On phenomena in ionized gases
Characterization of ECR produced hydrogen plasma for H
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- 3. Results and Discussion
- 4. References
- Electronegativity and negative ion kinetics in O 2 ICP during E-H transition
- Experimental Investigation of the Asymmetric Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Driven by AC/DC Voltage
- 2. Experimental setup and measurements
- Weakly ionized plasma effects on mitigation of shock waves
Characterization of ECR produced hydrogen plasma for H - generation
P. Singh, R. Gaur, D. Sahu, R. Narayanan, A. Ganguli, R. D. Tarey
chamber attached to a compact electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) source. The electron temperature and density, measured by a Langmuir probe, are seen to fall slowly along the axis away from the ECR source. Using the experimental data and a global model the density of different positive ion species, H + , H
2 + , H 3 + are estimated. It is found that H 3 + is the dominant species at low pressures. It also turns out electron temperature plays a pivotal role in determining collisional energy loss. Work is in progress to determine the optimum conditions for H -
Negative hydrogen ion (H¯) beams have great importance for neutral beam heating of fusion plasmas because they can be efficiently charge- neutralized to form neutral beams at particle energies of ~ 1 MeV [1]. In order for the scheme to be successful it is important that one be able to produce high density, robust, very-large volume hydrogen plasma over a large cross-section so that the required ion current (~ 30 – 40 amps over an area of 1sq.m.) can be extracted. To make such a technology viable and sustainable, it is important to be able to produce the starting hydrogen plasma extremely efficiently in terms of power input to the device. Since very few studies [2] exist on the characterization of non-equilibrium hydrogen plasma at low pressures, it becomes important to undertake such studies. In addition, most of the plasma sources for H¯ production are RF based, whereas the present study is Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) based.
2. Experimental Setup Experiments were performed inside a stainless steel cylindrical chamber (length ≈ 75 cm, ID ≈ 50 cm) attached coaxially to a Compact ECR Plasma Source (CEPS) as shown in Fig. 1 [3]. The CEPS has a cylindrical plasma source section (ID ≈ 9.1 cm, length ≈ 11.5 cm) with coaxially arranged NdFeB permanent ring magnets. Microwaves at 2.45 GHz are used to produce plasma inside the CEPS. The magnetic field of the ring magnets not only provides the ECR magnetic field, but also penetrates the larger expansion chamber into which the plasma diffuses, guided by the magnetic field. 3. Results and Discussion Experiments were performed at 0.5mTorr- 1.5mtorr pressure and 200-1000W power. At 1mtorr pressure and 500W power it is found that the electron density (n e ) decreases slowly along the chamber axis from ≈ 4.0×10
10 cm
-3 (at z ≈ 15 cm) to ≈ 0.7×10
10 cm
-3 (z ≈ 60 cm), with the corresponding electron temperature (T e ) decreasing from ≈ 6.2 eV to about 2.7 eV.
Fig.2 Variation of (a) Electron temperature and (b) density with axial position. Pressure ≈ 1 mtorr and power ≈ 500 W.
Taking T e as input, a global model is used to determine the positive ion species in the plasma. Although n e (Fig.2) is calculated assuming the positive ions are H + , simulation from a global model indicates that different ion species, H + , H 2 + , H 3 + are present and at low pressure H 3 + might be the dominant species. In that case n e will be increased by a factor of 1.732. Further it was found out that if the neutral species is mostly H 2 rather than H, the collisional energy loss hence the input power to the plasma would need to be higher. Effort is under way to determine the optimum conditions for H -
production. Detailed results will be presented at the conference. 4. References [1] M. Bacal and M. Wada, Appl. Phys. Rev., 2, (2015) 021305. [2] D. Sahu and S. Bhattacharjee, J. Appl. Phys., 112, (2012) 063304 . [3] A. Ganguli et al., Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 25, (2016) 025026. Topic number 9 258
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Influence of dielectric barrier thickness on the reactor temperature of glass beads packed bed DBD reactor
S.K.P.Veerapandian P 1 , A.Nikiforov 1 , C.Leys
1 , N.De Geyter 1 , J.-M. Giraudon 2 , J.-F. Lamonier 2
Research Unit Plasma Technology, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium 2
A glass beads packed bed dielectric barrier discharge (PBDBD) reactor is used in this work to study the effect of wall thickness of the reactor on the evolution of the reactor wall temperature and on the formation of by-products such as NO x and ozone. The temperature of the reactor wall increases with increasing the input voltage. The formation of ozone decreases when the reactor wall temperature is 47±1˚C which results in the formation of toxic by-products such as NO 2 . The
maximum ozone concentration is obtained for the reactor with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm, which shows a lower increase in temperature for a particular input power. The maximum toluene removal efficiency of 60±4% is obtained for the PBDBD reactor with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm.
The removal of low concentration volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from an air stream using non thermal plasma (NTP) technology such as PBDBD reactor is of great interest due to its cost and energy efficiency. The temperature of the reactor and the packing material increases with the input voltage and this influences the plasma discharge characteristics and thus the VOC removal efficiency and the formation of by-products. In this work, the influence of the dielectric barrier thickness of the PBDBD reactor on the reactor wall temperature and formation of by- products such as ozone and NO 2 are examined. 2. Experimental The PBDBD reactor used in this work is a cylindrical DBD reactor filled with borosilicate glass beads (φ 3 mm, ε r = 4.6). The inner stainless steel high voltage electrode (powered by an AC power supply of 50 kHz) is placed along the axis and an iron mesh around the outer surface of the dielectric barrier acts as ground electrode. The different reactor wall thicknesses (w) used in this work are 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 mm. Dry air polluted with 300 ppm of toluene is fed into the plasma reactor. The formation of different by-products after plasma treatment is investigated with FTIR. The concentration of ozone in the outlet stream is measured using an UV absorption based ozone detector (Teledyne, Model 465M). The temperature of the reactor is measured using a thermocouple (Farnell, Type-K) attached to the reactor wall in the middle of the discharge region.
The temperature of the reactor wall increases with increasing the input power for a particular reactor wall thickness. Figure 1 shows that the increase in temperature (ΔT) is the lowest for the reactor with lowest wall thickness (w=1.5 mm). Figure 1 shows that the ozone concentration increases with increase in specific input energy (SIE) and then decreases when the reactor wall temperature of is higher than 47±1˚C due to thermal dissociation of ozone[1] and thus formation of NO 2
increases[2] due to ozone generation stop.
Figure 1. Ozone production (solid symbol) and increase in wall temperature (ΔT) after 10 minutes of plasma ignition (open symbol) as a function of SIE for PBDBD reactor of different reactor wall thicknesses (3.0 mm, 2.0 mm and 1.5 mm) Thus the formation of ozone is higher for the reactor with wall thickness 1.5 mm as the increase in temperature for this reactor is lower for a particular input power. Also, the maximum toluene removal efficiency of 60±4% is obtained for the PBDBD reactor with the wall thickness of 1.5 mm. 4. References [1] W. Mista and R. Kacprzyk, Catal. Today, 137 (2008) 345-349. [2] S. Pekárek, Eur. Phys. J. D, 61 (2011), 657-662. 17 259
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Electronegativity and negative ion kinetics in O 2 ICP during E-H transition
Th. Wegner 1,2 , J. Meichsner 1
2 currently: Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany Institute of Physics, Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany,
Important plasma species, e.g., density of electrons, negative atomic oxygen ions, singlet metastable and ground state molecular oxygen as well as the electron and gas temperature were quantified using comprehensive plasma diagnostics. In particular, the negative ion kinetics was evaluated taking into account the O - particle balance equation with the relevant rate constants from literature. During the E-H transition a continuous reduction of the electronegativity was observed over two orders of magnitude.
Oxygen plasmas have been widely studied in experiment and simulation as a model system for electronegative plasmas. Furthermore, oxygen is used as reactive plasma processing gas in low or atmospheric pressure discharges to produce atomic oxygen and ozone as well as secondary reaction products in gas phase, e.g., OH, H 2 O
, NO x . The interaction of these reactive species with materials is applied in plasma surface processing, e.g., surface oxidation/functionalisation, degradation and plasma etching. Here, we investigated experimentally inductively coupled radio frequency plasmas (RF ICP) in pure oxygen at low pressure using comprehensive plasma diagnostics. The changing plasma parameters during the E-H transition were systematically studied and the underlying species kinetics, in particular the negative ion kinetics, was evaluated.
The configuration of the RF ICP at 13.56 MHz consists of a plane double spiral antenna of about 120 mm in diameter with 2.75 windings. The RF power up to 500W or coil voltage of about 8 kV was coupled to the centre connection, whereas the ground potential was applied at the two opposite ends of the coil. The coil was installed in a quartz cylinder immersed in the cylindrical vacuum vessel, [1]. The installed plasma diagnostics includes electric probe measurement, 160 GHz Gaussian beam microwave interferometry, emission and absorption spectroscopy, phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy (PROES) as well as laser photo detachment experiment, [2, 3].
All plasma parameters, e.g., electron density and temperature, reveal a continuous E-H transition for pressures lower than 35 Pa. Here, a hybrid (E/H) mode was observed, that means the capacitive and inductive electron heating appears simultaneously in the RF cycle. The negative atomic oxygen ion density was determined by laser photo detachment experiment and the rate equation calculation. The electronegativity α
O- /n e during the E-H transition decreases from about 20 in the E-mode to 0.1 in the H-mode, see Fig.1.
Figure 1: Electronegativity vs. electron density during E- H transition from O - laser photo detachment experiment and O -
rate equation calculation.
The rate equation calculation for the negative atomic oxygen ion provides the dominant reaction channels for O
- generation and loss, respectively. These are for the E/H and the H mode the dissociative electron attachment reaction with O 2 (X) and O 2 (a 1 ∆ ) as well as the ion-ion recombination and the detachment with atomic oxygen. 4. References [1] Th. Wegner, C. Küllig, J. Meichsner Contrib. Plasma Phys. 55 (2015) 728 [2] Th. Wegner, C. Küllig, J. Meichsner, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26 (2017) 025006 [3] Th. Wegner, C. Küllig, J. Meichsner, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.
Topic number 9 260
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
F. Sohbatzadeh, H. Mahdavi, and M. Mehdipour Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Iran.
The effects of AC and DC voltages on asymmetric surface dielectric barrier discharge were examined regarding to the offset voltage, surface charge deposition and induced electric wind velocity. The surface potential, the electric wind velocity and the produced thrust were measured. Our results showed that by increasing the DC voltage of the lower electrode, the surface potential increases and the electric wind velocity decreases. On other hand, by applying the AC voltage to the upper electrode and the DC offset to the lower one, higher wind velocity induces. The direction of the electric wind is independent of the applied voltages, but its magnitude and the surface potential depend on the amplitude and polarities of the applied voltage.
The surface dielectric barrier discharge which is a common used method to generate atmospheric non-thermal plasma, was proposed for the first time by Roth et al. to apply in flow control applications [1]. It is composed of two asymmetric planar electrodes that one of them is exposed to the air and the other one is encapsulated by a dielectric layer [2]. The generated plasma in this structure can cause momentum transfer to the ambient gas. The resulting electric wind can modify the boundary layer properties. In this work, we investigate the effect of the AC and the DC offset voltages applied simultaneously to the lower and upper electrodes on the surface potential and the induced electric wind velocity. 2. Experimental setup and measurements At first, a sinusoidal AC high voltage with 20 kV PP
while a DC offset simultaneously was applied to the lower electrode. Then the applied voltages were exchanged. The surface potential and the electric wind velocity measurements were carried out by using an electrostatic voltmeter probe and the pitot tube technique. A schematic picture of the experimental setup was shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: schematic picture of the electrical arrangement and the generated plasma. 3. Results As shown in figures 2 and 3, by increasing DC offset voltages the magnitudes of the surface potential increases and the electric wind velocities decrease in downstream of the electrode. As can be seen in figure 2, the electric wind velocity and subsequently its extension for the negative DC offset were greater than the positive case. The sign of the potential was negative for the positive DC offset and always positive for the ground and the negative one.
By changing the electrode voltages the electric wind velocity induced by the negative DC offset was very low with maximum value of about 2 m/s. This result was illustrated in figure 3. Moreover, the maximum thrust was obtained for the ground case, which was approximately 18 mN/m.
Figure 2: velocity and surface potential of the AC voltage applied to the upper electrode and positive(left)/negative (right) DC offset voltages to the lower one.
Figure 3: positive DC offset voltage applied to the upper electrode and AC voltage to the lower one. 4. References [1] J. R. Roth, Phys. Plasmas 10 (2003) 2117. [2] E. Moreau, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40(3) (2007) 605–636.
261 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Weakly ionized plasma effects on mitigation of shock waves F. Sohbatzadeh, M. Mehdipoor and H. Mahdavi Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.
In this work, shock wave modification by a DC glow discharge was investigated, theoretically. Numerical results showed that the electric field distribution has significant effects on shock front. Also, the electron temperature and their diffusion were found to be effective parameters on the plasmaaerodynamic. It was found that the plasma can deflect the incoming flow and modifies the structure of shock waves. The effect of the electric field strength was also examined in this work. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium assumptions for the plasma were examined to demonstrate heat and momentum transfer contributions in supersonic flow control.
Since non- thermal plasmas generated in relatively low power input, therefore they are the appropriate discharges for use in aeronautic. Some authors believe that thermal effects [1] and transfer momentum to the incident fluid particles (neutrals) can modify the flow properties, locally [2]. Therefore , we will use a theoretical model to examine the physical mechanisms governing the plasma flow control for supersonic incident flow. W e took a wedge geometry in which the plasma was created in front of the wedge by electrical discharge. The cathode electrode and anodes assumed to be positioned on the front and the side walls of the wedge, respectively. The DC voltage on the cathode was -10 kV. Here we assumed the electric field components as E X
E 0 1 + (aξ) 2
, E Y = ξE 0 1 + (bξ) 2
(1) Where E 0 is electric field amplitude and
ξ = y/L. Here L is cathode length and dimensionless parameters a and b are constant. a and b are either 1 or 0.7 depending on the cathode configuration such as flatness or sharpness . We assumed a weakly ionized plasma that produced by the external electric field. Also, we assumed that the incoming flow having Mach number M=2.5 and p=0.175 atm. We used momentum transfer equation for electrons, ions and neutrals with taking into account of collision frequencies for electron-neutral, electron-ion, and ion-neutral interactions. We also employed the energy equation for each species. Some of our numerical analysis are as follows: 1-
Thermal effect does not play a major role in the weakly ionized glow discharge. 2-
more effect on the shock front position than the electric field strength 3-
electron temperature has not any significant effect on deflection angle of flow. 4-
with the plasma. Figure 1, shows the effect of the different electric field distributions on the shock wave angle. In figure 2, the change in attached shock by electric field distributions is seen. From figure 2, one can conclude that the electric filed distribution affects the shock properties significantly. It is also seen that the electric field strength has minor effect with respect to the field distribution.
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