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- What Do You Mean ‘How It Really Was’
- In Response to the Request Concerning the Article by L.F. Zykin
- How It Was Proven That the Cholera Outbreak in 1965 Was Caused by El Tor Vibrio
- Isolation of Cholera Toxin by Soviet Scientists
- Plague Vaccine Strain Yields a Thermobiotic
- Index of Names in Volume 7
- High-Risk Infections in the Research of Zinaida Vissarionovna Yermolyeva
References T.A Abolina and V.N. Savelyev, “Study of the virulence of cholera vibrio isolated in Azerbaijan SSR” (in Russian), in: Aktualnye voprosy epidem., profil. i diagn. OOI. Tez. dokl. nauch. konf. (Abstracts of Reports to the Scientific Conference: Current Issues in Epidemiology, Prevention, and Diagnosis of High Risk Infections), Stavropol, 1989, pt. 1, pp. 3-4. A.F. Bryukhanov, “Molecular-biological characterization of El Tor cholera vibrio strains of various origins” (in Russian), Author’s abstract of candidate dissertation, Saratov, 1991. N.F. Bystry, et al., “Method of differentiating virulent and avirulent vibrios using specific virulent bacteriophages” (in Russian), Problemy OOI, 1970, no. 1, p. 123. G.M. Grizhebovsky, Cholera in the Caucasus (in Russian), Doctoral dissertation, Stavropol, 1997. B.A. Kiyakhtanov, L.F. Zykin, R.T. Gerasimenko, et al., “Cholerigenicity of El Tor vibrios” (in Russian), Zdravookhr. Turkmenistana, 1977, no. 9, pp. 12-16. E.A. Mosktivina, “Scientific basis for the principles of improving cholera control measures” (in Russian), Author’s abstract of candidate dissertation, Saratov, 1996. V.P. Sergiev (editor), Epidemiologichesky nadzor za kholeroy v SSSR (Epidemiological Surveillance of Cholera in the USSR), Moscow, 1989. V.I. Svyatoy, V.M. Razvykh, and V.A. Friauf, “Distinguishing features of the ecology of El Tor vibrios circulating in Turkmen SSR” (in Russian), Zdravookhr. Turkmenistana, 1991, no. 1, pp. 30-33. V.I. Svyatoy, R.T. Gerasimenko, and V.M. Razvykh, “Results of a controlled field epidemiological experiment to determine the epidemicity of hemolysis-positive El Tor cholera vibrios” (in Russian), Zdravookhr. Turkmenistana, 1991, no. 2, pp. 35-38. V.P. Vlasov, and Ye.V. Monakhov, “Prospects for molecular-biological approaches to studying cholera” - 109 - August 2013 (in Russian), Abstracts of reports to the All-Union Conference on Cholera, Rostov, 1988, p. 44. L.F. Zykin, B.A. Kiyatkhanov, and R.T. Gerasimenko, “El Tor vibrios of various enteropathogenicities” (in Russian), Zhurnal mikrobiologii, 1978, no. 3, pp. 115-19. L.F. Zykin, V.I. Svyatoy, and R.S. Zotova, “Study of enteropathogenic hemolytic El Tor vibrios” (in Russian), Zhurnal mikrobiologii, 1978, no. 2, pp. 118-19. L.F. Zykin, and A.T. Yakovlev, Ocherki po laboratornoy diagnostike opasnykh infektsiy (Briefs on the Laboratory Diagnosis of Dangerous Infections), Saratov, Izd. SGU, 1993, pp. 75-82. Editor’s Note M.I. Levi (p. 225) This note discusses considerations for publishing “How it really was” by L.F. Zykin (pp. 217-225). It also discusses the emotions raised by questions of priority of scientific discoveries. Full translation: The Interesting Stories… are not subject to censorship by the editor. The authors are solely responsible for their content. Authors must understand the responsibility they are undertaking. However, none of this excludes the possibility that different authors will express different opinions about a particular phenomenon or a particular person. Problems of priority rather often carry a heavy emotional load that makes them the subject of various claims and analyses. One of these conflicts is described by L.F. Zykin in his article, “How It Really Was.” In a number of cases, some of the active authors for our series have had the opportunity to read through manuscripts before publication. In the present case, researchers who took part in studying cholera in our country were given the opportunity to read the article by L.F. Zykin. As a result, the editor received responses that we publish below. Readers should note that we did not feel we had the right to refuse to publish L.F. Skin’s article or change its content, but we recognize that it would be reasonable to present other opinions. What Do You Mean ‘How It Really Was’ R.S. Zotova (pp. 226-29) Commentary on the article “How it really was” by L.F. Zykin (pp. 217-25). - 110 - Stories of the Soviet Anti-Plague System Full translation: L.F. Zykin mentioned my name in his reminiscences. In fact, I worked at the Turkmen AP Station for a long time and was a direct participant in several of the events described. In 1965, when cholera outbreaks occurred in Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and elsewhere, extensive cholera prevention measures were taken in Turkmenia because the republic borders all these countries. At the time, I was working in the Kizil-Atrek (Gyzyletrek) district along the Iranian border. The Atrek (Etrek) River flows through this district and is the main water source for most of the district’s population. Every evening, we heard Turkmen-speaking medical workers from Iran urging residents of Turkmenistan to wash vegetables and fruits in potassium permanganate solution, not to drink untreated water, and so on. In two months of work, we isolated from Atrek River water about 50 strains of Heiberg group one vibrios agglutinating with O-cholera serum in diagnostic titers. At that time, similar cultures were isolated from nearly all the water bodies in the republic. Around November or December, N.V. Uryupina, senior scientist at Mikrob, brought us Mukherjee phages. She familiarized us with what were then new methods (identification tests, differential tests, etc.). Working with her we identified strains isolated from the towns of Kushka [Serhetabat] and Kizil-Atrek. This work identified the strains as El Tor vibrios, most of which were Ogawa serotype, some were Inaba. The director of the Turkmen AP Station at that time was Mariya Mikhaylovna Tikhomirova. She asked me to develop the results into a candidate dissertation. I took the data to Mikrob. Yevgeniya Ilinichna Korobkova agreed to direct my dissertation work. This took place at the end of the year, and the topics for the new year had already been approved. Boris Konstantinovich Fenyuk, deputy scientific director of Mikrob, convened the Academic Council, which approved my dissertation topic. In addition, Boris Fenyuk helped me learn new methods, including luminescence microscopy. I write about this in detail because I wanted to gratefully remember Mariya Tikhomirova, Yevgeniya Korobkova, and Boris Fenyuk, who lived, worked, trained students, and contributed very much to the study of high-risk infections, mainly the plague pathogen. I defended my dissertation in 1969. During that entire time, there were no epidemics in Turkmenistan, but El Tor vibrios continued to be isolated from the environment (waters, wastewaters, fish, and frogs). There was an urgent need to determine the virulence of the strains. V.I. Svyatoy was assigned to study this problem and L.F. Zykin agreed to direct his work. I.V. Isupov, D.L. Shmerkevich, N.S. Goncharova, and other scientists at Mikrob also studied the virulence of El Tor vibrios isolated from the environment in Turkmenia. In one instance, - 111 - August 2013 the scientists observed a restoration of the cholerigenic properties of weakly virulent strains of El Tor vibrios by passing them through the small intestine of nursling rabbits. This work was duplicated by a commission based at the Turkmen AP Station. There were different opinions about the cholerigenicity syndrome of the dead rabbit. In my view, the syndrome was positive, but other people thought it was negative. The dead rabbit’s small intestine, which was swollen with clear liquid, contained several very small green lumps. This caused the dispute about the cholerigenicity syndrome. It should be noted that at the same time as V.I. Svyatoy’s work, other work was being done in the AP Station laboratory to study whether El Tor vibrios isolated from various environmental features in Turkmenia were capable of producing choleragen exotoxin in vitro (using the terminology of that time). This work was done by Elvira Zhukova, a graduate student at the N.F. Gamaleya Institute, and was directed by I.A. Shaginyan, director of the Genetics Laboratory at that same institute. In the first stage of this work, Zhukova found that the “Turkmen” strains were differentiated by the following characteristic; El Tor vibrios isolated from patients produced large amounts of toxin, while those isolated from the environment produced little toxin or were atoxigenic vibrios. At present, as Zykin already noted, the virulence of El Tor vibrios is evaluated based on the potential ability to produce cholera toxin (Vct+) or the absence of this ability (Vct–). L.S. Podosinnikova, who wrote a doctoral dissertation on El Tor vibrios isolated from various areas of the former Soviet Union, also noted a difference in strains based on the presence or absence of the gene responsible for the synthesis of cholera toxin (Vct+ or Vct–). I do not know what became of the work done by Svyatoy or Zhukova, because soon afterward I left Turkmenia and never did any more work with vibrios. But why did Zykin not mention Zhukova’s work in his article? After all, this was unique work for those times. From Zykin’s article, I learned that Svyatoy did not defend his dissertation, and the author blamed D.L. Shmerkevich and N.S. Goncharova. The Academic Council makes the decision about the defense of a dissertation, and they were never members of the Academic Council of Mikrob Institute. Incidentally, Goncharova died of cancer, as did Svyatoy. Now, about the reversing of cholerigenic properties of cholera vibrios: again, Podosinnikova showed that in two cases out of four, a stable reversal of cholerigenic properties of weakly virulent Vct+ strains of El Tor vibrios was obtained by passage through the intestine of experimentally infected nursling rabbits. As for the philosophical statement of film director Eizenshtein, the only people who can answer that are personnel at the Turkmen AP Station who continue to live and work in Turkmenia. - 112 - Stories of the Soviet Anti-Plague System After all, over 20 years have passed since the events described by Zykin. During that time, they could have analyzed the epidemiological situation and determined whether the strains did or did not have the Vct gene. In this regard, I can again quote Podosinnikova: “In a number of areas (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Rostov, Astrakhan, Donetsk, and other regions), repeated cholera outbreaks were recorded against a background of a long period of isolating El Tor vibrios from the environment.” So what do you mean, “How It Really Was”? R.S. Zotova P.S. On January 14, 1998, I called I.A. Shaginyan and asked what had become of Zhukova. He said that Elvira successfully defended her candidate dissertation and continued to work at Turkmen Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology (TIEM). At one time, she was deputy scientific director there. In her dissertation, Zhukova concluded that some El Tor vibrios circulating in the environment of Turkmenia did not produce exotoxin (choleragen), while others produced it to varying degrees. Dear Yury Grigorevich Yu.M. Lomov (pp. 229-31) Commentary on the article “How it really was” by L.F. Zykin (pp. 217-25). Full translation: Thank you for the chance to read L.F. Zykin’s manuscript of reminiscences about one of the challenging periods for workers at the Turkmen AP Station. Reminiscences are always subjective and emotionally colored, which places a certain responsibility on the authors and requires gentleness and accuracy, especially when talking not only about the fate of people, but about problems of the group. In this regard, I would like to note that the anti-plague system is a rare example of close collaboration and unity between science and practice. At your request, I shared the manuscript with E.A. Moskvitina and L.S. Podosinnikova. During the 1970s and 1980s, they worked with specialists from Turkmen AP Station on cholera epidemiological surveillance taking into account the properties of El Tor vibrios isolated from Turkmenia. Podosinnikova also participated in the multifaceted study of the reversal of virulence in El Tor vibrios found in water bodies in cholera-free areas, including Turkmenia, - 113 - August 2013 and also participated in the commission that verified the results of this work in 1978. We would like to note a certain bias of Zykin in describing a complicated time for public health science and practice in evaluating the epidemiological significance of cholera vibrios from surface waters. The article contains irritating inaccuracies, hence the bias expressed in the title. In fact, everything was more complicated than Zykin describes, but there was no standoff between science and practice. Neither scientists nor practitioners were able to provide factual data on the “safety” of the strains. They did not have suitable tools to do this. V.I. Svyatoy was not the only person who had this intuition. The possibility of differences in the “local” El Tor vibrio strains isolated from waters in Turkmenia was first raised by R.S. Zotova, a scientist at Turkmen AP Station, in her dissertation work in 1969. In the 1970s, this work was continued by V.I. Svyatoy, a scientist at the same AP station, who examined a large number of cholera vibrio strains of local origin and showed that they were “weakly” virulent or were not virulent. However in those years, it was impossible to distinguish them from dangerous pathogens that had entered the water and lost their virulence. A situation similar to that in Turkmenia took place in the Sochi area, where, since 1969, cholera vibrios were isolated from certain rivers every year, although there were no cholera outbreaks. Specialists from all institutions of the anti-plague system searched for criteria to differentiate “dangerous” strains. Proof of this is shown by the collaborative research done during 1973-78 by all the AP institutes and Turkmen AP Station, as well as the commission at Mikrob in 1978 organized by the USSR MOH to investigate the possibility of reversal of virulence in strains isolated from cholera-free areas. This work failed to show that the strains isolated from waters in Sochi, Turkmenia, and other cholera-free areas could become virulent. In the 1980s, based on the synthesis of data on cholera vibrios isolated from various environmental features in different areas of the USSR (Moldavia, Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, and others), the Rostov AP Institute, as the lead institute for cholera, with the participation of leading specialists from other institutes, submitted to the Main Administration for Quarantine Infections, USSR MOH, data that became the basis for “Instructions for Organizing and Conducting Cholera Control Measures” (1981). This document established preventive measures, i.e., measures to identify cholera vibrios from environmental features, which, back then, helped reduce the social and economic costs of cholera epidemic surveillance. The sorting of cholera vibrio strains into epidemically significant ones that have the cholera toxin gene versus non-epidemic strains (without this gene) became possible only in the 1980s with the introduction of the molecular probe method. Following on the work by American researchers who showed that the Vct– strains are not pathogens of epidemic cholera, this method was used by specialists in this country (G.M. Grizhebovsky, V.P. Vlasov, Ye.V. Monakhov, A.F. Bryukhanov, and others). The analysis of this characteristic for strains isolated in the USSR during the seventh pandemic in areas with different epidemiological situations (L.S. Podosinnikova) made it possible to evaluate the epidemiological situation in areas where - 114 - Stories of the Soviet Anti-Plague System Vct– cholera vibrios had been isolated every year, in order to develop the basis for dividing the country into zones by type of cholera epidemic (E.A. Moskvitina), and also in order to propose differences in the extent of measures to be taken when cholera vibrios with different toxicities are isolated from patients. Thus, the experience and factual data of practicing public health workers, supplemented by scientific research using new methodologies, served as the basis for the changes of tactics for conducting cholera prevention and control measures as formulated in standard documents, first in 1991, “Instructions for Organizing and Conducting Cholera Control Measures,” USSR MOH Order No. 390 of October 1, 1990, and later, in the next edition of the document published in 1995 under the same title. In addition, to placing V.I. Svyatoy in opposition to all the specialists of the system, several other inaccuracies found their way into Zykin’s article, in particular, the rejection of the theoretical basis of the possibility of using the phage method to evaluate the virulence of cholera vibrios. At a certain stage during a period of over 15 years, this method was very convenient for practical public health purposes because of the difficulty of experimentally evaluating virulence. The resistance to phages became a hindrance to the method only in the 1990s. This, briefly stated, is the viewpoint of specialists of the lead institute for cholera concerning the very complicated issue of the 1970s and 1980s of evaluating cholera epidemics in different areas and determining the epidemic significance of strains isolated from surface waters. This is somewhat different from Zykin’s subjective bias expressed in each word of this article, because of which it is hardly worth publishing. Institute Director, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Federation Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor Yu.M. Lomov In Response to the Request Concerning the Article by L.F. Zykin R.T. Gerasimenko (p. 231) Commentary on the article “How it really was” by L.F. Zykin (pp. 217-25). Full translation: … I agree with everything that is said and no changes are needed. If possible, please mention the physician L.I. Alieva in the section concerning the rabbit experiments. She was a virtuoso in the laboratory work of infecting rabbits and mice. - 115 - August 2013 How It Was Proven That the Cholera Outbreak in 1965 Was Caused by El Tor Vibrio Leonid Fedorovich Zykin (p. 232-38) This chapter describes the investigation of a cholera outbreak in Kara-Kalpak that began in the summer of 1965 and lasted through early 1966. It discusses how the El Tor bacterium was identified as the cause of the outbreak and describes the controversy concerning these findings. Isolation of Cholera Toxin by Soviet Scientists Leonid Fedorovich Zykin (pp. 239-51). 16 references, one photograph. This chapter describes developments in cholera research by the author and others from the 1960s through 1990s. It also discusses the changing theories on the nature of cholera toxin and its effects on animal models. Last, it describes the development of a cholera vaccine and diagnostic test. Forgotten Photographs M.I. Levi, Yu.G. Suchkov (pp. 252-94). 42 photographs. This section contains photographs (group and individual portraits) of researchers and other AP system personnel that were taken during the 1930s through the 1990s. Most photographs are undated. Plague Vaccine Strain Yields a Thermobiotic M.I. Levi (pp. 295-97). 1 figure. This chapter is, in effect, an abstract of recent research findings that demonstrate that the EV vaccine strain of the plague bacterium produces a thermobiotic similar to that produced by Bacillus stearothermophilus. Index of Names in Volume 7 pp. (302-13) Not included in this paper. - 116 - Stories of the Soviet Anti-Plague System v oLuMe 8 (1998) Foreword Moisey Iosifovich Levi (p. 3) Introduction to the eighth volume of the “Interesting Stories...” series. Full translation: Life goes on, and now, dear readers, the Eighth Volume of the Interesting Stories… is in your hands. Our cellar of memories is nearly bare, “some are far distant, some are dead….” 83 Therefore, along with historical articles, we are publishing thorough scientific reviews and original fundamental research. Even in these articles, we are trying to include elements in the lives of institutions and individual scientists. The mainstream media have noticed us; in particular, the monthly Sovershenno Sekretno, no. 10, 1998, published a long article by T.M. Belousova entitled “Plague.” 84 In this volume, we acknowledge the 80th anniversary of the announcement, although not the actual founding, of Mikrob in Saratov. This institution occupies a glorious and honored position in the AP service. We will be grateful to our readers for any comments and criticisms about the published materials. M.I. Levi, Editor High-Risk Infections in the Research of Zinaida Vissarionovna Yermolyeva Elena Alekseevna Vedmina (p. 4-21). Four photographs. This chapter is a biographical sketch of Z.V. Yermolyeva, a prominent microbiologist and administrator, which highlights her laboratory research and fieldwork with high-risk infections, including cholera and plague. 83 This is a line by the thirteenth-century Persian poet Sadi which Aleksandr Pushkin cites in the final stanza of his epic poem, Eugene Onegin: “Of those who heard my opening pages / in friendly gatherings where I read, / as Sadi sang in earlier ages, / ‘some are far distant, some are dead,’” (1979 Charles Johnston translation). 84 A translated version of this article is included in Part II of this paper. |
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