Interyer-dizayn sohasiga oid terminlarning ingliz va o’zbek
tillarida tasnifi
Madina Hasanboy qizi Ro’ziyeva
Termiz davlat pedagogika instituti
Annotatsiya: Mazkur maqolada hozirgi kunda yangi soha sifatida O’zbekistonga
kirib kelayotgan va ommalashib borayotgan interyer-dizayn sohasiga oid terminlar va
ularning o’zbek tilidagi muqobil variantini topish borasida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Bugungi kunda mazkur soha rivojlanib borgani sari unga oid yangidan yangi terminlar
ham iste’molga kirib bormoqda. Bu esa tilshunoslik yuzasidan bu terminlarni o’rganish
va ularni tahlil qilishni taqozo etadi. Bu soha bizning
mamlakatimizda yangi
bo’lganligi bois sohaga oid terminlarning asosiy qismini chet
tillaridan kirib kelgan
o’zlashma so’zlar tashkil qiladi. Ushbu maqolada asosan interyer-dizayn sohasiga oid
terminlarning kelib chiqish tarixi, ularni tarjima qilish usullari ko’rib chiqiladi.
Kalit so’zlar: dizayn,
interyer-dizayn, eksteryer-dizayn, interyer-dizayn sohasiga
oid terminlar, kalkalash usuli.
Classification of interior design terms in English and Uzbek
Madina Hasanboy kizi Roziyeva
Termiz State Pedagogical Institute
Abstract: This article defines
terms that are related to the interior design and as
this field has improved day by day in Uzbekistan, moreover, their equivalent lexemes
in Uzbek language. Today, as this field has developed, new terms related to come into
use. This requires the study of these terms and their analysis in terms of linguistics.
Since this field is new in our country, the main part of the terms related to the field are
borrowed words from foreign languages. In this article, the history of the origin of the
terms related to the field of interior design, their classification, analysis of terms and
translation methods.