O’qish qoidasi: oi, oy, ou, au, aw harf birikmalari.
So’z yasalishi: - ive suffiksi.
Grammatika: infinitive va uning funksiyalari. Zamonlar moslashuvi.
oi, oy harf birikmalari [oI] o’qiladi: point [poInt] nuqta, joy; boy [boI] o’g’il bola;;
ou harf birikmasi odatda [aΩ] o’qiladi: sound [saΩnd] tovush; amount [ə`maΩnt] miqdor;
au, aw harf birikmalari [o:] o’qiladi; cause [ko:z] yetkazmoq, chaqirmoq; nausea [`no:sjə] ko’ngil aynishi; law [lo:] qonun;
–ive qo’shimchasi fe’llardan sifat yasaydi; connect [kə`nekt] biriktirmoq – connective [kə`nektiv] biriktiruvchi.
Moist, poison, joint, voice, join, destroy, enjoy;
Found, out, about, round, mouth, count, loud;
Daughter, jaw, author, raw, autumn, auscultation, autopsy, gauze, nausea, pause.
Quyidagi gaplarni Past Indefinite Passive ga qo’ying va tarjima qiling:
Many scientific experiments will be carried out at our Institute laboratories. 2. His experimental work will be connected with the operations on joints. 3. The method of artificial metal joints will be used in many cases.
Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qiling:
We learned that the lower extremity consisted of the thigh, leg and foot. 2. The doctor saw that the patient’s eyes were reddened (qizargan). 3. He knew that I studied at the Medical institute.
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