On phenomena in ionized gases
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- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Porous nanostructure thin film titanium dioxide synthesized by atmospheric microwave plasma
- On the electrical properties of the surface DBD and its effect on the resonant power source operation
- Simulations of dust charging and wake formation in magnetized plasmas
- Flame initiation in C 2 H 2 -air mixture in the cathode layer
- 1. Introduction and statements
- 2. Results of modelling
- 20 mks 1 mks T, K X, mm
- 3. References
- A study of N 2 H + dominated afterglow plasma using cavity ring-down spectroscopy
- 2. Experiment
2. References [1] S.D. Baalrud, N. Hershkowitz, B. Longmier, Phys. Plasmas 14 (2007), 042109. [2] M.M. Hopkins, B.T. Yee, S.D. Baalrud, E.V. Barnat, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016), 063519. [3] E.V. Barnat, G.R. Laity, S.D. Baalrud, Phys. Plasmas 21 (2014), 103512. [4] B.T. Yee, B. Scheiner, S.D. Baalrud, E.V. Barnat, M.M. Hopkins, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26 (2017), 025009. [5] B. Scheiner, S.D. Baalrud, B.T. Yee, M.M. Hopkins, E.V. Barnat, Phys. Plasmas 22 (2015), 123520.
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XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Porous nanostructure thin film titanium dioxide synthesized by atmospheric microwave plasma M. El Shaer P 1
, H. H. Afifi UP 2 P , M. Mobasher P 1
, M. Samir P 1 , M. Habib P 1
P 1 P
Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt P
In certain environmental photocatalysis applications, we use preferably photocatalytic material in form of thin film than in powder. Porous nanostructure thin film structure shows larger treatment area and immobilized nanoparticles. Porous nanostructure TiO 2 is successfully synthesized as thin film by surface wave atmospheric microwave plasma torch in continuous mode at reasonable power. Titanium tetraisopropoxide is used as a precursor and fed into the system using a bubbler under argon flow to deposit TiO 2 thin film on quartz substrate. Raman spectra confirm the formation of anatase phase necessary for photocatalytic activity. UV spectra transmittance percentage decrease, by discharge time increase, indicates appreciable film thickness formation. 1. Introduction Titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) thin film have many applications as photocatalysis and dye-sensitized solar cells, [1]. Porous nanostructure TiO 2 thin film may be very interesting in many environmental applications especially water treatment due to great surface area and immobilized nanoparticles. A promising technique to synthesize thin layer TiO 2
by surface-wave.
Plasma is generated by a waveguide atmospheric plasma torch driven by surface-wave as in Fig. 1. The source consists of 2.45 GHz microwave generator for which incident and reflected power are optimized to couple 300 W in plasma. Titanium Tetraisoproxide (ACROS Organics, +98% purity) is nebulised into a quartz discharge tube 30 cm long and 8 mm inner diameter in which plasma is formed under argon gas flow.
Fig. 1, Microwave plasma torch driven by surface wave 3. Results For TiO
2 thin film synthesized on a quartz plate, Raman spectrum is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2, Raman spectrum of anatase TiO 2 thin film The bands shown at 143, 397, 452, 488, and 612 cm -1 characterize TiO 2 anatase phase formation. UV-VIS spectra for synthesized TiO 2 thin films on quartz substrate are measured taking air as reference at different deposition times. In Fig. 3, transmittance percentage in the UV spectrum in the range 200 to 400 nm, decreases as deposition time increases due to larger film thickness formed on substrate.
Fig. 3, UV-Vis transmission spectra for TiO 2 thin film
Synthesis of thin film porous nanostructure TiO 2
microwave torch at moderate power.
[1] Y. Gazal, C. Dublanche-Tixier, C. Chazelas, M. Colas, P. Carles, P. Tristant, Thin Solid Films, 600 (2016) 43–52 Topic number: 14 329
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal Topic number
resonant power source operation
I. Moralev 1 , I. Selivonin 1,2
Joint institute for high temperature RAS, Moscow, Russia
The effect of the discharge on the resonant voltage source was studied analytically. The discharge was included into the resonant circuit as a variable capacitor with explicit function C p (t). This equation was obtained prom charge-voltage cycle The analysis of the resulting linearized equation for voltage perturbation by the discharge was performed by expanding the C p (t) function into Fourier series and deriving the appropriate coefficients for the harmonics of the perturbation. The aforementioned approach led to the determination of the mean surface charge, voltage decrease, power consumption, voltage nonlinearity, derived as combinations of Fourier coefficients of C(t) function.
Dielectric barrier
discharges in
surface configuration is widely used in a number of applications, from plasma chemistry to aerodynamics. The key characteristics of the barrier discharge, describing both dissipated power and charge amplitude, is a charge-voltage cycle (CVC). The CVC for surface discharges was studied qualitatively in [1]. The main goal of this work is to built the quantitative physically reasonable model of the system discharge load- power source The work summarizes the measurements of the CVC shape for a wide range of parameters, including operation voltage properties and electrode material and provides a theoretical analysis of the interaction between the discharge load with the resonant output circuit of the power source. The CVC was measured for a sinuous voltage with various amplitude in the range 0.1-100 kHz, for various electrode materials. It is shown, that for a sufficiently high voltage the shape of the CVC can be described as a piecewise function, including the two "silent "regions and two parabolic regions for forward and backward strokes (fig.1). The additional capacitance of the discharge can be modeled as C p (t)=dQ/dU in accordance to [1].For lower voltage, the shape of the CVC in a backward stroke phase was shown to depend on the frequency of the supply voltage and the exposed electrode material. The effect of the discharge on the resonant voltage source was studied analytically. The discharge was included into the resonant circuit as a variable capacitor with explicit function C p (t).
Fig.1 Charge-voltage cycle for different supply voltages
The analysis of the resulting linearized equation (1) for voltage perturbation by the discharge was performed by expanding the C p (t) function into Fourier series and deriving the appropriate coefficients for the harmonics of the perturbation. The aforementioned approach led to the determination of the mean surface charge, voltage decrease, power consumption, voltage nonlinearity, derived as combinations of Fourier coefficients of C(t) function.
References [1] J. Kriegseis, S. Grundmann, and C. Tropea, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 110, no. 1, p. 13305, 2011.
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Simulations of dust charging and wake formation in magnetized plasmas
W. J. Miloch 1
P 1 P
Dust grains in plasmas acquire electric charge and interact with each other via screened Coulomb (Yukawa) potentials. External magnetic field can influence the charging of dust grains and plasma in their vicinity. This can have implications for the structuring and dynamics of complex (dusty) plasmas. This work presents results from numerical particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of charging of a single dust grain in magnetized plasmas. Different strengths of magnetic field are considered for both stationary and flowing plasma conditions. Structural properties of the wake, and the wake effects on the interaction between the dust grains are addressed. It is demonstrated that the wake size and the potential structures in the wake, and hence the electric fields, can be significantly affected by the magnetic field.
Dust grains immersed in plasma are charged by plasma and other currents. Studies of potential and plasma density distributions on and around charged grains in flowing plasmas are essential for the understanding of dynamics of complex (dusty) plasmas [1]. Plasma flows will break the symmetry of charging and lead to formation of wake. This can influence interactions between grains and align them in the direction of the flow [1, 2]. Another reason for the symmetry breaking in dust charging is the magnetic field that restricts the dynamics of plasma. It has been demonstrated in experiments that magnetic field can significantly modify the nonreciprocal dust interactions [3]. The dynamics of systems comprising many grains can significantly differ from the unmagnetized case [4]. However, charging in either weakly or strongly magnetized plasmas is still not well understood. To understand interactions between many grains in magnetized plasmas, it is crucial to understand the charging of a single grain and wake formation. This work presents first results from particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of dust charging in magnetized plasmas. The study is carried out with the DiP3D code [2]. 2. Results In the present simulations, the plasma parameters are typical for laboratory dusty plasma experiments, the flow is supersonic, and the magnetic field is considered as a variable parameter. The wake size and strength can be significantly affected by the magnetic field, see Figure 1. Strong magnetic fields diminish ion focusing, and the corresponding potential maxima in the wake become smaller. On the other hand the potential oscillations in the wake get more pronounced, with strong negative minima downstream from the grain. For the considered magnetic fields, the charge on the grains is only little affected and is similar to the unmagnetized case. The changes in the potential distribution and the topology of the wake due to external magnetic fields can have important effects on the interactions between grains and charging of downstream grains.
supersonic plasma flows (1.2 Mach) for the electron to ion temperature ratio T e /T i =100 and magnetic field aligned with the flow of B=5 Gs (a), and B=100 Gs (b). The flow is in the positive x-direction. In both cases the potential on the grain is Φ≈-1.1e/kTe. In the figure only shallow potential variations are shown. 3. References [1] P. K. Shukla, A. A. Mamun, Introduction to Dusty Plasmas (IOP, Bristol, 2002). [2] W.J. Miloch, M. Kroll, D. Block Phys. Plas- mas 17 103703 (2010). [3] J. Carstensen, F. Greiner, A. Piel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 135001 (2012). [4] T. Ott, H. Löwen, M. Bonitz, Phys. Rev E 89, 013105 (2014). Topic no. 12 331
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
Flame initiation in C 2 H 2 -air mixture in the cathode layer of nanosecond SDBD
E.A. Filimonova, A.N. Bocharov P , V.A. Bityurin Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, Moscow, Russia
In the given work the feasibility of hydrocarbon-air mixture ignition by one nanosecond pulse of the surface dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) is considered. The goal of work was to define the conditions of a stoichiometric C 2 H
-air mixture ignition and the combustion wave formation before the cathode area is cooled by transferring the heat on the metal electrode and dissipation of it in the unperturbed gas. The range of temperatures (depend on specific deposited energy values) and active species concentrations for the formation of combustion wave have been determined. The important role of gas-dynamics is shown.
In a number of works the SDBD is suggested to use as an initiator of combustion in an internal combustion engine. The ignition of fuel-air mixture in a single shot regime of SDBD and propagation of combustion wave is demonstrated in experiments [1]. The conclusion about ignition of mixture close to high voltage electrode has been made on the basis of 2D modelling of SDBD and estimations of ignition threshold [1]. However, it's not enough to talk about the formation of combustion wave. The present work is devoted to the study of inflammability conditions and subsequent formation of combustion wave in C 2 H 2 -air mixture at P=1 bar and Т 0 = 300 К in the near-cathode area of SDBD by one nanosecond pulse. 1D numerical modelling based on the solving of Navie-Stocks equations for the whole mixture, the Poisson equation for the electric field [2] and chemical kinetics [3] was executed. The discharge was considered as a source of active particles and heating of the mixture. The specific power deposited in the cathode layer with the width of Δx=0.01 mm was described as follows: W(t)=E 0 /2 ·sin( t/2 )/Δx, where E 0 is an amplitude of deposited energy and =40 ns is the pulse duration of discharge. At the end of discharge pulse the concentration of O atoms resulting from dissociation of oxygen by electron impact and quenching of excited N 2 was specified. 2. Results of modelling
The mixture ignition and formation of combustion wave depend on two values: a specific energy deposition per pulse Q and an initial concentration of O atoms. The process of ignition (increasing the gas temperature at t=30-40 s) and combustion wave
formation (widening of temperature profile) is shown in figure. The map of formation/non-formation of combustion wave has been drawn in Q-[O] 0 coordinates. Only heating the cathode layer does not bring to inflammation. The presence of O atoms is necessary. To simulate a flame initiation in the discharge systems with a high energy release, the gas-dynamic expansion of hot region and its cooling by heat transfer to the surface of metallic electrode is important to consider. 0-D approach may bring to an inaccurate result. It was found that combustion is passing through the conversion of fuel to CO and H 2 which burn down later with the production of CO 2 and H 2 O. The
NO concentration amounts to 0.1-0.2% behind of front of combustion wave.
Fig. Formation of combustion wave at Q=5.48 J/cm 3 (1.4
eV/molecule) and [O] 0 =11.7%. This work was supported by LIA KaPPA-RFBR Grant No 17-53-16003-a (France- Russia).
[1] E.M. Anokhin, D.N. Kuzmenko et al. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 24 (2015) 045014. [2] V.A. Bityurin, A.N. Bocharov, Popov N.A. AIAA 2007-0223 Paper (2007). [3] E.A. Filimonova. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 (2015) 015201. 17 332
XXXIII ICPIG, July 9-14, 2017, Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal
A study of N 2 H + dominated afterglow plasma using cavity ring-down spectroscopy
P. Dohnal P 1 P , U Á. Kálosi UP 1 P , Š. Roučka P 1 P , R. Plašil 1 , J. Glosík 1
P 1 P
Prague, V Holešovičkách 2, 18000 Prague, Czech Republic
The first results of experimental study on recombination of N 2 H + ions with electrons are presented. A stationary afterglow setup equipped with cavity ring-down spectrometer as a main diagnostics tool was used to probe the time evolutions of several rotational states of the vibrational ground state of N 2 H
ion in discharge and afterglow plasma. A particular attention was given to ascertain that kinetic and rotational temperature of the ions in afterglow is close to the buffer gas temperature. A possibility of helium or H 2 assisted three body recombination channel was taken in to account during the data evaluation. The obtained results will be compared to experimental data from other groups and to the theoretical calculations.
N 2 H + was one of the first molecular ions detected in interstellar space [1]. It was observed towards cold dark clouds and protostellar cores and can serve as a probe for determination of physical conditions therein. Especially as a tracer for N 2 , that
is difficult for direct astronomical observation [2]. The recombination of N 2 H
molecular ions with electrons was also studied by many groups in different types of experiments [3,4,5]. These results differ by more than order of magnitude.
Fig 1. Stationary afterglow with the CRDS absorption spectrometer: SA-CRDS (not to scale). In the middle part of the fused silica discharge tube a discharge is periodically ignited in the microwave resonator (MW, 2.5 GHz, 4–15W). A gas mixture (H 2 /N
in the figure) is used to form a plasma containing the desired ionic composition. The discharge tube is cooled by liquid nitrogen (LN 2 ) or by precooled nitrogen vapours. A stationary afterglow apparatus equipped with cavity ring-down spectrometer (SA-CRDS, for details on the current apparatus and diagnostic technique see reference [6] and Fig. 1) was employed in the experiments. The N 2 H
ions were produced in a pulsed discharge in a gas mixture of He/H 2
2 or H
2 /N 2 . We were able to follow the time evolutions of number densities of different quantum states of studied ions in discharge and afterglow plasma. The kinetic temperature of the ions was determined from the Doppler broadening of the absorption lines while the rotational temperature was calculated from the relative populations of different states of particular ion.
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