On phenomena in ionized gases
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Averaged HMDSO flow (sccm)
- EHD thruster discharge simulation on N 2 -O 2 mixture at low pressure
- 1. Introduction and model
- 2. Results and analysis
- 3. References
- Kinetics of Neon Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jets
- 2.Sustaining mechanism and kinetics of discharge
- References
- Performance optimisation of a high-pressure argon dielectric barrier discharge excimer lamp: transient behaviour of the VUV output
- Morphological and spectral features of interstellar carbon dust analogues deposited in high power regime DBD
- 3. Results and discussion
Fig. 1. Time evolution of the injection of the HMDSO precursor (dash-dot) for a duty cycle of 0.56 (t on = 2.8 s) and the intensity of the Hg line at 546 nm (solid line).
0.15 0.20 0.25
0.30 0.35
0.40 100
150 200
250 300
5 10 15 20 25 110 120 130
140 150
160 170
Averaged HMDSO flow (sccm) (a)
(b )
Per io d o f th e fo rmati o n / d isap p ear an ce cycl e (s) Power (W)
Fig. 2. Evolution of the formation / disappearance period with the averaged HMDSO flow rate (a) and rf power (b).
[1] V. Garofano, L. Stafford, B. Despax, R. Clergereaux, and K. Makasheva, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 183104 (2015). 12
344 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
EHD thruster discharge simulation on N 2 -O 2 mixture at low pressure
V.H. Granados P 1 P , U P.A. Sá UP 1 P , M.J. Pinheiro P 2 P
P 1 P
An axisymmetric 2D self-consistent electrohydrodynamic (EHD) thruster model is presented. In order to emulate air we considered a set of electron-impact reactions along with chemical and surface reactions for a total of 12 species and 26 reactions. The geometry of the thruster consists of a pin anode and a hollow funnel-like cathode to facilitate the flow of neutrals along the cathode interior. The ions tend to neutralize into their ground state upon contact with the electrodes and the simulation border. Additionally, when ions impact the cathode, a secondary electron emission occurs helping sustain the discharge. We found the concentration of each ion along the axis of symmetry to understand their role in the discharge.
DC-discharges are typically studied with simple parallel plate-to-plate geometries which are not beneficial for thrust production. Our model presents a hollow cathode that allows charged particles to move between electrodes while neutrals flow inside the cathode chamber crossing it axially by momentum transfer collisions [1]. We solve the continuity equation for electron density and electron energy density, including source terms governed by the corresponding reaction rates of all the considered reactions. The total considered species are: e, O, O 2
3 , N
2 + , N 4 + , O 2 + , O 4 + , O 2 + N 2 , O - and O
2 - . For electron-impact reactions we use cross-section data. All reactions may be found on [2]. The pressure is 10 Torr (1333.2 Pa) and the voltage 400 V is applied through a RC circuit with R = 10 MΩ and C = 1 pF.
The discharge was brought to convergence using a time-dependant solver using the finite-element software COMSOL Multiphysics® 5.2a.
Figure 1: Spatial distribution of (left) electron density in m -3 and (right) electric potential in V. Pressure p=10 Torr. In Figure 1 we can see the spatial distribution of the electron density showing a maximum value of 2.09x10 15
-3 at the entrance of the cathode chamber, which corresponds to the region where equipotential lines bend the most. The latter is due to the fact that electron cloud moves under the influence of the electric force, which is proportional to the potential gradient pointing to that region.
Figure 2: Number densities of all ions along the central axis. Pressure p=10 Torr, potential on anode V=250 V. Ions number densities along the axial distance from the anode are shown in Figure 2; the N 4 + specie is the dominant positive ion, followed by O 2 +
and N 2 + since the momentum transmitted to the neutrals from Lorentzian collisions is proportional to the ions mobility, and considering the higher mobility of N 4 +
considerable in inducing gas flow velocity. The O 2 + ion builds up in the region between electrodes reaching a density of 3.4x10 12 m -3 and rapidly decreasing during the potential drop (2-4 cm along the line) and then presenting an increase becoming analogous to the N 4 + ion outside the chamber.
[1] V.H. Granados, M.J. Pinheiro, P.A. Sá, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016) 073514. [2] L. Xing-Hua, H. Wei, Y. Fan, W. Hong-Yu, L. Rui-Jin, X. Han-Guang. Chin. Phys. B 21 (2012) 075201. 8 345 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Kinetics of Neon Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jets
Susumu Kato 1* , Masanori Fujiwara 1 , Hiromasa Yamada 1,2 , Yutaka Fujiwara 1,2 ,
Satoru Kiyama 1 , and Hajime Sakakita 1,2
P 1 P
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 305-8568, Japan P
We propose a simple kinetic model to explain the discharge sustaining mechanism in atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) by taking into account the metastable kinetics. The discharge in neon APPJs is sustained by the balance between the creation and the loss of the total amount of ions and metastable atoms within the drift current using the simple kinetic model calculation.
Atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) have recently attracted much interest not only for many applications [1] but also for plasma physics [2,3]. One of the most interesting phenomena in APPJs is bullet propagation [2]. Another is striation which has been observed between a nozzle exit and a conductive target plate in neon APPJs [3]. It is not clear, however, how the plasma is sustained in neon APPJs. Especially, the role and kinetics of the excited state (metastable) are not clear even though it is believed to be an important role [4]. In this paper, we studied the sustaining mechanism considering the metastable kinetics.
In the experiment there are drift currents around 4 ~ 8 mA at each peak between the nozzle exit and the conductive target plate for applied voltage and frequency of 2.9kV and 61.7 kHz, respectively [3]. We assumed that the drift current consists of electrons that are supplied from ionization of both metastable and ground state atoms. The plasma is sustained by the balance between the creation of metastable atoms by the electron impact excitation from the ground state and the loss of the total amount of ions and metastable atoms. A simple kinetic model is proposed to explain the sustaining mechanism. The kinetic model includes only neon and electron reactions, those are 1) Ne + e -> Ne * + e, 2) Ne + e -> Ne + + 2e, 3) Ne * + e -> Ne + + 2e,
4) Ne 2 + + e -> Ne * + Ne, 5) Ne * + Ne * -> Ne
+ + Ne + e, 6) Ne +
2 + + Ne, 7) Ne * + 2Ne -> Ne 2 * + Ne, 8) Ne 2 * -> 2Ne+ hν, where e, Ne + , Ne
* , Ne
2 + , and Ne 2 * are electron, neon ion, metastable atom, ion diatomic molecule, and excited diatomic molecule, respectively. The rate coefficients related to electrons depend on the electron energy distribution which was decided by the reduced electric field E/N, where N is the gas density. The rate coefficients and the drift velocity were calculated using the BOLSIG code [5]. In the model, Penning ionization by the mixing of neon gas with surrounding air were ignored.
We solved the rate equations for the reduced electric field, which was simplified based on the current waveform [3], assumed to be repetition of rectangular waves of E/N = 4.0 Td and their periods with 2.0 and 1.0 µs corresponding to positive and negative current, respectively. Figure shows the time evolution of the electron number density.
1x10 12 2x10 12 3x10 12 4x10 12 0 10 20 30 40 50 Electron density (cm -3 ) Time (μs)
Fig. Time evolution of the electron number density. Acknowledgements This work was supported by a JSPS KAKENHI (15H03760)
and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Area (24108006).
[1] D. B. Graves, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 263001; M. G. Kong et al., New J. Phys. 11 (2009) 115012. [2] M. Teschke et al., IEEE Trans Plasma Sci., 33 (2005) 310; X. Lu et al, Phys. Rep. 540 (2014) 123. [3] Y. Fujiwara et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 55 (2016) 010301. [4] Q. Li et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107 (2010) 043304. [5] G. J. M. Hagelaar and L. C. Pitchford,
346 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Performance optimisation of a high-pressure argon dielectric barrier discharge excimer lamp: transient behaviour of the VUV output
R. Carman P 1 P , U D. Kane UP 1 P , N. Goldberg P 2 P , S. Hansen 2 and N. Gore P 2 P
P 1 P
We report an experimental study of the operating characteristics of an air-cooled, high-pressure argon excimer VUV lamp ( ~126nm), driven by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD), in the regime of high electrical power loadings close to the thermal loading limit. Remarkably, under such conditions, the VUV output is seen to reach a maximum a few seconds after turn-on, and thereafter decrease by ~50% within a few minutes. Although the rate of decrease in the VUV output is shown to be matched in part to the thermally induced rate of gas expansion from the plasma region, we propose this VUV “spiking” behaviour is similar to that reported by Gerasimov (Opt. & Spectros. 83, 534, 1997) for an interrupted discharge in a liquid N 2 cooled excimer lamp.
We have investigated the electrical and optical characteristics of a high-pressure argon excimer lamp excited by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) when operated with relatively high electrical power loadings. The excimer lamp produces =115-140nm (~10eV) photons in the vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) spectral region which are effective at ionizing many chemical analytes. The availability of intense, narrow-band VUV light sources could potentially make a big impact in the field of mass spectrometry ion sources. The specific aim of this work is to optimise the overall VUV output power and efficiency of an excimer lamp by undertaking a detailed experimental characterisation of its performance over a range of operating parameters for the DBD plasma (namely argon pressure up to ~1bar, short-pulse bipolar and sinusoidal high- voltage waveform excitation, waveform peak voltage, duty-cycle, and repetition frequencies up to 100kHz). A wide range of operating conditions has been tested up to the thermal loading limit of the air- cooled VUV lamp. The optical and electrical diagnostics and techniques employed are broadly similar to those described in [1].
The experimental results clearly show an improvement of the overall lamp performance when utilizing short-pulsed high-voltage excitation waveforms compared to conventional sinusoidal ones at comparable electrical input power loadings. Lamp performance, in terms of maximum VUV output optimised at the highest gas pressures and input power loadings investigated (p=800-900mb, ~2W/cm
3 ). In this regime, however, it was generally observed that the
lamp attained maximum VUV output a few seconds after turn-on, after which the output dropped by ~50% over the first few minutes of running, whilst the input power remained unchanged. To investigate the potential to run the lamp with sustained high VUV output, we studied this phenomenon by monitoring the long-term VUV output of the lamp when subjected to several periods of interruption of the electrical power. We observed that the VUV output “spike” decayed exponentially in time in three distinct stages, with two of the deduced time constants matching those for thermally induced expansion of the fill gas from the lamp’s plasma region. However, the large ~50% drop in VUV output cannot be attributed solely to a reduction of gas density and/or to the increased average gas temperature in the lamp’s plasma region. Similar spiking of the VUV output has been reported previously by Gerasimov et-al [2], in an experimental study of an interrupted discharge in a liquid nitrogen cooled capillary Krypton excimer lamp. They observed a ~50% drop of VUV intensity over several seconds after lamp turn-on, and attributed the initial enhanced VUV output from Xe, Kr and Ar gas fills to enhanced production of the principal VUV emitting species (e.g. Kr 2 * (1 u ,O u + )) via electronic excitation of weakly-bound molecular ground states e.g. Kr 2 (O
+ ) formed during the “off” period of a cooled (77K) discharge. We propose that we may be observing the same intrinsic VUV spiking phenomena in an excimer-based VUV lamp, only in our case with gas fills at, or slightly above, room temperature (without liquid nitrogen cooling).
[1] R.J. Carman, D.M. Kane and B.K. Ward, J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys., 43, (2010) 025205. [2] G.N. Gerasimov, B.E. Krylov, R. Hallin, A. Arnesen and F. Heijkenskjold, Optics and Spectroscopy, 83(4), (1997) 534-540. Topic 16 347
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Morphological and spectral features of interstellar carbon dust analogues deposited in high power regime DBD
B. Hodoroaba 1 , D. Ciubotaru 1 , G.B. Rusu 1 , A. Chiper 1 , V. Pohoata 1 , I. Mihaila 2 , I. Topala 1
P 1 IPARC, Faculty of Physics, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania 2 Integrated Center of Environmental Science Studies in the North-Eastern Development Region (CERNESIM)
In recent years, particle synthesis using plasma based techniques became an appropriate tool to obtain laboratory analogues of carbon interstellar dust. Thus it is possible to deposit carbon based films or powders on various substrates, with morphological and spectral features similar to the radio telescope observations or dust collectors on-board the space probes. We discuss here the possibility of employing the high power regime DBD in helium-hydrocarbon gas mixtures to synthetize carbon based dust analogues.
Carbonaceous and silicate dust grains represent around 1 % of the interstellar medium (ISM) total mass. Surface reactions on grains or on ices formed around the grains play important roles in many astrophysical or astrochemical processes. Thus, it is of interest to synthetize nanometer and micrometer sized solid particles, showing morphological and spectral similarities to the ones observed in ISM. Various spectral, morphological or structural criteria can be used to discuss the similarity degree of synthetic products to data from space and Earth based instruments. Plasma particle synthesis represents a good solution to obtain in controlled conditions, showing reproducible chemistry, size distribution and morphological features. We present here results concerning the high power regime DBD deposition of carbon based particles.
2. Experimental The helium / hydrogen (1%) / hydrocarbon (C n
2n+2 , n= 1 - 4) (10%) containing plasma at atmospheric pressure was generated using a barrier discharge in parallel plate configuration. The discharge was excited using short duration positive voltage pulses, 5.7 kV amplitude, 400 ns pulse width, 100 ns rise time and 1 kHz repetition frequency. The electrode assembly was hosted by a stainless steel chamber, vacuumed prior all experiments. The discharge operation was
monitored by electrical, gas temperature, emission spectroscopy measurements and fast imaging. The exit gas from reactor, sampled in vacuumed gas cells with NaCl windows, was analysed by FTIR to identify the
molecular composition. The carbonaceous deposits were investigated by electron microscopy (SEM) and various spectroscopic methods (UV-VIS, FTIR, Raman, XPS). 3. Results and discussion By admixing H 2 and CH
4 to the helium main gas, plasma electrical parameters vary. The amplitudes of both discharge current peaks was around 8 A during the HV pulse rise and fall times. This corresponds to 8 kW power peak and 20 mJ energy per pulse, implying a high power regime as compared with classic DBDs. The deposits shows spectral features similar to astrophysical products (e.g. the 3.4 m, 6.8
m, 7.2
m bands) and the morphology as revealed by SEM shows the aggregation of sub-micrometric grains to form micrometer sized solid particles.
Figure 1. Typical SEM image of a carbon based dust particle obtained in He/H 2 /CH
4 DBD.
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