On phenomena in ionized gases
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- 4. Acknowledgement
- Evaluation of plasma parameters during the explosive electron emission pulse of vacuum arc cathode spot cell
- On steep gradients in plasmas confined at convex-concave magnetic field lines near the minimum in the longitudinal adiabatic invariant
- Parallel computing of multidimensional hypersonic re-entry flows considering a state-to-state description
- A reinvestigation on the energy levels of CO2 up to the dissociation limit
- 2. Potential reconstruction methods
- Radiation of FM-signal by plasma asymmetrical dipole antenna
3. Conclusions Several overtone transitions of N 2 H
molecular ion in the near infrared spectral region were probed and we have measured the kinetic and rotational temperature of these ions and their evolution in discharge and afterglow plasma. The first results on recombination of N 2 H
ions with electron will be presented at the conference.
This work was partly supported by Czech Science Foundation projects GACR 17-08803S and GACR 15-15077S. 5. References [1] P. Thaddeus et al., Astrophys. J. 201 (1975) L25. [2] E. Herbst et al., Astrophys. J. 215 (1977) 503-510. [3] T. Amano et al., J. Chem. Phys. 92 (1990) 6492. [4] V. Poterya et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 109 (2005) 7181. [5] E. Vigren et al., Astrophys. J. 757 (2012) 34. [6] P. Dohnal et al., J. Chem. Phys. 136 (2012) 244304.
Pulsed MW LN 2 /N 2 He/Ar/H /D 2 Pumping Laser Detector
2 H 2 /N 2 7 333 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Evaluation of plasma parameters during the explosive electron emission pulse of vacuum arc cathode spot cell
M.M. Tsventoukh UP 1 P
P 1 P
emission pulse of the cathode spot cell has been proposed that involves both – the ignition and the decay of the explosive plasma. The ignition is due to the hydrodynamic tearing of the liquid metal jet, propagating into the plasma generated by the preceding explosive cell. The decay is due to the plasma expansion and the density decrease down to the initiation one. The explosion per se is treated as the transition of the jet material over the critical state.
The average parameters of the plasma have been evaluated. In particular, the plasma basic parameters – the density and temperature are about 10 20 cm -3
and 1 eV respectively. The ratio of the average pressure to the average current density has been evaluated
0 T cr / j max ,
where n 0 is the initial (liquid-metal) density, T cr is
the critical temperature, and j max
is the maximal current density during the tearing that is about few GA/cm 2
acceleration force, and the obtained value that is about tens of g cm / C s agrees with the measured recoil force and with the product of measured ion velocity and erosion rate, v i × γ
i .
The average ohmic electric field <E> = <j/σ> has been found to be several tens of kV/cm. This field is responsible for the current transfer through the explosive plasma and, hence, the cathode potential fall formation. For the known cathode potential fall, the corresponding specific plasma size is several micrometers. Such a plasma is formed after the explosion of the entire liquid-metal jet. In addition, the total current flowing through an exploding liquid-metal jet has been estimated to be some amperes. Finally, a general estimate of the plasma-to- magnetic pressure ratio β = 8πp/B 2 , for a current- carrying plasma column has been derived
β κ 2 n R 2 = 4m e c 2 /e 2 = 1.41*10 13 cm
(where en j e e T m / 2 < 1 is the current fraction) that indicates that the column compression by a magnetic field (β < 1) takes place only for large- scale low-density plasmas (n R 2 > 10 14 cm
-1 ), such that occurs far from explosive cells. Recall that we have considered likely lowest plasma density – near the initiation threshold (10 18
cm -3 ) and have derived nearly the maximal current density (exceeding 1 GA/cm 2 ). One should stress that there is no issues of the space charge emission limitation as the current of this density flows inside a tearing liquid-metal jet.
Work was supported in part by RFBR grants # 15-38-20617-mol_a_ved, 16-08-01306-a and by Dmitry Zimin Dynasty Foundation at 2015 PhD grant.
334 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
On steep gradients in plasmas confined at convex-concave magnetic field lines near the minimum in the longitudinal adiabatic invariant
M.M. Tsventoukh UP 1 P , A.V. Kaziev 2
The formation of large stable plasma gradients, e.g. in form of internal transport barriers, being of a strong both practical and fundamental interest. Normally the larger the gradient the larger the transport, and any deviation due to collective plasma behavior is of great interest. We have predicted theoretically that there is a strong stabilizing action against convective (flute- interchange) perturbations when plasma is confined by magnetic field of alternating-sign curvature – i.e. with
convex–concave field
lines [1].
The calculations that have been done for simple combinations of axisymmetric mirrors and cusps according to the kinetic stability criterion, give strongly centrally peaked stable plasma pressure profiles instead of shallow ones. Connection of the convex and concave field line parts results in a reduction of the space charge that drives the unstable E × B motion, as there is an opposite direction of the particle drift in a non- uniform field at convex and concave field lines. The pressure peaking arises at the minimum of the second adiabatic invariant J = v ║ dl that takes place at the 'middle' of a tandem mirror–cusp transverse cross-section. Recall that there has been proposition by Arsenin [2-3] that there is a plasma interchange stability due to the alternating-sign curvature. The simple ideal MHD description gives a strong variation in the stable pressure profile due to the strong variation in the specific volume ∫dl/B: the critical profile being p MHD (∫dl/B) -5/3 . However, we have found that there is a strong variation in the stable pressure profile at regions of almost equal specific volume – near min ∫dl/B, with curvature of alternating sign – with appropriate combination of the convex and concave field line parts. Instead of the well-known maxJ principle of the plasma stabilization [4], we have proposed that there is an additional stability of the plasmas nearby the field lines layer of the minJ. Recall that in tokamak maxJ region nearly corresponds to the region near the axis within minq [5]. As the minimum in the q nearly corresponds to the minimum in the J, one would expect somewhat reduction in the plasma convective transport near minq according to the mechanism proposed. We
have performed an experimental investigation of the plasma confinement at magnetic confinement device of the alternating-sign curvature [6]. For the experimental research of this effect, a compact magnetic confinement device has been modified by adding of the external current coil to fulfil the field-line curvature requirements. The critical convectively-stable plasma pressure profiles calculation in this experimental geometry and the probe measurements of the spatial plasma distribution in the new magnetic configuration of alternating-sign curvature have been performed. The experimental results give some support for a conclusion that there is an increase in the ion saturation current at the region near the minimum of the specific volume min ∫dl/B. This region corresponds to the average minimum in the second adiabatic invariant, and the kinetic description predicts the stable pressure profile peaking here due to reduction of charge separation by particle drift in alternating-sign curvature. For further experimental investigations, a stationary microwave device has been used. A mirror geometry has been created by axisymmetric coils, Langmuir and magnetic probes have been used for the measurements.
Work was supported in part by RFBR grants # 15-38-20617-mol_a_ved, 16-08-01306-a and by Dmitry Zimin Dynasty Foundation at 2015 PhD grant.
Tsventoukh 2014 Nucl. Fusion 54 022004 [2]
Arsenin V.V. 1986 JETP Lett 43 346 [4]
Marshall N. Rosenbluth 1968 Physics of Fluids 11 869 [5]
B.B. Kadomtsev 1966 JETP Lett 4 (1) 10 [6]
4 335 XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Parallel computing of multidimensional hypersonic re-entry flows considering a state-to-state description
M. Castela P 1 P , U B. Lopez UP 1,2
P , and M. Lino da Silva P 1
P 1 P
The present study aims at assessing and improving the scalability of the recently developed SPARK code. Accurate predictions of hypersonic re-entry flows, surrounding an inter-planetary exploratory spacecraft, are still extremely difficult due to the high coupling between non- equilibrium processes, radiation and the near-flow field during the entry of a spacecraft in a planetary atmosphere. A high-fidelity simulation of these stringent aerothermodynamics conditions is still CPU limited and requires parallel computations. In the framework of the preparatory access to PRACE research infrastructure (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), a 2D- axyssimetric simulation with state-specific chemical description was performed in order to access SPARK scalability tests in extremely demanding computational conditions. Both the numerical simulations and the code scalability tests will be presented.
Physical-chemical processes occuring in
extremely nonequilibrium atmospheric entry flows can only be adequately modelled through a state-to- state description. Yet, coupling of CFD models with state-specific descriptions remains a daunting task.
SPARK aims at improving the prediction capability of numerical simulations of a wide range of applications. For instance, aerothermodynamics properties for hypersonic re-entry flows and thermal heat fluxes have been numerically studied in by [1] using SPARK. Two distinct classes of physical models are implemented in SPARK, enabling the simulation of gas thermodynamics in non- equilibrium conditions considering either multi- temperature models or state-specific models.
The model is implemented in the in-house SPARK
solver (Software Package for
Aerodynamics, Radiation and Kinetics) [1] dedicated to compressible aerothermodynamics simulations with
detailed chemistry, multi- temperature models and state-specific species characterization. SPARK is written in Fortran 03/08 and explores newly supported object-oriented features, enabling the encapsulation of different physical models, numerical methods, mesh-related operations and interface communications by means of derived-types and type-bound procedures. A 2D-axisymmetric computational domain of a sphere-cone aero-shell geometry is considered. About 10 thousand volume cells are used for the computational domain discretization. A first convergence run is performed using an initial uniform mesh in order to adapt the mesh at the shock boundary layer. It then follows a second convergence run for the final mesh configuration. The mesh is divided into multiple blocks, which allows for multicore parallel computation. Each block having the same computational load, characterized by an evenly distributed number of volume cells. A second-order finite volume scheme is used for spatial discretization. Time integration of convective terms is performed explicitly using a second-order scheme. The system is marched in time towards convergence. A 5-species air mixture (N2, O2, NO, N and O) with a vibrational state- specific description of the molecular species is considered. The chemical model requires handling over 150 internal states and over 15 000 reactions. A very small CFL is required due to the stiffness of the chemical source terms near the shock boundary layer. The code is parallelized using Coarray Fortran feature, based on the Simple Program Multiple Data model, where each replication of the program is called an image.
IPFN activities received financial support from Fundacão para a Ciencia e Tecnologia through project UID/FIS/50010/2013. We acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to computing clusters.
[1] B. Lopez and M. Lino da Silva, 46 th AIAA
Thermophysics Conference, 13–17 June 2016, Washington, D.C, 2016-4025. Topic number 5 336
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
A reinvestigation on the energy levels of CO2 up to the dissociation limit
J. Vargas P 1 P , U B. Lopez UP 1,2
P , and M. Lino da Silva P 1
P 1 P
The energy levels of the radiative states of CO2 have been extensively studied, and several very accurate databases such as HITRAN/HITEMP or CDSD exist in the literature. However, knowledge on the near-dissociation levels of CO2 is lacking due to the absence of experimental data, or the fact that transitions from these higher-lying levels are hidden by the strongest transitions of lower levels. This study proposes to achieve a better prediction of these states through potential reconstruction methods.
State-to-state modelling of CO2 vibrational excitation processes is a current “hot-topic” in view of such diverse applications like plasma reforming of CO2 [1] and the modelling of atmospheric entries in Mars and Venus [2]. Typical modelling activities have thus far delved on the legacy from state-to- state modelling of atomic and molecular diatomic plasmas, with preliminary simulations being rather successful in reproducing experimental data. Indeed, the treatment of such a triatomic molecule like CO2 may be simplified with some baseline assumptions like the separability of its three internal modes and the determination of its levels up to dissociation through polynomial models [1]. However, if the accuracy of such approaches is to be increased, improved methods for the calculation of the overall manifold of vibrational levels needs to be achieved, based on potential reconstruction techniques.
Lower-lying levels of CO2 are accurately described to the 10 -2 cm -1 by such databases like HITRAN [3] or CDSD [4]. From these extensive databases of levels, potential reconstruction methods have been developed by Huang et al. at NASA Ames to determine an accurate potential curve up to 25,000 cm -1 [5]. Examples for the assymmetric stretch and bending modes of CO2 are fresented in Fig. 1. This potential curve serves as the baseline for this work. Here we will present an adequate extrapolation of the 3 modes of CO2 up to the dissociation limit by adequate long-range potentials. Near-dissociation levels will then be determined by solving the adequate radial Schrödinger equation on such potentials. The resulting extrapolated levels will follow a smoother and more realistic distribution up to the dissociation limit than the traditional polynomial expansions.
Fig 1: Asymmetric stretch and bending energies of CO2 3. Acknowledgements IPFN activities received financial support from Fundacão para a Ciencia e Tecnologia through project UID/FIS/50010/2013, and through grant PD/BD/114325/2016 under the APPLAUSE Ph.D programme.
[1] T. Kozak, Plasma Sources Sci. Tech., 23(4), 2004, pp. 045004. [2] A. Sahai et al., 2016, AIAA 2016-3695. [3] L.S. Rothman, R.L. Hawkins, R.B. Wattson, R.R. Gamache, JQSRT, 48(5), 1992, pp. 537-566. [4] S.A. Tashkun, et al., JQSRT, 112(9), 2011, pp. 1403–1410. [5] X. Huang et al., J. Chem. Phys., 136(12), 2012, pp. 124311. Topic number 5 337
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Radiation of FM-signal by plasma asymmetrical dipole antenna
S. E. Andreev 1,3 , N .N. Bogachev 1,2,3 , N. G. Gusein-zade 1,2,3
P 1 P
2 P
3 P
The actual problem of the development of plasma antennas is a study of the signal radiation. Previously, we had investigated the spectra of the non-modulated signal, which had been radiated by plasma asymmetrical dipole antenna. Amplitudes at multiple frequencies of the input non-modulated signal frequency had been amplified by plasma antenna. In this work, we have experimentally studied the radiation of a frequency modulated signal (FM signal) by plasma asymmetric dipole antenna. We have obtained spectra of the FM signal, which have been radiated by plasma antenna and by same metal antenna. These spectra were compared to each other for analysis of signal nonlinear distortions. Discovered distortions of radiated FM signal from plasma antenna are inappreciable.
Plasma antenna is type of antennas, in which plasma is used as waveguide, radiated or control element [1-7]. Studies of plasma antennas aim to solving problems of modern radio engineering, such as the invention of intelligent antennas with fast reconfigurable antenna characteristics; radar visibility decrease of the antenna devices of military objects and equipment; the security improving of radio systems from the effects of electronic warfare and destruction by atmospheric electrical discharges. The plasma antenna can be divided into several classes: plasma antenna of discharge tubes; solid-state plasma (silicon) antenna (PSiAn); jet plasma antenna and others. The biggest and most promising class is plasma antennas of the discharge tubes. In this paper we study the plasma asymmetrical dipole antenna (PADA) to the discharge tube [1-7]. One is much the same as a metal asymmetrical dipole antenna (MADA), and consists of a rod (dipole arm), which connect to the central conductor of the coaxial cable, and a conductive disk (screen), which connect to the outer conductor of the coaxial cable. In the case of a plasma antenna metal rod is replaced by a gas discharge tube with plasma. The optimal length of antenna arm is considered quarter wave l a =λ/4.
In [7] we had investigated the spectra of the non- modulated signal, which had been radiated by plasma asymmetrical dipole antenna. Amplitudes at multiple frequencies of the input signal frequency had been amplified by plasma antenna. In this work, we have experimentally studied the radiation of a frequency modulated signal (FM signal) by plasma asymmetric dipole antenna. The experimental setup scheme of FM signal spectra measurements is presented on fig. 1. Modulating signal go from the message source (1) to the broadcast set VX-2100 (2). FM modulated signal from (2) go to the plasma or metal antenna (4) situated on the positioner (3). The plasma or metal antenna radiates signal and the measure antenna (5) receives signal. Amplitude spectrum of FM signal is shown on the screen of spectrum analyzer Agilent PXA N 9030A (6).
Fig 1. Scheme of the experimental setup. We have obtained spectra of the FM signal, which have been radiated by plasma antenna and by same metal antenna. These spectra were compared to each other for analysis of signal nonlinear distortions. Discovered distortions of radiated FM signal from plasma antenna are inappreciable. The studies
was supported by Russian
Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project number is 16-08-00859 a. [1] G. G. Borg, J. H. Harris, et. al. Applied physics letters 74 (1999) 3272. [2] J. P. Rayner, A. P. Whichello, A. D. Cheetham, IEEE Trans. on plasma science 32 (2004) 269. [3] E. N. Istomin, D. M. Karfidov, et. al., Plasma Phys. Rep. 32 (2006) 388. [4] J. W. Lv. Li Y. Song, Li Z. Chen WSEAS Transactions on Communications 10 (2011) 323. [5] Z. Kiss’ovski, V. Vachkov IJEAT 5 (2016) 330. [6] B. A. Belyaev, A. A. Leksikov, et. al., IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science 42 (2014) 1552. [7] N. N. Bogachev, I. L. Bogdanevich, and N. G. Gusein-zade, 10th
EuCAP (2016)
doi: 10.1109/EuCAP.2016.7481512 338
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
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