Simsiz tarmoqlar cheklangan diapazonga ega. Tarmoq diapazoni 802.11 protokoli turiga,
qurilma uzatgichining kuchiga va atrofdagi arxitekturaga bog'liq. Devor va metall
ramkalar kabi ba'zi tuzilmalar VLAN diapazonini 25% ga kamaytiradi. Biroq,
foydalanuvchilar VLAN diapazonini kengaytirishi mumkin. Repetitorlar simsiz signalni
kirish nuqtalari yoki routerlarga yo'naltiradi va tarmoq diapazonini oshiradi.
Tarmoqli kengligi va kechikish-bu kompyuter tarmog'ining tezligi yoki ma'lumotlarni
uzatish tezligining o'lchovlari. Tarmoqli kengligi-bu soniyada bitlarda ma'lumotlarning
maksimal o'tkazuvchanligi.
Ba'zi modemlar 100 Gbit/s ni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, ammo tezlik ishlatiladigan apparat va
dasturiy ta'minotga bog'liq. Kechikish-bu ma'lumotlarni uzatish paytida tarmoq
yaratadigan kechikish. Foydalanuvchilar tarmoqli kengligi va kechikish ustidan hech
qanday yoki juda kam nazoratga ega emaslar.
Task 2.
Change the verbs in Present Simple to Past Simple.
1. I usually do my homework in the evening. - I usually did my homework in the evening.
2. She helps her mother after school. - She helped her mother after school.
3. They have a big house in London. - They had a big house in London.
4. We are in Tashkent. - We were in Tashkent.
5. My father works at school. - My father worked at school.
IT support. Reporting incidents.
Task 1. Read and translate the text in written form.
What is IT Support?
The IT Support maintains the computer networks of all types of organisations, providing
technical support and ensuring the whole company runs smoothly. IT Support monitors and
maintains the company computer systems, installs, and configures hardware and software, and
solves technical issues as they arise. Because of the nature of the job, some companies may
require their IT Support to undertake shift work.
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