10.Ask students to look at the title of the text and
guess what the
text is going to be about. Answ ers may vary.
11.Give students some time to read the text and complete the
spaces a-d with sentences 1-4.
12.Let students read the definition given to the word ‘M E M O ’ and
tick possible criteria of it.
Be brief
• Use bullet points if necessary
Be impersonal (use passive)
• Use a short thank you to finish
Keep concise and to the point
NOTE: State that memos are written to an entire office.
tend to inform colleagues of office and procedural changes that apply
to a large group of people. They often provide
instructions using the
imperative voice. It has specific format and rules. Explain students the
differences between memos and business letters
using the notes in the
below column.
Memos (but not always)
Business letters (but not always)
Are written to people inside
your company.
written to people who work
outside your company or in another
Vary in length from a couple of
Too many pages
Are less than two or three pages
Initiated by sender
Are signed by sender
Are informal
Are formal.
13.Ask students to read the sample of memo and com pose their
own using the given template.
Let them share the written
assignment with the whole class.