Linux: The Ultimate Guide

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Linux - The Ultimate Guide

Document Outline

  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Author
  • Chapter 1 Desktop Environments for Linux
    • Desktop Environment Introduction
    • Linux
      • Components of Linux Application
    • The Desktop Environment in Linux
      • Graphical User Interface
      • Examples
      • Parts of the Graphical User Interface
      • Post-WIMP Interface
      • List of Graphical User Interface
    • Structural Elements of DE
      • Window
      • Thumbnails (icon)
      • Controls (or Widgets)
      • Tabs
      • Menu
    • Other Collaborative Elements
      • Cursor
      • Identifier
      • Input Point
      • Choice
      • Repair Handle
    • History of Desktop Environment
      • Desktop Environment for the X Window System
      • X Window System
      • X Window System Software Architecture
      • User Interface
    • History of X Window System
      • Competitors
      • X Window System
      • Examples of Desktop Environments
    • Various Desktop Environments
      • Ambient
      • Features
      • Bugie Desktop
      • CDE
      • Cinnamon
      • Enlightenment
      • MATE
      • KDE Plasma 5
      • LXDE
    • Chapter Summary
  • Chapter 2 KDE Plasma Desktop Environment
    • Introduction
      • What Is Distribution?
      • Open-Source Linux Desktop Environment
      • Free Software
      • Key Points
    • Graphical User Interface
      • Features of Linux GUI
      • Features of a GUI
      • Benefits of GUI
      • Command-Line Interface
      • Terminal User Interface
    • KDE Plasma
      • Getting KDE Software
    • KDE History
      • KDE Projects
      • Various Parts of the KDE Platform
    • KDE Core projects
      • Plasma Workspaces
        • Features
      • KWin – Window Manager
        • Accessibility
        • Appearance
        • Window Management
      • KHTML – HTML Rendering Engine, Installed on WebKit in 2004
      • KJS – JavaScript Engine
      • KIO – Expandable Network File Access
      • KParts – Frame Part of an Image within a Lightweight Process
      • XML GUI
      • Phonon – Multimedia Framework
      • Solid – Device Assembly Frame
      • Sonnet
      • ThreadWeaver
    • KDE Applications
      • Editors
      • Education
      • Games
      • Photos
      • Theme-related Application Groups
      • Other Projects
      • System
    • KDE Development
      • Source Code
      • License
      • Implementation
    • KDE Version History
    • K Desktop Environment 1
      • K Desktop Environment 1.0
      • K Desktop Environment 1.1
    • K Desktop Environment 2
      • Big Updates
      • DCOP Model
      • Default Environment
      • System Settings
        • Features
      • K Desktop Environment 2.0
      • Konqueror
        • Largely Supported Protocols
      • Konqueror User Interface
      • Konqueror Web Browser
      • K Desktop Environment 2.1
      • K Desktop Environment 2.2
    • K Desktop Environment 3
      • K Desktop Environment 3.0
      • K Desktop Environment 3.1
      • K Desktop Environment 3.2
    • New Applications Installed
      • JukeBox
      • Kopete
        • Features
      • KWallet
      • Kontact
      • Other KDE Applications
      • K Desktop Environment 3.3
        • New Applications Included
      • K Desktop Environment 3.4
      • K Desktop Environment 3.5
      • The Trinity Desktop Environment
    • KDE Software Compilation 4 (KDE SC 4)
      • KDE 4.0
      • Release
      • Major Updates of KDE 4
      • Pre-releases
      • KDE 4.1
      • KDE 4.2
      • KDE Workspace Improvements
      • KDE 4.3
      • KDE SC 4.4
      • KDE SC 4.5
      • KDE SC 4.6
      • KDE SC 4.7
      • KDE SC 4.8
        • Plasma Workspaces
        • Applications
      • KDE SC 4.9
      • KDE SC 4.10
      • KDE SC 4.11
      • KDE SC 4.12
      • KDE SC 4.13
      • KDE SC 4.14
    • KDE Plasma 5
      • Software Architecture
      • Development
        • Workspaces
      • Desktop Features
    • Linux Distributions Using Plasma
      • History
      • Releases
      • KDE 5.0
      • KDE Plasma 5.1
      • Changes Made in the Plasma 5.1 Version
        • Visual
        • New and Old Features
        • Wayland
        • Eligibility and Updates
      • KDE Plasma 5.2 Release
      • KDE Plasma 5.3
        • Improved Power Management
        • Plasma Widgets
      • KDE Plasma 5.4
        • New Volume Applet
        • Another Dashboard Launcher
        • Artwork Galore
      • KDE Plasma 5.5
        • Updated Breeze Plasma Theme
        • Plasma Widget Explorer
        • Extended Feature Set to App Launcher
        • Color Picker
        • User Switch
      • KDE Plasma 5.7 Beta
      • KDE Plasma 5.8
      • KDE Plasma 5.8
        • New System Settings Design
        • Task Manager Development
    • Installation
    • Application
    • Features of KDE
      • KRunner
      • Quickly Move the Window
      • Resize Window Quickly
      • Zoom In and Out
      • Visible Desktops
      • Desktop Grid Effect
      • Small Desktop Menu
    • Chapter Summary
  • Chapter 3 GNOME Desktop Environment
    • Introduction
      • What Is Distribution?
      • Open-Source Linux Desktop Environment
      • Free Software
      • Key Points
      • Graphical User Interface
      • Features of Linux GUI
      • Features of GUI
      • Benefits of GUI
      • Command-Line Interface
      • Terminal User Interface
    • GNOME
      • Ubuntu GNOME Remix
      • What Is GNOME GNU?
      • What Is Ubuntu GNOME in Linux?
      • More about GNOME-Based Linux Distributions
      • What Is openSUSE?
        • What Is openSUSE Used For?
      • What Is Fedora?
      • What Is Debian?
      • What Is CentOS?
      • What Is Arch Linux?
      • What Is Manjaro GNOME Edition?
      • What Is Pop!_OS?
      • What Is Zorin OS?
      • What Is Mageia?
      • What Is Ubuntu?
    • History of GNOME
      • GNOME 1 (1999)
      • GNOME 2
        • Improved Font and Graphics
        • Usability
        • Specific User-Visible Improvements Include
        • Menus and Panel
        • Dialogs
        • Icons and Themes
        • Applications
      • GNOME 3
        • Features of GNOME
        • Let’s Take a Look at Its Features
    • GNOME Shell
      • History of GNOME Shell
        • Software Architecture
        • Features
        • Extensibility
    • Installation
      • GNOME 3: Pros and Cons
      • Pros
      • Cons
    • Chapter Summary
  • Chapter 4 xfce Desktop Environment
    • Introduction
    • Versions History
      • Earlier Versions
      • Modern xfce
    • The xfce Core Desktop Components
    • Usage
      • Display Managers
      • Command-Line
      • Features
    • Main Components of xfce
      • xfwm4 – Window Manager
      • Xfwm4 Behavior
      • xfce Panel – Panel
      • Use the Default Setting
      • One Empty Panel
      • Internal Plugins
      • External Plugins
      • xfdesktop Usage – Desktop Manager
      • Background
      • Thumbnails (Icons)
      • xfce4-session – Session Manager
      • The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:
      • ConsoleKit
      • Autostart Settings App
      • Thunar File Manager
      • xfce4-terminal – Terminal Emulator
        • What Makes the Terminal So Special?
        • The following key features are available:
      • xfce4-appfinder – Program Finder
        • Application Finder has two options:
        • Collapsed Run Mode
        • Expanded Search Mode
      • xfconf – Storage System
      • xfce4-dev-tools – Development Tools
    • xfce CI Templates
      • Exo – Assistant Applications
      • Exo – exo-desktop-item-edit – Desktop Object Editor
      • Creating a Launcher
      • Editing Launches
      • Exo – exo-preferred-applications – Preferred Applications
      • xfce4-settings – Settings Manager
        • The Internet
        • Preferred Internet Applications
        • Resources
        • Command-Line Options
      • Garcon – Menu Library
      • Tumbler – Thumbnail Service
      • Reasons to Use xfce as Your Desktop
        • Simplicity
        • Lightweight Nature
        • Performance
        • Modularity
        • Configuration
        • Stability
        • Panel
        • Plugins
        • Integration
        • Easy to Fix
        • xfce Components
    • xfce Installation
      • Stepwise xfce Installation
      • xfce Removal
      • Products and Distribution Using xfce
      • Compatibility
        • Advantages
        • Disadvantages
    • Chapter Summary
  • Chapter 5 MATE Desktop Environment
    • Introduction
    • History of MATE
    • Versions
    • MATE Version 1.18
      • Features
    • MATE Version 1.20
      • The title changes to MATE Desktop 1.20 are:
    • MATE Version 1.24
    • MATE Version 1.26
    • Installing MATE in Ubuntu
      • Terms for the Official Repository
      • Installing MATE
    • MATE Applications
    • Core Applications
      • Caja
      • Features
      • Pluma
      • Features
      • List of Features
      • Atril
      • Features
      • Supported Formats
      • Engrama
      • Supported File Types
      • Eye of MATE Image Viewer
      • Elements of the Image Viewer
      • MATE Calculator
      • MATE System Monitor
      • MATE Terminal
    • Additional MATE Packages
      • Dock Applet
      • Changes to the MATE Dock Applet 0.78 include:
      • Installation of Dock Applet
    • Applet Online Radio
      • Usage of Applets
    • MATE Menu
    • MATE Desktop
    • MATE Tweak
      • Installation
    • Brisk Menu
      • Features
    • Installation on Various OS
    • Display Managers
      • CDM
      • Console TDM
      • Installation
      • Texts
      • tdmctl Commands
      • Nodm
      • Features
      • Configuration
      • Ly – TUI Display Manager
      • Consolidation and Integration
      • Controls
      • Tbsm – Station-Based Session Manager
    • Graphical Display Manager
      • Entrance-Based EFL Display Manager
      • How to Use It?
      • Login User
      • Installation
      • Themes
      • GNOME Display Manager
      • Performance
      • Accessibility
      • GDM Face Browser
      • LightDM
      • The following features are included:
      • SDDM
      • XDM
    • X Display Manager Protocol
      • Configuration
      • Accessibility
      • Notifications
      • Ubuntu MATE Workstations
    • Distros Supports MATE
    • MATE Desktop Applications
    • Highlights
    • Chapter Summary
  • Chapter 6 Budgie Desktop Environment
    • Introduction
    • What Is Ubuntu Budgie?
    • History of Ubuntu Budgie
    • The Release of the Ubuntu Budgie
      • Budgie-Remix 16.04
      • Budgie-Remix 16.10
        • What’s New in Budgie-remix 16-10?
      • Ubuntu Budgie 17.04
        • What’s New in Ubuntu Budgie 17.04?
      • Built-in Software
        • System Details
      • Ubuntu Budgie 17.10
      • Ubuntu Budgie 18.04
      • 19.04 Things to Look For
      • Budgie 19.10 Released
      • Ubuntu Budgie 20.10
        • Mini Apps and Applets
    • Budgie’s Desktop
      • Bug Repair and Cleaning
      • Raven and Applet Audio Indicator
      • Raspberry Pi
        • GNOME 40 Support
      • Upgrades
      • Additional Information
    • Ubuntu Budgie 21.10 (Impish Indri)
    • Using Apt
      • Installation of Budgie Using Tasksel
    • New Features and Development of Budgie
      • Budgie Panel Dock Mode
        • What Is a Plank Dock App?
        • Common Plank Features
      • How to Install Plank Dock in Ubuntu
      • Intellihide
      • Apple of Night Light
      • New Budgie Settings App
      • It Is Flexible
      • Built-in Security
      • Games
      • Easy Migration
  • Chapter 7 Cinnamon Desktop Environment
    • Introduction
      • What Is Distribution?
      • Open-Source Linux Desktop Environment
      • Key Points
    • Graphical User Interface
      • Features of Linux GUI
      • Features of a GUI
      • Benefits of GUI
      • Command-Line Interface
      • Terminal User Interface
    • Cinnamon
      • History
      • Overview
    • Software Components
      • X-Apps
        • Features
    • User Guide
      • Amazing GUI
      • Use of Desklets
      • Speed
      • Integration
      • Extremely Customizable
      • Cinnamon Panel
      • Use of Multiple Workplaces
      • Flexibility
      • Nemo
      • Stability
      • Cinnamon Apples
      • Desktop Wallpaper
    • Cinnamon Applications
      • How Cinnamon Works
    • Installing Cinnamon on Ubuntu
      • Removing Cinnamon from Ubuntu
    • Cinnamon Libraries
      • Cinnamon-Menus
      • Cinnamon-Desktop
      • Muffin
      • Clutter
      • CJS
    • Core Components
      • Cinnamon-Session
      • Cinnamon-Settings-Daemon
      • Cinnamon-Screensaver
      • Cinnamon
      • Nemo
      • Nemo Extensions
      • Cinnamon Control Center
    • X-Apps
    • Benefits
      • Extension
      • Flexibility
      • Consolidation
      • Speed
      • Visible Connector
      • Discovery
      • Settings Editor
      • Overview Mode
      • Audio Enhancements
      • Touchpad Settings
    • Chapter Summary
  • Chapter 8 LXDE Desktop Environment
    • Introduction
      • Overview
    • History
      • Qt Port
    • Core Components
      • Window Manager (Openbox)
      • Usage
      • Features
      • File Manager (PCManFM-Qt)
        • Features
      • Desktop Panel (razor-panel)
      • Merge with LXDE
      • Session Manager (LXSession)
      • Merge Flags
      • Applications and Binary
      • Policykit Agent (razorqt-policykit)
      • Display Manager (sddm or Lightdm+razorqt-lightdm-greeter)
        • Features
    • Components of LXDE Software
    • Installation of LXDE in Ubuntu
      • Current Developments
      • GTK 3 Port
      • Default Desktop
        • KNOPPIX
        • LXLE Linux
        • Peppermint OS
      • Releases
        • Raspberry Pi OS
      • Versions of Raspberry Pi
      • Features
      • History
      • Versions
      • Features
    • Reasons to Use LXDE
    • Lubuntu Distribution
      • History
    • List of Applications
      • User Apps
        • From LXDE
    • Chapter Summary
  • Chapter 9 Other Desktop Environments
    • LXQt Desktop Environment
      • History
      • What Is LXQt?
      • How LXQt Works
      • Who Should Use LXQt
    • Software Components
      • Qterminal
      • Falkon
        • History
      • sddm
      • lximage-qt
        • Features
      • lxmenu data
      • lxqt-about
      • lxqt-admin
      • Usage
      • lxqt-archive
      • lxqt-common
      • lxqt-config
    • GUI Configuration Tools
      • LXQt Appearance Configuration
      • Brightness
      • File Associations
      • Keyboard and Mouse
      • Locale
      • Monitor Settings
      • lxqt-globalkeys
        • Binary Packages
        • Usage
      • lxqt-globalkeys
      • lxqt-notification
      • lxqt-qtplugin
      • lxqt-panel
      • lxqt-runner
      • lxqt-session
    • Installing LXQt Desktop on Ubuntu
    • Enlightenment Desktop Environment
      • History
      • Version
        • E16
        • E17
        • E21
        • E22
        • E23
    • Installing Enlightenment on Ubuntu
    • Pantheon Desktop Environment
      • History
      • Development
      • Features
        • The New Interface
        • Dark Mode
        • Themes and Looks
        • Performance
        • Usability and Stability
    • Chapter Summary
  • Appraisal
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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