III. Homework
Find the sentences with the new words & complete it.
Ordering food products by phone is………………………………………
Most housewives would like to see what ……………………………….
My friend Alice & I do our shopping together…………………………….
Then we went to the baker's & paid for the bread………………………. .
We all wear clothes & eat food that's why shopping…………………….
Date:_____________ LESSON 16
I.The aims of the lesson: __________________________________
II.The procedure of the lesson:
Grammar revision
Predlog deb ot (yoki olmoshning) gapdagi boshqa so`zlarning munosabatini ko'rsatuvchi yordamchi so'zlarga aytiladi. Ingliz tilida kelishib go`shimchalari yo'qligi uchun ular ko'p hollarda o'zbek tilidagi kelishil go`shimchalari vazifasini bajaradi:
He lives in London. U Londonda yashaydi.
He is sitting under a tree. U daraxt ostida o`tiribdi.
After dinner he went to the library. U tushlikdan keyin kutubxonaga bordi.
He came with his brother. U akasi bilan keldi.
1. Har bir predlog bir nechta mustagil ma'nolarda kelishi mumkin.
Masalan, in predlogi quyidagi ma'nolarda ishlatiladi:
a) -da (joyga nisbatan ishlatiladi):
He lives in London. U Londonda yashaydi.
b) -da (vaqtga nisbatan ishlatiladi, oy va yil oldida):
He will arrive in May. U may oyida keladi.
c) keyin ma'nosida:
He will return in an hour. U bir soatdan keyin qaytib keladi.
d) -da , ichida, mobaynida:
The house was built in three months. Uy uch oy ichida qurildi.
e) Ko'p hollarda u yoki bu predlogning ishlatilishi undan oldin kelayotgan fe'lga, sifatga yoki otga bog'liq bo'ladi. Masalan, to depend fe'li o'zidan keyin on predlogini talab qiladi: It doesn't depend on me. Bu menga bog'liq emas.
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