hair-umumiy ma’noda soch
His hair is black. Uning sochi qora
I wash my hair every night/
A hair-soch tolasi
I found a hair in my soup.Men ovqatdan soch tolasi topdim.
I get some grey hairs but I pull them out
Paper-qog’oz ma’nosida sanalmaydi
I need some some paper to write an application
Paper-gazeta,document ma’nosida sanaladi
I have read these papers
Stone-tosh umumiy ma’noda tabiiy resurs
We need much stone to build a house
Stone-mayda toshcha sanaladi
He threw a stone at me
Potato\chicken\fish-ovqat ma’nosida sanalmaydi
Chicken smells good
We had some fish and potato in the morning
Potato\fish\chicken-xom shaklda,tirikligida
We need three potatoes to cook something
Iron-temir ma’nosida sanalmaydi
We need much iron to make pipes
Iron-dazmol (utyuk) ma’nosida
We use an iron to have a good look for our clothes
Dr Brown has much experience in physics
He had many experiences during our journey
Room-bo’sh joy ma’nosida sanalmaydi Is there room for me to sit here
Room-xona ma’nosida sanaladi
There are 7 rooms in our house
Fire-olov ma’nosida sanalmaydi
He lit fire in his own house
Noise-shovqin sanalmaydi
It is difficult to work when there is much noise
Light-yorug’lik sanalmaydi
Close the curtain.There is so much light.
Fire-yong’in ma’nosida sanaladi
We saw a fire by the road
A noise-tovush
Shshsh! I thought I heard a noise.
A light-lampochka yorug’i
I saw a light in the distance.
Beer\coffee\gin\wine-umumiy ma’noda sanalmaydi
She drank strong coffe
We ordered some wine
Beer\gin\wine-stakan ma’nosida sanaladi
I ordered a beer\2 beers
Time- vaqt ma’nosida sanalmaydi
I do not have much time to speak
Time-marta ma’nosida sanaladi
I won two times in the Olympic games
Two times=twice
Three times=thrice
Four,five…ten times
Glass-shisha ma’nosida
We need some glass for the window
I need a glass