On the absorption of light by crystals
In order th a t, for th e alkali halides, no p h o to co n d u ctiv ity should be
observed up to a tem p eratu re T, it is necessary by (1) th a t
W should be
greater th a n
T \0
0 6
. Taking
T to be
° K ., th is gives a value in th e
neighbourhood of
e-volt. W e should th u s expect, on th e pure alkali
halides illum inated on th e long w ave-length tail of th e absorption band, th a t
photoconductivity would be observed near or above room tem p eratu re.
E xperim ents above room tem p eratu re do not seem to have been m ade.
The m echanism of th e absorption of light by solids is discussed from th e
theoretical po in t of view. The energy of a q u an tu m of rad iatio n can be
converted into h eat, re-em itted as fluorescent rad iatio n , or used up in
producing a photoelectric cu rren t w ithin th e solid; estim ates are m ade of th e
dependence on tem p eratu re of th e relative probabilities of these processes,
which are com pared w ith experim ent.
Berg and M endelssohn 1937 P roc. P h ys. Soc. 49 (extra part).
de Boer 1935 “ E lectron E m ission and A bsorption P h en om en a.” Cambridge.
Frenkel 1936 P h y s
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