On phenomena in ionized gases
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- 5. References
- Dynamics of a complex plasma measured with a 3D light field camera
- Simulation of Triode High Voltage Glow Discharge Electron Sources With Taking Into Account The Anode Plasma Parameters
- 2. Method of iterative calculation of the temperature and mobility of electron gas
- Investigation of arc binding to the hafnium cathode at atmospheric pressure
- Development and further improvement of a heat-treatment system using an arc driven by alternating magnetic field
- 1. Development of the heat-treatment system
- 2. Result of the heat treatment for carbon steel
- Reference
- Formation and annihilation of
4. Conclusion A subcellular ambient image mass spectrometric system termed ambient nanoPALDI-MS is reported for live tissue analysis. It enables monitoring biological molecules without pretreatment and verify the molecular chemical properties, elemental compositions and chemical structures.
[1] R.G. Cooks, Z. Ouyang, Z. Takats, J.M. Wiseman, Science 311 (2006) 1566–1570. [2] R.A. Musah, E.O. Espinoza, R.B. Cody, A.D. Lesiak, E.D. Christensen, H.E. Moore, S. Maleknia, F.P. Drijfhout, Sci. Rep. 5 (2015) 11520. [3] M.-Z. Huanga, S.-C. Chenga, Y.-T. Choa, J. Shiea, Anal. Chim. Acta 702 (2011) 1–15.
Topic number 17 94 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Dynamics of a complex plasma measured with a 3D light field camera
V. Nosenko P , M. Jambor P , S. K. Zhdanov P , H. M. Thomas P
P Institut für Materialphysik im Weltraum, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), D-82234 Weßling, Germany
The dynamics of a single-layer complex plasma crystal was measured by performing its three- dimensional (3D) imaging with a light field camera. To enrich the crystal's dynamics, the mode- coupling instability (MCI) was triggered in it by lowering the discharge power below a threshold. 3D coordinates of all particles in the crystal were extracted from the recorded video. All three fundamental wave modes of the plasma crystal were calculated from the particle velocity. In the out-of-plane spectrum, only the MCI-induced hot spots (corresponding to the unstable hybrid mode) were resolved. Both longitudinal in-plane and out-of-plane wave modes show profound anisotropy. The results are in agreement with theory and simulations and show that light field cameras can be used to measure 3D dynamics of complex plasmas.
A complex (dusty) plasma is a suspension of micron-size solid particles in a weakly ionized gas. Particles acquire high electric charges, interact with each other and their environment, and often form strongly coupled subsystems. The particles can be individually imaged in real time, which makes complex plasmas excellent model systems to study various generic phenomena in liquids and solids. A long-standing challenge in the field of complex
Fluctuation spectra of the particle velocity for a) longitudinal in-plane mode, b) out-of-plane mode. The white (red) dashed lines indicate the border of the ideal (real) first Brillouin zone. Both wave modes show profound anisotropy. plasmas is accurate measurement of individual particles' 3D coordinates. 3D imaging methods used so far include stereoscopy, color gradient method, laser tomography, digital in-line holography. A recent development is using light field cameras for single-camera, single-shot imaging of 3D particle suspensions. In a light field camera, an additional array of microlenses is placed just in front of the image sensor; this allows to measure not only the intensity, but also the direction of the light oncoming on a microlens. Dedicated software uses triangulation to calculate all three coordinates of the imaged particles. In [1], a commercial Raytrix R5 light field camera was used to perform 3D imaging of a single-layer complex plasma crystal suspended in a rf discharge in argon. To enhance the out-of- plane oscillations of particles, the mode-coupling instability was triggered by lowering the discharge power below a threshold. In this contribution, we present further analysis of the plasma crystal's wave modes calculated from the particles' 3D coordinates. The Fourier transform in space and time domains of the particle velocity was integrated over the hybrid mode frequency (in the range of 8.4-10.8 Hz), the result is plotted on the wave number (k x , k y ) plane in the Figure. As is clearly seen, both wave modes show profound anisotropy. This result is consistent with a previous experiment, theory [2], and molecular dynamics simulations [3] and is explained by a shear deformation of the plasma crystal. [1] M. Jambor, V. Nosenko, S. K. Zhdanov, H. M. Thomas, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 (2016) 033505. [2] A. V. Ivlev, T. B. Röcker, L. Couëdel, V. Nosenko, C.-R. Du, Phys. Rev. E 91 (2015) 063108. [3] I. Laut, C. Räth, S. Zhdanov, V. Nosenko, L. Couëdel, H. M. Thomas, EPL 110 (2015) 65001. 12
95 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Simulation of Triode High Voltage Glow Discharge Electron Sources With Taking Into Account The Anode Plasma Parameters I.V. Melnyk UP 1
P 1 P
Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
This paper is devoted to describing the algorithm of simulation of triode high voltage glow discharge electron sources with including into consideration the parameters of anode plasma, such as the temperature and mobility of plasma electrons. For calculation of anode plasma parameters estimated relations for high voltage glow discharge have been used. The distinctive feature of proposed methodic of calculation is using of iterative algorithm, which allows to provide the calculations till obtaining the equilibrium between the force of electric field in the cathode-fall region and the force formed by the pressure of electron gas in anode plasma. Obtained results are very important to the experts in the industrial application of modern electron beam technologies.
High Voltage Glow Discharge Electron Sources (HVGDES) are widely used in industry today for realizing complex technological operations of modern electron beam technology [1 – 3]. For effective control the stability of current of high- voltage glow discharge in such electron sources with low time-constant additional low-voltage discharge is used [4]. In the paper [4] the methodic of calculation of High Voltage Glow Discharge (HVGD) time parameters, based on defining of anode plasma distance through estimation the level of gas ionization by the fast beam and slow plasma electrons, as well as on the equation of discharge self-maintained, have been proposed. But main disadvantage of this method is necessity of using for such calculations important data about the temperature of electron gas in anode plasma and about mobility of electrons in it. The improved iteration methodic of calculation of anode plasma parameters is proposed in this report.
For calculation the temperature of electron gas and mobility of electrons in anode plasma such estimative equations were used [5]:
where T e – temperature of electrons, µ e – its’ mobility, U
– acceleration voltage, d cp – distance from the cathode to anode plasma, p
– residual pressure in the discharge gap, k – Boltzmann constant, Q ea – average cross-section of dissipation of electrons on the atoms of residual gases, U
control voltage, a, b – empiric constants [4, 5]. Iterative calculation of plasma boundary position by the equation (1) and by the equations, obtained in paper [4], was provided, till the value of cathode- plasma distance dcp became equal in the both variant of calculations. Obtained calculation results for energetic efficiency of electron sources with considering nitrogen as operation gas for different values of control voltage are presented at Fig.
Obtained results are mostly similar to presented in paper [4], difference nearly 15 – 20% is observed for the small and high values of control voltage. Therefore the main advantage of proposed iteration methodic is absence the reference to empirical data about the thermodynamic parameters of electron gas in anode plasma from the manuals [1, 5], which can be incorrect usually and must be strongly verified 3. References [1] Novikov A.A. “High Voltage Glow Discharge Electron Sources With Anode Plasma”, Moscow, “Energoatomizdat”, 1983 (in russian). [2] Feinaeugle P., Mattausch G., Schmidt S., Roegner F.H., Society of Vacuum Coaters, 54-th Annual Technical Conference Proceedings, Chicago, pp. 202–209, 2011. [3] Mattausch G., Zimmermann B., Fietzke F., Heinss J.P., Graffel B., Winkler F., Roegner F.H., Metzner C., “Elektrotechnica and Electronica (E+E)”, vol. 49, № 5-6, pp. 183–195, 2014. [4] Melnik I.V., Radioelectronics and communication systems, Vol. 56, # 12, pp. 51 – 61, 2013. [5] Raizer Yu.P. “Physic of Gas Discharge”, Moscow, Nauka, 1987. (in russian). Topic number 5 96
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
at atmospheric pressure
M. Kh. Gadzhiev, M. A. Sargsyan, D. V. Tereshonok and A. S. Tyuftyaev Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 13, bldg. 2 Izhorskaya str., Moscow, 125412, Russia
Our researchers present investigation of the argon and air arc binding to the hafnium cathode at atmosphere pressure. Working DC current is about several hundred amperes. Experiment was made on a plasmatron with a conical water-cooling cathode. Anode is presented by expanding copper channel. We assume that plasma of positive column is in LTE. It allows using the method of relative intensities for measurement of the electron temperature in positive column. Electron concentration is determined by the Stark broadening. Surface cathode temperature is measured by the high-speed camera which is used as a pyrometer. Obtained results are compared with the results for the pure tungsten, lanthanated tungsten (W-2% La 2 O
) and thoriated tungsten (W-2% ThO
2 ) cathodes.
Arc discharge is one of the widely used discharges in different areas such as metallurgy, surface treatment, welding etc. Understanding of plasma- physical processes creates opportunities for optimization of industrial plants [1, 2]. In this paper, we present results of the investigation of the arc binding to the hafnium cathode in argon and air at atmospheric pressure. Experimental setup includes the cathode which is embedded in the copper water-cooling cathode holder and anode which is presented by the expending copper channel and vortex stabilization of the plasma torch [3, 4]. Working DC current was about several hundred amperes. Assuming that plasma of positive column is in LTE creates an opportunity to use spectroscopy measurements for the electron temperature which is made by the spectrometer DFS-452. Electron temperature is determined by the method of relative intensities of the spectral lines from the same element and different ionization order. Electron concentration is determined by the Stark broadening. In argon plasma the spectral lines Ar II and Ar III were used with the wavelength 363.7 nm and 329.3 nm respectively. Plasma parameters were measured at different distances from the cathode tip with the spatial step 0.1 mm. A high speed black and white camera Phantom Miro M110 with the spatial resolution of about 25 micrometers was used for measuring the temperature distribution on the cathode surface. For the cancellation of the plasma stream we used an interface filter which is placed in front of the camera lens (for example for argon lens with an allowed bandwidth of 589 nm was used). Etalon tungsten lamp with a brightness temperature 2400 K was used to perform the calibrations. All measurements were performed after some work time (tens minutes) of the plasma torch. Obtained plasma parameters are compared with the results (plasma temperature, electron concentration and cathode surface temperature) for the pure tungsten [4], lanthanated tungsten (W-2% La 2 O 3 ) [3]
and thoriated tungsten (W-2% ThO 2 ) [6] cathodes. Optimal plasma
parameters for
electric-arc technology can be obtained based on the comparison of the different results of particular discharge parameters. Experimental part was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (no. 15-08-00404 A) and theoretical part was supported by the President of Russia Scholarship for young scientists (no.
3812.2016.1 ).
[1] Murphy A. B., Plasma Chem. Plasma Process., 35 (2015) 471. [2] M.S. Benilov, M. Carpaij and M.D. Cunha, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39 (2006) 2124 2134. [3] M.Kh. Gadzhiev, M.A. Sargsyan, D.V. Tereshonok and A.S. Tyuftyaev, EPL. 111 (2015) 25001.
[4] M.Kh. Gadzhiev, M.A. Sargsyan, D.V. Tereshonok and A.S. Tyuftyaev, EPL. 115 (2016) 35002.
97 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
K. Takeda Professor emiritus of Akita Prefectural University, Uri-honjyo, Japan
Mechanical properties of a metal are modified by various heat treatments. A novel heat-treatment system is developed using a transferred arc which is driven by an alternating magnetic field imposed perpendicularly. The arc swings like a pendulum synchronizing with the change of the magnetic field. The amplitude of the arc motion and the distribution of the heat flow can be controlled by the flux density and the wave form of the imposed field. More than three times increase in Vickers hardness is obtained after the heat-treatment of carbon steel. Tiny melted spots are often scattered on the treated surface. Detailed observation reveals that the irregular movement of the anode spot results in such damage. Further study is required to understand why such irregularity occurs in the arc motion.
In an alternating magnetic field imposed to an arc perpendicularly, the anode root swings back and force as shown in Fig.1.
Fig.1 Schematic illustration of an arc driven by alternating magnetic field
The amplitude of the arc motion increases with the increase of the magnetic flux density. The heat flux distribution can also be controlled by changing the wave form of the alternating field. Considering these advantages, a novel heat treatment system has been developed.
Fig.2 Arrngement of the developed heat treatment System [1]
systems. A transferred DC arc burns between a plasma torch and a work piece serving as an anode. The work piece travels in horizontal direction by a platform driving mechanism. Various magnetic fields can be produced by an AC current supply. After heating, the work piece is quenched from the back side of the plate by cooling water.
The carbon steel plate was heat-treated by the arc driven by an AC magnetic field with rectangular wave form at the frequency of 50Hz. Drastic increase of hardness was obtained as shown in Fig.3.
Fig.3 Hardness distributions after the heat treatment
Surface damage with many tiny spots was often found on the heat-treated work piece. The detailed observation of the arc motion revealed that irregular movement as shown in Fig.4 resulted in the surface damage. For further improvement, it is required to study how to prevent such irregular arc motion.
AC magnetic field
[1] R.Akiho, M.Sugimoto, K.Takeda, Y.Noguchi, T. Miura, Transaction JSME-C 79 (2013) 3979. 15 98
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Formation and annihilation of ??????
?????? −
D. A. Toneli 1 , R. S. Pessoa 2 ,
M. Roberto 1 , J. T. Gudmundsson P 3,4
Technological Institute of Aeronautics, São José dos Campos, Brazil 2 Paraíba Valley University, São José dos Campos, Brazil 3 University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland 4 P
O 2 − -ions can be close to the density of O − -ions and it can become an important species for the charge neutrality in the plasma. Here we study the main channels for formation and annihilation of O 2 − -ions through a Volume Averaged Global Model in the pressure range from 0.5 – 100 mTorr. Results show that formation of O 2 − is a charge exchange dominated process; however, many reactions contribute to the loss of O 2 − and their contributions change in the range of pressure studied. For pressures below 2 mTorr, in a stainless steel cylindrical chamber, the loss of O 2
-ions is dominated by mutual neutralization of O 2 − and
O 2 + . For an anodized aluminium chamber loss of O 2
-ions is dominated by detachment reactions between O 2 − and
O( 3 P). The results also show the importance of the metastable states for the oxygen discharge.
Volume Averaged Global Model studies of inductively coupled oxygen discharges have shown that the mean density of O 2
-ions increases as pressure increases reaching values close to the mean density of O −
were carried out for a stainless steel and anodized aluminium cylindrical reactor chamber with radius R = 15 cm and length L = 30 cm. The flow rate of oxygen feedstock is 50 sccm, the gas temperature is 600 K, and the absorbed power is 500 W. It was found that formation of O 2
occurs mostly through charge exchange between O −
O 2 (X 3 Σ g − ), O
− + O 2 (X 3 Σ g − ) → O( 3 P) + O 2 − , in both stainless steel and anodized aluminium chambers. This channel remains the main channel for the formation of O 2
-ions even when changes in the electron energy distribution function are considered. Figure 1 shows the reaction rates for the main reactions which have significant contributions to the O 2 − loss process. These reactions are shown in Table 1. The full reaction set used in the model can be found elsewhere [1]. Note that, for pressures below 2 mTorr, in a stainless steel chamber, reactions 5 and 6 are the dominant channels. In an anodized aluminium chamber, detachment reactions between O 2 − and
O( 3 P) are the main channels for the O 2 − loss process. As the pressure increases, the reaction rates for reactions 1, 2, 3, and 4 increases. Thus, the loss process for O 2 − is not dominated by only one reaction, but many reactions contribute to it and the role of each reaction is heavily pressure dependent. These results also show the importance of the metastable states O 2 (a 1 ∆ g ) and O 2 (b
Σ g + ) in oxygen discharges in particular at higher pressures. Download 9,74 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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