O`quv-uslubiy majmua (I kurs talabalari uchun mo`ljallangan) Navoiy -2021

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ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM – spiritual - religious and concentrative stream which interprets word by word to Quran and Haidth. The representatives of Islamic fundamentalism consider the fundamental principles of Islam defines the way of development of the society and encourages to follow them. Nowadays, muslims are named as “fundamendalists”.
ISLOMGACHA BO’LGAN MA’NAVIY MEROSIMIZNING NAMUNALARI – muqaddas “Avesto” kitobida, “Kultegin”, “BilgaXoqon”, “To’ngyuquq” bitiklari, Kayxusrav va Doroga qarshi kurashgan milliy qahramonlarimiz haqida “To’maris”, “SHiroq” afsonalari, Makedonskiy (Iskandar Zulqarnayn)ga qarshi kurashgan Spitamen haqidagi rivoyatlar, Panjikentda topilgan (1932 yilda) so’g’d yozuvidagi 86 hujjat, Xorazmdagi Tuproq qal’adan topilgan 83 dan ortiq qadimgi Xorazm yozuvlarida va boshqa hujjatlarida o’z aksini topgan.
EXAMPLES OF ISLAMIC CULTURAL HERITAGE – they reflected in sacred book “Avesto”, in inscriptions “Kultegin”, “Bilga Xoqon”, “To’nyuquq”, about our national heroes fighted against Kayxusirav and Darius, legends of “Shiraq” , “To’maris”fighted with The Great Alexander legends of Spitamen,86 documents recorded in Sogdian, the soil is fouund in more than 83 ancient fortress Khorezm and it reflected in the records and other documents.
IQTISOD VA MA’NAVIYATNING MUNOSABATI – ma’naviyatsiz insoniyat, iqtisodsiz esa ma’naviyat bo’lmaydi. Ma’naviyati yuksak xalqgina yuqori darajada tashkil etilgan iqtisod va ishlab chiqarish shakllanishi mumkin. Har qanday ishlab chiqarish o’z ma’naviy madaniyatiga ega bo’lib, ular mehnat malakasini, tajribasi, kasbiy bilimlar, yuqori mehnat intizomi, hamkasblari bilan yaxshi muomila, asbob-uskunalarni avaylab - asrash xom ashyoni tejash, sifatli mahsulotlar ishlab chiqarishda o’z aksini topadi. O’z navbatida, iqtisod ham ma’naviyatga o’z ta’sirini o’tkazadi.
ATTITUDE WITH SPIRITUALITY AND ECONOMIC – there is not humanity without spirituality and without economic there is not spirituality. People of high spiritual level of the economy and the formation of production may form.Possesses any production of their spiritual culture. It reflects in labor skills, experience, professional, knowledge,discipline, treatment, protection and conservation. In its duty economic reflects to spirituality.
ISLOM – (arabcha-bo’ysunish, itoat etish, o’zini Alloh irodasiga topshirish) – jahonda keng tarqalgan uch din (buddaviylik vaxiristianlik bilan bir qatorda) dan biri. Islom diniga e’tiqod qiluvchilar arabcha “muslim” (“islomni qabul qilgan”, “itoatli ”, “sadoqatli”; ko’pligi “muslimum”) deb ataladi. “Muslim”, “muslimum” so’zining boshqaxalqlar orasida o’zgacha talaffuz etish (masalan, forslarda – musalmon, o’zbeklarda - musulmon, qirg’iz va qozoqlarda – musurmon, Uqraina va Rossiyada – basurmon) natijasida bu dinga e’tiqod qiluvchilar turli nom bilan ataladi. Lekin bularning ichida hozir musulmon iborasi keng tarqalgan.Jahonda qarib 1,2 mlrd kishi Islomga e’tiqod qilishadi.
ISLAM – (arabian – obey, submitting himself to the will of Allah) – one of the world – wide religion. It is referred in Islam “muslim” from arabian. As a result of other people in a different pronunciation of the word Muslim believers are referred to by different names. But it is now common term Muslim. About 1,2 mlrd people in the world practice Islam.

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