va marosim an'analari, madaniy, adabiy, g'oyaviy-me'moriy, folklor, diniy, ilmiy va 
boshqa an'analardir. 
Kalit so'zlar: madaniyat, madaniyatdagi "antropologik", "sotsiologik" va "falsafiy" turlar, 
madaniyat tushunchasiga tarixiy-sotsiologik, falsafiy-antropologik va fenomenologik yondashuvlar
moddiy va ma'naviy madaniyat, an'analar, urf-odatlar, bid'at, yozma va og'zaki, til, madaniyat, madaniyat 
etikasi, huquqiy, siyosiy, diniy, intellektual, ta‟lim va boshqa sohalar, “faoliyat stereotiplari” va “ta‟lim 
Abstract: The results of the study of the problem of culture allow us to study the structure of this 
concept and identify its components. Such fragments manifest themselves in the following form: the "inner" 
social consciousness of people; the manifestation of social consciousness in behavior and actions; 
"objectified" products of activity (both material and spiritual). Attention to the spiritual cultural heritage is 
an important factor in the formation of the psychological image of the younger generation. Traditions are 
one of the relatively stable components of the transmission of ethno-cultural information. These are 
industrial, family and ritual traditions, cultural, literary, ideological and architectural, folklore, religious
scientific and other traditions. 
Keywords: culture, "anthropological", "sociological" and "philosophical" types in culture
historical-sociological, philosophical-anthropological and phenomenological approaches to the concept of 
culture, material and spiritual culture, traditions, customs, heresies, writing and oral. culture, ethics of 
culture, legal, political, religious, intellectual, educational and other fields, "stereotypes of activity" and 
"stereotypes of education".

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