On phenomena in ionized gases
Methods of spatial absorption measurements
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Dependence of double layer potential on the properties of anode spot plasma
- 3. Experimental Results and discussion
- Effect of discharge tube temperature on the density of N( 4 S o )
- 3. Results and Discussion
- 4. References
- Gas flow modifications by a kHz microsecond atmospheric pressure plasma jet
- 2. Experimental Setup and modelling
- 4. Acknowledgments
- Atomic scale study of Al clustering and particle growth
- 1. References [1] J.J. Granier, M.L. Pantoya, Combust. Flame 138
- Computer simulation of ion stopping in a dense plasma by the Monte Carlo method
3. Methods of spatial absorption measurements Radial density profiles of 2s and 2p- states were first measured by classic absorption method. Theoretical description of the method can be found in [2]. For ICP plasma source a Doppler lineshape is assumed and a Voigt lineshape for the main source. The second method was a modified line ratios method, proposed in [3], which allows to determine densities and radial profiles of absorbing atoms by solving a system of emission flux ratio equations.
Profiles of excited states in argon and neon measured in different lines show good agreement. Absolute density values of 1s-states in argon are lower than in neon and radial profiles in neon are wider. Distinctions in radial profiles are related to differences in dependencies of ionization rates on the electron density. Nonlinear dependence in argon is much stronger than in neon. Figure 1 compares measured radial profiles of 2p-levels.
Figure 1. 2p profiles in neon (a) at i/R=40 mA/cm and argon (b) at i/R =17,4 mA/cm in selected emission lines. 5. References [1] Y. B. Golubovskii et al., Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 20 (2011) 53002. [2] J. Loureiro, J. Amorim, Kinetics and spectroscopy of low temperature plasmas, Springer Int. Publ. (2016). [3] M. Schulze et al., J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 65206. Topic number 4 267
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Dependence of double layer potential on the properties of anode spot plasma
Yuna Lee P 1 , Kyoung-Jae Chung UP 1 , Y. S. Hwang P 1
P 1 P
The anode spot is successfully utilized to plasma ion source because of its high power efficiency with generating high plasma density near to aperture. It is important to figure out how to control the anode spot size at plasma ion source so as to enhance ion beam current. In this paper, we investigate the relationship among the anode spot size, bias current and operating parameters such as operating pressure and bias voltage. We find that properties of anode spot including its size is closely correlated with the double layer potential between the anode and the ambient plasma. The experimentally measured anode spot size show good agreements with the estimated one using particle balance between the production and loss of ions inside the anode spot.
An anode spot plasma is localized high density plasma, generated in front of a small electrode biased positively with respect to the plasma potential of ambient plasma and distinguished with ambient plasma by a potential difference, called as double layer. We have proposed a new approach to produce high ion beam current using localized characteristics of anode spot plasma near the extraction aperture [1]. Recently, we found that the anode spot plasma size should be comparable to bias electrode in order to enhance the ion beam current with stable operation [2]. Song [3] proposed that the size of anode spot is proportional to the reciprocal of pressure and electron-impact ionization cross section of ionization potential. However, we experimentally observed that the length of anode spot is expanded by increasing the bias voltage even if operated at fixed pressure. In the present work, it is figured out that the relationship between changes of anode spot size and operating parameters such as operating pressure and bias voltage is explained in terms of double layer potential.
The basic structure is the same as that used in our previous work [4]. The ambient plasma (argon, 10-100mTorr) is generated by inductive coupling with fixed RF power of 150 W at the frequency of 13. 56 MHz. The anode spot is generated in front of a planar electrode of 6 mm in diameter. A DC P/S drives the positive voltage in range of 0-100 V on the bias probe through a limiting resistor of 100 Ω. An axially movable Langmuir probe (D : 0.1 mm, L : 2.5 mm) is used to measure the plasma properties. Shapes and sizes of anode spot plasmas are recorded by a commercial digital camera.
Measured plasma properties of ambient plasma and anode spot show that the anode spot expands with decreasing the double layer potential or increasing the operating pressure. Based on the experimental result, the length of anode spot is derived from the particle balance between ion production inside the anode spot and ion loss through the surface of anode spot. The estimated size of anode spot using the particle balance is comparable to the experimentally measured one which is determined by double layer potential variation with increasing bias voltage.
It is confirmed that not only the operating pressure but also the double layer potential has an influence on the determination of anode spot size. The present work is helpful to understand the relationship among the bias current, anode spot size and extracted beam current and also give an information about the operating parameters ranges of anode spot plasma ion source with stable operation
This work was supported by the technology innovation program (No. 10067509) funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MI, KOREA). 6. References [1] Y. J. Kim, D. H. Park, H. S. Jeong and Y. S. Hwang, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77 (2006) 03B507. [2] Yuna Lee, Kyoung-Jae Chung and Y. S. Hwang, Cur. Appl. Phys. 15 (2015) pp.1599-1605. [3] B. Song, N. D. Angelo and R. L. Merlino, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 24 (1991) 1789. [4] Yeong-Shin Park, Yuna Lee, J. J. Dang, Kyoung-Jae Chung and Y. S. Hwang, Rev. Sci. Instrum.85 (2014).02A508. 8) 268
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Effect of discharge tube temperature on the density of N( 4 S o ) in a remote nitrogen plasma source
M. Shimabayashi 1 , K. Kurihara 2 , and K. Sasaki 1
P 1 Division of Quantum Science and Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan 2 Toshiba corp. resident at Imec, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
We investigated the characteristics of surface nitriding of 4H-SiC using a remote nitrogen plasma to improve the carrier mobility of a SiC-based power transistor. Our previous report suggests the possibility of an efficient, low-damage nitriding process using the remote nitrogen plasma which has a high flux ratio of N 2 (A 3 Σ u + )/N(
4 S o ). In this paper, we tried to control the densities of reactive nitrogen species by heating the discharge tube. Quartz and p-BN tubes were employed for the discharge tube. We observed the increase in the N( 4 S o ) density with the discharge tube temperature between 20 and 600 o C. On the other hand, the N( 4 S o ) density was roughly independent of the discharge tube temperature when we employed a quartz tube.
The control of the flux ratio of reactive species supplied from a reactive plasma is of importance in various plasma processing technologies to optimize their performances. We are investigating the characteristics of surface nitriding of 4H-SiC using a remote nitrogen plasma to improve the carrier mobility of a SiC-based power transistor. In a previous report, we pointed out a possibility of an efficient, low-damage nitriding process using the remote nitrogen plasma which have high flux ratio of N 2 (A 3 Σ u + )/N( 4 S o ) [1]. To realize the control of the flux ratio of reactive nitrogen species, we investigated the effect of the material of the discharge tube and its temperature. In this paper, we report the effect of the discharge tube temperature on the N( 4 S o ) density in the spatial afterglow region of the remote nitrogen plasma.
2. Experiment The nitrogen plasma was produced by attaching a microwave resonator on the outside of a quartz or p- BN tube. The resonator was connected to a microwave power supply at 2.45 GHz. The microwave power was 100 W. The bottom side of the discharge tube was connected to a stainless-steel cylindrical chamber. The gas pressure was adjusted at 0.5 Torr by controlling the pumping speed. We attached a kanthal spiral wire on the outside of the discharge tube in the region between the microwave resonator and the stainless-steel chamber. The discharge tube was heated up to 600 o C by applying a heating power to the kanthal wire. The N( 4 S o ) density was measured in the spatial afterglow region by vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy. The distance between the microwave resonator and the measurement position was 12 and 13 cm when employing the quartz and p-BN tubes, respectively.
Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show the relationships between the N( 4 S
) density and the discharge tube temperature when we employed a quartz and p-BN tubes, respectively. As shown in the Fig. 1(b), we observed the increase in the N( 4 S
) density with the discharge tube temperature when we employed the p- BN tube. On the other hand, the N( 4 S o ) density was roughly independent of the temperature when we employed the quartz tube. Since the N( 4 S
) density decreased with the distance from the microwave resonator, the result shown in Fig. 1(b) may be caused by the decrease in the surface loss probability of N( 4
o ) on the surface of the p-BN tube at a high temperature. Another possibility is the production of N( 4 S o ) in the region between the microwave resonator and the measurement position due to collisions among vibrationally excited molecular nitrogen (the V-V pumping-up mechanism).
[1] M. Shimabayashi, K. Kurihara, and K. Sasaki, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 55 (2016) 036503.
Topic number 8 Fig.1. Relationship between density of N( 4 S o ) and temperature of (a) quartz and (b) p-BN tubes in the spatial afterglow region. Temperature ( o C)
D en sity ( m -3 ) (a)
(b) 269
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Gas flow modifications by a kHz microsecond atmospheric pressure plasma jet
X. Damany 1 , P. Viegas 2 , S. Dozias 1 , J-M. Pouvesle 1 , A. Bourdon 2 , E. Robert 1
1 GREMI, UMR7344 CNRS Université d’Orléans, Orléans, France 2 LPP, CNRS, Ecole polytechnique, UPMC Univ Paris 06, Univ Paris-Sud, Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris-Saclay, Sorbonne Universités, PSL Research University, 91128 Palaiseau, France In this work we present Schlieren images of a Plasma Gun discharge fed with several helium buffer admixtures (pure, O 2 , N 2 ). It has been demonstrated that efficient gas flow channelling is observed with pure helium. Such gas flow channelling is also proven to be dependent on voltage polarity and frequency. Analysis of the role of molecular admixtures (N 2 or O
2 ) confirms the non-thermal nature of the effect and the potential crucial role of large negative ions. In order to get a better understanding of this effect, numerical simulations have been carried out to study the dynamics of formation of positive and negative ions in helium with various amounts of N 2 or O 2 admixtures. The influence of mixing the gases in the buffer or downstream is also studied.
Atmospheric pressure plasma jets are effective for biomedical applications thanks to several factors but mainly due to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS). Yet, it has been shown that plasma jets change the gas flow, influencing RONS production and delivery. Several parameters have already been investigated with pure helium fed plasma such as pulse frequency, gas flowrate and voltage polarity [1]. Even though it sounds tempting to add O 2 or N
2 to enhance RONS’ production, no study shows how it modifies the gas flow. In this study we present Schlieren images of a Plasma Gun (PG) discharge fed with pure helium and then with admixture of O 2 and N
2 . Gases were mixed in two different places: before and after the reactor. The collected images were compared to numerical simulation results of plasma jet propagation in conditions as close as possible to experiments.
PG is powered by µs duration voltage pulses. A conductive grounded metallic plate is placed 2 cm away from the glass capillary outlet in order to mimic PG operation for biomedical applications. A classic Z-Schlieren is used to reveal rare gas density gradients in ambient air. The simulations are performed with a 2D fluid model for plasma propagation with several He-N 2 and He-O 2 gas
mixtures using detailed kinetic schemes [2,3]. 3. Results In pure helium, the gas flow structure was mainly controlled by voltage polarity and pulse frequency. There exists a limitation in frequency depending on gas flow, for example 500 Hz at 0,5l/min, below which it is impossible to channel the gas. With positive polarity, gas flow was disturbed above the target while with negative one, a well-defined channel was created. This behaviour has also been observed with neon and argon. Then Schlieren revealed that adding a small amount of O 2 was enough to deeply modify gas behaviour. It helped channelling the gas to the target in a well-defined way, even in positive polarity. In negative polarity both effects (polarity and addition of O 2 ) were
working together, as an even smaller amount of O 2
was enough to channel the gas. Moreover, the more O 2 was added, the lower was the limitation of frequency. Hence a 100Hz-powered plasma managed to channel the gas thanks to a 2%-O 2 addition. It has to be noted that if mixing helium and O 2 in negative polarity is very effective, a too large amount of O 2 prevents plasma ignition. Nevertheless no difference with pure helium was observed when N 2 was mixed with helium. When O 2 was added downstream the reactor, the same behaviours have been observed even if the channelling was more effective with a mixture added upstream. The simulation results show the formation of positive and negative ions in several
He-N 2 and He-O 2 gas
mixtures, adding the admixtures in the buffer or downstream. 4. Acknowledgments X.D. is supported by Inel Thermofisher Scientific/Centre Val de Loire PhD fellowship.
[1] E. Robert et al., Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., vol. 23 1 (2014) 12003 [2] A. Bourdon et al., Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 035002 [3] D.-X. Liu et al., Plasma Process. Polym. 7 (2010) 846 17 270
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Atomic scale study of Al clustering and particle growth
N. Ning 1 and S. Khrapak 1
P 1 P
such as propellant [1], high capacity hydrogen storage materials [2], nanocomposite materials [3], and biomolecules detection [4]. The nanoparticle dimensions can be an important factor for a given application as the mechanical and electrical properties of a material is particle size related. While the real-time growing process is normally difficult to be observed directly, theoretical study becomes essential to provide a better understanding of particle growth kinetics and mechanisms. We are investigating Al clustering and Al particle formation by using Molecular Dynamic (MD) simulation based on empirical potential. Trajectory calculations were performed to predict rate constant of association reactions of Al clusters. We will also discuss the important parameters (such as temperature, cluster size, etc) which effect on reaction kinetics.
Figure 1. Visualization of geometry optimized aluminium clusters. It demonstrates global minimum configurations of involved Al clusters in this study.
[1] J.J. Granier, M.L. Pantoya, Combust. Flame 138 (2004) 373. [2] P. J. Roach et al., Science 323 (2009) 492. [3] O. Polonskyi et al., J. Mat. Sci. 49 (2014) 3352.
[4] M.H. Chowdhury et al., Anal. Chem. 81 (2009) 1397. 5 271
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Computer simulation of ion stopping in a dense plasma by the Monte Carlo method
S.K. Kodanova 1 , T.S. Ramazanov 1 , M.K. Issanova 1 , E.E. Shokparbayeva 1 , S.A. Maiorov 2
1 IETP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2 A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
In this work, the Monte Carlo method was used to simulate ion trajectories in a dense plasma of inertial confinement fusion. The results of computer simulation are numerical data on the dynamic characteristics, such as energy loss, penetration depth, the effective range of particles, stopping and straggling. By the results of the work the program of 3D visualization of ion trajectories in a dense plasma of inertial confinement fusion was developed.
Recently, a large number of theoretical and experimental studies of the physical processes that determine the construction of a thermonuclear target and the required parameters of a future driver carried out [1-2]. The calculation of thermonuclear target parameters for heavy ion inertial fusion requires adequate quantitative description of heavy ion interaction with the dense plasma in a wide range of parameters. Therefore, in order to know the properties of the dense plasma under different conditions, the most attractive way is a computer experiment. Computer simulation can answer many important questions, which are to be known to use the dense plasma. Nowadays, there are various programs which allow us to carry out simulation of ion implantation process in solids without experiments. Simulation has some error and is not able to fully replace real experiments, but its results provide invaluable assistance in future research. The best-known programs are the SRIM (The Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) [3] and Geant4 [4]. The main energy contribution of heavy ion beams in different types of fusion targets occurs in dense
high-temperature plasma.
Therefore, knowledge of free paths and energy input profiles of fast and heavy charged particles in the plasma will help to determine the characteristics of the thermonuclear target most precisely. In this work, the Monte Carlo method is used for simulation of ion trajectories in a dense plasma of inertial confinement fusion. The main advantage of calculations by the Monte Carlo method is that they allows us to take into account any physical process directly, for example, local and non-local inelastic energy losses, binding energy between atoms, replacing collision, etc. Moreover, it is possible to obtain accurate solutions for multi-target and multi- layered complex geometry, which allows us to simulate actual interactions with the plasma ion beam. The paper considers the interaction of xenon ions in copper and beryllium, and iron ions in the mixture of deuterium, tritium and hydrogen at different energies. The results of computer simulation are numerical data on the dynamic characteristics, such as energy loss, penetration depth, the effective range of particles, stopping and straggling. By the results of the work the program of 3D visualization of ion trajectories in a dense plasma of inertial confinement fusion was developed.
Fig. 1. The trajectories of the xenon ions in the copper: a) with an initial energy of keV 5 ,
keV 15 , c) eV k 30 . Figure shows the stopping range of the xenon ions depending on the energy in copper. Download 9,74 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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