Linguistic basis of using dictionaries in the study of artistic works
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BADIIY ASARLARNI O`RGANISHDA LUG`ATLARDAN FOYDALANISHNING LINGVISTIK ASOSLARI LINGUISTIC BASIS OF USING DICTIONARIES IN THE STUDY OF ARTISTIC WORKS * Jabborova Sevara Bakhtiyor qizi, TerDU Masters Annotation. This article focuses on dictionaries and their specific features, their role in literature, especially in the study of works of art and their linguistic basis. It should be noted that dictionaries can be used for various purposes in the study of Babur's works of art. This is directly related to the scale, content and period of creation of the work. Keywords: work of art, dictionary, usage, linguistic basis, Babur's works, artistic interpretation, purpose. Annotation. This article focuses on dictionaries and their specific features, their role in literature, especially in the study of works of art and their linguistic basis. It should be noted that dictionaries can be used for various purposes in the study of Bobur`s work. This is directly related to the scale, content and period of creation of the work. Keywords: work of art, dictionary, usage, linguistic basis, Bobur's works, artistic interpretation, purpose We all know that each language has a rich vocabulary, which reflects the lexical layer, and this dictionary has been formed over the centuries, refined and brought to its present form. Similarly, the Uzbek language has its own dictionary, the first of which is Mahmud Kashgari's "Devonu lug'otit-turk". The use of the vocabulary used in this play is still significant today. In addition, there is a special dictionary of each specialty, which determines the lexical content according to the scope. This article, which we want to study with you, is about the use of dictionaries in the study of works of art and their linguistic basis, which is analyzed theoretically and practically between the disciplines of linguistics and literature. An analysis of a work of art is an approach to the study of a work from different perspectives, which can be based on two different types of analysis: a) artistic analysis from the point of view of literature; b) analysis from a linguistic point of view. The article, which is analyzed from a literary point of view, reveals the content of the work, and the means of artistic representation in it are in prose works: plot, conflict, knot; in poetic works: poetic arts, etc. - if it is determined, the linguistic analysis of the work is carried out on the means of language elements used in it, the analysis of the text in terms of phonetic, lexical, lexical and other aspects. The words used in the literary text form the basis of the work, it is possible to form the linguistic-lexicological fund of the work by dividing or grouping them into certain groups. In the process of working with dictionaries in the study of works of art, the linguistic approach to various aspects of the work can be assessed as a factor that helps to better understand the essence of the works of art [1; Rasulov R. General Linguistics]. Depending on the nature of the work, it will be possible to create general and private dictionaries. If the general dictionary covers all the words in the work, it will be possible to work in a private dictionary on the basis of words of a certain group. In particular, it is no exaggeration to say that Bobur's work "Boburnoma" is an excellent example for a private dictionary. "Boburnoma" is an artistic memoir that has survived for centuries. The valuable information that we may encounter while reading the work adds to the value of the work. The creation of a network dictionary of phytonims, toponyms, anthroponyms, zoononyms on the basis of the work "Boburnoma" is especially useful for linguistics and literature. If we form the phytonims in the work as a dictionary, we can come across many names of plants that exist in different regions. Some of the phytonims used in the modern Uzbek literary language are radically different from their appearance in the Boburnoma, while others are based on similarities. In the formation of the dictionary of phytonims in "Boburnoma" the dictionary and its article, as well as the recording of the sentence in "Boburnoma" serve to form the background of the dictionary. In particular, the following short dictionary based on the work: 1. Arguvan - a red, reddish flower [8]; "I don't know how many places there are when the Arghuvon flower blooms, let it be in the world" [7; Bobur. “Boburnoma”]. 2. Narcissus - a type of yellow, white flower, a daisy [8;]; "Ten or twelve days later, Mulla Khojago gave the narcissist a narcissus" [7; Bobur. “Boburnoma”]. 3. Nasrin, nastaran - a kind of flower that opens in white; [8;] “acceptable chamans in every corner, munajjah, flowers and nastarans in every bag were orderly and perfect” [7; Bobur. “Boburnoma”] and so on. If we pay attention to the phytonims mentioned above, some of these phytonims still have the same appearance (arguvon, nargis); However, nasrin, a plant of nastaran, now has a slightly different appearance due to changes in sound. In modern Uzbek it has a nastarin form. In addition, on the basis of Bobur's work "Boburnoma" it is possible to form a dictionary of literary terms: 1. Abyot - (bytes), unit - byte; broad meaning literature, poetry [8]; "He was a good reader almost" [7; Bobur. “Boburnoma”]. 2. Arabic - the sciences of logic, rhyme, rhyme; [8;] “He loved Arabic science and transportation science” [7; Bobur. “Boburnoma”]. 3. Aruz - the science of the weights of poetry [8;]; "And the king also had treatises on rhyme and rhyme, and in particular, I said" Mufassal ", this is a city of science, it has long been classified very well" [7; Babur. “Boburnoma”] and so on. The linguistic basis of the dictionaries of Bobur's work "Boburnoma" can be considered as follows: a) Helps to clarify the words used in the course "Boburnoma"; b) It is a useful resource for students to increase their vocabulary; c) Increasing the amount of information on a particular topic can enrich students' understanding of a new field, and so on. In conclusion, the linguistic basis of working with a dictionary is important in the study of works of art, which helps everyone involved in the work to better understand the meaning of incomprehensible words in the work. Private dictionaries based on Babur's works serve to simplify the language of the work. In the future, the compilation of linguistic dictionaries of Babur's works and their practical application in the field of computers will contribute to the further spread of Babur's works. REFERENCES: 1. Rasulov R. General Linguistics. -Tashkent. Fan, 2007. - Б. 255. 2. Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek language. I t. Magrufova Z.M. Edited by M .: Russkiy yazyk, 1981. 228-p. 3. Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek language. 1 vol. Madvaliev A. under revision. -T .: National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, 2006. 624-p. 4. Rasulov R. The future belongs to the speakers. Language and Literature Education, 7 (7), 2020. 169-p. 5. Shavkat Rakhmatullayev and others. Modern Uzbek literary language. T .: “Universitet”, 2020. 267-p. 6. Botirova Sh.I. Ob obuchenii studentov filologii osnovam analiza i literaturnym terminam. Prepodavanie yazyka i literatury, 7 (7), 2020. 210-b. 7. Bobur. "Boburnoma". T .: “New Age Generation”, 2018. 704-p. 8. 9. 10. Download 32,91 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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