BIOCHEMISTR Y FUNCTIONAL......................................
20- topic. Biochemistry blood ...................................................
63- work. Cleaning the blood of fibrin and benzidine
decompositioreaction of hemoglobin with hydrogen peroxide
64 -work. The response characteristic of bilirubin and its
quantitative analysis ……………………………………………
65- work. Quantitative determination of urea in the blood serum ...
21- topic. Biochemistry urine .........................
66- work. Determining the proportion of ............................
67- work. Determination of reaction and titriyuschiyusya
of urine ...
68- work. Reactions peculiar to organic substances urine ……
69- work. Reactions peculiar omineralnym substances urine ........
70- work. Qualitative reaction determines the presence of 17-
corticosteroid in the composition of urine ......................................