On phenomena in ionized gases
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- Figure 2.
- The Characterization of Sputtered Nickel Oxide Thin Films by DC Reactive Sputtering for Application of an Electrochromic device
- Collisional-radiative modelling for multi-temperature plasma composition calculation
- 3. References
- Fabrication of transparent conductive films with Ag mesh patterns using a monolayer of polystyrene shperes
- Study of water treatment effects by a ball-lightning like discharge
- Experimental studies of mechanisms of positive column constriction in argon and neon
Figure 1. Shock wave angle versus deflection angle by plasma, doted line with no electron density gradient and dashed line for ?????? ??????
=20000 K for both electric field distributions a=b= 1 and a=b=0.7
2. Attached shocks in the supersonic flow over a 15 wedge for different electric field distributions(red line: a=b=1 and blue line a=b=0.7), dot line 10 4
10 6 V/m.
[1] L. Wang, Z.B. Luo, Z.X. Xia, B. Liu, X. Deng, Sci. China Tech. Sci. 55 (2012) 8:2225-40.
[2] S.P. Kuo, Steven S. Kuo, Physics of Plasmas, 12 (2005) 012315.
[3] M. Moisan, J. Pelletier, Physics of Collisional Plasmas, Springer, (2012).
17 262
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
The Characterization of Sputtered Nickel Oxide Thin Films by DC Reactive Sputtering for Application of an Electrochromic device
Won Chang Lee 1,2 , Eun Chang Choi 1 and Byungyou Hong 1,2
P 1 P
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Nickel oxide (NiO) electrochromic thin films were prepared by dc reactive magnetron sputtering. The as-deposited optical property and electrochromic behavior strongly depended on the target operation mode and the substrate temperature. The films were deposited with substrate temperature from room temperature to 300 °C. NiO films were investigated using X-ray diffraction, FE-SEM images and Hall effect measurements. The dependences of electrochromic properties on crystalline structure deposited from heated substrate temperature during dc reactive sputtering of NiO films were studied. The preferred orientation of NiO film change from (111) to (200) when the substrate temperature increased.
1. INTRODUCTION Electrochromic materials enable dynamic control of the throughput of radiant energy and play a significant role in energy efficient “smart windows” by reducing the cooling and lighting cost of buildings [1]. Recently, nickel oxide (NiO) is of special interest because of high color contrast ratio, cyclic reversibility, durability and low cost [2]. The NiO film can be prepared by several methods such as sol-gel processing, chemical vapor deposition, thermal evaporation and sputter deposition [3]. Among these methods, dc reactive sputtering is used to deposit NiO film in this study.
NiO thin films were grown on the glass using dc reactive magnetron sputtering system from Ni target (4 inch in diameter, 99.9% purity) in a mixture of oxygen and argon gases. The distance between the target and the substrate was approximately 5 cm. The chamber was evacuated to a pressure below 5×10 -6
1×10 -2 Torr. The substrate was varied from room temperature to 300 °C in 50 °C step during deposition of the NiO films. To measure the electorhcormic properties of NiO films, in these case, NiO films were deposited on the indium tin oxide glass.
The figure presents the XRD diffraction patterns of the samples prepared at different substrate temperature with dc power of 100 W. The diffraction peaks are observed at 2θ = 37.2° and 43.3° corresponding to (111) and (200) crystal planes of the cubic NiO phase, respectively.
Fig. 1 XRD spectrum from the as-deposited NiO films prepared with different substrate temperature at dc power 100 W.
The electrical properties of NiO films are measured by the Hall effect measurement. The values of resistivity, mobility, Hall coefficient and carrier concentration are
influenced by
substrate temperature. Also, the electrochromic properties of NiO films are measured such as cyclic voltammograms, response time and transmittance modulation between colored state and bleached state.
[1] Ruben Baetens, Bjorn Petter Jelle and Arild Gustavsen. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells.
[2] Dhanaji S. Dalvi, Rupesh S. Devan, Raghunath S. Patil, Yuan-Ron Ma and Pramod S. Patil. Materials Letters. 90 (2013) 60.
[3] Hao-Long Chen, Yang-Ming Lu and Weng-Sing Hwang. Surface and Coating Technology. 198 (2005) 138.
14 263
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Collisional-radiative modelling for multi-temperature plasma composition calculation
J Annaloro 1,2 , Ph Teulet 1 , A Bultel 2 , Y Cressault 1 and A Gleizes 1
1 Université de Toulouse, UPS, INPT, LAPLACE (Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie), 118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France. 2 CORIA, UMR CNRS 6614, Université de Rouen, Site universitaire du Madrillet, BP 12, 76801 Saint-Etienne du Rouvray, France
This paper concerns the calculation of multi-T argon plasma composition with a collisional- radiative model. This model takes into account a great number of electronic levels of Ar and Ar +
and it is based upon an extended database of reaction rate coefficients (excitation/de-excitation, ionisation/recombination, spontaneous emission and radiative recombination). A particular attention is paid to problematic reactions with electrons in one side and only heavy species on the other: Ar+Ar Ar+Ar
+ +e. The detailed balance relations obtained for ionisation/recombination processes demonstrate the non-uniqueness of the multi-temperatures law of mass action. Plasma compositions exhibit abrupt densities variations associated to the transition between the domination of heavy particle reactions (low temperature) and the predominance of electron collisions (high T).
Most of theoretical studies concerning thermal plasmas are achieved with the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) assumption. However, it is clear that this assumption is not realised in some regions of the plasma (electrode sheaths, vicinity of walls and cold fringes) and for transient or low power arcs. Thus, electrons have a kinetic temperature T e
higher than that of the heavy species T h ( = T
e /T h ). There are 3 methods for the calculation of the plasma composition: The minimization of a thermodynamic function, the law of mass action or a CR model. They obviously all lead to the same results in the case of thermodynamic equilibrium but they strongly differ in non-equilibrium conditions, depending on the initial calculation assumptions. The more accurate technique to obtain the multi-T plasma composition is the CR model. Indeed, this approach allows
avoiding the
simplifying assumptions associated to the internal excitation modes (electronic, vibrational and rotational).
The energy diagram of argon used in this study is taken from [1]: 379 electronic levels for Ar and the first 7 states for Ar + . Thus, all possible transitions between levels until 32.2 eV above the ground state of Ar are taken into account (coherent with the temperature range considered i.e. T e and T h lower
than 15000K). The CR model is thus formed of 387 nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations. The DVODE library [2] dedicated to stiff problems is used to solve the system of equations. Direct reaction rate coefficients for inelastic collisions are calculated with the Drawin formalism [3-4]. Reverse rate coefficients are obtained from accurate detailed balance relations. Concerning radiative processes, radiative recombination rate coefficients are taken from [5] and Einstein coefficients from [1].
electron and heavy particle collisions
The argon plasma composition (optically thick case, = T e /T h = 2) is given in figure 1. This result illustrates the influence of electrons and heavy particle collisions on the plasma composition.
[1] http://www.nist.gov/pml/data/asd.cfm [2] P.N. Brown, G.D. Byrne and A.C. Hindmarsh SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 10 (1989) 1038 [3] H.W. Drawin Report EUR-CEA-FC383 (1966) [4] H.W. Drawin and F. Emard Phys. Lett. 43A (1973) 333 [5] J. Annaloro and A. Bultel Physics of Plasmas 21 (2014) 123512 Topic number 11 264
ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017
Fabrication of transparent conductive films with Ag mesh patterns using a monolayer of polystyrene shperes
Eun Chang Choi P 1 P , Won Chang Lee UP 1 P , Byungyou Hong P11 1
P 1 P
sphere template. To fabricate the Ag mesh pattern, monolayers of PS spheres with different diameters, such as 1, 3, and 10 μm, were investigated as a template. Since thick thickness and wide line width of Ag line degrade the transmittance, both heat pretreatment and wet etching are used to control the open ratio of Ag mesh films. The trade-off between transmittace and conductivity forces us to use larger diameter PS spheres. 10 micron PS spheres are chosen as the template for the Ps sphere monolayer, and the trasmittance and the sheet resistance are 70% and 15 Ω/sq . To improve the transmittance and conductivity of the films, we conducted O2 plasma treatment on the PS monolayer.
All Thin transparent conducting films are crucial for liquid crystal displays (LCDs), flat panel displays, touch panels, organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), solar cells, smart windows, and other applications [1]. Currently, indium tin oxide (ITO), a transparent conducting oxide (TCO), is the industry standard due to its low resistivity (10 -3 –10 -4 Ω ∙ cm) and high transparency in the visible spectrum (80%–90%). However, ITO has many disadvantages, such as rarity, high cost, possible exhaustion, process temperature limitations, and brittleness on a flexible substrate. In particular, as display technology moves toward flexible displays, ITO will become completely unsuitable due to its brittleness. In this study, the transparent electrode with Ag mesh patterns is described. The monolayer of polystyrene (PS) spheres polystyrene spheres was prepared as a template to form the mesh pattern and coated with Ag ink. The heat pretreatment of PS monolayer and Ag wet etching processes can control the line of Ag mesh electrodes. We obtained Ag mesh films with 70 % transmittace and 15 Ω/sq sheet resistance. And, we conducted the O2 plasma treatment on the PS monolayer to improve the adhesion between Ag and substrate.
We filled a water tank with deionized (DI) water. When a PS solution was dropped on the DI water, the PS spheres rapidly spread and self-assembled into a PS sphere monolayer on the DI water surface. After dropping a proper amount of PS solution, the monolayer was condensed by pushing it toward the wall using a bar. Finally, the transferred PS sphere monolayer on the PET substrate was dried by removing the DI water. Ag ink was dropped onto the surface of the PS sphere monolayer film. And then, the sample was heated on the hot-plate at 90 ℃ for 10 min. And, The PS was removed by immersing in toluene for 3 min. The Ag was cured in an annealing process at 140 ℃ for 10 min on a hot plate.
We investigated that the heat pretreatment process of PS monolayer improve transmittance of the Ag mesh electrode.
figure 1. FE-SEM images of (a) the PS sphere monolayer after heat treatment for 5 min, (b) the Ag mesh electrode fabricated using the preheated monolayer for 5 min.
We investigated that the heat pretreatment of PS monolayer and Ag wet etching processes can control electrical and optical properties of Ag mesh electrodes.
[1] Pang S, Hernandez Y, Feng X and M¨ullen K, Adv. Mater. 1 (2011) 23 2779.
Application14 265 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Study of water treatment effects by a ball-lightning like discharge
Y. Takatori, H. Suzuki, K. Tokaji, Y. Inada, M. Maeyama P
Graduate school of science and Engineering,
As for water treatment by a ball-lightning like discharge, we investigated the change of physical and chemical properties and the water treatment effect. The increase in the processing speed of the solution in the case of positive polarity was shown to be greatly influenced by ozone formation and dissolution by electrolysis around the upper electrode.
The ball-lightning like discharge, a long living water plasmoid, first demonstrated by Egolov and Stepanov [1], has features of 1) long discharge duration of several 100 ms, 2) large spatial volume of diameter above 10 cm and 3) relatively low supply voltage of several kV. Also, it is reported by Maeyama et al. [2] that this discharge causes strong light emission originated from OH radicals over the discharge period rather than at the onset of the discharge, and that intensive water jet occurs above the water surface. We had reported the preliminary relationship between the processing performance and the discharge condition for decomposition treatment of indigo-carmine solution [3]. As a result, the processing speed largely varies depending on the number of discharge and the polarity of the applied voltage. These facts are thought to be a result of the physical and chemical properties of the processing solution due to repeated discharges. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the change of these properties of the solution and the water treatment effect, experimentally.
Fig. 1 Water treatment system with discharge electrodes
Figure 1 shows the discharge device with the indigo-carmine densitometer. As diagnostics, we used a high speed camera, a spectrometer and measurement systems of various physical and chemical properties of the solution.
IC with different polarities
Figure 2 shows the change in the concentration of indigo-carmine n IC
by this discharge with different polarities. In the case of negative polarity, n IC
treatment, but after that the rate of decrease deteriorates. As for the amount of dissolved O 2 ,
remains unchanged 6 mg/L in both polarity cases. The dissolved amount of ozone O 3 greatly varied depending on the polarity of discharge. In the case of negative polarity, it increased by about 0.1 mg / L at most after even 1000 discharges, but occurred in large amounts exceeding the measurement limit value of 5 mg / L at about 250 discharge times with positive polarity. From these results, it was shown that the increase in the processing speed of the solution in the case of positive polarity was greatly influenced by ozone formation and dissolution by electrolysis around the upper ring electrode.
[1] A.A.Egorov,et.al.:Tech.Phys.47(2002) 1584. [2] M. Maeyama, et.al.: JPS Conf. Proc. 1(2014) 015076.
[3] M. Maeyama, et.al.:
21th Int. Conf. on Gas Discharges and their Applications (2016) 461.
17 266 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Experimental studies of mechanisms of positive column constriction in argon and neon
Yu. Golubovskii 1 P , A. Siasko 1 P , U D. Kalanov 1 , V. Nekuchaev 2 UP
1 PP
2 Ukhta State Technical University, Pervomaiskaia ul. 13, Ukhta 169300, Russia
Paper presents latest results of experimental studies of positive column constriction in neon and argon. In particular, measurements of electric fields in neon and argon, densities and radial profiles of the excited states 2p 5 3s and 2p 5 3p in neon and 3p 5 4s and 3p 5 4p in argon (1s and 2p in Pashen's notation) were performed. Densities and radial profiles were obtained using classic method of emission and absorption spectroscopy and by line ratios method. The main role in constriction belongs to the nonlinear dependence of ionization rate on electron density due to a competition of the electron-atom and the electron-electron collisions. Basic regularities of the phenomenon and main distinctions of obtained results in constricted neon and argon discharges are discussed.
Constriction is a phenomenon in gas discharge physics observed as abrupt formation of a thin bright cord with a growth of discharge current, which arises from a strong nonlinear dependence of the ionization rate on the electron density. The nonlinearity is related to a competition of electron- atom and electron-electron collisions during formation of an electron distribution function. As a result, this nonlinear dependence causes ionization instability in the radial direction with simultaneous constriction. Generalized experimental and theoretical knowledge of constriction in inert gases has been discussed in a review [1].
A registration system consisted of a monochromator Acton SpectraPro 2300i. Radial scanning was performed with the high-speed camera pco.1200hs, so an instrumental function of the experimental setup was determined by a pixel size of the camera. Measurements were performed with a reduced gas pressure in argon tube of 98 Torr*cm and neon - filled cylindrical tube with pressure 90 Torr*cm. A second line source necessary for absorption measurements were 2 Torr ICP discharges in argon and neon.
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