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Google Doc yaratish


Google Doc almashish(ulashish)


Google Docsni tashkil qilish


Google Docs yuklab olish va konvertatsiya

File-download as – docx, odt, rtf, pdf, txt,
html, zipped,epud

Google Диском
Каждому пользователю бесплатно предоставляется 15 ГБ для хранения данных

Откройте сайт drive.google.com

Google Pictures-da siz rasmlarni yaratishingiz, qo'shishingiz va tahrirlashingiz mumkin.

Google Drawings

Google Classroom

Google Classroom xizmatiga kirish


Talabalarni sinfga qo'shish

People invite students

Stream sahifasini ko'rish


Sinf ishlari sahifasini ko'rish


Odamlar sahifasini ko'rish


Topshiriqlar yaratish

Classwork create assignment, quiz,

Fikr va baholarni taqdim etish

Google Sheets


Google Sheetsga kirish


Google Sheet yaratish


Grafik va diagrammalarni yaratish


Google Slides


Google Slides-ga kirish


Kontentni qo'shish va tahrirlash

Insert-image-upload from computer, drive

Google Slides taqdimoti


Google guruhini yaratish


1. You can add content to Google Drive by dragging and dropping files from your computer directly into your Google Drive.

True False

1. Fayllarni kompyuteringizdan toʻ gʻ ridan- toʻ gʻ ri Google Drive-ga sudrab olib tashlash orqali Google Drive-ga kontent qoʻ shishingiz mumkin.
To'g'ri Yolg'on

2. You can share and/or color code folders
in your Google Drive. True

2. Siz Google Diskdagi papkalarni baham
ko'rishingiz va/yoki rang kodini olishingiz mumkin.


3. I can upload the following to Google Drive: (Select all that apply.)

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel documents

Most movie files Most photo files PDFs

3. Men Google Drive-ga quyidagilarni yuklashim mumkin: (Barcha mos keladiganlarni tanlang.)

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel hujjatlari

Ko'p kino fayllar Ko'pgina foto fayllar PDF-fayllar

4. Google Drive is accessible anywhere in the world. Even if you lose an internet connection, all you need is a Google account to access your information from the cloud.
True False

4. Google Drive dunyoning istalgan nuqtasidan foydalanish mumkin. Internetga ulanishni yo'qotgan bo'lsangiz ham, bulutdan ma'lumotlaringizga kirish uchun sizga Google hisobi kerak bo'ladi.
To'g'ri Yolg'on

Classroom teachers have a lot of files stored on their PCs and are not sure about Google Drive. Which Drive employees do you think help calm their nerves? (Check all
that apply.)

Sinf o'qituvchilarining shaxsiy kompyuterlarida ko'plab fayllar saqlangan va Google Drive haqida ishonchlari komil emas. Sizningcha, Drive-ning qaysixodimlari asablarini tinchlantirishga

Photos and video files can be saved and shared in Drive

Drive does not work offline

Resources saved as PDFs can be stored in Drive

Microsoft Office files can be uploaded and edited to Drive

yordam beradi? (Barcha tegishlilarini belgilash.)

Rasmlar va video fayllarni Drive-da saqlash va baham ko'rish mumkin

Drive oflayn rejimda ishlamaydi

PDF sifatida saqlangan manbalar Drive-da saqlanishi mumkin

Microsoft Office fayllarini Drive-ga yuklash va tahrirlash mumkin

Google va Google Drive internetga ulangan ilovalar bo'lgani uchun kompyuteringiz internetga kirish imkoniga ega bo'lmaganda Google Drive fayllaringizga kirishning hech qanday usuli yo'q.
To'g'ri Yolg'on

Because Google and Google Drive are web- connected applications, there's no way to access your Google Drive files when your computer doesn't have internet access.
That's right Lie

Siz oʻ qituvchilar bilan ularning Google Docsʼda oʻ rgatish uchun darsdan keyingi mashgʻ ulotlarga tayyorgarlik koʻ ryapsiz. Siz ularga ega boʻ lishini va maʼlumot uchun saqlab qoʻ yishini xohlagan ajoyib “Boshlash boʻ yicha qoʻ llanma”ni yaratdingiz. Hujjat uchun qanday almashishini o'rnatishingiz kerak?

Havolaga ega bo'lgan har bir kishi fikr bildirishi mumkin

Internetda ochiq va har kim tahrirlashi mumkin

Havolaga ega boʻ lgan har bir kishi koʻ rishi mumkin

Havolaga ega har kim tahrirlashi mumkin

You are preparing after-school activities with teachers to teach in their Google Docs. You've created a great Getting Started Guide that you want them to have and keep for reference. What exchange should you set for a document?
Anyone with a link can comment

It is open on the Internet and can be edited by anyone

Anyone with the link can view Anyone with the link can edit

Talabalar ustida ishlashadi. Qanday qilib ular o'zlarining Google Doc-ga hamkorlarni qo'shishlari mumkin? (Barcha tegishlilarini belgilash.)

Moviy "Ulanish" tugmasi

Students work on. How can they add collaborators to their Google Doc? (Check all that apply.)

Blue "Connect" button

Under the File menu > "Connect"

Fayl menyusi ostida > "Ulanish"

(Drivedan) Fayl(lar)ni tanlash > “Ulanish”

Qo'shish menyusidagi "Hamkorlarni qo'shish" opsiyasi

(From Drive) Select File(s) > Connect "Add Partners" option in the Add menu

Sinfda Google Forms qanday foydali? (Barcha tegishlilarini belgilash)


tadqiqot ma'lumotlarini yig'ish Insho loyihasini tuzing


How are Google Forms useful in the classroom? (Check all that apply)

Questionnaires research data collection Draft an essay


Nima uchun odamlar o'z javoblarini yig'ish uchun ular bilan Google Docni baham ko'rish o'rniga, Google formasini to'ldirishlarini xoxlaysiz? (Barcha tegishlilarini belgilash.)

Barcha javoblarning grafik taqsimotini ko'rish uchun formadagi "Javoblar" bo'limidan mumkin

Google Forms bilan turli xil savol formatlaridan (masalan, bir nechta tanlov, rost/noto‘g‘ri, masshtablar va h.k.) yuklab olish mavjud.

Shaklning barcha javoblari Google Sheetda sahifa va sozlamalarni ko'rish uchun bo'ladi

Google Docs-ni Google Drive-da tartibga solish qiyinroq

Why would you want people to fill out a Google Form instead of sharing a Google Doc with them to collect their responses? (Check all that apply.)

To see a graphical distribution of all responses, it is possible from the "Answers" section of the form

With Google Forms, downloads are available in a variety of question formats (such as multiple choice, true/false, scales, etc.).

All form responses will be in a Google Sheet to view the page and settings

Organizing Google Docs in Google Drive is more difficult



Education Application Ta'lim dasturi


A word procsesor

Collaborative note taking during a lecture/video
Ma'ruza/video davomida hamkorlikda qayd etish


A spreadsheet application
Elektron jadval ilovas

Track large projects and students' involvement across multiple classes
Katta loyihalar va talabalarning bir nechta sinflardagi ishtirokini kuzatib boring


Slides decks and presentations
Slaydlar va taqdimotlar

Use one slide deck to showcase stages of growth
O'sish bosqichlarini ko'rsatish uchun bitta slayd
panelidan foydalaning

Forms Shakllar

Online surveys/quizzes
Onlayn so'rovlar/viktorinalar

Collect parent contact information
Ota-onalar bilan bog'lanish ma'lumotlarini to'plang


Graphics and images
Grafika va tasvirlar

Word sorts instead of cut/paste activities
Kesish/joylashtirish o‘rniga Word sortlari

1. Microsoft Office documents are compatible with Google Drive.
True False

1. Microsoft Office hujjatlari Google Drive bilan mos keladi.
To'g'ri Yolg'on

2. Which of the choices below are options when sharing a Google document? (Select all that apply.)

Edit View Create


2. Quyidagi variantlardan qaysi biri Google hujjatini almashishda opsiya hisoblanadi? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)

Tahrirlash Ko'rinish Yaratmoq


3. What are the key benefits of using the Google Docs suite? (Select all that apply.)
There’s only ever one version of a document, meaning you never have to compile different revisions from group members

It doesn’t work with Microsoft Office

Others can only “View” or “Comment” on your documents to ensure that no one can edit your work

You can easily share documents using a URL instead of attaching a document to an email

3. Google Docs to'plamidan foydalanishning asosiy afzalliklari nimada? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)
Hujjatning faqat bitta versiyasi bo'ladi, ya'ni siz hech qachon guruh a'zolaridan turli tahrirlarni tuzishingiz shart emas

Bu Microsoft Office bilan ishlamaydi

Boshqalar hech kim ishingizni tahrir qila olmasligini ta'minlash uchun hujjatlaringizni faqat "Ko'rish" yoki "Izoh" qilishlari mumkin

Hujjatni elektron pochtaga biriktirish o'rniga URL manzilidan foydalanib hujjatlarni osongina almashishingiz mumkin

4. If you have a file saved on your desktop, what are the
steps you would take to be able to edit it using Google

4. Agar ish stolingizda saqlangan fayl bo'lsa, uni Google
Docs yordamida tahrirlash uchun qanday qadamlar


Copy the text from the document and paste it into a new Google Doc

Upload the document from your desktop to Google Drive and use the built-in feature to automatically convert it to a Google Doc

Create a new Google Doc and re-create the original document

It is not possible to edit documents that aren’t natively created in Google Drive

qo'yishingiz mumkin?

Hujjatdan matndan nusxa oling va uni yangi Google Doc-ga joylashtiring

Hujjatni ish stolingizdan Google Drive-ga yuklang va uni avtomatik ravishda Google Doc-ga aylantirish uchun o'rnatilgan xususiyatdan foydalaning.

Yangi Google Doc yarating va asl hujjatni qayta yarating

Google Drive-da yaratilmagan hujjatlarni tahrirlash mumkin emas

One great way to use Google Forms is to create a quiz as a quick assessment of your students’ knowledge.

Google Shakllardan foydalanishning ajoyib usullaridan biri talabalar bilimini tezkor baholash uchun viktorina

1. The Responses option allows you to create custom charts from the collected forms data.
True False

1. Javoblar opsiyasi to'plangan shakllar ma'lumotlaridan maxsus diagrammalar yaratish imkonini beradi.
To'g'ri Yolg'on

2. Options for questions in Google Forms include: (Select all that apply.)

Objective Questions Subjective Questions Images

YouTube Videos

2. Google Formsdagi savollarga quyidagi variantlar kiradi: (Barcha mos keladiganlarni tanlang.)

Ob'ektiv savollar Subyektiv savollar Tasvirlar

YouTube videolari

3. When you click Send Form on a Google Form, what are the options for sharing? (Select all that apply.)

Auto-generated public URL

Posting directly to social media channels Embed HTML

Inviting only specific people to view your form

3. Google formasida Shaklni yuborish tugmasini bosganingizda, qanday almashish imkoniyatlari mavjud? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)

Avtomatik yaratilgan umumiy URL

To'g'ridan-to'g'ri ijtimoiy media kanallariga joylashtirish HTMLni joylashtirish

Shaklingizni ko'rish uchun faqat aniq odamlarni taklif qilish

4. What are the destination options for storing and viewing responses to Google Forms? (Select all that apply.)

Store in a new spreadsheet

Store and automatically share to Google Drive Store in an existing spreadsheet

Responses must be downloaded to a CSV to view

4. Google Forms-ga javoblarni saqlash va ko'rish uchun maqsad variantlari qanday? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)

Yangi elektron jadvalda saqlang

Saqlash va avtomatik ravishda Google Drive xizmatiga ulashing

Mavjud elektron jadvalda saqlang

Ko'rish uchun javoblarni CSV ga yuklab olish kerak

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