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Tadqiqot natijalarining nazariy va amaliy ahamiyati

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2 Nahalbayev Lazizjon Bazarovich (2)

Tadqiqot natijalarining nazariy va amaliy ahamiyati: Tadqiqot ishining amaliy ahamiyati shundaki, dissertatsiyada inson resurslarini boshqarish va kichik biznesga jalb qilish va boshqarish usullariga qaratilgan ilmiy taklif va amaliy tavsiyalardan mamlakatimizda investitsion faoliyatni takomillashtirishda hamda uning yangi imkoniyatlarini izlab topishda keng foydalanish ushun zamin yaratadi.
Xulosa va takliflarning qisqacha umumlashgan ifodasi: Iqtisodiyotni modernizatsiyalash sharoitida inson resurslarini boshqarish ahamiyatini tahlil qilish,Inson resurslarini boshqarish xususiyatlari va uning biznesda tutgan o’rnini aniqlash,kichik biznes rivojlantirish jarayonida inson resurslarini boshqarish, aholi bandligi va daromadlarini oshirish yo’llari va takonillashtirish,zamonoviy usul va tamoyillardan korxona va tashkilotlarda inson resurslarini boshqarishda bilim va ko’nikmalarga ega bo’lishni aniqlash, inson resurslaridan oqilona foydalanish, insonlarni kasb mahoratini va sog’lig’ini mustahkamlash maqsadida turli xil tadqiqot va tahlillarni olib borish.

Magistrlik dissertatsiya ishi tarkibi: Dissertasiya ishi tarkibi kirish, uchta bob, 6 ta band, xulosa va foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yxatidan iborat.

Ilmiy rahbar; i.f.d., prof. Rasulova D.V.

Magistr : Nahalbayev.L.B


Master's program: 70411301 Master's student: Nahalbayev.L.B
Department: i.f.d., prof. Rasulova D.V.
Academic year: 2021-2023 Specialization: "Organization of small business and private entrepreneurship"


Justification of the topic of the dissertation and its relevance; Today, in the conditions of modernization of the economy, solving a number of socio-economic issues requires effective use of human resources. "The problems of human resource management are one of the most urgent and awaiting solutions in economic, social sciences and education today. The effective implementation of market relations in our republic depends primarily on the effective use of human resources. For us, only one priority is the priority of human interests, a reliable basis is being created for the continuation of the policy of stimulating the consumer market in the country, increasing the level of wages and the income of the population.
In this regard, the rational use of human resources, strengthening people's professional skills and health is the basis of this science. Therefore, it is important to acquire knowledge and skills in the management of human resources in enterprises and organizations using modern methods and principles. Therefore, human resource management at the level of sectors and enterprises, regions, which can become a locomotive of further modernization and diversification of the economy, can be achieved by perfecting the ways of finding solutions to the most urgent problems of today's human resources management. In the management of human resources in all spheres of our life, it is most urgent to find, trust, and use modern methods in managing employees, people who have new ideas, who can take responsibility in difficult times, who are able to keep pace with life, who are pure of faith, knowledgeable, and business people. is one of the issues.

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