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Our experience with medical plants in fito-therapy of stress
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Contents of heavy metals in medical plants – Hazard to people health
- Our experience in preparation and characterization herbs additivs as dietary food supplements
- Quantitative determination Afaltoxin B1 in peanuts
- Opredeluvawe na Alfatoksinot B1 vo kikiriki
- Significance of proficiency tests in quality control of food laboratories – our experiences
- Spectrophotometric determination of sulfites in dietary products
- Pattern Recognition Techniques Applied to Classification of Wines Based on Elemental Analysis by Atomic Spectroscopy
- Fluoride content in spring waters of mountains in Serbia
Our experience with medical plants in fito-therapy of stress Dusica Arsic 1 , Bojka Blagojevic 2 , Snezana Kostadinovic 3 1 PDAG-Konigsfelden Brugg, Swicerland, 2 Faculty of occupational safety Nis, Serbia, 3 Psychiatric hospital Gornja Toponica, Nis, Serbia At the present time, more often the stress situations are emerging everywhere around us and inherently influ- enced the man psychic state. Consequence of this psychic stresses is disorder of nerve system, enhanced blood pres- sure, slough reactions, station of fear and others. For rejection of this consequence, the physicians use basic therapy with medicaments, but also and some medicinal plants were used i.e. Valeriana officinalis L., Melissa officinalis L., Asperula odorata L. etc. In our work, we have presented the experience in usage of these medicinal plants from two psychiatric hos- pitals where we have established the follow experiment. We choose 16 patients from psychiatric hospital (PDAG- Konigsfelden) with almost the same symptoms i.e. problems with sleeping and tension. First group of 8 patients (5 woman and 3 man) was cured with basic therapy benzodiazepin 1 mg until the second group of 5 patients (3 woman and 2 man) was cured with baldriparan (dry extract of Valerianae radix et rhizoma (6.0-7.4) : 1 95 mg standard, dry extract of hop - fruit Humulus lupulus (7.7-9.5) a 5 mg standard, dry extract of Melissa officinalis (5.0-6.2) : 1 85mg standard, WHICEHALL - ROBINS. After four days the condition of the both groups of patients was better and the patients don't need any therapy. The patients were sleeping effective and don't have the same problem like before treatment. In psychiatric hospital, on the section for gerantopsychiatry in Nis we could not make the same experi- ment because they are using only the basic therapy for curing of the same diagnostic. These positive experiences from the psychiatric hospital PDAG-Konigsfelden show us that our hospitals should use these medicinal plants like adjuvant therapy. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 318 (2007) PP - 160 318 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Contents of heavy metals in medical plants – Hazard to people health Bojka Blagojevic 1 , Mara Vlajkovic 2 , Dusica Arsic 1 , Milena Stankovic 1 1 Faculty of occupational safety Nis,Serbia, 2 Sanitary society “Saneko” Belgrade,Serbia Pollution of environment, especially with chemical substances, is one of the most important factors of degra- dation of the ecosystems in whole. Between chemical pollutants, the heavy metals are considered in substances, which have the special ecological, biological and medical importance. Eco-toxicological hazards related with enhanced contents of heavy metals can be monitored trough some components of ecosystem which present the specific sensors. Based on sensibility specific sensors we can distin- guish vascular plants. Because of that the purpose our work is to establish the contents of potential toxic metals in medicinal plants which people are using in traditional medicine. In our work, we have examined the contents of toxic metals in the sprouts of the medical plants which were grown on plantations. The follow results were obtained from our many years researching work of heavy metals in the sprouts of medicinal plants: Cd - 13.3 mg/kg Salvia pratensis- location Rtanj- Cd 8.82 mg/kg Achillea distans- location Milevska planina, Pb - 12.00 mg/kg Salvia pratensis - location Rtanj, Pb 22.00 mg/kg Salvia officinalis - location Sicevo Cr - 3.5 mg/kg Achillea clypeolata - location Rudina planina, Cr - 2.9 mg/kg Satureja kitaibelii Wierzb.ex Heuff - location Suva planina Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 319 (2007) PP - 161 319 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Our experience in preparation and characterization herbs additivs as dietary food supplements Arsic I. 1 , Djordjevic S. 1 , Runjaic-Antic D. 1 , Psodorov Dj. 2 , Tadic V. 1 1 Institute for medicinal plant research „Dr Josif Pancic“, Tadeusa Koscuska 1, Belgrade, Serbia 2 Center for Cereal Technology, Bul. cara Lazara 1, Novi Sad, Serbia Introduction Healthy nutrition in area of vitamins, minerals and natural biological active substances is leading healthy principle in achieving and maintaining good health. Especially, the interst in natural antioxidants continues to grow because they are presumed to be safe. Futhermore, evidence is that their accumaltion exibits anticancerogenic effect and inhibits biologically harmful oxidation in the body. Some medicinal plants are important source of vitamins, mineral substances or/and substances with certain physiological effects. Medicinal and aromatic herbs have been added as dietetic suplement in various forms and quantities in food. Such enriched products beside nutritive value show new dimensions of health benefit. With proper choice of herbs, it is possible to affect on the physiological functions of organism. Institute for Medicinal Plant Research Dr Josif Pancic from Belgrade has formulated several new products in powdered and liquid forms for enhance metabolic processes in organism, for prevention and elevation of disor- ders caused by nutritive anemia, for making bread enriched with phytosterols and for body weight regulation. Materials and methods Herbal mixtures were formulated in two forms: as a powder and liquid extract. Medicinal raw material used for the production of the herbal mixture was provided partially from spontaneous flora and cultivation, depending upon the species. According to the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), which are applying in pro- duction of medicines and herbal preparations, herbal drugs were tested according to directions supplied by actual regulation in this field. Quality control of all used herbal drugs covered: confirmation of identity, determination of sensory characteristics, determination of purity, determination of moisture content, determination of ash content as well as determination of active substances, essential oil composition in the case of aromatic plants and additional testing (microbial quality, determination of heavy metals, pesticides, mycotoxins, and radioactivity). Pulverisation and sieving of single herbal drug was accomplished by the use of appropriate equipment (mills, sieves). This way the processed pulverized plant drugs were mixed in proportions given by defined prescription. Plant extracts were prepared by double percolation method using 45% propylene glycol as a solvent. Ratio of herbal drug to extract was 1:2. The extracts were characterized by determination of physicochemical characteristic of extracts (appearance, colour, relative density, index of refraction, pH value, dry matter ccontent, microbial quality). Gas chromatographic, HPLC, UV-VIS and TLC methods were developed for estimation of active substances content in herbal drugs. Herbal mixtures were prepared by used folowed medicinal or aromatic plants: Betula pendula, Mentha piperi- ta, Carum carvi, Petroselinum crispum, Vaccinium myrtillus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Urtica dioica, Coriandrum sativum, Rosa canina, Sideritis scardica, Angelica silvestris, Hyppophe rhamnoides. Results and discussion Actual global trends in the use of medicinal plants in functional food products, as well as real necessity to improve certain widely used types of basic foods, adding them carefully selected herbs, are aimed to improve their functionality in the medical sense. Medicinal and aromatic plant as nonnutritive constituents, participating in func- tional food, are responsible for biological different activities. As such, medicinal and aromatic plants can be incor- porated as dietary food supplements of various purposes. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 320 (2007) PP - 162 320 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Quantitative determination Afaltoxin B1 in peanuts Desa Jakimova, 1 Tatjana Kadifkova Panovska 2 1 Institute for Health Protection, Kumanovo, Macedonia, Europe. 2 Faculty of Pharmacy, Skopje, Macedonia, Europe. Introduction (What is Aflatoxin?) Aflatoxin refers to a group of extremely poisonous mycotoxins produced by two common fungi, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus.These toxins are named for a fungus that produces them, e.g. A from the genus name Aspergillus, fla from the species name flavus added to toxin to give the name aflatoxin. Mycotoxins are chemical compounds produced by fungi during the growing process on organic substances such as corn, peanuts or cottonseed.When animals or humans consume these compouns, they may produce severe undesirable health effects. Material and methods The aim of this study has been to determination of aflatoxin B1 in peanuts.In accordance with our Directives, detection limit for aflatoxin B1 in peanuts is 2 ppb. Twentyone samples of raw peanuts or roast at 175 0 C 30 min were included in our research. The samples were taken from producers of Strumica region in southeastern Macedonia, during the 2004 - year. The analyses were performed by Charm II Test method for aflatoxin B1 in grain food. This method is a radioimmunoassay, which enable qualitative or quantitative determination of aflatoxins through their active functional groups. The measuring range of this method is from 0.5 to 40 ppb. This test has been performed in duplicate for each sample. Results and discussion From the obtained results (Table 1), the concentration range of aflatoxin B1 in 10 examined samples is between 1 and 4 ppb. In the rest of 11 raw peanuts samples the aflatoxin B1 was not detect . In roast peanuts con- centration was less for about 50% than concentration of raw peanuts. It is significant that the concentration of afla- toxin B1 depends on the moisture percent in the row peanuts. Table 1: Conclusion: This method is rapid but it is recommended for determination of low levels of aflatoxin B1 in peanuts Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 321-322 (2007) PP - 163 321 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Number Conc.of B1 in raw peanuts ( ppb) Moisture in raw peanuts ( % ) Conc.of B1 in roast peanuts (ppb) 1 1 7.8 1 2 1 7.6 1 3 2 8.2 1 4 2 8.4 1 5 2 8.4 1 6 3 9.2 2 7 3 9.3 2 8 3 9.3 2 9 4 9.7 2 10 4 9.8 2 Opredeluvawe na Alfatoksinot B1 vo kikiriki Desa Jakimova, Tatjana Kadifkova-Panovska Zavod za zdravstvena za{tita, Kumanovo, R. Makedonija Farmacevtski fakultet,Skopje, R. Makedonija Aflatoksinite, koi pripa|aat na grupata ekstremno otrovni mikotoksini gi proizveduvat dve obi~ni fungi: Aspergillus flavus i Aspergillus parasiticus. Koga se konzumiraat tie mo`at da pro- ducirat silni, nesakani efekti po zdravjeto na ~ovekot i `ivotnite. Materijal i metodi Cel na na{eto ispituvawe be{e da ja opredelime koncentracijata na aflatoksinot B1 vo prime- roci na kikiriki od odreden region vo Republika Makedonija. Spored na{iot Pravilnik dozvolen limit za aflatoksinot B1 vo kikiriki e 2ppb. Predmet na na{eto ispituvawe bea 21 primerok na surovi kikiriki i istite tie pe~eni 30 min na 175 0 C. Primerocite bea zemeni od proizvoditeli od Strumi~kiot region vo R. Makedonija vo tekot na esenta 2004 godina Testiraweto be{e izvedeno so Charm II Test metoda za aflatoksin B1 vo zrnesta hrana. Ovaa meto- da e radioimmunoassay, koja ovozmo`uva kvalitativno,ili kvantitativno opredeluvawe na aflatoksini preku nivnite aktivni funkcionalni grupi. Limitot na detekcija so ovaa metoda e od 0.5 do 40 ppb. Testiraweto be{e duplirano za sekoj primerok. Rezultati i diskusija Od dobienite rezultati (tabela 1) mo`e da se sogleda deka koncentracijata na aflatoksinot B1 kaj 10 primeroci na surovi kikiriki se dvi`i pome|u 1 i 4 ppb. Kaj ostanatite 11 primeroci aflatoksinot B1 ne be{e detektiran. Zna~ajno e {to koncentracijata na aflatoksinot B1 e vo zavisnost od procentot na vlaga kaj surovite kikiriki. Kaj pe~enite kikiriki koncentracijata be{e za okolu 50% pomala od koncentracijata kaj surovite kikiriki. Tabela 1 Ovaa metoda e brza, no skapa i se prepora~uva za opredeluvawe na niski koncentracii na afla- toksin B1 vo kikiriki. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 321-322 (2007) PP - 163 322 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Red. broj aflatoksin B1 vo surovi kikiriki ppb Procent na vlaga vo surovi kikiriki % Konc. na aflatoksin B1 vo pe~eni kikiriki ppb 1 1 7.8 1 2 1 7.6 1 3 2 8.2 1 4 2 8.4 1 5 2 8.4 1 6 3 9.2 2 7 3 9.3 2 8 3 9.3 2 9 4 9.7 2 10 4 9.8 2 Significance of proficiency tests in quality control of food laboratories – our experiences S. Sobajic, I. Miletic, B. Gjorgjevic, I. Stankovic Institute of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade, Serbia Introduction: One of the basic goals of each laboratory involved in food analysis is obtaining reliable results. In order to improve quality laboratories are introducing various quality control and quality assurance measures. Participation in proficiency testing schemes represents a way for an external quality evaluation and provides labo- ratories with an objective means of assessing and demonstrating the reliability of the data they are producing. The results of proficiency testing represent an additional quality control measure and could be used by the clients or accreditaion body. Results: Institute of Bromatology together with the Sanitary Section of Serbian Pharmaceutical Society in last two years was involved in developing, organizing and implementing several proficiency testing (PT) activities in which more than 30 national food laboraotories participated. Menagement of the PT scheme prepared tests in accordance with ISO Guide 43 and ILAC Requirements. Type of proficiency testing used in these activities was proficiency for laboratory performance evaluation of uniform level. Several types of samples were analyzed (wheat, flour, buscits, milk, cheese and meat products), in each sample several parameters were tested, each parameter with one concentration level. Technical aspects of the PT, PT plan, statistical analysis, method for assigning values and outlier tests, were agreed upon in advance, as well as defining criteria for the performance evaluation (z-score). The results were presented to the participating labora- tories in order to give a clear overview og the general and their own results in comparison with the target perform- ance, in numerical and graphical form. Conclusion: Proficiency testing is the internationally recognized way for the determination of laboratory testing competence or measurement performance and is one of the measures to make a quality assessment of food laboratory results. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 323 (2007) PP - 164 323 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Spectrophotometric determination of sulfites in dietary products Sober M., Djedjibegovic J., Marjanovic A., Skrbo A., Djono S. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sarajevo, Cekalusa 90, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Sulfites have been used as food preservatives for centuries, and since 1920 they have a regular application in different technological procedures during food processing, storage and distribution (1). Yet their use in food industry is potential risk for human health since they can cause a various health effects including respiratore, dermatological and digestive signs and sympthomes (2). A number of regulatory bodies bring forth decisions on maximum allowed content of a certain food additives, including sulfites. In the European Union content of additives in food is regulat- ed by Directive 95/2/CE (3), while in Bosnia and Herzegovina bylaws from 1982 are still valid (4). Since these bylaws do not allow a presence of sulfites in food products for children the aim of this work was to inspect some of commer- cially available dietary products intended for children and to determinate sulfites content in these products. A few different kinds of fruit juices and fruit meals for children were sampled for analysis from store shelfs. Sulfites were determinated by modified spectrophotometric method, upon releasing sulfur dioxyde by acid addition and its capture in chloromercurate solution. After addition of rosaniline reagent and formaldehyde solution absorbance was measured at 550 nm against blank. The standard addition method was used to determine linearity, detection limit and quantification limit. Proposed analytical method had good linearity with correlation coefficient of R 2 = 0,987, LD= 0,747 mg/L and LQ= 2,264 mg/L. Recovery for this method has been determined in different samples and was in range from 93% to 102%. A total of eight samples (six juice samples and two baby meals) were analysed. The content of SO 2 was lower than detection limit in one juice sample and one baby meal sample. In the rest of samples SO 2 content was in range 0.80 to 2.29 mg/L. Since the RSD was quite high (17 %) and the selectivity of the method was not validated, results should be considered semiquantitative. Anyhow, sulfites were detected in six samples of dietary products intended for children which could only be preserved with physical methods. These results sugest that there is a need for determination of sulfites in this kind of products. In addition proposed method could be fur- ther modified to make it fully suitable for this purpose. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 324 (2007) PP - 165 324 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Pattern Recognition Techniques Applied to Classification of Wines Based on Elemental Analysis by Atomic Spectroscopy Slavica Razic, Antonije Onjia Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, 11211 Belgrade, Serbia Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 11522 Belgrade, Serbia The objective of this work is to demonstrate the power of chemometric methods of analysis to identify pos- sible sources of influence and specific elemental profiles within data set of 41 commercial wine samples originated from Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Complete procedure, from sample preparation, via measurements to the data evaluation was validated in accordance with quality assurance principles and good analytical practice as well. Ten elements (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cr) were chosen as chemical descriptors and exper- imental data, obtained by using flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS and ETAAS), were subjected to multivariate analysis. Unsupervised pattern recognition methods principal component and factor analysis (PCA and FA) identified the main factors controlling the data variability, while application of hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) pointed out a differentiation the samples into groups belonging to different variables inputs. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 325 (2007) PP - 166 325 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Fluoride content in spring waters of mountains in Serbia M. Curcic Jovanovic 1 , D. Djukic-Cosic 1 , M. Ilic 2 , M. Mitrovic 2 , S. Torbica 2 , A. Djukic 2 V. Matovic 1 1 Institute of Toxicology, 2 Pharmaceutical Society “Dr Jovan Tucakov” Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade, Serbia Fluorine in its ionic form, fluoride, is fairly ubiquitous in natural environments. It is an active chemical ele- ment with important implications in both human and animal health. In many regions of the world endemic diseases which seriously impair people ′s health are linked to excessive or insufficient levels of fluoride in the water. The pres- ence of fluoride in drinking water at optimal concentrations (1 mg/L is recommended) prevents dental caries, but long-term consumption of water containing more than 1.5 mg/L can be detrimental to health. The objective of this study was to measure fluoride content in certain spring waters of mountains in Serbia, since water is one of the principal sources of fluoride intake into the organism. Water samples were taken from 24 different springs of mountains Golija, Zlatibor and Rtanj. Five water sam- ples were collected from each spring. Fluoride levels were determined electrochemically, using fluoride-selective electrode, after mixing water samples with TISAB buffer in ratio 1:1. The obtained results evidenced that water from all springs of mountains Zlatibor, Golija and Rtanj contained low fluoride mean-values, meaning that they belong to the category of fluoride-deficient water. These data contribute to the environmental monitoring and evaluation of mountain in Serbia. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin 53 (1,2) 326 (2007) PP - 1697 326 ^ETVRTI KONGRES NA FARMACIJATA NA MAKEDONIJA SO ME\UNARODNO U^ESTVO FOURTH CONGRESS OF PHARMACY OF MACEDONIA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION |
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