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The correlation between the pharmacist’s

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The correlation between the pharmacist’s 
and the DTCA of self-medication
Mihail Minov, Ljiljana Tasic
Faculty of Pharmacy, str. Vojvode Stepe 450, Belgrade, Serbia;
Background: Direct-To-Consumer-Advertising (DTCA) is a method by which, pharmaceutical companies
inform the ‘consumer’ (who may or may not be a patient) about a disease and about drugs for mentioned disease.
Direct-to-consumer’ means that such information can be addressed to consumers without having to go through the
normal channel of doctors, pharmacists and other health-care professionals. An important benefit of DTCA is that it
fosters an informed conversation about health, disease and treatments between patients and their health care practi-
tioners, resulting in more health conscious, informed and empowered public, reduces under diagnosis and under
treatment of diseases, and results in earlier management of more serious, costly conditions that consumers typical-
ly ignore, or chose not to treat when symptoms appear to be minor or non-acute. In the Republic of Macedonia,
DTCA in pharmaceutical business is more likely connected with over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, rather than pre-
scription-only-medicines (POM).
Objectives and Methods:  The purpose of this work was to evaluate the correlation between the experiences
and opinions of the pharmacists in the case of oral antiseptics, as a segment of the OTC market, and on the other side
the influence of the DTC advertisements of the same group of products. The survey was conducted via marketing
research tool (interview) towards two interesting groups (citizens-consumers; and health care professionals-pharma-
cists) in Macedonia, during march and april 2006 year.
Results:  According to the interviews, citizens in 37,64% always take the advice of the pharmacist,; in 49,44%
the advice is taken relatively by the citizens, and in 12,92%, the citizens, do not ask for advice. From the group, that
represents the 37,64% interviewed citizens, 34,92% do council with the pharmacist, and 49,21% with the medical
doctor. According to the collected data from the sales of the oral antiseptics, septolete represents 68,00%, strepsils
10,86%, trachisan 6,86%, propomed 5,71%, isla 3,43%, angisept 2,29%, septogal and fitosept 1,14%, and angal 0.57%.
The choice of an oral antiseptic, according to the citizens, is based on their previous experience (36,16%); quality
of the product (39,55); advertising of the product (19,77), and 4,52% are most influenced by the price of the prod-
uct, as a part of the marketing mix. The experience of the pharmacists says that in 39,13% of the cases, consumers
ask for the particular product because of their previous experience; 30,43% because of advertising of the product;
20,00% because of the quality, and only 8,70% consumers make their choice because of the price. Pharmacists rec-
ommend the product because of the quality (86,09%); only 4,35% of the interviewed pharmacists, make their rec-
ommendation because of the price.
Conclusion:  The main goal of the DTCA is to increase sales, primarily by stimulating the patients with
advertising messages of limited informational value to discuss with health care practitioner. According to the answers
of the interviews, it appears that consumers are most affected by their previous experience and by advertising tips.
By greatly increasing the issue that patients will ask for help, care and answers to their medical problems, and receive
a safe and effective solution, DTCA plays a very important role in enhancing public health. The role of the pharma-
cists in recommendation of self-medication preparations to the consumers is the most important among the health
care professionals. Pharmacists, among the health care practitioners, are the ones that always must have the right
information to the questions and quarries of the patients. 
The progress of the new, contemporary profile of the pharmacists is in the way of conducting the principles
of the pharmaceutical care (as the responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving definite out-
comes that improve a patients quality of life), and the good pharmacy practice (as important information given in a
manner acceptable to the patient’s understanding), which results in increasing the level of professionalism and the
status of the pharmacist.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 146 (2007)
PP - 65

Synthesis and immunogenic profile of glucoconjugates as new
model for oligosaccharide based vaccines against Vibrio cholerae
A. Grozdanova, A. Poceva Panovska, K. Brezovska, Lj. Suturkova
Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of immunology and immunochemistry, 
Faculty of Pharmacy, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Cholera is caused by Vibrio cholerae starins belonging to two serogroups, 01 and 0139, based on their
lipopolysacharide (LPS) structure. Currently available vaccines offer incomplete protection of relatively short dura-
tion. The only vaccines recommended from WHO for massive immunization of population in cholera epidemic
regions is WC/rBS per oral cell vaccines. The new method in design of vaccines for Gram-negative bacteria is trough
synthesis of glycoconjugates structures. The concept of the conjugates is linking the polysaccharides from bacteria
with protein carrier. It is to be expected that T-dependent carbohydrate antigens with peptide carriers to induce T-
dependant humoral immunity towards carbohydrate determinants. 
The chosen model of the design for synthesis of glycoconjugate immunogens is trough conjugation of carbo-
hydrate component of bacterial lipopolysaccharide from Vibrio cholerae 01 serotype Inaba with two different protein
carriers. We synthesized glucoconjugates, composed of detoxified LPS of Vibrio cholerae and protein carriers cBSA
and CT-b subunit. Bacterial B-subunit of cholera toxin (CT-B) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) are chosen as protein
carrier. Cholera toxin is strong virulent determinant with antigenic characteristic, and with adjuvant properties in the
conjugate. The use of B-subunit is because of its nontoxicity and adherent character. BSA is neutral antigen protein
in the design concept of the glycoconjugates, and hapten carrier.  This design should provide production of immuno-
genic molecule with carbohydrate antigen determinant and peptide hapten carrier The linker used for conjugation
should provide separation of two main glycoconjugate components, making them available for recognition and inter-
action with the elements of the immune system. With carboimide conjugation and use of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylamino-
propyl) carboimide (EDC) this need is accomplished. SDS-PAGE, glycoprotein detection and TLC dot-blot were
used for physical and chemical analysis of the prepared four types of conjugates. Safe level of endotoxins, measured
by LAL assay was detected in all conjugates. 
Immunogenic profile of the conjugates was determined thru immunization studies on BALB/c mice in peri-
od of eight months. BALB/c mice were immunized with the synthesized conjugates and with licensed cellular cholera
vaccine, after which the level of anti-LPS and anti-CT-B antibodies was measured in period of six months. 
Cellular vaccine elicited highest level of IgM anti-LPS antibodies in period of six months, but low level of
IgG anti-LPS antibodies. Synthesized glucoconjugates DeALPS-CT-B elicited immunity with IgM anti-LPS anti-
bodies titers very similar to the one elicted by cellular vaccine, but much higer IgG anti -LPS antibody level in the
period of three mounths. Non-conjugates oligosaccharides, DeA-LPS and O-SP, elicted much lower level of protec-
tion, what suggested that there has been functional changes of the oligosaccharides from T-indipendent to T-depend-
ent antigen, dye to with protein carrier in the synthesized glucoconjugates. During the immunization there is change
of the type of anti-LPS antibodies from strong IgM antibodies response after the first immunization, yo IgG anti-
bodies after the third immunization, which mean that there has been immunoglobulin class switching. There is pos-
sibility that serum IgG anti-LPS antibodies could confer long-lived protective immunity to cholera and outlined a
mechanism by which this disease may occur.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 147-148 (2007)
PP - 66

Sinteza i imunogen profil na glikokonjugati kako nov model 
na oligosaharidni bazirani vakcini za Vibrio cholerae
A. Grozdanova, A. Poceva Panovska, K. Brezovska, Q. [uturkova
Institut za Farmacevtska hemija, Farmacevtski fakultet Skopje, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij"
Kolerata e predizvikana na Vibrio Cholerae vidovite koi pripa|aat na dve serogrupi i toa na 01 i
0139, bazirano na struktura na nivniot lipopolisaharid (LPS). Vo momentov vakcinite koi se koristat
ne obezbeduvaat kompletna za{tita i istata e za mnogu kratok vremenski period. Edinstvenata vakcina
prepora~ana od Svetska Zdravstvena Organizacija za masovna imunizacija vo populacija so kolera epi-
demi~nite regioni e WC/rBS (whole cell vaccine) oralnata vakcina. Noviot metod pri dizajnirawe na vakci-
ni za Gram negativni bakterii e preku povrzuvawe na polisaharidite od bakteriite so proteinski nosa~.
Se o~ekuva deka T-zavisnite jaglehidratni antigeni so peptidnite nosa~i }e induciraat humoralen imu-
nitet kon jaglehidratnite determinanti. Razvojot na glikokonjugatnite vakcini se o~ekuva da obezbedi
za{tita i kon drugi humani patogeni preku upotreba na kapsularnite polisaharidi, LPS, oligosaharidite
i drugi jaglehidratni determinanti.
Izbraniot model na dizajnirawe za sinteza na glikokonjugatni imunogeni e preku konjugacija na
jaglehidratnata komponenta na bakteriskiot lipopolisaharid od Vibrio Cholerae 01 serotip Inaba so dva raz-
li~ni proteinski nosa~i. Bakteriskata B subedinica na kolera toksinot (CT-B) i bovin serum albuminot
(BSA) se izbrani kako proteinski nosa~i. Kolera toksinot e silna virulentna determinanta so antigenski
karakter i so adjuvantni karakteristiki vo sintetiziraniot konjugat. Upotrebata na B subedinicata e pora-
di nejzinite netoksi~ni i adherentni svojstva. BSA e neutralen antigenski protein vo dizajniraniot kon-
jugat i haptenski nosa~. Vakviot dizajn na konjugat treba da obezbedi sozdavawe na imunogena molekula so
jaglehidratna antigenska determinanta i peptiden haptenski nosa~. Linkerot koristen za konjugacija treba
da ovozmo`i razdvojuvawe na dvete glavni glikokonjugatni komponenti, ~inej}i gi dostapni za prepoznavawe
i interakcija so elementite na imuniot sistem. So karboimidnata konjugacija i upotrebata na 1-ethyl-3-(3-
dimethylaminopropyl) carboimide (EDC) ovoj uslov e zadovolen. SDS-PAGE, glikoproteinska detekcija i TLC dot-
blot se koristeni za fizi~ka i hemiska analiza na sintetiziranite ~etiri tipa na glikokonjugati. Bezbedno
nivo na endotoksini, izmereno so LAL testot e opredeleno kaj site konjugati.
Imunogeniot profil na konjugatite e opredelen preku imunizaciski studii vrz BAL/c mi{ki vo
period od osum meseci. BALB/c mi{kite bea imunizirani so sintetiziranite glikokonjugati i so licen-
ciranata kleto~na vakcina za kolera, po {to titarot na anti-LPS i anti-CT-B antitelata be{e opredelu-
van vo period od {est meseci. 
Kleto~nata vakcina javi najvisoko nivo na IgM anti-LPS antitela vo period od {est meseci, no
nisko nivo na IgG anti-LPS antitela. Sintetiziraniot glikokonjugat DeALPS-CT-B javija imunost preku
nivo na IgM anti-LPS antitela mnogu blisko do ona {to go javi kleto~nata vakcina, no mnogu povisoko
nivo na IgG anti-LPS antitela vo period od tri meseci.  Nekonjugiranite oligosaharidi DeA-LPS i O-SP
javija mnogu ponisko nivo na za{tita, koe sugerira{e deka do{lo do funkcionalna promena na oligosa-
haridite od T-nezavisni vo T-zavisni antigeni, {to se dol`i na vrzuvaweto na proteinskiot nosa~ vo gli-
kokonjugatnata struktura. Vo tek na imunizaciite se zabele`uva menuvawe na tipot na anti-LPS antitela-
ta od izrazen IgM antitelen odgovor po prvata imunizacija kon IgG antitela po tretata imunizacija {to
zna~i deka do{lo do imunoglobulinsko klasno prekop~uvawe. Postoi mo`nost serumskite IgG anti-LPS
antitela da obezbeduvaat dolgotraen za{titen imunitet kon kolerata i mo`nost za razjasnuvawe na meh-
anizmot na pojava na bolesta.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 147-148 (2007)
PP - 66

Determination of the cross-reactive epitopes in GalGalNAc 
binding glycoproteins from human peripheral nerve 
and Campylobacter jejuni (O:19)
Katerina Brezovska
, Ana Poceva Panovska
, Aleksandra Grozdanova

Slobodan Apostolski
, Ljubica Suturkova
Faculty of Pharmacy, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Vodnjanska 17, Skopje, Macedonia
Institute of Neurology, Clinical Center of Serbia, Dr Subotica Street, Belgrade, Serbia
Antibodies that cross-react with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Campylobacter jejuni and with different gan-
gliosides from peripheral nerves are detected in sera from patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) following
infection with Campylobacter jejuni. The reactivity was highly diverse in their antiganglioside specificity, but almost
all antibody reactivity was specific against the LPS from the isolate whit which the patients had been infected. In con-
trast to these findings, the response to bacterial and neural glycolipids was significantly lower in patients with uncom-
plicated Campylobacter jejuni enteritis, despite the presence of ganglioside mimics in the LPS of some enteritis iso-
lates. These findings underscore the influence of other host related factors, in addition to bacterium related factors,
in the development of neurological symptoms after an infection with Campylobacter jejuni. Sera from patients with
GBS, following infection with Campylobacter jejuni, cross-react with several Gal GalNAc-binding glycoproteins
isolated from peripheral nerve and from Campylobacter jejuni (O:19).
The aim of our study was to determine the peptides, obtained after trypsin digestion of the GalGalNAc binding
glycoproteins isolated from human peripheral nerve and from Campylobacter jejuni (O:19), which cross-react with
sera from patients with GBS. 
GalGalNAc binding glycoproteins from human peripheral nerve and from Campylobacter jejuni O:19, were
isolated using PNA lectin affinity chromatography. The cross-reactive glycoproteins (Mw approximately 60 kDa)
from peripheral nerve and from Campylobacter jejuni O:19 were enzymatically digested with trypsin and obtained
peptides were incubated with PNA and with sera from patients with GBS, using Western blot.
Western blot analysis of the separated peptides obtained after trypsin digestion of the cross-reactive
GalGalNAc binding glycoproteins, revealed six GalGalNAc bearing determinants, confirmed by PNA binding, pres-
ent in both digest from peripheral nerve and from Campylobacter jejuni (O:19). Three of these GalGalNAc bearing
determinants with same mobility in both digests, bind to sera from patient with GBS. Serum from healthy individ-
ual did not show any reactivity with the obtained peptides.
These data indicate on possible molecular mimicry of glycoproteins present in Campylobacter jejuni and
Gal(b1-3)GalNAc-bearing glycoproteins present in human peripheral nerve and their potential role in the develop-
ment of neuropathies.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 149-150 (2007)
PP - 67

Opredeluvawe na vkrsteno reaktivni epitopi prisutni na
GalGalNAc vrzuva~kite glikoproteini od human periferen nerv 
i od bakterijata Campylobaceter jejuni (O:19)
Katerina Brezovska
, Ana Poceva Panovska
, Aleksandra Grozdanova

Slobodan Apostolski
, Qubica [uturkova
Farmacevtski fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Vodwanska 17, Skopje, Makedonija
Institut za Nevrologija, Klini~ki Centar na Srbija, ulica Dr. Suboti}a, Belgrad, Srbija
Vo serumi na pacienti so Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) koj nastanal po infekcija so Campylobaceter
jejuni, zabele`ano e prisustvo na antitela koi vkrsteno reagiraat so lipopolisaharidot (LPS) od Campy-
lobaceter jejuni i so razli~ni gangliozidi na perifernite nervi. Reaktivnosta kon LPS e specifi~na za
vidot na Campylobaceter jejuni so koj bile inficirani pacientite. Sprotivno na ova, vo serumi od pacien-
ti so enteritis predizvikan od Campylobaceter jejuni, kaj koi ne se javil posledovatelno GBS, ne se pronaj-
deni antigangliozidni antitela, iako LPS od Campylobaceter jejuni izolirana od istite pacienti poka`uva
gangliozidna mimikrija. Ova uka`uva na postoewe i na drugi faktori (od bakterijata ili od doma}inot)
vo indukcijata na avtoimuniot odgovor i pojava na nevrolo{ki simptomi po infekcija so Campylobaceter
jejuni. Serumi od pacienti so GBS, vkrsteno reagiraat so nekolku GalGalNAc-vrzuva~ki glikoproteini od
human periferen nerv i od bakterijata Campylobacter jejuni (O:19).
Celta na na{eto istra`uvawe be{e da se opredelat peptidite dobieni po tripsinska digestija na
GalGalNAc-vrzuva~kite glikoproteini izolirani od human periferen nerv i od bakterijata Campylobacter
jejuni (O:19), koi vkrsteno reagiraat so serumi od pacienti so GBS.
Pro~istuvaweto na GalGalNac vrzuva~kite glikoproteini od vkupnite proteini izolirani od human
periferen nerv i od bakterijata Campylobacter jejuni e izvr{eno so PNA lektin afinitetna hromatografi-
ja. Vkrsteno reaktivnite GalGalNAc vrzuva~ki glikoproteini (elektroforetska podvi`nost okolu 60 kDa)
od periferen nerv i od bakterijata Campylobacter jejuni, bea digerirani so tripsin i dobienite peptidi
bea inkubirani so PNA i so serumi od pacienti so GBS, so primena na Western blot.
Rezulatite od Western blot po inkubacija so PNA poka`aa prisustvo na 6 peptidi i vo glikopro-
teinot izoliran od human preiferen nerv i vo glikoproteinot od bakterijata Campylobacter jejuni (O:19),
koi ja sodr`at GalGalNAc determinantata. Pozitivna reaktivnost na Western blot, so serum od pacient so
GBS, poka`aa tri od peptidite koi ja sodr`at GalGalNAc determinanta, a nivnata elektroforetska
podvi`nost se poklopuva kaj dvata ispitani glikoproteini. Serum od zdrav dobrovolec ne poka`a reak-
tivnost so nitu eden od dobienite peptidi.
Dobienite rezultati uka`uvaat na mo`nosta za postoewe na molekularna mimikrija pome|u
GalGalNAc vrzuva~ki glikoproteini prisutni vo human periferen nerv i vo bakterijata Campylobacter jeju-
ni (O:19), koja mo`e da ima potencijalna uloga vo nastanuvawe na GBS.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 149-150 (2007)
PP - 67

Determination of oligosaccharide antigenic determinants 
from peripheral nerve and Campylobacter jejuni O:19 glycoproteins
Ana Poceva Panovska
, Katerina Brezovska
, Aleksandra Gorzdanova

Slobodan Apostolski
, Ljubica Suturkova
Faculty of Pharmacy, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Vodnjanska 17, Skopje, Macedonia
Institute of Neurology, Clinical Center of Serbia, Dr Subotica Street, Belgrade, Serbia
The biology of glycoconjugates and glycoproteins and immunopathological responses to them in reference
to diseases of nervous system is an area of intensive research. Several carbohydrate structures that are target deter-
minants in peripheral nerve diseases have been isolated and partially characterized. Experimental evidence indicate
structural similarity between oligosaccharide determinants present in peripheral nerve glycoproteins and bacterial
carbohydrate structures suggesting that molecular mimicry between bacterial and neural oligosaccharide may have
potential role in development of autoimmune post-infectious neuropathies.
We isolated galactosyl N-acetylgalactosamine (Gal(
β1-3)GalNAc) binding glycoproteins from human periph-
eral nerve (PN) and bacteria Campylobacter jejuni O:19 (C. jejuni) using peanut agglutinin (PNA) lectin affinity
chromatography. Isolated glycoproteins were detected with immunoblot analysis using periodate oxidation and
biotinylated PNA. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to determinate anti-GM1 and anti-AG1
antibody titer in Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) patient’s sera and then were tested on reactivity with previously
isolated glycoproteins using immunoblot. Immunodominant glycoproteins from peripheral nerve and C. jejuni were
detected. Release of N-linked oligosaccharides from immunodominant glycoproteins was done using the enzyme
polypeptide N-glycosidase. N-glycans were fluorescently labeled and subjected to enzymatic sequencing with high-
ly specific egzoglycosidases. In the sequencing protocol we used following enzymes: neuraminidase (NANase III)
specific for all 
α2-3,6,8,9 linked N-acetylneuraminic acid; β-Galactosidase (GALase III) specific for β1-4 linked
βN-acetylhexoaminidase (HEXase III) specific for β1-2,3,4,6 linked N-acetylglucosamine and α-man-
nosidase (MANase II) specific for 
α1-2,3,6 linked mannose. The resulting digestion products were separated by elec-
trophoresis, imaged and analyzed using TotalLab
software. Individual glycans were identified by comparison of
the migration of the band relative to the glucose polymer standard.
Sequence analysis of the glycans derived from glycoproteins present in peripheral nerve and C. jejuni indi-
cated that they contain two galactose, two N-acetylgalactosamine and two mannose residues and differ only in the
presence of one residue of terminal sialic acid and fucosylated core in peripheral nerve oligosaccharide. 
These findings suggest the presence of similar oligosaccharide structures found in PN and C. jejuni glyco-
proteins and indicate their potential role in molecular mimicry and triggering immune response against host struc-
tures in the nervous system.
Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 151-152 (2007)
PP -68

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